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Labor Distribution


Hotz Hall
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville


August 1, 1997

Table of Contents


Command Reference: Online Functions

Appendix A. General System Features

Appendix B. General Help Topics

Glossary of Terms and Concepts


The BASIS Labor Distribution (LABOR) application allows campus departments to view past payroll distributions and to make changes as appropriate. Normally, these changes will involve some combination of alterations to the percentage allocation between existing cost center numbers -- adding, changing or deleting cost center numbers or splitting a compensation period. Figure 1 is an example of the main menu for the LABOR application.

Figure 1. LABOR Main Menu

 Enter, mark or position cursor to desired command
  LDOMENU 1 TEST        Labor Distribution main MENU - MENU       07/10/97 08:31
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID:             Date Pd: 04/22/1997 Comp Type: SC
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:
    CMD  Command description                      Required key fields
    ---- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------
  _ PD   Payroll Distribution                     Emp, Dt Pd, CT, SP/Adj, Dt Eff
  _ LLDE List Labor Data for an Employee          Emp, Date Pd
  _ LPOC List Paid dates/c-types for Original CCC CCC, Date Pd
  _ LEOC List Employees Originally pd from a CCC  CCC, Date Pd, Comp Type
  _ LLEC List Labor data for an Emp for a CCC     Emp, Date Pd, CCC, End Date Pd
  _ LEC  List Employees paid from a CCC           CCC
  _ LRAN List Retroactive Adjustments by Number   Retro Adj No
  _ SCP  Split a Compensation Period              Emp, Dt Pd, CT, SP/Adj, Dt Eff
  _ MA21 Menu of A21 certification commands
  _ MTTL Menu of Target Transaction Lists
  _ MAIC Menu of Application Independent Commands
  _ MHRC Menu of Human Resource Commands
  _ JOBS JOB Submission                           Job name
       Help        Quit
All payroll distribution data in the LABOR system is referenced by cost center numbers rather than budgetary units. Payroll data including gross pay, fringe benefit charges, company cost centers and their associated percentages, Full-Time Equivalent appointment percentage (FTE) and certain employee title information is loaded to the system, usually immediately after the payroll run date. You can view this information to aid your departmental balancing even if you are not planning to request any changes. Using LABOR, you can view the detailed charges that make up the summary postings seen on the DBR and in DART (Departmental Accounting).

Please keep in mind that this system is used only to view and/or change the distribution of charges for pay periods already disbursed. In order to view or change the distribution for future pay periods, you must use the PSB (Position System/Budget) application. If you want to affect both past and future periods, you will need to process both LABOR and PSB (DIST) changes. For further information on DIST changes in PSB please refer to PSB user documentation,

To make a retroactive change to a payroll distribution, you need certain key data, such as the individual's employee ID number, the compensation type, the date paid, and the effective compensation period date. The easiest way to compile this information is through the use of one of the on-line list facilities which will be discussed in more detail later. There are lists to help you find past changes to a payroll distribution (the audit trail), labor data for a specified employee, employees originally paid under a cost center number, labor data for an employee for a cost center, employees paid from a cost center (to include any changes made), pay dates and comp types for an original cost center, and a list of retroactive adjustments by number. This last list is numerically coded to match entries on your DBR (Departmental Budget Report) to help you quickly reconcile them. The application includes two commands that let you make changes: PD (Payroll Distribution) and SCP (Split a Compensation Period).


Perhaps the greatest benefit of this system is that you are able to quickly and easily view all data relating to your payroll charges. You are in control of the retroactive changes and are able to quickly see their results. Requests for approval signatures are automatically routed through the electronic TARGET transaction review system. As soon as any required approvals are electronically recorded, your transaction posts immediately to the LABOR system and to Accounting that night. The next day, you will be able to see a line entry on BIS (Balance Inquiry System) coded with the name of the affected individual and containing pertinent data.

You have an audit trail of past changes and can quickly view records for a person or a cost center. You can define distribution changes either by dollar amount or percentage. Also, there is less chance for error since less manual data entry is involved. The system handles the posting to both LABOR and Accounting where in the past they were separate, manual processes.

Note: Notice that a new banner (key) field has been added, SP/Adj Type. This field differentiates between different supplemental and/or adjustment pay types. For regular payments, leave the field blank.

Command Reference: Online Functions

The following pages give a brief overview of the most common commands and list functions. These include a summary of the purpose of the commands as well as some tips about their use. We recommend that you begin with the list functions, until you become familiar with the relationship between the data they provide and the data required in the banner (key fields) in order to process a PD (Payroll Distribution) change. Later, you may find that in certain instances you are able to bypass this first step. Once you are familiar with the lists and the data they provide you will be well on your way to using the full power of the system, and should be able to quickly access any records you wish to view or alter.

How to Find Details for Labor Charges shown on the DBR

Figure 2 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LEOC function.

Figure 2. Data Screen - List Employees Originally pd from a CCC

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  LDOLEOC 1 DEMO  List Employees Originally pd from a CCC - LEOC  07/29/97 14:49
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID:             Date Pd: 05/31/1997 Comp Type: SN
  CCC: 0102 02040-61-0000 SP/Adj Type:
    Date Pd: 05/30/1997 Comp Type: SN Salary - Non-classified   Catg: SalNC
                                                     ----- Original ------
 Default Cmd: PD                     SP/ Comp Period  Gross Pay    Fringes
    Emp ID Employee Name             Adj Begin  End    10511000   30516000  at %
  _ 144213 Brown, Clarice W.             05/01 05/31   3,683.75     898.84 24.40
  _ 133372 Calderson, Paul T             05/01 05/31   2,936.41     716.48 24.40
  _ 125081 Sangiere, Lupe V              05/01 05/31   4,456.08   1,087.28 24.40
                                                     ---------- ----------
 Employees     1 thru     3 of     3 displayed        11,076.24   2,702.60
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt

The following sections describe the LEOC function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Using the List".


LEOC (List Employees Originally pd from a CCC) is useful when you want to work with several people within the group of employees paid under a cost center number, or to scan the list for a certain record or records. This will often be the list that you want to begin with, unless there is a particular person for which you wish to view or alter data.

Note: The payroll data here is before any retroactive changes are made. All other commands display the current data.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Using the List

Keep in mind that all payroll data in LABOR is connected with cost centers not budgetary units. So, if a person's salary is split between two or more CCCs, to see the whole picture, you will need to either view their specific data (see "How to Find Labor Data for a Single Employee") or select their record from a list such as LEOC and then switch to the PD (Payroll Distribution) function. The PD command includes all gross pay and associated cost centers for a particular person, pay period and compensation type.

The totals you see under the Gross Pay and Fringes columns on the LEOC screen are running subtotals. As you use PF8 to page ahead through a multi-screen list, these totals will increase until you reach the grand total on the last screen of the list. Also note that at the head of the Gross Pay and Fringes columns, under the names, are eight-digit account numbers. In the sample above, we have 10511000 for gross pay and 30516000 for the fringes. These numbers can be used to help you reconcile lines on your DBR. See Figure 3 for a sample of the relationship between the DBR screen on BIS and this list. It is an example of the screen presented during processing of the DTAL function in the Balance Inquiry System (BIS).

Figure 3. Data Screen - Departmental Budget Report

 47 record(s) selected: Select a record or valid PF key.
  BIMDTAL             DeTAiL Transaction inquiry - DTAL           11/07/96 15:48
  Command: ____ Inquiry Level: DBR____ Comp: 0102 Center: 02040610000 Catg: __
                         Date: 0597__  PO: ______ Acct: ________      Year:  C
  In process DBR      0102 02040-61-0000 ASSOCIATE VICE-CHANCELLOR FOR FINANCE
  Catg:                                        Date: 05/97/         PO:
      Account  Descript  PO No      Doc No     Invoice No Eff Date        Amount
      10460520 DISTRIBUT            JE97-01860            05/27/97       871.00
      10460520 DISTRIBUT            JE97-01862            05/27/97       458.00
      10460520 DISTRIBUT            JE97-01866            05/31/97       612.00
      10460520 DISTRIBUT            JE97-01866            05/31/97       627.00
      10460520 DISTRIBUT            JE97-01866            05/31/97       599.00
      10511000 Payroll 0 05/23/97   GLI 053197 SalNC      05/31/97    11,076.24
      20513020 Payroll 0 05/03/97   GLI 051097 WagesStu   05/10/97       189.32
      20513010 Payroll 0 05/19/97   GLI 052597 WagesStu   05/25/97       125.23
      30516000 Payroll 0 05/03/97   GLI 051097 Fringes    05/10/97         3.24
      30516000 Payroll 0 05/19/97   GLI 052597 Fringes    05/25/97          .63
      30516000 Payroll 0 05/31/97   GLI 053197 Fringes    05/31/97     2,702.60
      70525122 CARRIE WH TA 6016267 2707740        091196 05/18/97       104.66
 Records   selected: 47       displayed: 12        remaining: 35
       Help  Menu  Quit        RStrt             Pfwd  Home
In this case we see lines on the DBR called "Payroll" with effective dates matching the 5/31 paydates, which have totals of $11,076.24 and $2,702.60 respectively. These totals match those at the bottom of LEOC. Note also that the account codes shown on the DBR are the same that we see on LEOC -- 10511000 for salaries and 30516000 for fringes. By matching the following fields from the DBR and LEOC, we can find the list of charges in LABOR and see the detail (person by person) that led to the total amount:
Eff Date Date Pd
Amount Gross Pay
Account Comp Type (use the help table to translate)
Keep in mind that every main entry, whether wages or salaries, will have an associated fringes entry under Account 30516000. Two entries will exist on the DBR, matched by the same Eff Date, and both numbers show on LEOC.

For different compensation types, there are different account numbers. (See Figure 4 and Figure 5--a copy of the help for the Comp Type field.)

The Date Pd field in the banner must match an exact pay date. You can view these dates on the PDAY (Payroll Dates And due bYs) function. See "Finding Pay Dates and Associated Cutoff Dates/Times" for instructions and a screen print of PDAY. PDAY gives you access to this information so that you do not key in an incorrect date, such as the 25th of the month for an hourly payday when the actual date was moved to the 24th because of a weekend. Another alternative to sourcing exact pay dates and compensation types for a cost center is the LPOC (List Paid dates/c-types for Original CCC) command. See "How to Identify all Types of Pay for a CCC" for more information.

The compensation type (Comp Type) field in the banner is also very important in determining what, if any, data you will access through LEOC. Figure 4 is an example of the help screen for the Comp Type field in the banner.

Figure 4. Help Screen - Comp Type Banner Field

 Enter, mark or position cursor to desired command
  LDOMENU 1 PROD        Labor Distribution main MENU - MENU       07/29/97 15:17
  Command:       Act +------------------------------------------+   omp Type: SC
  CCC:               | Select desired code and press ENTER      |
 ------------------- | Values for COMPENSATION-TYPE             |   ------------
    CMD  Command des |  _ AL Annual Leave              10511007 |   s
    ---- ----------- |  _ GR GA - Summer Research      10511081 |   ------------
  _ PD   Payroll Dis |  _ GT GA - Summer Teaching      10511082 |   /Adj, Dt Eff
  _ LLDE List Labor  |  _ Hn Hourly, non-student       20513000 |
  _ LPOC List Paid d |  _ LS Lump Sum                  10511002 |
  _ LEOC List Employ |  _ On Overtime                  20517000 |    Type
  _ LLEC List Labor  |  _ SA Service Award             10511050 |    End Date Pd
  _ LEC  List Employ |  _ SC Salary - Classified       10511005 |
  _ LRAN List Retroa |  _ SG Salary - GAs              10511080 |
  _ SCP  Split a Com |  _ SL Sick Leave                10511008 |   /Adj, Dt Eff
  _ MA21 Menu of A21 |  _ SN Salary - Non-classified   10511000 |
  _ MTTL Menu of Tar |  _ SP Special (retirement,etc.) 10511070 |
  _ MAIC Menu of App |  _ SR Summer Research (9 mo.)   10511004 |
  _ MHRC Menu of Hum |  _ ST Summer Teaching (9 mo.)   10511003 |
  _ JOBS JOB Submiss |  _ Sn Student hourly, non-WS    20513020 |
                     |  _ Wn Work Study                20513010 |
                     | PF1   PF3   Starting COMP TYPE           |
 Enter-PF1---PF2---P | Help  Quit  XC__________________________ |   F11--PF12---
       Help        Q +------------------------------------------+
Figure 5 is a continuation of the help screen for the Comp Type field in the banner.

Figure 5. Help Screen Continuation - Comp Type Banner Field

 Enter, mark or position cursor to desired command
  LDOMENU 1 PROD        Labor Distribution main MENU - MENU       07/29/97 15:17
  Command:       Act +------------------------------------------+   omp Type: SC
  CCC:               | Select desired code and press ENTER      |
 ------------------- | Values for COMPENSATION-TYPE             |   ------------
    CMD  Command des |  _ XC Extra Comp, credit        10511010 |   s
    ---- ----------- |  _ XN Extra Comp, non-credit    10511011 |   ------------
  _ PD   Payroll Dis |  _ XS Extra Comp, service       10511012 |   /Adj, Dt Eff
  _ LLDE List Labor  |                                          |
  _ LPOC List Paid d |                                          |
  _ LEOC List Employ |                                          |    Type
  _ LLEC List Labor  |                                          |    End Date Pd
  _ LEC  List Employ |                                          |
  _ LRAN List Retroa |                                          |
  _ SCP  Split a Com |                                          |   /Adj, Dt Eff
  _ MA21 Menu of A21 |                                          |
  _ MTTL Menu of Tar |                                          |
  _ MAIC Menu of App |                                          |
  _ MHRC Menu of Hum |                                          |
  _ JOBS JOB Submiss |                                          |
                     |                                          |
                     | PF1   PF3   Starting COMP TYPE           |
 Enter-PF1---PF2---P | Help  Quit  XC__________________________ |   F11--PF12---
       Help        Q +------------------------------------------+
It defaults to Comp Type SC (Salaries Classified), but as you can see in Figure 4 and Figure 5, there are many other types. If you are interested in the data for the first hourly payday in May for this same cost center, you will need to change the comp type to H1 (which covers the first ten cost centers for an employee) and the date paid to 05/10/97. This would give you the list of the non-student hourly employees for the cost center. If you want to see other hourly employees, such as students, you need to specify the appropriate comp type, such as S1. Look at Figure 6 for an example of this-- an example of the screen presented during processing of the LEOC function for Comp Type S1.

Figure 6. Data Screen - List Employees Originally pd from a CCC

  LDOLEOC 1 TEST  List Employees Originally pd from a CCC - LEOC  07/11/97 10:10
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID:             Date Pd: 05/10/1997 Comp Type: S1
  CCC: 0102 02040-61-0000 SP/Adj Type:
    Date Pd: 05/10/1997 Comp Type: S1 Student hourly, non-WS    Catg: WagesStu
                                                     ----- Original ------
 Default Cmd: PD                     SP/ Comp Period  Gross Pay    Fringes
    Emp ID Employee Name             Adj Begin  End    20513020   30516000  at %
  _ 123234 Brown, John D.                04/16  04/30    189.32       3.24   .50
                                                     ---------- ----------
 Employees     1 thru 1     OF     1 Displayed           189.32       3.24
       Help  Suspd Quit
The 20513020 account number on the DBR shown on BIS (Balance Inquiry System) for 05/97 (Figure 3) matches the $189.32 for wages and the $3.24 for fringe benefits that we see on the LEOC screen for compensation type S1 and pay date 05/10/97.

How to Identify all Types of Pay for a CCC

Figure 7 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LPOC function.

Figure 7. Data Screen - List Paid dates/c-types for Original CCC

 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
  LDOLPOC 1 PROD  List Paid dates/c-types for Original CCC - LPOC 07/30/97 10:35
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID:             Date Pd: 04/22/1997 Comp Type: SC
  CCC: 0102 04090-41-0000 SP/Adj Type:
 List for Co Center: 0102 04090-41-0000 MULLINS LIBRARY
      Starting from: 04/22/1997
                           ------------ C o m p e n s a t i o n -------------
     Cmd     Date Paid     Type        Description         Account   Category
   _ LEOC    04/25/1997     H1  Hourly, non-student        20513000  Wages
   _ LEOC    04/25/1997     S1  Student hourly, non-WS     20513020  WagesStu
   _ LEOC    04/25/1997     W1  Work Study                 20513010  WagesStu
   _ LEOC    04/30/1997     SC  Salary - Classified        10511005  SalClass
   _ LEOC    04/30/1997     SN  Salary - Non-classified    10511000  SalNC
   _ LEOC    05/09/1997     H1  Hourly, non-student        20513000  Wages
   _ LEOC    05/09/1997     S1  Student hourly, non-WS     20513020  WagesStu
   _ LEOC    05/09/1997     W1  Work Study                 20513010  WagesStu
   _ LEOC    05/15/1997     O1  Overtime                   20517000  OtherCom
   _ LEOC    05/15/1997     SC  Salary - Classified        10511005  SalClass
                   Entries     1 thru    10 displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             Forwd

The following sections describe the LPOC function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Using the List".


LPOC is designed to help users locate all labor charges levied against a cost center for a range of pay dates. There are many different types of compensation in LABOR (all referenced by different two-digit codes; see Figure 4 and Figure 5). Since each Comp Type brings up different lists of charges on the LEOC function, there is a need for a summary list of these different sources of charges to ensure that no sources are missed while attempting to balance accounts. LPOC is that list. It ensures that you do not miss, for example, a rarer Comp Type such as LS (Lump Sum) or SA (Service Aware).

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Using the List

The Date Pd field acts as a starting point for the list. You need not have an exact pay date since the list begins with the next pay date after the date placed in the banner. Input the desired company cost center into the CCC field and press Enter. All pay dates and compensation types (which show up on separate LEOC lists) are listed, with PF8 showing as "Forwd" to advance to subsequent screens if all entries cannot be displayed on a single screen.

See Figure 7 for an example. We entered "04/22/97" as the Date Pd, and our list begins with entries for the 04/25/97 payday. Notice that three entries exist for the same payday:

H1 Hourly, non-student
S1 Student hourly, non-WS
WS Work Study
If you were attempting to reconcile all labor charges for 4/25 and did not know that all three of these compensation types were used, you would miss information on LEOC (see "How to Find Details for Labor Charges shown on the DBR"). Notice in Figure 7 that we see the account codes as well. These are the same codes used on the DBR and shown on LEOC. When you need to see the detailed information for the charges that make up an entry on LPOC, simply mark the selection boxes to the left of the list with any non-blank character. Then, press either PF2 (for multiple selections) or Enter twice (for a single selection). The banner will be loaded with the key field data for your selection, and the system will switch to the LEOC command (listed to the left of the screen as the logical connection for more detailed data about these listings).

Together, LPOC and LEOC will help you locate and view detail necessary to understand and reconcile all labor charges shown on the DBR.

How to Find Labor Data for a Single Employee

Figure 8 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LLDE function.

Figure 8. Data Screen - List Labor Data for an Employee

 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
  LDOLLDE 1 TEST      List Labor Data for an Employee - LLDE      07/15/97 09:25
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID: 120205      Date Pd: 04/10/1996 Comp Type: SC
  CCC: 0202 17000-00-0000 SP/Adj Type:            Thru: 12/31/2099
  List for 120205 Block, Mary J                Paid from: 04/10/96 thru 12/31/99
                 ----Compensation----- SP/  Comp Period
    Cmd  Date Pd Type   Description    Adj Begin      End  Gross Pay  % Fringes
  _ PD   06/25/97 SC Salary - Classifi     06/03 06/17/97     740.00      180.56
  _ PD   06/16/97 O1 Overtime              04/27 05/31/97      14.50        1.23
  _ PD   06/10/97 SC Salary - Classifi     05/17 06/02/97     740.00      180.56
  _ PD   05/27/97 SC Salary - Classifi     05/02 05/16/97     740.00      180.56
  _ PD   05/15/97 O1 Overtime              03/30 04/26/97      56.76        4.82
  _ PD   05/09/97 SC Salary - Classifi     04/17 05/01/97     740.00      180.56
  _ PD   04/25/97 SC Salary - Classifi     04/02 04/16/97   1,110.00      270.84
  _ PD   04/15/97 O1 Overtime              02/23 03/29/97      49.51        4.21
  _ PD   04/10/97 SC Salary - Classifi     03/18 04/01/97     740.00      180.56
  _ PD   03/25/97 SC Salary - Classifi     03/01 03/17/97     740.00      180.56
                                                          ----------  ----------
    Entries     1 thru    10 of    47 displayed             5,670.77    1,364.46
       Help  Suspd Quit

The following sections describe the LLDE function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Using the List".


LLDE displays a list of all payroll distribution records that fall within the specified time period for the specified employee. If you are interested in records for a certain individual, and do not need to search through a group such as with LEOC, this is a good place to begin.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Using the List

You need not specify an exact date paid; it functions as a from-to range. The Thru date defaults to 12/31/2099, but it can be changed if you are looking for records within a narrower time frame. If you leave the Thru date unchanged, you will see all payroll data records for the selected employee from most recent back to the date placed in the Date Pd field. You can change these dates to pull up the records for a month, quarter, calendar year, or fiscal year. Notice the totals at the bottom of the screen shown in Figure 8. These numbers represent the sum of all records displayed on the list. All compensation types for the selected person will be displayed, since only the Emp ID, Date Pd and Thru are key fields. In this case, we have Salary - Classified (SC) and Overtime (O1). If you wish to see the detailed record for any line entry on LLDE, simply mark the selection box(es) to the left of the screen with a non-blank character and either press PF2 to suspend to the PD (Payroll Distribution) command screen, or press Enter twice (if only selecting one entry).

How to List All Employees Paid from a CCC

Figure 9 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LEC function.

Figure 9. Data Screen - List Employees paid from a CCC

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  LDOLEC  1 TEST       List Employees paid from a CCC - LEC       07/15/97 09:43
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID:             Date Pd: 11/25/1996 Comp Type: SC
  CCC: 0102 02130-61-0000 SP/Adj Type:
 List for Co Center: 0102 02130-61-0000 HUMAN RESOURCES
    starting from Emp ID:
                                                          Date Last Paid
     Cmd   Emp ID  Employee Name                        from this Co Center
   _ LLEC  103732  Aldrich, Charles E.                      08/30/1997
   _ LLEC  127520  Bell, Amy D.                             08/30/1997
   _ LLEC  133552  Campbell, Peter C                        09/30/1996
                   Entries     1 thru     3 displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt

The following sections describe the LEC function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Using the List".


This is a very straightforward command. It simply shows a listing of all employees paid under a cost center number regardless of compensation type or pay date. The list is sorted by employee ID and is helpful if you are unsure about who has been paid under a CCC and if you do not have a particular pay date in mind for which you wish to view records.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Using the List

Using LEC, you can select individuals and then switch to LLEC (List Labor data for an Employee for a CCC) to see the actual payroll information. LEC also shows the Date Last Paid from this Co Center to the right of each employee's name. This should aid departments with grants or other restricted cost centers in being certain that the expiration dates were properly setup and followed. For example, if a CCC should not have pay debited from it after 6/30/96 and the Date Last Paid from this Co Center for a person shows 08/31/96, you would know that you need to perform a payroll distribution change through the PD command to move the charge to an appropriate cost center.

The Emp ID key field in the banner is, as mentioned before, optional. If the field is left blank, the entire list of employees paid under the center since BASIS LABOR began (7/25/95) is shown. If an ID is input, the system will give the warning: "Non-zero starting Emp ID may cause some employees to not be listed." To see this truncated list you will have to press Enter again. Such a list will begin with the ID listed in the banner, eliminating employees with lower IDs.

How to List Labor Data for a CCC for a Single Employee

Figure 10 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LLEC function.

Figure 10. Data Screen - List Labor data for an Emp for a CCC

 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
  LDOLLDE 1 PROD      List Labor Data for an Employee - LLDE      07/30/97 11:20
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID: 115223      Date Pd: 04/30/1996 Comp Type: SC
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:            Thru: 12/31/2099
  List for 115223 Bodiler, Patsy E.            Paid from: 04/30/96 thru 12/31/99
                 ----Compensation----- SP/  Comp Period
    Cmd  Date Pd Type   Description    Adj Begin      End  Gross Pay  % Fringes
  _ PD   07/31/97 SC Salary - Classifi     07/01 07/31/97   1,743.58      428.92
  _ PD   06/30/97 SC Salary - Classifi     06/01 06/30/97   1,692.76      413.03
  _ PD   05/30/97 SC Salary - Classifi     05/01 05/31/97   1,678.33      409.51
  _ PD   05/15/97 O1 Overtime              03/30 04/26/97     469.48       39.91
  _ PD   04/30/97 SC Salary - Classifi     04/01 04/30/97   1,678.33      409.51
  _ PD   04/15/97 O1 Overtime              02/23 03/29/97     275.88       23.45
  _ PD   03/31/97 SC Salary - Classifi     03/01 03/31/97   1,678.33      409.51
  _ PD   02/28/97 SC Salary - Classifi     02/01 02/28/97   1,678.33      409.51
  _ PD   01/31/97 SC Salary - Classifi     01/01 01/31/97   1,678.33      409.51
  _ PD   12/31/96 SC Salary - Classifi     12/01 12/31/96   1,678.33      409.51
                                                          ----------  ----------
    Entries     1 thru    10 of    18 displayed            14,251.68    3,362.37
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             Forwd

The following sections describe the LLEC function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Using the List".


LLEC, as you'll notice in looking at Figure 10, is similar to LLDE (see Figure 8). The difference is that LLEC narrows the search by having you specify a single cost center number. LLDE shows all payroll compensation records for the selected employee within the date range while LLEC shows only the records charged to the specified cost center.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Using the List

The first thing to keep in mind is that this list is limited to a single, specified cost center. This means that there are often cases where more entries and compensation types exist on LLDE than on LLEC. This is because pay records can obviously be charged to a variety of cost centers, and because certain types of compensation, such as Service Awards (SA), are paid from a central CCC not owned by your department. However, we still see multiple compensation types within the cost center; in this case Overtime (O1) and Salary - Classified (SC) records. If you switch to LLEC after selecting a record or records from LEC, the Date Pd field will be the date last paid. If you want to see more information (older records), you will need to change this Date Pd banner field. If you want to limit the range to a certain time frame instead of carrying it through all available pay records, reset the Thru date in the banner to a date older than 12/31/2099.

As with other lists, when you want to see detailed records or make changes, simply mark the desired selection box or boxes and either suspend (PF2) to the PD (Payroll Distribution) command or press Enter twice (if only selecting one entry). You may find LLEC helpful if you need to get a total for all gross pay, regardless of compensation type, paid to an employee under a cost center number for a certain period of time. For example, if you need to see how much has been paid under a grant or other restricted cost center for a month, quarter or year, enter the CCC and employee ID numbers and set the desired date range. The gross pay for the selected employee and cost center will appear at the bottom of the screen. (You may need to use the PF8 key to move through multiple screens of a list possessing more records than will display on a single screen.)

How to Find Approved, Historical Labor Changes

Note: These are referenced as "LD" entries on your DBR

Figure 11 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LRAN function.

Figure 11. Data Screen - List Retroactive Adjustments by Number

 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
  LDOLRAN 1 PROD   List Retroactive Adjustments by Number - LRAN  07/30/97 11:39
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID: 100731      Date Pd: 03/29/1996 Comp Type: SN
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:     Retro Adj No: LD0000013
  List of Retroactive Adjustments starting from Number: LD0000013
    Default command: PD
    Retro                                Comp SP/ Gross      Percent    Date
    Adj No    Employee Name       Date Pd Typ Adj Pay        Fringes    Comp End
  _ LD0000013 Allen, Betty J      07/25/95 SN         784.96     141.29 07/17/95
  _ LD0000014 Blasingame, Latisha 08/25/95 H1         503.75      37.78 08/15/95
  _ LD0000015 Childers, Anthony D 08/25/95 H1         520.00      39.00 08/15/95
  _ LD0000016 Cook, Sonya L       08/25/95 H1         520.00      39.00 08/15/95
  _ LD0000017 Davis, Amanda R     08/25/95 H1         406.25      30.47 08/15/95
  _ LD0000018 Davis, Demetrice L  08/25/95 H1         520.00      39.00 08/15/95
  _ LD0000019 Denham, Robert A    08/25/95 H1         520.00      39.00 08/15/95
  _ LD0000020 Gonzalez, Matthew D 08/25/95 H1         503.75      37.78 08/15/95
  _ LD0000021 Harvey, Samantha L  08/25/95 H1         520.00      39.00 08/15/95
  _ LD0000022 Heggins, Eleshia R  08/25/95 H1         520.00      39.00 08/15/95
         Retroactive Adjustments     1 thru    10 displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             Forwd

The following sections describe the LRAN function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Using the List".


LRAN provides a list of all retroactive adjustments (PD transactions) which have been approved. The list is sorted in numeric order, and includes all PD transactions processed regardless of location or department. However, you can specify a starting point for the list with your entry in the Retro Adj No field in the banner.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Using the List

We wanted to see Retro Adj No 13, so we specified that in the banner. This is, however, not the only transaction which appears. It is, again, just a starting point for the list. As a tip, you need not key in the entire reference number, such as LD0000013; "13" alone will suffice. To see the transaction of a particular entry or entries, mark the selection box(es) with a non-blank character as we have done to get to Figure 12, and use either PF2 to suspend, or press Enter twice to switch to the Payroll Distribution (PD) command.

Figure 12. Viewing an approved Retroactive Adjustment

 114663 07/25/1995 SN     07/17/1995 displayed with the indicated transaction
  LDOPD   1 PROD             Payroll Distribution - PD            07/30/97 11:41
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID: 114663      Date Pd: 07/25/1995 Comp Type: SN
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:     Eff Comp Date: 07/17/1995
  ----------------------Txn action: U entered: 08/09/95 by: PAY04      Status: E
  Action: V Emp: 114663 Allen, Betty J           Date Pd: 07/25/95
  Comp Type: SN SP/Adj Type:     Comp Period: 06/29/95 thru 07/17/95
                                                     Retro Adj No: LD0000013
     Co Cost Center     Co Cost Center Name                 Pay Amt     Pct FB
   1 0364 85107-31-0000                                      784.96     141.29
     0364 85101-31-0000                                      600.42     108.08 *
     0414 50005-31-0000                                      184.54      38.75
                                                         ---------- ----------
    Cost Center Entries 1  thru 2  of 2  listed  Totals:     784.96     164.84
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode       Pct   PrevR                   Optns
The LD numbers replace the PC numbers on the DBR. Examine Figure 11, Figure 13, and Figure 12 to see how you will be able to quickly track these changes and reconcile them with your accounting. In our example, if you look at Figure 12, you will see that we moved $184.54 from the 0414 50005... CCC to the 0364 85107... CCC which itself replaces the 0364 85101... CCC. The entries below the numbered lines represent the before image, and those even with the numbers are the new distribution. Now we have all funds, $784.96, charged to the 0364 85107... CCC. Figure 13 shows us the DBR for this cost center for the same month, and also shows how approved Labor transactions are listed on the DBR in the Balance Inquiry System (BIS).

Figure 13. Viewing approved Retroactive Adjustments on the DBR

 27 record(s) selected: Select a record or valid PF key.
  BIMDTAL             DeTAiL Transaction inquiry - DTAL           11/09/96 14:30
  Command: ____ Inquiry Level: DBR____ Comp: 0364 Center: 85107310000 Catg: __
                         Date: 0895__  PO: ______ Acct: ________      Year:  C
  In process DBR      0364 85107-31-0000  Efnep                             COEX
  Catg:                                        Date: 08/95/         PO:
      Account  Descript  PO No      Doc No     Invoice No Eff Date        Amount
      10511000 Allen, Be            LD0000013             08/01/95       784.96
      10511000 Smith, Li            LD0000066             08/01/95       364.32-
      10511000 SUMMARY T            80081095              08/10/95    26,632.72
      10511000 TERESA H.            JE96-01151            08/15/95     2,020.90-
      10511000 SUMMARY T            80082595              08/25/95    29,331.47
      10511000 SUMMARY T            80083195              08/31/95    17,531.73
      20513000 SUMMARY T            80081095              08/10/95     1,689.60
      20513000 SUMMARY T            80082595              08/25/95     1,551.84
      20513000 EIC PAYME            JE96-01197            08/31/95       104.74-
      30516000 Allen, Be            LD0000013             08/01/95       141.29
      30516000 Smith, Li            LD0000066             08/01/95        65.58-
      30516000 SUMMARY T            80081095              08/10/95     4,920.61
 Records   selected: 27       displayed: 12        remaining: 15
       Help  Menu  Quit        RStrt             Pfwd  Home
The two entries on lines 1 and 10 of the DBR represent the new charges to this CCC; in this case $784.96 to account 10511000 for salaries and $141.29 to account 30516000 for fringe benefits. Finally, notice how the LD0000013 number assigned in LABOR and shown on LRAN shows up on the DBR under the Doc No column. Also, the $784.96 and $141.29 match the listings on LRAN under gross pay and fringe benefits for the selected transaction.

Normally, you would probably work from BIS to LRAN to PD in tracking the detail of a particular transaction. You might see an LD number on BIS that interests you. Next, switching to LABOR, you would key the LD number into the banner on the LRAN command. Then, if you wish to see the detailed transaction for the change you can suspend to PD from LRAN.

Note: The transactions you see in Figure 11 are not sorted in alphabetical order. These retroactive transactions will appear on the list in LD order--the order in which they are approved.

How to Change a Payroll (Labor) Distribution Record

Figure 14 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the PD function.

Figure 14. Data Entry Screen - Payroll Distribution

 Make changes and press ENTER to validate
  LDOPD   1 DEMO             Payroll Distribution - PD            07/30/97 13:25
  Command:       Action: U Emp ID: 135424      Date Pd: 05/16/1997 Comp Type: SN
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:     Eff Comp Date: 05/16/1997
  Action: U Emp: 135424 Clarril, John P          Date Pd: 05/16/97
  Comp Type: SN SP/Adj Type:     Comp Period: 05/01/97 thru 05/16/97
                                                     Retro Adj No:
     Co Cost Center     Co Cost Center Name                 Pay Amt     Pct FB
   1 0102 15030-11-0000                                    1,162.70     283.70
   2 0102 15030-16-0000                                      581.35     141.85
   3 0102 15030-22-0000                                      581.35     141.85
   4 0102 15030-33-0000                                      581.34     141.85
                                                         ---------- ----------
    Cost Center Entries 1  thru 4  of 4  listed  Totals:   2,906.74     709.25
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt Pct   PrevR             Save  CComm

The following sections describe the PD function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Using the distribution function"
"Viewing a record"
"Updating a record"
"Copying a distribution record"
"Withdrawing a pending transaction".


This is the main command used to view detailed payroll distribution records and to request alterations. All other list commands in LABOR are designed to aid you in selecting the correct PD record. On the PD command, you can either view the LABOR data at its most detailed level (CCC by CCC), or you can process changes, either by percentage or gross pay amount. In addition, the PD function contains other related information, such as: These other elements are displayed in the decode window, which can be accessed by pressing PF4 (see Figure 15).

Figure 15. Decode Window - Payroll Distribution

 Make changes and press ENTER to validate
  LDOPD   1 DEMO             Payroll Distribution - PD            07/30/97 13:25
  Command:       Action: U Emp ID: 135424      Date Pd: 05/16/1997 Comp Type: SN
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:     Eff Comp Date: 05/16/1997
  Action: U Emp: 135424 Clarril, John P.         Date Pd: 05/16/97
  Comp Type: SN SP/Adj Type:     Comp Period: 05/01/97 thru 05/16/97
                                                     Retro Adj No:
     Co Cost Center     Co Cost Center Name                 Pay Amt     Pct FB
   1 0102 15030-11-0000                                    1,162.70     283.70
     0102 15030-11-0000                                    1,162.70     283.70
    +-------------------- Payroll Distribution De-Code ---------------------+
    | Press ENTER to continue                                               |
    | Payroll Fiscal Year:       1997           --Actual Fringe Benefits--- |
    | Total Fringes not allowed:                Taxes:                      |
    |                                           Major medical:              |
    | Federal Employee Code:                    Retirement:                 |
    | FTE Appointment Pct:       100            Other insurance:            |
    | Academic Title Modifier:                  Other:               664.31 |
    | Legislative Title Code:     303                            ---------- |
    | Occ Code: 2155 Professor                                       664.31 |
    | Location: FAY  Sub location: ACAD Appointment Period: 9               |
 En | Updated:                by:                                           | --

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}
Copy {C}
Review {R}
Withdraw {W}

Using the distribution function

To help simplify the discussion, we will break it into sections. First, we will examine the data available under a viewing action, just to get acquainted with it. Then, we will cover the other updating actions.

Viewing a record

PD shows the detailed payroll distribution record for a particular person, compensation type, effective comp date, and pay date. To access a record you must have all of this information available, which is why we recommend the use of the lists, at least until you become familiar with the application. PDAY (Payroll Dates And due bYs) is also helpful in determining the exact pay dates. Keep in mind that the compensation type SC is used for classified, appointed pay, including hourly appointments. Examine Figure 4 and Figure 5 to become familiar with the different compensation types used, since this is crucial to accessing the proper records. Even if everything else in the banner is correct, if the Comp Type is incorrect you will not access the desired record.

The PD command displays the contents of the distribution record: the distribution of the gross payroll and percentage fringe benefits between cost centers, as well as totals at the bottom of the screen (Figure 14).

In this example we have four cost centers. This first screen shows up to five CCCs. If an employee is paid from six or more cost centers, you will need to use the PF8 key to page ahead to screen 2 of 2, which displays cost centers six through ten as well as the total. PF7 also will bring up earlier pay records (PrevR) for the same employee, until no further records exist. PF8 is used to forward ahead to the next selected record if you suspend to the PD command, and will return you to the command you suspended from when you have viewed the last selected record. In such cases, the PF8 key is labeled "Q/Nxt."

When you initially access a PD record you will not see the names of the cost centers. If you press the PF4 (DCode) key you will access a window (see Figure 15). After you exit the window, by pressing Enter, the CCC names will be filled in. The decode window contains a great deal of helpful information, as we listed above.

An asterisk to the right of the Pct FB column on the main PD screen signifies that the special professional (22.0%) rate is used, and the decode window should show the remaining amount under Total Fringes not allowed.

Updating a record

If you wish to change the current payroll distribution, you will use an Action of U (update). You will not be able to perform an update for a record which already has a pending transaction, which shows on LTPD as status P. In such cases you will receive a message informing you that the "Action is not permitted due to the status of the displayed transaction." You will have to either withdraw the pending transaction (if you are the person who submitted it--see "Withdrawing a pending transaction"), have a reviewer reject the transaction, or wait until the review process is complete before you submit the new request.

Assuming there are no pending transactions, your screen should look something like Figure 14--an example of the screen presented during an update action on the PD function. We now have several options. We can change cost center numbers, add or delete them, move gross pay between them, or any combination of these. Let's look at an example. Say that the function 11 cost center (on-campus credit instruction) on the first line (notice they are numbered 1-5 down the left side) should not have salaries charged against it, and that the function 12 center (instruction support) replaces it with a reduced amount. We type the new CCC over the top of the previous entry on line 1, and also input the corrected Pay Amts for both CCCs (see Figure 16).

Figure 16. Changing CCC numbers and moving gross pay between CCCs

 All entries are valid, press PF10 to save transaction
  LDOPD   1 DEMO             Payroll Distribution - PD            07/30/97 13:27
  Command:       Action: U Emp ID: 135424      Date Pd: 05/16/1997 Comp Type: SN
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:     Eff Comp Date: 05/16/1997
  Action: U Emp: 135424 Clarril, John P.         Date Pd: 05/16/97
  Comp Type: SN SP/Adj Type:     Comp Period: 05/01/97 thru 05/16/97
                                                     Retro Adj No:
     Co Cost Center     Co Cost Center Name                 Pay Amt     Pct FB
   1 0102 15030-12-0000 ELCF-INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT         1,062.70     259.30
     0102 15030-11-0000 ELCF-ON-CAMPUS CR INSTRUC          1,162.70     283.70
   2 0102 15030-16-0000 ELCF-ACADEMIC ADVISING               681.35     166.25
                                                             581.35     141.85
   3 0102 15030-22-0000 ELCF-UNIV SUPPORT RESEARCH           581.35     141.85
   4 0102 15030-33-0000 ELCF-UNIV SPON PUB SERV              581.34     141.85
                                                         ---------- ----------
    Cost Center Entries 1  thru 4  of 4  listed  Totals:   2,906.74     709.25
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt Pct   PrevR             Save  CComm
The system forces you to match the total gross pay, so if you make a mistake of addition or subtraction that changes the total, it will give you an error message when you try to save the change. This error message includes the amount (+/-) of your error to help you make corrections. The spaces below the numbered lines show the before images for any cost center lines which have changed. So, we see before images for both lines 1 and 2 since we changed both CCC and gross pay on line 1, and gross pay on line 2. Note that lines 3 and 4, which were not changed, do not show before images. The before images for lines 1 and 2 show us that previously $1,162.70 was charged to the function 11 account, and now $1,062.70 is charged to function 12 (line 1 changes). Beneath line 2 we see that the academic advising (function 16) account was charged $581.35 originally, and now is charged $681.35, which represents the $100 removed by the change in line 1. When changes such as these occur, the current (or in this case, proposed) distribution shows on the numbered line. The system recalculates the fringe benefits amounts for you, and both lines 1 and 2 show changes from the original (from $283.70 to $259.30 for line 1, and from $141.85 to $166.25 for line 2).

Changing gross pay by amount might not be convenient for you, so the system is also able to perform changes based upon distribution percentages. Starting again with the original template in Figure 16, let's make a change by percentage.

Figure 17. Changing distribution by percentage

 All entries are valid, press PF10 to save transaction
  LDOPD   1 DEMO             Payroll Distribution - PD            07/30/97 13:27
  Command:       Action: U Emp ID: 135424      Date Pd: 05/16/1997 Comp Type: SN
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:     Eff Comp Date: 05/16/1997
  Action: U Emp: 135424 Clarril, John P.         Date Pd: 05/16/97
  Comp Type: SN SP/Adj Type:     Comp Period: 05/01/97 thru 05/16/97
                                                     Retro Adj No:
 +-------------------- Co Cost Center Percent Distribution --------------------+
 | All entries are valid; press PF10 to Save                                   |
 |    Pct   Co Cost Center     Gross Pay    Pct   Co Cost Center     Gross Pay |
 | 1  25.00 0102 15030-12-0000    726.69 2  25.00 0102 15030-16-0000    726.69 |
 |    40.00 0102 15030-11-0000   1162.70    20.00                       581.35 |
 | 3  25.00 0102 15030-22-0000    726.69 4  25.00 0102 15030-33-0000    726.67 |
 |    20.00                       581.35    20.00                       581.34 |
 | 5                                     6                                     |
 |                                                                             |
 | 7                                     8                                     |
 |                                                                             |
 | 9                                     0                                     |
 |                                                                             |
 |                                                                             |
 |               PF3=Quit  PF5=Rstrt  PF10=Sav/Q         Total Pay:   2,906.74 |
To make a percentage-based change use the PF6 (Pct) key to switch to a percent window within the PD screen. Pay special attention to the numbering of the boxes. The odd numbers run down the left side of the screen, and the even numbers down the right side. If you add a cost center to a box that is not the next logical number (e.g., line 3 when there is only one existing cost center), you will end with a blank line in the payroll distribution record. (This is only a problem in the system in terms of appearance.) As with the earlier examples, you can delete cost center numbers, add them, or change them within this window, as well as change the gross pay distribution.

To illustrate this, in Figure 17 we combined a cost center number change with other gross pay changes. Originally we had the four records shown in Figure 16 with a 40-20-20-20% split. Now we have changed the CCC number on line 1, and we have changed the distribution to reflect an even 25% split between the four cost centers. The system calculates the appropriate gross pay amount, in this case $726.69 for all four cost centers. Notice that beneath the numbered lines we again have the previous distributions: the former percentages, and the previous CCC number for line 1 (Figure 17). As before, to make the changes we just type over the existing distribution with the new numbers, whether it is a CCC change, a percentage change, or both. To add new CCCs we would just tab to the next empty field and type in the CCC number and its associated percentage. To save our changes in this Pct window we must press PF10. If you simply exit the window you will be returned to the main PD screen, which will still be in its original state. If you press PF10 and save your percentage-based changes, you will also be returned to the main PD screen, but this time it will reflect the new distribution keyed into the Pct window. This still does not mean that the transaction itself is saved. You can still use PF3 (Quit) to back out of the update, and no changes are saved. To finalize the transaction you must press PF10 again, at which time you will receive a confirmation message.

Before we move on to copying and withdrawing transactions, here are a few more points about updating on PD:

Copying a distribution record

Just as it helps reduce workload in the Hourly system with wage rates, the copy action helps simplify the process of making changes to a series of records (different pay dates) for the same employee, or to apply a consistent distribution across several employees (especially if it is a complex mix). Say, for example, that you need to change the distribution between cost centers for all pay for an employee, from July to November. If our employee is regular appointed, we have five or more records to change. We could bring up one record at a time and independently make the necessary changes, but that is inefficient. Instead, follow these steps to perform a copy:
  1. Bring the first record onscreen, make any needed changes, and save it. The idea is to have, on the screen, an original template of the record you from which you want to copy.
  2. In the banner, change the Action to "C" (copy), and (before you press Enter) tab to the other banner fields and input the information needed to access the next record you wish to copy to. This means that you'll also be changing one or more of: Emp ID, Comp Type, Date Pd, Eff Comp Date and SP/Adj Type. In our example, we might bring up the July record and make the desired alterations. Then, after it is saved, we would change the Action to "C" and change the Date Pd to "08/31/1995" to bring up the August record. In this example we need not change the Comp Type because we are dealing only with SC (Salary Classified) records.
  3. Once you have changed the Action to "C" and the other banner fields, press Enter.
  4. The message should read "Screen values copied, update assumed for..." The end of this phrase will contain the key field information for the record you are copying to (Emp ID, Comp Type, Date Pd, Eff Comp Date, and SP/Adj Type).
  5. Make any further changes, if needed, just as you would for a normal update. Once the screen values are copied, you enter a normal updating session.
  6. If you wish to save your copy/changes, press PF10.
  7. Keep in mind that a copy action only copies current screen values, so if you are copying a record with more that five CCCs (two screens) you will need to enter CCC numbers 6-10 on your own.

The copy feature carries the cost centers and distribution percentages from the first record to the second one. The pay amounts themselves are not copied, since we might have records with different gross pay (a promotion, merit increase, etc.), but the percentages from the first record are applied to the pay amounts in the second.

Withdrawing a pending transaction

If you have saved (PF10) a PD transaction which you later realize was incorrect you can use an Action of W to withdraw the transaction, as long as the final approval has not been given. Once the final approval is received, the transaction is posted to the LABOR record and is scheduled to post to Accounting that evening, so it must be preserved for audit purposes. If this occurs, you can correct the mistake by simply performing another PD transaction. If the transaction is still in pending (P) status you can use withdraw.
  1. You will need to input the key field data (Emp ID, Date Pd, Comp Type, Eff Comp Date and SP/Adj Type) in the banner, using an Action of W and the PD command. The simplest way to find a transaction for withdrawl is via LTPD (List Transactions for a Payroll Distribution). For more information, see "How to Find All Changes Ever Made to a Pay Record".
  2. Press Enter, and you should receive the message "Press PF10 to withdraw the displayed transaction."
  3. Once PF10 is pressed, the transaction is removed from TARGET and the LABOR record is returned to its prior state.

How to Split a Compensation Period

Figure 18 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the SCP function.

Figure 18. Data Entry Screen - Split a Compensation Period

 All entries are valid, press PF10 to Save
  LDOSCP  1 DEMO         Split a Compensation Period - SCP        07/31/97 10:36
  Command:       Action: U Emp ID: 138652      Date Pd: 06/30/1997 Comp Type: SN
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:     Eff Comp Date: 06/30/1997
 Action: U Emp: 138652 Conners, Franklin D                  Date Pd: 06/30/1997
   Comp Type: SN Salary - Non-classified   SP/Adj Type:
                                                         Gross Pay for Periods
  ------------- Cost Center Distribution --------  From: 06/01/1997  06/16/1997
                                                   Thru: 06/15/1997  06/30/1997
  0102 02040-61-0000                                         699.01      769.20
  0102 02052-62-0000                                         699.01      769.19
                                                 Totals:   1,398.02    1,538.39
 Split:                  by:                                            1997
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt             NextR       Save

The following sections describe the SCP function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Using the Split Comp Period Function".


SCP is intended only for instances where you need to treat one portion of a compensation period differently than another. A good example might be an employee working on grant projects, where a particular grant cost center is only active for a portion of a compensation period. The LABOR system validates the usage of CCCs against a table maintained by Financial Affairs. If you attempt to include a CCC on a record which includes even a single day where the CCC is inactive, the update will be disallowed. SCP allows you to separate these periods so that the CCC can be added for the time period where it is active.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}

Using the Split Comp Period Function

It is vitally important that you understand that SCP actually creates two distinct and forever separate records. If you split a compensation period you can never rejoin the pieces, and to see the "whole picture" for the employee for the original compensation period you would need to view multiple records.

Say that you have a regular, appointed employee whose pay should be split between a state account and a grant for the last part of June, 1997. We have a payroll distribution record for the compensation period from 06/01/97 to 06/30/97 which shows a 50-50 distribution between two cost centers (Figure 19). This is before the split is processed on SCP.

Figure 19. Viewing the PD record before the split

 138652 06/30/1997 SN     06/30/1997 displayed; please enter new key fields
  LDOPD   1 DEMO             Payroll Distribution - PD            07/31/97 10:40
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID: 138652      Date Pd: 06/30/1997 Comp Type: SN
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:     Eff Comp Date: 06/30/1997
  Action: V Emp: 138652 Conners, Franklin D      Date Pd: 06/30/97
  Comp Type: SN SP/Adj Type:     Comp Period: 06/01/97 thru 06/30/97
                                                     Retro Adj No:
     Co Cost Center     Co Cost Center Name                 Pay Amt     Pct FB
   1 0102 02040-61-0000                                    1,468.21     358.24
   2 0102 02052-62-0000                                    1,468.20     358.24
                                                         ---------- ----------
    Cost Center Entries 1  thru 2  of 2  listed  Totals:   2,936.41     716.48
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode       Pct   PrevR
This is not correct because the employee changed projects on June 16, and the period from 06/16/97 to 06/30/97 should now include the cost center for the new project, which did not become active until 06/16. We cannot add this cost center to the current PD record because it is not active for the first fifteen days of the period. Unless we separate the two compensation periods, we cannot accurately represent the work effort, nor can we properly charge the appropriate cost centers. Let's make the change outlined above.

First, we need to perform the split, using an Action of U (update). As you can see, the SCP command is very straightforward (Figure 18). You simply define a split date, which is the last day of the first period (06/15/97 in our example). The second compensation period will begin on the day after the one you specify. If you press Enter before PF10, as we have, the system will display the recalculated distribution for the cost center(s), which will depend upon the number of days in each period. Here, the period from 06/01/97 to 06/15/97 obviously contains fewer work days than 06/16/97 to 06/30/97 so it has proportionally less gross pay and percentage fringe benefits amounts (Figure 18). Once we press PF10 we have these two, separate records. Figure 20 is a display of the PD record for the first half of our record (06/01 to 06/15).

Figure 20. Viewing the 1st half of the period, after the split

 138652 06/30/1997 SN     06/15/1997 displayed; please enter new key fields
  LDOPD   1 DEMO             Payroll Distribution - PD            07/31/97 10:41
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID: 138652      Date Pd: 06/30/1997 Comp Type: SN
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:     Eff Comp Date: 06/15/1997
  Action: V Emp: 138652 Conners, Franklin D      Date Pd: 06/30/97
  Comp Type: SN SP/Adj Type:     Comp Period: 06/01/97 thru 06/15/97
                                                     Retro Adj No:
     Co Cost Center     Co Cost Center Name                 Pay Amt     Pct FB
   1 0102 02040-61-0000                                      699.01     170.56
   2 0102 02052-62-0000                                      699.01     170.56
                                                         ---------- ----------
    Cost Center Entries 1  thru 2  of 2  listed  Totals:   1,398.02     341.12
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode       Pct   PrevR
When we switch to PD we see that we now need to specify an Eff Comp Date within either the 06/01 to 06/15 or the 06/16 to 06/30 period in order to access the appropriate record. Note in Figure 20 that the comp period shown beneath the dashed line is now 06/01 to 06/15. Figure 21 is an update of the PD record for the second half of our record (06/16 to 06/30).

Figure 21. Updating the 2nd half of the period, after the split

 All entries are valid, press PF10 to save transaction
  LDOPD   1 DEMO             Payroll Distribution - PD            07/31/97 10:42
  Command:       Action: U Emp ID: 138652      Date Pd: 06/30/1997 Comp Type: SN
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:     Eff Comp Date: 06/30/1997
  Action: U Emp: 138652 Conners, Franklin D      Date Pd: 06/30/97
  Comp Type: SN SP/Adj Type:     Comp Period: 06/16/97 thru 06/30/97
                                                     Retro Adj No:
     Co Cost Center     Co Cost Center Name                 Pay Amt     Pct FB
   1 0402 36153-21-1001 AR/ASTA/NIST/TECH ASSIST/LANGSTO     769.20     187.68
     0102 02040-61-0000 ASSOCIATE VICE-CHANCELLOR FOR FI     769.20     187.68
   2 0102 02052-62-0000 BASIS                                769.19     187.68
                                                         ---------- ----------
    Cost Center Entries 1  thru 2  of 2  listed  Totals:   1,538.39     375.36
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt Pct   PrevR             Save  CComm
Both records show a Date Pd of 06/30/97 as they should, but notice that the Eff Comp Date will be either 06/15 or 06/30, respectively, reflecting the ending date of the compensation period. We have updated the record for the 06/16 to 06/30 comp period (Figure 21), changing the cost center (adding the grant on line 1) to reflect a different work effort. At this point, the PD update works like it does with any record (see "How to Change a Payroll (Labor) Distribution Record"). Once we press PF10 to save this change, we can switch to the LLDE (List Labor Data for an Employee) command (Figure 22) and see how we have two distinct entries showing the 06/30/97 date paid, and how the gross pay amounts are proportional to the number of days within the periods we defined via SCP. Figure 22 is a display of the LLDE listing for this employee, for the period from 06/01 to 06/30.

Figure 22. Viewing the LLDE list for an employee with a split record

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  LDOLLDE 1 DEMO      List Labor Data for an Employee - LLDE      07/31/97 10:43
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID: 138652      Date Pd: 06/01/1997 Comp Type: SN
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:            Thru: 06/30/1997
  List for 138652 Conners, Franklin D          Paid from: 06/01/97 thru 06/30/97
                 ----Compensation----- SP/  Comp Period
    Cmd  Date Pd Type   Description    Adj Begin      End  Gross Pay  % Fringes
  _ PD   06/30/97 SN Salary - Non-clas     06/01 06/15/97   1,398.02      341.12
  _ PD   06/30/97 SN Salary - Non-clas     06/16 06/30/97   1,538.39      375.36
                                                          ----------  ----------
    Entries     1 thru     2 of     2 displayed             2,936.41      716.48
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt

How to Find TARGET Transactions

Figure 23 is an example of the MTTL (Menu of Target Transaction Lists) command.

Figure 23. MTTL (Menu of Target Transaction Lists)

 Enter, mark or position cursor to desired command
  LDOMENU 1 TEST      Menu of Target Transaction Lists - MTTL     07/17/97 14:11
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID:             Date Pd: 04/22/1997 Comp Type: SC
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:
    CMD  Command description                      Required key fields
    ---- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------
  _ LTPD List Txns for a Payroll Distribution     Emp ID, Date Pd
  _ LTPR List Transactions Pending Review         Reviewer Desk ID
  _ LTRS List Txns for Requestor, Status and cmd  Reviewer, Status & Cmd
       Help        Quit
This menu includes the following options:
LTPD List Txns for a Payroll Distribution
LTPR List Transactions Pending Review
LTRS List Txns for Requestor, Status and cmd

How to Find All Changes Ever Made to a Pay Record

Figure 24 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LTPD function.

Figure 24. Data Screen - List Txns for a Payroll Distribution

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  LDOLTPD 1 DEMO    List Txns for a Payroll Distribution - LTPD   07/31/97 11:05
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID: 138652      Date Pd: 06/30/1997 Comp Type: SN
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:
  List of Txns Requested for Emp ID: 138652 Conners, Franklin D
     on or before Date Pd: 06/30/97
         Date  Cmp SP/ Comp End                                           Rj Num
    Cmd  Paid   Ty Adj   Date   ---Requested-- ---By--- St --Status Set-- Cd Cmt
  _ PD 06/30/97 SN     06/30/97 07/31/97 11:05 PCAMPBE   W 07/31/97 11:05
  _ PD 06/30/97 SN     06/30/97 07/31/97 10:34 PCAMPBE   E 07/31/97 10:36
  _ PD 09/30/96 SN     09/30/96 10/16/96 08:40 PAY03     E 10/17/96 15:38      1
       PD transactions      1 thru     3 of     3 are displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt

The following sections describe the LTPD function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Using the List".


LTPD helps you follow the audit trail when multiple changes are performed for the same employee for a single pay period. It is an invaluable tool if you are unsure as to which changes have or have not been previously made. Essentially, it is the on-line equivalent of leafing through a stack of paper change requests for an individual, to review the history of changes.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Using the List

When you specify a date paid in the banner, the system finds all PD transactions for that employee, on or before the specified pay date. In other words, it begins the list with transactions for the most recent pay date, and also displays transactions for earlier pay dates. As with the other lists, if particular entries interest you and you wish to view the detail transactions, you can mark desired entries and either use PF2 to suspend to PD or press Enter twice, if only one transaction is selected. The list (Figure 24) shows you the status of the transactions, including pending (P), withdrawn (W), approved (E) and disapproved (D) ones. Also, if there are associated transaction comments, a count appears to the right of the screen under the Num Cmt column. If you switch to the PD command to view the transaction you can use the PF11 (Optns) key to view these comments, or to add your own.

How to Find Transactions Pending Review

Figure 25 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LTPR function.

Figure 25. Data Screen - List Txns Pending Review

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  LDOLTPR 1 TEST      List Transactions Pending Review - LTPR     07/23/97 09:44
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID:             Date Pd: 04/22/1997 Comp Type: SC
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:     Reviewer Desk: ATREUS
  List of pending transactions for Desk: ATREUS   in Application: LABOR
                                     Action                              Num
     Cmd   --Requested---  Requestor -  --------- ID of Entity --------- Comm
  _  PD    07/23/97 09:34  PAY04     U  101400 04/30/1997 SN     04/30/1
  _  PD    07/23/97 09:34  PAY04     U  103628 04/30/1997 SN     04/30/1
           Transactions     1 thru     2 of     2 are displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt

The following sections describe the LTPR function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Using the List".


Key Fields Required in the Banner

Using the List

Use of this list is very straightforward. Simply input the name of a reviewer's desk (help is available if you do not know this can search by the person's name) into the Reviewer Desk field and press Enter. If any PD transactions are pending review on that desk, a list is generated. Transactions can be selected by marking the selection box(es) to the left of the screen. Press PF2 to suspend to the PD command, where reviews can be processed with an Action of R. For further information on transaction review, please consult the Reviewer's Quick-Reference materials.

How to Find Transactions for a Requestor and Status

Figure 25 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LTRS function.

Figure 26. Data Screen - LTRS (List Txns for Requestor, Status and cmd)

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  LDOLTRS 1 DEMO  List Txns for Requestor, Status and cmd - LTRS  07/31/97 11:21
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID:             Date Pd: 04/30/1997     Status: E
  Requestor: PCAMPBE   Txn Cmd: PD    Txn Req Date: 07/01/1997  Thru: 07/31/1997
  List of transactions requested by: PCAMPBE
 in status: E (Effected)  for cmd: PD   requested from: 07/01/97 thru: 07/31/97
                                       Action                             Num
    Cmd  --Requested--- --Status Set-- - --------- ID of Entity --------- Comm
  _ PD   07/30/97 16:40 07/30/97 16:40 U 125424 04/30/1997 SN     04/30/1   2
  _ PD   07/31/97 10:34 07/31/97 10:36 U 133552 06/30/1997 SN     06/30/1
           Transactions     1 thru     2 of     2 are displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt

The following sections describe the LTRS function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Using the List".


LTRS is helpful in displaying the status of transactions submitted by a particular user. Say, for example, that you want to follow up on work you did a few days ago to see if all transactions have been approved, or if some were rejected or still pending. By manipulating the banner key fields, you can quickly and easily compile a list of things like: all PD transactions submitted in the past month still pending, all PD transactions submitted in the past week that have been approved, or all PD transactions submitted in the past six months that were withdrawn.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Using the List

To create a list, either accept the default values, or change the key fields to match your search criteria. By default, LTRS displays a list of PD transactions in pending (P) status submitted by you in the past day. If you are interested in other statuses, such as effected (E) or withdrawn (W), simply change the Status field. You might also wish to change the beginning and/or ending dates for the range within the transactions occurred (such as last week, last month, etc.). This is done by altering either the Txn Req Date (begin), the Thru (end) date, or both.

Once the list is generated (press Enter) you can view the detailed transaction(s) by marking the selection box(es) to the left of the screen and using the PF2 (Suspd) key to switch to PD. On PD, you can view the activity of transaction reviewers, add comments, or read existing comments through the window accessed by pressing the PF11 (Optns) key.

MA21 - Menu of A21 Certification Commands

Figure 27 is an example of the MA21 (Menu of Certification Commands) command.

Figure 27. MA21 (Menu of Certification Commands)

 Enter, mark or position cursor to desired command
  LDOMENU 1 TEST     Menu of A21 certification commands - MA21    07/17/97 14:07
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID:             Date Pd: 04/22/1997 Comp Type: SC
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:
    CMD  Command description                      Required key fields
    ---- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------
  _ LPAB List Pending A21 certifications for a BU BU and Date Paid
  _ A21  A21 certification of original dist.      Emp, Dt Pd, CT, SP/Adj, Dt eff
  _ LBPA List BUs with Pending A21 certifications BU
       Help        Quit
This menu includes the following options:
LPAB List Pending A21 certifications for a BU
A21 A21 certification of original dist.
LBPA List BUs with Pending A21 certifications
A21 certification in LABOR follows these rules:
  1. Certification will be performed via the A21 command only when the cost center distribution originally loaded to LABOR via the payroll run process includes CCCs which require it.
  2. When you process PD (Payroll Distribution) changes which add CCCs that require A21 certification to a record, the certification is not done on the A21 command command--such certification is done in the same manner as before (on the PD command's PF9 (LCert) window by the TARGET reviewer).

List Pending A21 certifications for a BU

Figure 28 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LPAB function.

Figure 28. Data Screen - List Pending A21 certifications for a BU

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  LDOLPAB 1 PROD  List Pending A21 certifications for a BU - LPAB 07/31/97 13:16
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Date Pd: 07/31/1997 Comp Type: SC
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:     BU: AEED
 List of pay actions requiring A21 certification for
   BU: AEED AGRI & EXTENSION ED      starting with pay date: 07/31/1997
                                                 SP/ ---- Comp Period ----
     Cmd  Date Paid  Employee Name            CT Adj Begin             End
   _ A21  07/31/1997 Billing, Albert T.       SN     07/01/1997 07/31/1997
   _ A21  07/31/1997 Lester, Melissa K.       SN     07/01/1997 07/31/1997
   _ A21  07/31/1997 Mueller, Carol L         SG     07/01/1997 07/31/1997
   _ A21  07/31/1997 Wilson, Eric G.          SN     07/01/1997 07/31/1997
               Pay actions     1 thru     4 of     4 displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt

The following sections describe the LPAB function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Using the List".


LPAB displays all LABOR records pending A21 certification for a BU, starting with a specific date. The displayed records are only those which are loaded to LABOR (via the payroll run process) with a cost center or centers that require certification already on the record. When payroll distribution changes processed within LABOR cause certification to be required, it is performed on the PD command. See "Updating a record" for information regarding PD A21 certification.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Using the List

When you specify a Date Pd in the banner, the system finds all pending A21 records for that BU on or after the specified pay date. In other words, it begins the list with records for the pay date closest to the banner date, and also displays records for later pay dates. As with the other lists, if particular entries interest you and you wish to view the detail transactions, you can mark desired entries and either use PF2 to suspend to A21 or press Enter twice, if only one record is selected. If you switch to the A21 command to update the transaction you will use the PF9 key to update the certification, and press PF10 to save it.

A21 Certification of Original Distribution

Figure 29 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the A21 function.

Figure 29. Data Screen - A21 Certification of original Distribution

 104813 07/31/1997 SN     07/31/1997 displayed; please enter new key fields
   Suspended from LPAB                                       A21  07/31/97 13:16
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID: 104813      Date Pd: 07/31/1997 Comp Type: SN
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:     Eff Comp Date: 07/31/1997
  Action: V Emp: 164113 Billing, Albert T.                  Date Pd: 07/31/97
   Comp Type: SN SP/Adj Type:     Comp Period: 07/01/1997 - 07/31/1997
   Loc: AES  Sub Loc: ACAD Appt Per: 12 Title: Assoc Professor
  0102 11030-11-0000 AGRI & EXTEN EDUC-ON-CAMPUS CR INSTRUC    90.00%   4,503.38
  0412 74004-10-0000 FN/UAFN/ADC/AG SCI INST/WILSON& BILLING   10.00%     500.37
         A21 Certification required                                     5,003.75
       Help  Suspd Quit                    PrevR Q/Nxt

The following sections describe the A21 function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Related Topics".


A21 is used to confirm that the distribution of activity represents a reasonable estimate of the work performed by the employee. After each payroll is posted to LABOR, if the employee's distribution meets the criteria for A21, it will be placed on the list for certification.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}


Usually you will want to start with the list of records requiring approval for your department, as shown on LPAB. Once the list is displayed on LPAB, follow these steps:
  1. Mark the records for which you want to perform certification.
  2. Change your Action to U.
  3. Press PF2 to suspend to the A21 command with the marked entries.
  4. Press PF9
  5. After receiving the pop-up box, mark the space with a non-blank character, then press PF10 to save.
  6. This will bring up the next selected record. To perform subsequent certifications, follow steps 4 and 5 until you are returned to LPAB.

Note: If you make a distribution change on the PD command that makes a record require A21 certification, it needs to be completed on PD (via the PF9 - LCert key) before the final approval.

Related Topics

LBPA List BUs with Pending A21 certifications
LPAB List Pending A21 certifications for a BU
LTPD List Txns for a Payroll Distribution
PD Payroll Distribution

List BUs with Pending A21 certifications

Figure 30 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LBPA function.

Figure 30. Data Screen - List BUs with Pending A21 Certifications

 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
  LDOLBPA 1 DEMO  List BUs with Pending A21 certifications - LBPA 08/01/97 13:39
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Date Pd: 08/01/1997 Comp Type: SC
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:     BU:
 List of BUs & pay dates with pending A21 certifications starting from BU:
           --- BU ---              Certifications
     Cmd   No.   Code  Date Paid      Pending
   _ LPAB  1003  ACTT  07/31/1997          9
   _ LPAB  1005  AEED  07/31/1997          4
   _ LPAB  1007  AERS  07/09/1997          1
   _ LPAB  1007  AERS  07/31/1997         17
   _ LPAB  1009  BAEG  07/31/1997         13
   _ LPAB  1010  AGHE  07/31/1997          1
   _ LPAB  1011  AGPB  07/31/1997          2
   _ LPAB  1012  AGRN  07/31/1997         42
   _ LPAB  1027  ARSC  07/31/1997          3
   _ LPAB  1029  ASCR  07/31/1997          1
              BU/Pay Dates     1 thru    10 displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             Forwd

The following sections describe the LBPA function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Using the List".


LBPA allows you to view a listing of all BUs (in BU numerical order) which currently have records with pending A21 certification. You can specify an optional starting value to show a listing beginning with a specified BU. This list is monitored by Research Accounting staff to expedite the A21 certification process.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Using the List

LBPA displays all BUs with currently pending A21 certifications. The list is sorted in order of the BU numerical value. Data included are the payroll date, and the number of pending certifications for the BU for that pay date. The next logical step is to mark selected entries and suspend (PF2) to the LPAB (List Pending A21 certifications for a BU) so that you can see the exact records requiring this certification. See "List Pending A21 certifications for a BU" for more information, and see "A21 Certification of Original Distribution" for more information on the actual certification process.

Finding Pay Dates and Associated Cutoff Dates/Times

Figure 31 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the PDAY function.

Figure 31. Data Screen - PDAY (Payroll Dates And due bYs)

 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
  LDOLBPA 1 PROD  List BUs with Pending A21 certifications - LBPA 08/01/97 13:39
  Command: pday Action: V Emp ID:             Date Pd: 08/01/1997 Comp Type: SC
  CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:     BU:
 +--------------- Payroll Dates And due bYs - PDAY ---------------+ om BU:
 | Press PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys                   |
 |  Starting Pay Date: 07/12/1997                                 |
 |  ------------------------------------------------------------- |
 |  Payrolls with pay dates on or after: 07/12/1997               |
 |                                                                |
 |                Payroll          Payroll         Updates and    |
 |   Pay Date  ____Type_____ ______Status_______ Approvals Due By |
 |  07/15/1997 O  OT/Suppl.  A AcctgDtl updated  07/03/1997 18:45 |
 |  07/16/1997 A  Adjustment A AcctgDtl updated  07/15/1997 18:45 |
 |  07/25/1997 H  Hourly     D DART updated      07/17/1997 18:45 |
 |  07/31/1997 M  Monthly    D DART updated      07/22/1997 18:45 |
 |  08/11/1997 H  Hourly     E Extracted         07/31/1997 18:45 |
 |  08/12/1997 A  Adjustment   Not yet extracted 08/11/1997 18:45 |
 |                                                                |
 |               Payrolls 1   thru 6   displayed                  |
 |                                                                |
 |  PF1=Help  PF3=Quit    PF5=RStrt             PF8=Forwd         | F11--PF12---

The following sections describe the PDAY function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
The PDAY function displays the payroll scheduling dates (including regular and overtime pay dates), the cutoff date for processing for each of these pay dates, and the type or class of payroll. This information is maintained by the Payroll department. It is available as an application independent command in all Human Resources-related BASIS modules and will help you determine the pay dates associated with particular pay periods and payment types, which should make record retrieval easier.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


Input a date in the Starting Pay Date field in the banner. This should be the date with which you would like the listing to begin. In our example, we used 07/12/97, and the listing begins with the next pay date after our banner date. Our list starts with the 07/15/97 pay date, which is the first pay date the system located on or after 7/12/97. Later pay dates continue the list; if enough entries exist so that they cannot all be displayed on a single screen, press PF8 (Forwd) to show later records.

The following data elements are displayed:

Pay Date

The date on which checks will be distributed for approved records.

Payroll Type

A code segregating and categorizing distinct classes of payroll runs, such as: monthly (appointed), hourly, overtime/supplemental, adjustment, etc. These types make audits, tracking, reconciliation and vouchering easier to process.

Payroll Status

Shows where a particular payroll run is in the run/post process. Possible values include: not yet extracted, AcctgDtl updated, DART updated, etc. These values help tell you when you can expect DART (Departmental Accounting) balances to be affected, and when payroll charges will appear in the LABOR system so that any needed reconciliation and/or reassignment of charges can occur.

Updates and Approvals Due By

The date and time by which the submission and approval process must be complete in order to avoid a delay in payment of employee paychecks for the associated pay period.

Appendix A. General System Features


The LABOR subsystem is an NSM Architecture application and therefore is provided with security features common to all NSM applications.

The NSM security features include:

  1. Command Security

    Command security provides a means of restricting a user or group of users from accessing one or more commands within an application. This is accomplished by associating users with a command security group code and specifying which commands may be executed (allowed), or alternatively which commands may not be executed (disallowed). Commands which are not available to a user are not displayed on the menus presented to that user. Command security is inherent in all NSM Architecture applications.

  2. Security Levels

    The NSM Architecture also provides security levels which may be used to limit or restrict the functions performed within a command. The security levels allowed within LABOR are defined below. Security levels are enforced according to the order of the values, from most restrictive to most permissive.

    Level Restrictions Enforced
    2 Inquiry only
    6 Inquiry and Add. No Update
    7 Inquiry, Add and Update. No Delete
    9 Inquiry, Add, Update and Delete

    Each user is assigned a security level by the application administrator. That value determines the maximum privilege that will be granted to the user. Additionally, an administrator may designate a more restrictive security level for specific commands a user is allowed to execute. The lower, more restrictive Security Level is always used.

  3. Security by Value

    Security by Value provides a means of restricting entry to a command similar to Security. This restriction is based on the relationship of the desk/Budgetary Unit of the individual attempting the entry to that of the Budgetary Unit being affected by the entry. For instance, an entry would not be permitted where an individual assigned to a desk in CHEM would make a position status change for a position allocated to ENGR.

Appendix B. General Help Topics

Online Help

Online help is available at the application level, the screen or function level, and the element level. Access to each of these help facilities is as follows:

In addition to these system-wide help facilities, each specific function may provide additional help. Some functions provide for the use of PF4 for decode. The decode function returns descriptions associated with coded values on the screen or retrieves additional associated data. This feature will be described in the command description when it is available, and the PF4 function key will be labeled on the bottom of the screen.

Alternate Entry Formats

Date Formats

A 10-character field is used to display all dates. To ease data entry, the system accepts the entry of a date in several formats and returns it in a standard format. The proper convention is MM/DD/YYYY. A dash (-) or slash (/) is acceptable as a divider between month, day, and year components. You can also enter the date with no dividers. In addition to the above format, the system will accept the following:


The following date ranges are available based on the format used:

When any date outside of the above ranges and formats is entered, it is assumed that a date with only a two-digit year has been typed in over an existing date and only the first two digits are utilized. Whenever a two-digit year is being utilized, if those digits are less than 11, it is assumed to be in the 21st century, otherwise, it is set to the 20th century. For example:

03/17/1799 is returned 03/17/1917
03/17/1800 is returned 03/17/1800
03171800 is returned 03/17/1918
03172100 is returned 03/17/1921
031711 is returned 03/17/1911
031710 is returned 03/17/2010
03/17/11 is returned 03/17/1911
03/17/10 is returned 03/17/2010

Cost Center Formats

An 18 character field is most commonly used for company cost center numbers. To ease data entry, the system accepts the entry of a cost center number in several formats and returns it in a standard format. The system also sets a 15 digit numeric value which is actually stored on the database. The proper convention is 9999 99999-99-9999, where the last four digits are an optional project number that when not entered is returned as zeroes. In addition to the above format, the system will accept the following:

Occasionally, a 15 character field is presented for entry of a cost center number, and an 18 character formatted field is returned. This version was developed to support data-entry intensive functions, where the 15-digit number could be entered and, because that filled the field, the cursor would skip to the next required field without tabbing forward.

How to Use the Employee Name Search Facility

The Employee Name Search facility is available in all Human Resources-related applications: LABOR, PAYROLL, LEAVE, HRLY-TS, and PSB. To access the facility, place your cursor on the Emp ID field in the banner and either press the PF1 key or type a "?" and press Enter.

The Employee Name Search facility assists users in accessing employee records when they do not know the system assigned employee identification (Emp ID) number. The employee database file currently includes approximately 40,000 entries; so there are naturally a number of duplicates or near duplicates. Merely selecting a name from a list has some obvious accuracy risks, such as performing status changes or record additions for an employee other than the one intended. The facility is designed to increase the accuracy of this process by providing certain personal data against which the user can crosscheck:

  1. Birth date
  2. Employment Type
  3. Budgetary Unit
  4. Appointed or Hourly Title
Additionally, if the user knows the employee's Social Security number, there is a validation field available. When a proposed number is entered, the system compares it to the SSN on file for the selected individual and either confirms or rejects the entry. Campus users should be especially careful in adding new employees to the database through the SUNE (Set Up New Employee) function. Numbers can easily be transposed or improperly reported to the department; adding an employee twice under two different numbers can have dramatic and unfortunate effects in terms of proper payroll processing and recordkeeping, as well as accounting reconciliation. Figure 32 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the Employee Name Search facility.

Figure 32. Employee Name Search Parameters

 Enter, mark or position cursor to desired command
  HPOMENU 1 DEMO      Main mENU for hourly time sheets - MENU     07/02/97 08:49
  Command:      Action: V BU:      Emp ID:             Date: 05/10/1997
  HTC:      WR Seq: A
    CMD  Command description +------------------ Required key fields ----------+
    ---- ------------------- |              Employee Name Search               |
  _ SUNE Set Up New Employee | Enter search name in form: last, first/middle   |
  _ WR   Wage Rate           | Perform a phonetic search (Y/N): N              |
  _ UWR  Update Wage Rate    | Confirm selection (Y/N):         Y              |
  _ BIO  BIOgraphical inform | Search for: tay                                 |
  _ HT   Hourly Titles       |                                                 |
  _ MTE  Menu of Time Entry  |                                                 |
  _ MHRC Menu of Human Resou |                                                 |
  _ MLST Menu of LiST comman |                                                 |
  _ MAIC Menu of Application |                                                 |
                             |                                                 |
                             |                                                 |
                             |                                                 |
                             |                                                 |
                             |       0 Employees with matching name(s)         |
                             |         Names 0   thru 0   displayed            |
 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4 | PF1=Help PF3=Quit PF6=Fld Definition            |
       Help        Quit      + ------------------------------------------------+

Entry of Search Parameters

There are three basic parameters which define or limit your search. (See Figure 32).

Change the Perform a phonetic search (Y/N) field to Y if you are uncertain of the spelling of the name for the person for whom you are searching. The value defaults to N, which will yield more tightly confined results if you know how to spell part or all of the name. Note how in our example, we just input "tay." The search facility will bring up all employees on the database file whose names begin with "tay." You may enter as much or as little of the employee's name as you like. As a rule, enter as much of the name as you are sure of, unless you are using the phonetic search. The less you enter, the broader the list of matches. Keep in mind that for common names, such as Smith, you will likely want to include some or all of the employee's first name as well. Make certain that you include a comma after the last name and then one space before the first name. Remember, if you enter more of the name (first, middle, etc.) you might get a shorter list of selections, but you run the risk of missing the person for whom you are searching if he or she is on the database with a slightly different spelling, such as "Scranton, Bill/D" instead of "Scranton, Billy Don."

The final search parameter is Confirm selection (Y/N) which defaults to Y. We recommend leaving this unchanged so that you can validate your selection against the detail information shown in the selection window. Again, it is crucial that you select the proper employee from the 40,000 entries.

List of Matches

After you key in your search parameter and press Enter, the system presents a list of matches in the window. Figure 33 shows the list of matches in the Name Search Window.

Figure 33. Employee Name Search Matches List

 Enter, mark or position cursor to desired command
  HPOMENU 1 DEMO      Main mENU for hourly time sheets - MENU     07/02/97 08:49
  Command:      Action: V BU:      Emp ID:             Date: 05/10/1997
  HTC:      WR Seq: A
    CMD  Command description                      Required key fields
    ---- ------------------- +------------- Employee Name Search --------------+
  _ SUNE Set Up New Employee | Select a name or specify a new search value     |
  _ WR   Wage Rate           | Perform a phonetic search (Y/N): N              |
  _ UWR  Update Wage Rate    | Confirm selection (Y/N):         Y              |
  _ BIO  BIOgraphical inform | Search for: TAY                                 |
  _ HT   Hourly Titles       |                                          Occurs |
  _ MTE  Menu of Time Entry  |  _ TAYLOR, BARBARA/G                          1 |
  _ MHRC Menu of Human Resou |  _ TAYLOR, BARBARA/G.                         1 |
  _ MLST Menu of LiST comman |  _ TAYLOR, BROOKE/                            1 |
  _ MAIC Menu of Application |  _ TAYLOR, JIM/                               1 |
                             |  _ TAYLOR, MARK/D.                            1 |
                             |  _ TAYLOR, SARAH/                             1 |
                             |                                                 |
                             |                                                 |
                             |       5 Employees with matching name(s)         |
                             |         Names 1   thru 6   displayed            |
 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4 | PF1=Help PF3=Quit PF6=Fld Definition            |
       Help        Quit      +-------------------------------------------------+

Tab or newline to the entry or entries you are interested in, place a mark (any non-blank character) in the selection field, and press Enter. If there are more entries on the list than can fit in the window, use the PF8 key to move ahead through the list. If you have selected multiple entries, use the Enter key to move from one selection to another.

The Detail Confirmation Window

When you mark an entry or entries and press Enter you will be presented with the detail window, which provides information to help validate your selection to avoid selecting someone with the same name as your desired employee who is actually a different person. Figure 34is an example of the Detail Confirmation Window for an appointed individual.

Figure 34. Detail Confirmation Window for Appointed employee

 Enter, mark or position cursor to desired command
  HPOMENU 1 DEMO      Main mENU for hourly time sheets - MENU     07/18/97 08:11
  Command:      Action: V BU:      Emp ID:             Date: 05/10/1997
  HTC:      WR Seq: A
    CMD  Command description                      Required key fields
    ---- ------------------- +------------- Employee Name Search --------------+
  _ SUNE Set Up New Employee | Select a name or specify a new search value     |
  _ WR   Wage Rate           | Perform a phonetic search (Y/N): N              |
  _ UWR  Update Wage Rate    | Confirm selection (Y/N):         Y              |
  _ BIO  BIOgraphical inform | Search for: TAY                                 |
  _ HT   Hourly Titles       |   +------------- Employee Details --------------+
  _ MTE  Menu of Time Entry  |   | Select employee or press ENTER to quit      |
  _ MHRC Menu of Human Resou |   |  _ Emp ID: 900792    Birth date: 02/16/1953 |
  _ MLST Menu of LiST comman |   |    Appointed: FAY ACAD 9 mo. 100%           |
  _ MAIC Menu of Application |   |      Associate Professor                    |
                             |   |      DELTA BRANCH STATION (DLST)            |
                             |   |                                             |
                             |   |    Employee names                      Type |
                             |   | 1. Taylor, Stanley K.                   W   |
                             |   | 2.                                          |
                             |   |           Enter SSN to confirm:             |
 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4 | P |  ENTR=Quit  PF3=Quit                        |
       Help        Quit      +---+---------------------------------------------+
Figure 35is an example of the Detail Confirmation Window for an hourly employee.

Figure 35. Detail Confirmation Window for hourly.

 Enter, mark or position cursor to desired command
  PBOMENU 1 DEMO     Menu of Employee/Position commands - MEP     07/18/97 09:07
  Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 04/21/1997
  BU:      CCC:
    CMD  Command description                      Required key fields
    ---- ------------------- +------------- Employee Name Search --------------+
  _ POS  POSition            | Select a name or press PF8 for more             |
  _ SUNE Set Up New Employee | Perform a phonetic search (Y/N): N              |
  _ DIST DISTribution change | Confirm selection (Y/N):         Y              |
  _ PACT Personnel ACTion (C | Search for: EMPLOYEE                            |
  _ PAYS PAY Status (EE,EP,L |   +------------- Employee Details --------------+
  _ LPBD List Positions for  |   | Select employee or press ENTER to quit      |
  _ LEBN List Employees for  |   |  _ Emp ID: 901030    Birth date: 06/22/1975 |
  _ LPCC List Positions for  |   |    Hourly: MULN Clerical Assistant I        |
  _ LEP  List Employee's Pos |   |             PARK   Service Assistant        |
  _ LTDC List Txns for a Dis |   |             HMRS   Clerical Assistant I     |
  _ LTPA List Txns for a Per |   |                                             |
  _                          |   |    Employee names                      Type |
  _                          |   | 1. Employee, Dee Example                W   |
  _                          |   | 2.                                          |
                             |   |           Enter SSN to confirm:             |
 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4 | P |  ENTR=Quit  PF3=Quit                        |
       Help        Quit      +---+---------------------------------------------+

As mentioned above, if dealing with multiple selections, use the Enter key to move from one detail window to another. The hope is that the combination of Employment type (Appointed, Hourly, Not currently employed), the appointed or hourly titles, BU, and the Birth date will allow you to verify that this is the correct individual.

Making a Selection

There are two methods you may use to pull the appropriate Emp ID back to the banner and allow you to process transactions or view lists of data associated with this individual.
  1. If the data in the detail window assures you of the accuracy of your selection, you can tab to the single character selection field to the left of the Emp ID in the detail window and press Enter. This allows you to skip the Social Security validation, exit the facility and move the ID back to the banner.
  2. If you wish to double check your selection by having the system measure a Social Security number entered by you against the value on the database, simply key the number into the Enter SSN to confirm field and press Enter. If the numbers match, the ID will be returned to the banner and you will exit the Employee Name Search facility. If you are incorrect, the system will give you an error message and return to the SSN field to allow another attempt.
Press PF3 to exit the facility without making a selection.

Using the Suspend Feature

The following sections describe the suspend feature (available via PF2):

"Suspending from a List"
"Suspending from Functions Other than Lists"


The suspend feature allows a user to access a second or third function while still retaining the first function in suspended state including any data entered prior to the suspend request. This means that you can suspend to another function without losing what was entered in the first function. Three active levels are permitted. However, suspending to or from a menu or an application independent command is not allowed. The system keeps track of these levels and displays a 1, 2, or 3 respectively, on the current function in the top line of the banner to the left of the command name. The ability to suspend is most useful in the following situations:

  1. While viewing information on a list of transactions or documents, mark selected entries from the list and suspend to a function to view or perhaps update the marked selections.
  2. Midstream in the entry of data for an update, access a table to obtain a value or make a change necessary for completion of the original update.

Depending on the activity the user initiates in the second (or third) function, pressing PF3, PF10, and sometimes PF8 will return the user to the suspended function. When suspended from a function and using an Action that will permit a change in the second function, then PF10 will be labeled "Sav/Q." If the suspended function is a list, pressing PF10 will cause the changes to be saved but will exit the function only if there were no other entries selected in the first function; otherwise the next entry selected in the first function will be presented. If the suspended function is not a list, pressing PF10 will cause the changes to be saved and exit to the suspended function. PF8 will be labeled "Q/Nxt" in the second (or third) function, indicating that pressing PF8 will cause all selected entries to be successively displayed until the function is exited. Pressing PF3 will always result in an exit to the function. A warning message is provided whenever a user's actions would cause a suspended function to be lost (e.g. enter a Command without pressing PF2).

During the suspend process the user may make changes to fields such as Action in the banner. When the functions suspended to are exited, the key fields required by the original function are restored to the values which were previously in effect.

Suspending from a List

The suspend feature is generally used from lists by entering the desired Command and new keys in the banner and then pressing PF2. In this case, the user would select or mark an entry or entries on the list and then enter the desired Command in the banner. In addition, the user might want to check the current Action displayed in the banner, since that is the Action that will be used in the second function. For instance, assume that for a list function the Action is V (View), but an update is desired in the second function; in that case the user would change the Action to U before suspending. If the selected entries do not contain the key fields required for the function to be accessed, then the required fields should be entered in the banner.

The Command and the key fields are maintained as a part of the list when there is a single command that one would normally suspend to, such as the command in which a document was created or submitted. When the Command and the key fields are part of the list, the Command ID will normally be displayed in the leftmost column, and suspending can be accomplished merely by selecting/marking an entry (or entries) and pressing PF2.

Note: The Command (and keys) supplied as part of the list can be overridden by an entry in the Command field in the banner.

When returning to the list from a suspend, the lines which were selected will have a space beside them instead of the underscore. This helps the user keep track of which entries have been viewed. is an example of a list command from the Labor system where the Command and key fields are part of the list.

 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
  LDOLLDE 1 TEST      List Labor Data for an Employee - LLDE      07/15/97 09:25
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID: 120205      Date Pd: 04/10/1996 Comp Type: SC
  CCC: 0202 17000-00-0000 SP/Adj Type:            Thru: 12/31/2099
  List for 120205 Block, Mary J                Paid from: 04/10/96 thru 12/31/99
                 ----Compensation----- SP/  Comp Period
    Cmd  Date Pd Type   Description    Adj Begin      End  Gross Pay  % Fringes
  _ PD   06/25/97 SC Salary - Classifi     06/03 06/17/97     740.00      180.56
  _ PD   06/16/97 O1 Overtime              04/27 05/31/97      14.50        1.23
  _ PD   06/10/97 SC Salary - Classifi     05/17 06/02/97     740.00      180.56
  _ PD   05/27/97 SC Salary - Classifi     05/02 05/16/97     740.00      180.56
  _ PD   05/15/97 O1 Overtime              03/30 04/26/97      56.76        4.82
  _ PD   05/09/97 SC Salary - Classifi     04/17 05/01/97     740.00      180.56
  _ PD   04/25/97 SC Salary - Classifi     04/02 04/16/97   1,110.00      270.84
  _ PD   04/15/97 O1 Overtime              02/23 03/29/97      49.51        4.21
  _ PD   04/10/97 SC Salary - Classifi     03/18 04/01/97     740.00      180.56
  _ PD   03/25/97 SC Salary - Classifi     03/01 03/17/97     740.00      180.56
                                                          ----------  ----------
    Entries     1 thru    10 of    47 displayed             5,670.77    1,364.46
       Help  Suspd Quit

Suspending from Functions Other than Lists

When suspending from functions other than lists, the Command and desired keys must be entered in the banner. After pressing PF2, the current function will be suspended temporarily, and the second function will be displayed. The work being done in the original function is not affected by the suspend or any updates done in the second function. However, it may be that the suspend was initiated in order to add or update information in another function that is validated in the first function. In that case, the validity of data entered in the first function is impacted by the work done in the second function.

PF Key Usage

All valid PF keys are named and the names displayed on the last two lines of the screen, in either Natural format or a PC style format. PF keys that are not valid in a certain circumstance will have their names removed so that they do not appear as valid options. The error message "PFxx is unassigned, valid PF Keys are displayed on the screen" is displayed whenever an inappropriate PF key is entered. The standard PF key usage is:

Key & Name



If new key field values or a new command have been entered, initiate processing for the new keys or the new command issued. Otherwise, validate any entries made in the body of the screen and prompt for the next activity.

PF1 (Help)

Initiate help processing. This will be field help if the cursor is on a field defined with a help routine; otherwise, screen level help will be provided.

PF2 (Suspd)

Suspend the current program and transfer control temporarily to the requested function module. Entry of a command is required.

PF3 (Quit)

Quit the current operation and back up one level in the processing hierarchy:

  • If within a window, return to the primary screen.
  • If within a function module and at level one (no programs are suspended), return to the menu which contains that function module.
  • If within a function module and at a level greater than one, return to the program suspended at the next lowest level.
  • If within a menu, return to the menu that contains that menu command, or if on the main menu, return to the LOGON application. If the current application is the user's default application, sign off Natural.
  • If within the application selection screen of the LOGON application, sign off of Natural.

PF4 (DCode)

Decode selected coded values on the screen by performing lookups and displaying associated names, descriptions, or other information. This key may also be used to explode a selected entry by displaying within a window more detailed information than was available on the original screen.

PF5 (RStrt)

Restart the operation with the keys specified in the banner area (disregard any changes or entries made within the body of the screen). On list functions, any previously marked entries for selection are cleared.

PF7 (Back, PrevS)

Page backward to values or previous screens displayed within the same function module.

PF8 (NextS, NextR, NextT, Q/Nxt, Forwd)

PF8 always moves the user forward to access the next set of data, although the key is labeled and the function is performed in a different manner dependent upon the circumstances.

  • If on a multi-screen function, this key is labeled "NextS" and pages forward to the next screen.
  • On the last screen of a function, or when there is a command or key error, it is labeled "NextR" and will retrieve the next logical record for display.
  • Additionally, within a function that is operating at level 2 or 3 and which was accessed from a suspended list, this key is labeled "Q/Nxt" for quit this function and retrieve the next selection. If no other entries are marked, the effect is a quit to the suspended list.
  • At other times, PF8 is labeled "Forwd" and pages forward to display the next set of records.

PF10 (Save, Sav/Q)

Normally PF10 will save onto the data base any changes that have been made or data that has been entered. Within a function module operating at level 2 or 3, the key is labeled "Sav/Q" to save the changes and then quit that function and return to the suspended function.

PF11 (Options)

This key is provided for the selection of options that may be available in individual function modules.

PF12 (Print or Flip)

On lists where a print function has been associated with the listed items and the user has selected (by default via the user profile or use of the RODS command) a Report Output Destination ID, this key will generate a print (report) of the selected items. On function modules where more than 12 PF keys are defined, PF12 is flip and will flip the display of PF keys to show PF13 thru PF24.


This key flips the display of PF keys to show PF1 thru PF12.

How Your Computer Communicates with BASIS

Although this document includes some technical concepts that may be confusing at first glance, the payoff for digesting the concepts will be your greatly enhanced effectiveness in using BASIS applications. When you know how to control the look of your screen (field colors, color and location of the message line, function key colors, etc.), how to navigate around the screen quickly and efficiently, and how to use your keyboard to perform time-saving tasks, you will find that your work within BASIS progresses more quickly and easily.

The Mainframe Environment

In order to understand some of the discussion below with regard to how your screen looks and how your keyboard functions, we first need to begin with a basic overview of our mainframe environment. BASIS applications live on a mainframe computer and run under CICS and Adabas TPF. These terms may mean nothing to you, but what they signify to you as a user is that you use your PC or Macintosh desktop computer to interface with a computer application running under a very complex and sophisticated mainframe environment. By itself, without a standard interface, your desktop computer would be unable to communicate properly.

3270 emulation

The interface you use is called a 3270 telnet (a TCP/IP protocol) program. These programs come in many different flavors, with different capabilities. But before we discuss the various capabilities, you must first understand a bit about 3270 emulation. The term "3270 emulation" refers to the fact that these software programs interface with mainframe applications by making it look to the mainframe as if your desktop computer is an IBM 3270 terminal (sometimes called dumb terminals). These terminals were the original devices used to connect with mainframe computers many years ago. Typically, they consisted of a monitor (display) and a keyboard, and did not have their own internal processing capability. Once this sort of connection is established, you are in effect no longer using the 486, Pentium, or PowerMac in front of you, but are instead working within the rules and confines of the 3270 environment.

One final note should be made here about 3270 terminals. The 3270 screen is made up of fields, either protected or modifiable. The terminals operate in blockmode which means that the mainframe (BASIS) does not respond to any entries or changes you make to these onscreen fields until you submit the updated screen, usually by pressing Enter or a PF key. This is different from many PC-based spreadsheet, database or word-processing applications you may use where on-screen changes take immediate effect.

3270 terminal types

The term 3270 is a generic one since there are actually three basic types of 3270 connections supported by BASIS, each with different capabilities.
3270 The simplest of the three. 3270 terminals are monochromatic (one-color) displays able to show only normal or intensified (bold) text.
3278 Adds reverse video and underlined text. Among the development team and veteran BASIS users, the reverse video (or reverse highlighting) is a favorite since it allows the user to quickly determine via visual cues which fields are modifiable, required, etc.
3279 The most capable of the emulations. It adds the ability to display text in seven different colors.
You can set your 3270 type, and control the 3279 colors (if supported by your emulation software) through the BASIS user profile screen (accessed by pressing PF6 on the logon screen). See "Maintaining Your User Profile" for further information about customizing the screen.

Generally speaking, if your software and monitor support it, you are encouraged to use 3279 mode since it offers the greatest control over the look of your screen. This is usually available while using a Network or PPP connection, but will not be available while using a non-PPP, dial-up connection.

BASIS Mainframe Keys and Keyboard Mapping

Keyboard mapping is important to you because you need to know which keys on your desktop machine are being used to emulate the 3270 keys the mainframe is expecting. Below we cover some common function keys and other special use keys. If a BASIS program tells you to press PF10, this could literally be any key or any combination of keys on your machine. Generally, default keyboard mapping for emulation programs will use your PC or Macintosh F (function) keys to represent the mainframe PF (programmable function) keys, but other 3270 keys are not so clear. When you wish to move your cursor from one line to the next, or from one field to another, or you want to erase an entry in a field, you need to know how your software represents 3270 keys like Newline, Tab, and Erase EOF (end of field).

Depending upon the 3270 software you are running, you may see variations in the keys used in the default setup, and in your ability to reset, or re-map those keys. This is especially true of dial-up software. Addressing all variations in 3270 emulation software and keyboard mapping is beyond the scope of this document. Instead, this is intended to provide support and explanation for the common usage seen with on-campus PC-compatible and Macintosh computers. Contact Computing Services Help Desk at campus extension 5-2905 with any questions or problems not addressed here. Please be prepared to tell the technician:

Commonly used 3270 keys

The following list shows mainframe 3270 keys. In order to process these keys using your desktop computer, you need to know how your tn3270 software emulates these keystrokes. For that information, please refer to "Common PC-compatible keyboard mapping" for PCs or "Common Macintosh keyboard mapping" for Macintosh computers.
3270 Key Purpose
Enter Submit on-screen entries to mainframe for processing. 5
Insert Toggles between typeover and text insertion.
Home Moves cursor to first input field on the screen (the Command field in BASIS).
Tab Moves the cursor to the first position of the next field on the screen (fields run left to right, top to bottom, and wrap from last field to first field).
Back Tab Moves the cursor to the first position of the previous field on the screen.
Clear Clears (resets) current screen display. This is used in other mainframe applications, such as CMS, but is trapped and will result in an error in BASIS. Instead, PF5 is used to reset a screen.
Erase EOF Erase to End Of Field. This key deletes any characters from the current cursor position to the end of the current field. It is especially handy for deleting lengthy or unwanted text entries, instead of spacing over each character or holding down the delete key.
Newline Moves the cursor to the first position of the first modifiable field which is on a line vertically below the current cursor position. In the example below, we would move from the field One to the field Five with a single keystroke, whereas Tab would require four (4) keystrokes.
One : _____ Two: _____ Three: _____ Four : _____
Five: _____ Six: _____ Seven: _____ Eight: _____

Note: The usage noted below for all PF keys is for BASIS. Other mainframe applications are likely to utilize the PF keys in different manners.

PF1 Help
PF2 Suspend (See Help Topic "Using the Suspend Feature" for more information.)
PF3 Quit
PF4 DeCode
PF5 Restart
PF6 Can vary by application. Often used to access Detail or Percentage windows.
PF7 Back/Previous/PageUp
PF8 Next/Forward/PageDown
PF9 Can vary by application. Often used to access Display or Detail facilities.
PF10 Save
PF11 Options/Comments or other special function
PF12 Flip (change PF key display to show PF13-24) or Print, or other special function.
PF13-24 As assigned for special functions. Usually only available when PF12 is labeled as "Flip." 6
PA1 Access the COM-PASS Natural session manager, which allows you to simultaneously run up to nine BASIS applications (or other Natural applications which run under Adabas TPF).
PA2 Prints the current screen at Computing Services. Since the printout is not identified with a user and will be recycled, please do not use this key.
PA3 Switch to the next COM-PASS session (first setup under the Natural session manager accessed via PA1).

Common PC-compatible keyboard mapping

Again, depending upon your software, the default mapping (or mapping customized by a previous user) may be different. These are common settings seen on many of the configurations around campus. If for some reason they do not work for you, check to see if your software has re-mapping capabilities, and/or contact Computing Services for assistance.
3270 Key PC-Compatible Key
Enter Enter
Insert Insert
Home Home
Tab Tab
Back Tab Shift + Tab
Clear + (plus) on numeric keypad
Erase EOF - (minus) on numeric keypad
Newline End
PF1 - PF12 F1 - F12
PF13 - PF24 (Shift + F1) - (Shift + F12)

Common Macintosh keyboard mapping

3270 Key Macintosh Key(s)
Enter return
Insert apple + i
Home home
Tab tab
Back Tab shift + tab
Clear clear (num lock)
Erase EOF apple + e
Newline shift + return
PF1 - PF12 F1 - F12
PF13 - PF24 (shift + F1) - (shift + F12)

Maintaining Your User Profile

Before reading this section, you should be familiar with the terms and concepts presented in "How Your Computer Communicates with BASIS". Figure 36 shows the user profile screen, which is accessed by pressing PF6 on the logon screen.

Figure 36. Natural User Profile

 Make changes and press ENTER to validate and see the results
                    User Profile for  PCAMPBE   Peter Campbell
   CMS ID:          @                              Default Application:
   Email:                                          Campus Bldg:      Room:
   Report Output Destination ID: PIKE_301_L
   PFKey Format: N           Message Line: T             Terminal Type: 3279
 Color Selections Available to 3279 Type Terminals:    BL GR NE PI RE TU YE
                         Modifiable:     Protected:
  D  Default intensity:  TU   sample     NE   sample    PFKey name: YE
  I  Intensified:        GR   sample     YE   sample    Function:   NE
  V  Reverse video:      TU   sample     NE   sample
  U  Underline:          GR   sample     BL   sample
 Override program assigned colors (T/F): F        Message Line Color: YE
 NSM Field options:    Modifiable default      V   color:  TU    sample
                       Modifiable intensified  V           PI    sample
                       Conditionally protected D           NE    sample
                       Previous value          V           NE    sample
       Help        Quit        RStrt Deflt                   Sav/Q Color Mono
The figure printed here is unfortunately not able to truly represent the look of the 3279 emulation seen onscreen. It will, however, help demonstrate the various modifiable fields which control the look of your BASIS screen.

Beginning near the top, notice the Report Output Destination ID: field. This sets the default location to which report and/or file outputs will be sent. It can also be set via the RODS (Report Output Destination Specification) command. An online help facility is available to help you with your selection; a full description of these choices is beyond the scope of this document.

Just below this, is the Message Line field. This controls the location of your message line. Possible values are:

B Bottom of the screen
T Top of the screen
Just to the right is the Terminal Type: field. This controls which type of 3270 emulation you use, which also of course depends upon the ability of the software you are using to support that level of emulation. Refer to "3270 terminal types" for a description of the differences between these terminal types. Possible values here are:
3270 Basic functionality
3278 Extended attributes
3279 Color support
Below this, you will see the color options available under 3279 emulation:
BL Blue
GR Green
NE Neutral (white)
PI Pink
RE Red
TU Turquoise
YE Yellow
In the middle section of the screen, you control (if using 3279 emulation) the colors used for the four basic field types: default intensity, intensified, reverse video, and underlined. Since each field type can be either modifiable or protected, there are eight color values to be entered here. Essentially, you are telling the system how (which color) to display the various field types. If you are using 3270 or 3278 emulation, none of these color fields will be available, although some tn3270 software allows for a kind of synthetic color specification for different field types under 3270 or 3278 emulation. Such color specification is done within the microcomputer software, rather than in your user profile.

To the right of this middle section are the PFKey name and Function fields, which set the colors for your function key list shown at the bottom of the screen. Below this is the field where you set the Message Line Color.

The last section of the screen allows you to specify further options for some special NSM (Natural Secured Menus) fields, which all BASIS applications use. There are four field types, each of which has two entries:

  1. The type of attribute option you want linked to the NSM field. For example, in the figure, we see that Modifiable default fields are set to be V (reverse video). The options available to you will depend upon your type of emulation. For example, you cannot select V under 3270 emulation since it does not support reverse video.
  2. The color to be used for this NSM field type. In our example of the Modifiable default, we chose TU (turquoise). Again, these colors will only be modifiable if the Terminal Type is 3279.
To save any changes made, simply press PF10.

Glossary of Terms and Concepts

Compensation Type:

Refers to the specific kind of compensation the pay represents. Because a single employee can receive pay for multiple reasons, we need the Comp Type to allow us to differentiate between them (to make retroactive adjustments or to segregate pay with different percentage fringe benefits rates). For example, it is beneficial to be able to separate an overtime O1 pay record from a regular (e.g., SC) one. Then, if you need to change the distribution on only one type of record, it can be easily accomplished. For a list of possible values, refer to either the Quick-Reference materials, or to the Help figures shown in the section of this document titled "How to Find Details for Labor Charges Shown on the DBR."

Compensation Period:

The date range, defined by a beginning and ending date, which represents the time period for which the employee was paid. For example, a regular, appointed employee would have a compensation period of 06/01 to 06/30 for regular pay in June. The beginning and ending dates for hourly pay periods will match those entered on the timesheet(s).

Original Distribution:

The gross pay and percentage fringe benefits charged to cost center numbers as designated by either the distribution in PSB or by a wage rate approval. This data will match the original, summarized wage, salary and fringe benefit charges which show up on your DBR (Departmental Budget Report). Notice the eight digit account numbers to the right of the window in Figure 4. These account numbers are those used on the DBR to categorize charges, and they relate to the compensation type. A listing under account 10511000 on the DBR would be found under Comp Type SN in LABOR. Use the LEOC (List Employees Originally paid from a CCC) command to view this data in LABOR.

Current Distribution:

The gross pay and percent fringe benefits charged to cost center numbers after retroactive changes are made, whereas the original distribution above will always remain the same. If changes have been made and you wish to see the distribution as it now stands, you will need to use any command except LEOC (List Employees Originally paid from a CCC). The other commands will show what is current at the moment, where LEOC may or may not still reflect current actual charges.

Retroactive Adjustment:

A change to an employee's past pay distribution. Only information from payrolls already paid is stored in LABOR, so any change to future payrolls such as title, salary, salary distribution or work location must be handled via the PSB application. Also, if you wish to change an employee's past gross pay you will still need to process a change in PSB since you cannot alter gross pay in LABOR. A retroactive adjustment can be of several types, including: adding, changing or deleting cost center numbers; moving gross pay between cost centers; and combinations of these.

Effective Compensation Date:

This is a key field in the banner and is used to define the compensation period for the record you are requesting. To help you easily access records, the system attempts to fill-in the correct effective comp date based upon the Date Pd. The effective comp date will usually be the ending date for the compensation period, but again, the system will reset this to the appropriate date for any record it finds which matches the other key fields. For example, on the PD (Payroll Distribution) command you will access the proper record as long as you correctly specify the employee ID, the compensation type, and the date paid, unless the record has been split via the SCP (Split a Compensation Period) command. In these cases you will need to supply a date from within the period for the record you are seeking.

TARGET routing/transaction:

The term "Target transaction" refers to any request through a BASIS application which requires an approval or approvals. Examples are wage rates and hourly time approval in the Hourly system, and overtime approval in Leave. In the LABOR application, only the PD command requires an approval. These requests are routed by the cost center criterion used also for wage rates and GJIM fund transfers. When you press the PF10 key to save changes you make to a distribution, they are not immediately effected to the database unless you are working under a desk which is the sole approver for the cost centers involved. Normally, your changes will show as proposed ones (status P, pending) until all approvals are in, and the request is electronically routed as a TARGET transaction through the required desks. After the last approval is received, your request will become the actual, current distribution (status E, effected).

Retroactive Adjustment Number:

After a payroll distribution change is approved, the system assigns it a retroactive adjustment number, also known as an LD (Labor Distribution) number. The LD number will show up on your DBR. You will be able to match these numbers on the DBR and on LABOR to help reconcile payroll distribution changes. The retroactive adjustment number will also be referenced on the DBR by the name of the affected employee.

Percentage Fringe Benefits:

Simply the amount charged to a cost center for the employer portion of fringe benefits. It is based upon the rates maintained by the Payroll Department, currently .5% for students, 8.5% for regular hourly employees, 24.4% for full professional employees, and 22.0% for the special professional rate (see below). Depending upon the compensation type, the cost centers involved will be charged the appropriate percentage of the gross pay for the employee for the pay period.

Actual Fringe Benefits:

Shown in the decode (PF4) window on the PD command. This number represents the portion, for that employee record, of the actual fringe benefits contributions by the University. The calculation depends upon the particular employee title and compensation type as well as the individual benefits.

Fringe Benefits not allowed:

These apply to the special professional rate. Grants and other federal contracts often limit the amount that can be charged for certain employer-provided benefits. In these cases, the limited cost center(s) cannot be charged the full amount. These cost centers are identified by an asterisk on the PD command screen (to the right side of the screen). They are charged at 22.0%, with the rest charged to another cost center number for the budgetary unit.

Certification Required:

When you see this message above the CCCs on the PD command, it refers to the need for A21 Certification for grants and academic departments. Research Accounting will require this certification as well as a transaction comment (created via PF11 CComm/Optns) to approve any transactions routed to their office. Cerification is performed by one of two methods:

  1. Through the A21 command, if the original distribution loaded from payroll includes CCCs that meet A21 criteria.
  2. Through the PF9 (LCert) key on the PD command, if a change (PD) is processed which causes the record to meet A21 criteria. In either case, the approver opens a window with the certification statement. To complete the certification, the reviewer places a non-blank character in the box and presses PF10.

Optional. Enter a value if you want the list to start at a specific point to avoid multiple pagedowns.
The exact date on which paychecks were distributed for a pay period.
The effectve (usually ending) date of the compensation period. For appointed (non-hourly) pay, this is usually the last day of the month. For hourly pay, it will depend upon the time sheets entered. If you pick records from lists this value will be loaded to the banner for you.
This is an optional key field, and should be left blank unless the record concerned is one of the following special compensation or adjustment pay types:
SP Supplemental Pay
CR Cash Receipt (employee returned overpayment)
CAN Cancel (pay check was canceled)
TYP Typed voucher (manual pay check was prepared)
REF Refund (net pay change due to an adjustment of employee deduction)
REV Reversal (changes that do not affect net/gross)
This is distinct from the BASIS save action, which uses PF10 to initiate a TARGET transaction, posts changes immediately to the database, or otherwise commits your action.
For further information on the use of PF keys in BASIS, refer to Help Topic "PF Key Usage."
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