Labor Distribution Quick-Reference

May 1999

What is Labor Distribution?

In its general sense, the term "labor distribution" refers to how payroll expenses have been or will be charged to specific cost centers. The University of Arkansas maintains payroll information for each employee for each payroll. Through the HRLY-TS and PSB applications we can determine what percentage or how many hours of an employee's salary or wages will be charged to a particular cost center.

In addition to providing a mechanism for viewing such historical information, the LABOR application gives departments a way to correct mistakes in past payroll distributions for employees.

Note: LABOR does not allow changes to future payroll distributions. This is done via the PSB distribution (DIST) command.

Labor Distribution provides departmental users with detailed payroll data associated with their payroll charges through lists. The discussion of lists is divided in this document between the use of lists for accounting reconciliation (viewing payroll data) and the use of lists for the purpose of finding data that will be used in the initiation of retroactive adjustments.

The facility through which retroactive redistribution of payroll charges can be effected is the PD (Payroll Distribution) command. LABOR uses the established TARGET routing for company cost centers to present retroactive payroll changes for on-line review.

LABOR data is oriented by employee and by pay record. It is associated with cost centers, not budgetary units. When you are working with departmental information, you will need to know cost centers, and ideally, compensation types. LABOR data is also associated with specific pay dates. All of this related information--cost centers, compensation types (via association with account numbers), and pay dates--is shown on the DBR and the DART LATM screen; it is also readily available through the LABOR list commands.

Phone Help

If you need assistance and can't find the answer in this or other LABOR documentation, call the Department of Human Resources at x5-4851.

The Natural Session Manager

The Natural Session Manager lets you move between Natural applications, such as LABOR, GJIM, DART, PSB, LEAVE, UPS and HRLY-TS without first logging out of an application. It is particularly handy as you use various natural applications to view accounting information. The session manager will allow you to run up to nine Natural applications concurrently.

For details on using the Natural Session Manager, contact Jennifer Carey 575-6134.

Using Suspend

Suspend (PF2) lets you temporarily navigate to another screen. From a list, you can use PF2 to suspend to commands using the key fields associated with an entry in a list. When a command is included on the list, positioning your cursor on the list entry and pressing PF2 will allow you to suspend to the indicated command. You can select multiple entries from a list and press PF2 to work with them in sequence. If you're viewing data, use PF8 (Q/Nxt) to navigate to the next selected entry, or PF3 to return to the list. If you are updating data, pressing PF10 (Sav/Q) saves and then presents the next entry.

LABOR Commands

To initiate a command, you can select it from a menu or type the command in the Command field:

List of commands or functions available in LABOR and their description.
Command Description
A21 A21 certification of original distribution
JOBS JOB Submission
LBPA List BUs with Pending A21 certifications
LEC List Employees paid from a CCC
LEOC List Employees Originally pd from a CCC
LLDE List Labor Data for an Employee
LLEC List Labor data for an Emp for a CCC
LPAB List Pending A21 certifications for a BU
LPCD List Paid dates/c-types from a pay date
LPOC List Paid dates/c-types for an Original CCC
LRAN List Retroactive Adjustments by Number
LTPD List Txns for a Payroll Distribution
LTRS List Transactions by Requestor, Status, and cmd
LTPR List Transactions Pending Review
MA21 Menu of A21 certification commands
MTTL Menu of Target Transaction Lists
PD Payroll Distribution
PDAY Payroll Dates And due bYs
SCP Split a Compensation Period

Compensation Types

There is a direct correlation between account codes shown in DART and on the DBR and Compensation Types used in LABOR.

Account codes and their associated Compensation Type with description.
Account Code Compensation Type (code and description)
10511000 SN, Salary - Non-classified
10511001 SC, Salary - Classified
10511002 LS, Lump Sum
10511003 ST, Summer Teaching (9 mo.)
10511004 SR, Summer Research (9 mo.)
10511007 AL, Annual Leave
10511008 SL, Sick Leave
10511010 XC, Extra Comp - credit
10511011 XN, Extra Comp - non-credit
10511012 XS, Extra Comp - service
10511013 UF, UA Foundation
10511014 RF, Razorback Foundation
10511015 AA, Awards and Allowances
10511050 SA, Service Award
10511070 SP, Special (retirement, etc.)
10511080 SG, Salary - GAs
10511081 GR, GA - Summer Research
10511082 GT, GA - Summer Teaching
20513000 Hn, Hourly, non-student
20513010 Wn, Work Study
20513020 Sn, Student hourly, non-WS
20517000 On, Overtime
30516000 Fringe Benefits

Finding LABOR Data (Using Lists)

Lists provide you with summary information, or with handy ways to find the data you're seeking when you have only part of the information required to get there. A good example of this situation occurs when using the LABOR application. Quite frequently, LABOR users come in search of details about a retroactive adjustment seen in DART or on a DBR.

Retroactive adjustment numbers, prefaced with the letters LD for "Labor Distribution" (as in LD0000013), are used in LABOR in conjunction with the LRAN command (List Retroactive Adjustments by Number) in order to locate a specific payroll adjustment--a PD transaction.

You can select entries on LRAN and then navigate directly to the payroll distribution adjustment, shown via the PD command.

Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
LDOLRAN 1 PROD   List Retroactive Adjustments by Number - LRAN  07/30/97  11:39
Command:       Action: V Emp ID: 100731      Date Pd: 03/29/1996 Comp Type: SN
CCC:                    SP/Adj Type:     Retro Adj No: LD0000013
List of Retroactive Adjustments starting from Number: LD0000013
Default command: PD
Retro                              Comp SP/ Gross      Percent    Date
Adj No      Employee Name Date Pd   Typ     Adj Pay    Fringes    Comp  End

_LD0000013  Allen, John   07/25/95  SN      784.96     141.29     07/17/95
_LD0000014  Cook, Sandy   08/25/95  H1      520.00      39.00     08/15/95

     Help Susp Quit   RStrt   Forwd

Figure 1  Data Screen – LRAN

LABOR payroll distribution records (including retroactive adjustments) are defined by: Emp ID, Comp Type, Date Pd, SP/Adj Type, the Eff Comp Date, and the Co Center No(s). If you know all these keys, you can find any LABOR record immediately. If, however, you only know some of the keys, or the cost center charged, you must use a list to find the record.

If you only know the cost center charged, you probably want to start looking for information with LPOC (List Pay dates and comp types for an Original CCC), which provides a link to LEOC (List Employees Originally paid from a CCC), where you can view a complete listing of employees paid on a certain date under a certain Comp Type. The numbers on LEOC will balance against charges shown on the DBR.

The records also contain the key fields needed to view the PD (Payroll Distribution) record, which can be seen by marking a record and suspending (PF2) or pressing Enter twice. LEOC lists employees originally paid from a cost center; if the payroll distribution has changed, the payroll record may now reflect cost centers different than those specified on LEOC.

The LLEC command (List Labor data for an Employee for a CCC) provides you with a listing of all payroll records for an employee by cost center in the specified date range. It provides you with all the information you need to navigate to the detailed payroll record, on the PD screen.

To view historical payroll information from all sources for a specific employee, use the LLDE (List Labor Data for an Employee) command. LLDE provides summary information in reverse chronological order. From LLDE you can quickly navigate to details on the PD screen.


The DART (Departmental Accounting) LATM command provides summary accounting information, including the same type of information as found in departmental budget reports (DBRs). Among the transactions appearing on this list are two types for which details can be viewed in LABOR: the original payroll charge (identified by the description "Payroll" and having a document number based on the date paid MMDDYY), and retroactive adjustments, identified by a document number of LDNNNNNN. An important field on the LATM screen is the Account code, which correlates with compensation type in LABOR.

To locate detailed information in LABOR about the original payroll charge, use the Comp Type, Date Pd, and the Co Center No in conjunction with the LEOC command.

Select an entry, or enter new keys
LDOLEOC 1 DEMO    List Employees Originally pd from a CCC - LEOC  07/29/97  14:49
Command:       Action: V Emp ID:                Date Pd: 05/31/1997 Comp Type: SN
CCC: 0102 02040-61-0000 SP/Adj Type:
Date Pd: 05/30/1997 Comp Type: SN Salary - Non-classified   Catg: SalNC

Default Cmd:  PD      SP/ Comp  Period     Gross Pay    Fringes
 Emp ID   Employee Name   Adj Begin End    10511000    30516000    at %
_144213   Brown, Clarice W.     05/01 05/31 3,683.75    898.84    24.40
_133372   Calderson, Paul T     05/01 05/31 2,936.41    716.48    24.40
_125081   Sangiere, Lupe V      05/01 05/31 4,456.08    999.98    24.40

                ________  ______
Employees 1 thru 3 of 3 displayed     11,076.24   2615.30

       Help    Susp   Quit          RStrt

Figure 2 LEOC screen showing SalNC pay for 05/31/97

From LEOC, you can navigate directly to the payroll record for individual employees by selecting the desired employee from the list and suspending (PF2) or pressing Enter twice. (See “Using Suspend.” )

Finding Payroll Dates

The PDAY (Payroll Dates Any due bYs) command lists pay dates as well as cutoff dates/times. The pay date (Date Pd) is the date the check was available.

PD Command

The PD command is used to view details about individual payroll records. It also lets you request adjustments to past payroll distributions. The PD command can be used to initiate changes in distribution to past payrolls. It cannot be used to change total gross pay and fringe amounts, or to effect future payroll distribution changes.

Viewing and Reviewing Payroll Data

Since LABOR data is oriented by Emp ID, Date Pd, Comp Type, SP/Adj Type, and Eff Comp Date, the PD screen shows this information with the accompanying cost center distribution. The LABOR record is limited to compensation of a single type; if the same employee received other pay of another compensation type, there will be another LABOR record for the employee. The screen below shows a record for regular hours. This particular PD has been adjusted, as indicated by the transaction action of U (in the banner separator line).

.im ldxpdqr
:figcap.Data Entry Screen - PD showing an adjusted record

The previous values for the payroll distribution are shown beneath the numbered lines. This particular change was to the second cost center, but other elements, such as the distribution of expenses charged to each cost center could have been adjusted as well. Grants and some other cost centers require certification of work effort. In a case such as this one, where a PD change led to the need for certification, the message "Certification Required" appears on the third line below the banner. In other cases, the original load from Payroll includes centers which require certification. In those instances, the A21 command is used. For more detailed information on the entire certification process, please refer to the LABOR User's Manual.

If certification is required on the PD command, the reviewer responsible for the cost center requiring certification must first press PF9 to enter the certification window, then mark the statement with a character and press PF10 to save.

Reviewers may indicate their approval on the transaction screen without certifying the work effort. However, failure to certify the PD transaction, when required, may lead to rejection of the transaction by Research Accounting.

Mark to indicate your certification of the transaction
_ I certify that I have firsthand knowledge of all effort expended by this employee and the
salary distribution(s) shown is/are reasonable reflection(s) of the effort devoted during the
compensation period affected by this transaction.

PF1=Help        PF3=Quit      PF10=Sav/Q

Figure 5.  Certification Window

Actual vs. Percent

The University of Arkansas charges departments a fixed amount for benefits, based on the classification of employees.

The Percentage Fringe benefit is the amount charged to the cost center for the employee's fringe benefits. The Actual Fringe benefit amount, shown in the decode window of PD, is the amount actually paid by the University for the individual employee's benefits for the pay record.

Initiating Retroactive Payroll Distributions (PD)

Retroactive changes are made to adjust payroll accounting; that is, to redistribute the payroll charges to cost centers other than those originally charged for the payroll or in different amounts among the original cost centers.

To initiate a retroactive payroll change, use the PD command with an Action of U. You may start with lists, such as LEOC or LLDE in order to load the banner with required keys for PD (Emp ID, Date Pd, Comp Type, SP/Adj Type and Eff Comp Date). Once you have the desired PD record displayed with an Action of U (the Co Cost Center and Pay Amt fields will be modifiable), redistribute the pay amounts or change cost centers as appropriate. (You cannot change the total pay amount through your redistribution.)

To add a comment to a PD transaction, press PF11 (CComm). Comments are required by Research Accounting for retroactive changes on grant cost centers.

If you wish to redistribute by percentage, press PF6. In the window that appears, change the percentages and cost center numbers as appropriate; then press PF10 to set the changes to be saved with other changes you make on the PD screen. After you return to the PD screen, you can make additional changes, or you can press PF10 to save your distribution changes.

When you press PF10, a PD transaction is created and routed using the TARGET cost center reviewer (CBCC) routing. Once the transaction is approved by all reviewers, the changes will appear in accounting the following day (after the nightly "extract").

After submitting a PD transaction for approval (by pressing PF10 to save), and up until the time it attains final approval, you can withdraw the transaction (only the requestor can withdraw a transaction). To withdraw a PD transaction, display it using an Action of W, press Enter, and then press PF10 to withdraw the transaction.

A handy way to find transactions you've requested is the LTRS command (List Transactions by Requestor, Status, and command).

Splitting Compensation Periods

The most common reason that you may have to split a compensation period is to make a change to a payroll distribution relative to a grant starting date. You cannot use compensation dates outside the effective dates of a cost center. If, for example, a grant opens on the 15th of the month and you want to adjust LABOR records to reflect work on that grant, you can split the original compensation period at the 15th and distribute LABOR expenses in the newly established compensation period which starts on the 15th.  Don't make unnecessary splits to compensation periods!

Splits are permanent; they cause the creation of two LABOR records in place of one. Future adjustments to the original compensation period must be made to each compensation period resulting from the split.

To split a compensation period, use the SCP command (Split Compensation Period) with an Action of U. (You can use a list to load the required banner keys for SCP; either LLEC or LLDE will provide the appropriate keys and are good starting points to find records you want to split.) There is a single modifiable field on the SCP screen. The line directly above the field shows the start and end date for the compensation period of the current LABOR record.

In the Thru field, enter the last day of the first compensation period you wish to define; the second compensation period will begin on the following day. Press Enter to see how the split will affect distribution of payroll charges.

(A split is done in preparation of changing one or both of these distributions through the PD command.) Press PF10 to save the split.

Note: Split compensation periods use the new effective compensation date you identify; the pay date does not change.

Obtaining Updates & Other Documentation

Copies of the latest version of the Quick-Reference materials as well as the comprehensive User's Manual can be obtained at the BASIS site on the Web ( The Manual contains further information about each on-line function, as well as more detailed Help documents, a glossary, and a system outline.