GJIM - Journal Entries

Journal Entries (JEs) are used to correct errors in accounting transactions, to record entries from bank reconciliations (i.e., interest, fees, etc.), to record debt service entries, to record investment transactions, and to record accrual entries, closing adjustments and other financial events. They are created and updated on the JEM (Journal Entry Maintenance) command.

A Reference ID should be entered in the correct format. The correct format should be used so that others may look up information easily. (Refer to the Reference ID field help screen for appropriate formats.)

There are no restrictions on the company, cost center, or account number that may be used on a JE, except that the cost center must be valid (if an invalid cost center is entered, the system will not allow the document to be saved), the account number must be valid for the company, and the category class must be valid for the account class entered. Up to 98 lines can be entered per JE.

A Data Type 1 is used  for "unbalanced" JEs. The net difference between the debits and credits is entered in the Total field and a debit or credit code (D or C) must be entered to indicate whether the total is a debit or a credit. The explosion code varies based upon the associated cash pool and  bank accounts that can also be used.

A Data Type 2 is used for "balanced" JEs (where the debits equal the credits). The debit/credit code does not have to be entered if the total of the debits equals the total of the credits. The explosion code of 52 is usually used for balanced journal entries.

A JE may be saved without being completed or balanced, but the user must balance it before it can be submitted in TARGET.

How to Create an Journal Entry

Step by Step Process

  1. Input "JEM" in the Command field, an Action of A (add), and the Effective FY, then press Enter.
  2. Input a description for the entry in the Desc field.
  3. Input an identifying number in the Reference ID (use the PF1 on-line help).
  4. If appropriate, update the Effective Date field with the date that will be posted to the accounting records. Any effective date within the effective fiscal year entered in the banner may be entered. The system will issue a warning if the effective date is in a closed period, but there is no validation to prevent the user from submitting this into TARGET and the general ledger.
  5. If appropriate, update the Dept Rep and BU fields, which default to the person creating the document. (The departmental representative identifies the contact person for this transaction.)
  6. If supporting documentation is to be provided, type "Y" in the Doc (Y/N) field.
  7. Input the Journal Entry data type in the Data Type field. (See the top of these instructions for data type criteria.)
  8. If necessary for a data type 1, enter the D/C debit or credit code.
  9. Input the Company Cost Center number, followed by the Account code, Category, Debit Amount, Credit Amount, Expl (explosion rule) and Pr (project code) as appropriate.
  10. Press PF9 to document and/or justify the purpose of the transfer.
  11. Press PF10 to save the journal entry document.

Document Comments

Once a document has been saved and it has been assigned a document number, you can add comments using the extended description (EDesc) facility. To access this facility, use an Action of U (update) in conjunction with the other required key fields. Once you press Enter to access the body of the screen, press PF9 (EDesc) to access the extended description window. Once you have input all required comments, press PF10 to save them.

A primary purpose of this facility is to allow you to provide reviewers with supporting documentation and justification for document approval. In the case of interdepartmental invoices, this information may be minimal. For funds transfers, however, you may need to include several lines of details justifying the transfer. For this reason, the extended description facility lets you enter and save up to ten lines. If you need more lines for supporting information, you'll need to send a memo to the appropriate reviewers, and identify the location of this supporting memo in the extended description facility.

How to Submit a Journal Entry for Approval

Once a journal entry document is properly created and saved on the JEM (Journal Entry Maintenance) command, the JETP (Journal Entry TARGET Processing) command is used to request and process necessary approval(s).

Transactions can also be withdrawn (W in the Action field) if the transaction has not gone through final approval. This would be used if the creator of the document realized that a company cost center, account number, etc., was incorrect and needed to be changed.

Reviewers can approve, hold, or disapprove transactions. Transactions put on a hold or disapproved status require the entry of a comment.

Submitting a Single Document

  1. Input "JETP" in the Command field, an Action of S (submit), the Effective FY, and the JE Entry Number, then press Enter.
  2. Press PF10 to submit the transaction.

Once submitted, the transaction is routed automatically to the appropriate desks for review. After approval, the JE record is posted to DART and the general ledger via a batch program (usually performed nightly).

Helpful List to Use to Find GJIM Documents

  • LDS - List Documents by Status, type, and effective fiscal year
  • LDD - List Documents by Approval Date
  • LTRS - List Txns for a Requestor, Status, cmd
  • LTPR - List Transactions Pending Review
  • LDTF - List Document by Type and effective Fiscal year
  • LDRF - List Document by ReFerence id.
  • LDSB - List Doc by Status, BU, type, FY, date
  • LDCF - List Documents by Company cost center, effective Fiscal year
  • LDAF - List Document by company/Account, Fiscal year, type and approval date.
  • LTTF - List Transactions by Type, FY, number
  • LJED - List JE Doc by explosion rule, FY, date