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Position System - Budget


Hotz Hall
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Table of Contents



Processes: "How-To"

Command Reference: Online Functions

Appendix A. Overview of Budgeting Process

Appendix B. General System Features

Appendix C. General Help Topics

Glossary of Terms and Concepts


September 23, 1997


Purpose of this Document

This document is meant to introduce concepts for the BASIS PSB (Position System/Budget) application. In addition to that general purpose, it is intended to provide a detailed reference for the on-line functions, as well as general overview topics in the appendices. See "Manual Sections" for further descriptions of the layout of the manual.

Manual Conventions

The following type/font conventions are intended to make this document more consistent, and easier to use:
  1. Field names (both in the banner and in the body of the screen) are identified in italicized type.
  2. Column headings or screen segments are also identified in italicized type.
  3. These field and column names appear in the exact format and spelling as you will see on-screen, although expanded definitions are often added, either as parenthetical notes or footnotes.
  4. Keys that you need to press in order to perform selected activities will appear in boldface type, as in: To save the transaction, press PF10.

Manual Sections

The heart of this manual consists of the following sections:
Command Reference:
Online Functions Breaks the system down into its single command components. Each command or function is described in a separate section. These sections tell the user:
  1. The "Purpose" of the command.
  2. Which "Key Fields" are required in the banner in order to utilize the command.
  3. Which "Actions" are valid (not included for lists since "Action" is not a "Key Field").

    Note: Both the "Key Fields Required in the Banner" and the "Valid Actions" are shown in easy-to-scan bullet point lists.

  4. Any field and/or system "Validations" which exist that will affect the user's processing of the command.
  5. Comments on how "Processing" of the command works.
  6. Any "Related Topics" which will increase overall understanding of the system and its inter-relationships.
Appendices General help topics ranging from more detailed system definitions, to tips on system usage, to explanation of DART concepts such as Categories, Sequence Codes and Periods.
Glossary Brief definitions of terms and concepts used throughout the manual and within the system.

Note: Step-by-step instructions covering the most common transactions performed in PSB are available in the separate "How-To Guide."


PSB Goals and Objectives

The Position System/Budget application is meant to provide basic position control and budgeting features as part of the BASIS project. The system also provides a feed into existing and future payroll systems.

PSB Mission

To develop a Position System/Budget application responsive to the day-to-day needs of the university, providing management with tools for effective planning and financial control. A core system will be in place for entry of the FY98 budget.

PSB Goals:

  1. The PSB system will streamline and automate the budget process through distributed entry of budget information.
    1. The system will provide for on-line entry of future budget allocation information by departments during the budget cycle.
    2. The system will provide screen designs and printed budget reports that are easily understood.
    3. The system will provide for budgeting of graduate assistants and provisional positions.
    4. The system will provide for identification of budget entries which affect the future year's allocation as opposed to those entries which affect only the current year's allocation.
    5. The system will provide for identification of budget entries which are soft funded, included for payroll purposes, but are not included as part of the operating budget allocation.
    6. The system will provide information which can reduce the number of phone inquiries and manual report compilations.
  2. The PSB system will provide position information for job title management.
    1. The system will provide the ability to track unused (vacant), unallocated, and/or unfunded titles.
    2. The system will track complete position history (establishment, re-classifications, etc).
    3. The system will prevent greater than 100% appointments of individuals.
    4. The system will prevent greater than 100% filling of positions.
    5. The system will provide tools to estimate future position needs and aid in preparation of the legislative request.
    6. The system will complete employee history as related to appointments (position and salary).
  3. The PSB system will facilitate feeding payroll information to MSA, and later to BASIS payroll, providing greater accuracy in the payment process.
    1. Budget will feed payroll with the salary amounts for 12 and 9 month appointed employees. Nine month salaries will be split over 10 months, with one-half of one-ninth of the salary being paid in August, and with one-half of one-ninth of the salary being paid in May. In all other partial month situations, the system will calculate (pro-rate) the proper payment based upon the effective dates within the month.
    2. Cost center distributions of future salary are entered and stored in the PSB system and are used to process payroll transactions, reflected in charges which eventually are loaded to Labor and display on the DBR.
    3. Hourly appointed employees will be budgeted but will not feed the MSA payroll, since their pay is processed through the Hourly system.
    4. Provide reports for payroll balancing, as well as any changes which affect the payroll amount.
    5. Provide controls to the extent possible to prevent an employee from being overpaid. This includes being paid an amount exceeding line-item maximum as approved by the Board of Trustees, as well as classified salaries not exceeding appropriate amounts during hiring, promotion, etc.
  4. The PSB system will enable users to make on-line personnel, budget salary, and salary distribution changes, eliminating the PAF and other systems/paper processes.
    1. Provide for Class/Comp changes, including creating, allocating, and reclassifying positions.
    2. Provide for entering new hires.
    3. Provide for merit increase in pay and mid-year nonclassified increases.
    4. Provide for academic rank promotion before budget cycle.
    5. Provide for changes in new entry level salary.
    6. Provide for entry of leave without pay and return from leave without pay (to suspend payroll functions for those employees).
    7. Provide for adjustments to salary budget.
    8. Provide for promotions/demotions.
    9. Provide for employee appointment changes.
    10. Provide for reclassifications.
    11. Provide for crossgrades and downgrades.
    12. Provide for salary distribution changes.
    13. Provide for position transfers.
    14. Provide for cost of living increases.
    15. Provide for labor market increases.
    16. Provide for off-campus duty assignments (OCDA) and return from OCDA (to adjust the payroll expenditures for those employees).
    17. Provide for changes in shift-differential pay.
    18. Provide for summer appointments for 9-month employees.
    19. Provide for the end of employment of employees.
  5. The PSB system will provide for budgeting of all fund groups.
    1. The system will provide for preparing the operating budgets of all the components of the UA Fund (UA/Fayetteville, AES, CES, ARAS, and the System Administration).
    2. The system will provide for budgeting of plant funds.
    3. The system will provide for budgeting of restricted research fund groups.
  6. The PSB system will provide budget information valuable to resource managers and others monitoring the accounts.
    1. The PSB system will facilitate budgeting at institutional levels of expenditures, such as salaries, wages, fringe benefits, travel, etc.
    2. The PSB system will facilitate period-based and departmental category-based budgeting, which will assist the departments with the day-to-day management and control of their funds.

      Once the budget is finalized, PSB will post budget into the Departmental Accounting system. Departments will then have the option of distributing the budget into meaningful categories and across different months in the fiscal year. 1

      Budget v. actual information for cost centers (and summary centers) will be available on-line, and budget v. actual information for higher levels can be requested in batch and routed to specific destinations, including printers, local IP addresses, and CMS accounts.

    3. The system will calculate and provide accumulated and projected current-year salary savings.
    4. The system will provide for the encumbrance of salaries.
    5. The system will provide for reports that disclose the variances of salary budgets and expenditures.

Future Needs

The system will provide for improved budgeting of summer school expenditures. This may well be a separate system--a special unit based system.

System Principles

Reasonable Cost The system should be developed to provide information and internal control, consistent with the needs of management, at a reasonable cost.
Report The system should be designed to permit effective reporting, both internally and externally, since reports are primary systems products.
Human Factors The system should be designed consistent with applicable human factors, since people are responsible for the effectiveness of the system.
Organization Structure The system should be designed to function in a specific, clearly defined organization structure, since the system should be tailored for the organization to satisfy particular information and control needs.
Reliability The system should be designed to check the reliability and accuracy of financial data, minimize error, safeguard assets, and prevent fraud or other irregularity.
Flexible, Yet Uniform & Consistent The system should be designed to be flexible, yet insure reasonable uniformity and consistency of application in order to facilitate the dynamics of business.
Audit Trail The system should be designed to facilitate the tracing of procedural steps in order to permit the analysis of detail underlying summarized information.
Data Base The system should be designed to enable the rapid and efficient recording and classification of data in order to process it into information for planning, control, and the accomplishment of administrative routine.
Data Processing The system should be designed to provide a meaningful, continuous, and controlled flow of data being processed in order to produce reliable information and facilitate control.

Processes: "How-To"

How to Interpret Information on a PSB List

Users of PSB find much of the information they need on the various lists in PSB. Since so much information is provided in condensed form, some guidance in interpretation of data is provided below.

How Do I Get Started?

  1. For any list you plan to use, consider what information you want to see.
  2. The Date in the banner controls which records are displayed. Therefore you should use a date that either:
  3. Other banner key fields work in much the same way to narrow or expand the selection of information.
  4. Once a list is displayed, you must study it to understand exactly what information you are seeing.

What Do the Abbreviations Mean to Me?

  1. Cmd - usually found at the left side of the screen, this indicates to you the default Command where the system will take you if you choose to suspend (by pressing PF2) without typing a Command in the banner.
  2. Emp ID is always the system-assigned BASIS identification number.
  3. Reason CD explains what change created a new record for the position. A "+" beside the Reason CD indicates that more than one change affected the record. Other reasons used to create the record can be viewed on screen 3 of POS.
  4. Beg Date is the date that the record begins. (Sometimes Beg Date is displayed as Begin.)
  5. End Date is the date that the record ends. (Sometimes End Date is displayed as End.) Refer to the help topic "Effective Dated Records" for more information on beginning and ending dates for PSB records.
  6. Loc - tells what "entity" the position belongs to. Values are:
    AES AGRI Experiment Station
    ARCH Archeological Survey
    AUX Auxiliary
    CES Cooperative Ext Service
    FAY Fayetteville
    SYS System
  7. GD - salary grade
  8. Occ or Occ Code - the occupation code assigned to a particular title.
  9. AP - Appointment Period; 9 month or 12 month.
  10. Pct - This abbreviation for percent is used two ways.
    1. Postion Pct - the position is created with this percent and may only be filled at equal to or less than this percent. This is used primarily to allow us to give a department half a position when the need arises.
    2. Employee Pct - this is the employee's appointment percent and reflects the regularly scheduled percent of 40 hours that the employee works.
  11. BU - this is the four-character alpha code for the budgetary unit, sometimes called a department, although some departments contain multiple budgetary units within them.
  12. TG Pn or TP - a P indicates that there is a TARGET transaction pending on this position.
  13. Pos - the unique position number assigned to a particular title.

    Note: When the Emp ID field is blank this indicates that the position is empty and ready to be filled with a new employee.

Use of the Decode (PF4) function key will display more information about the records displayed. Some of the common abbreviations for the decode window are:

H/A Hourly Appointed
S/T Student Title
S/D on Shift/Differential
LWOP on Leave Without Pay, long term
Code Occupation Code

In general, the easiest way to find information in the PSB system is through the use of lists. Becoming familiar with the way that they function should make your use of the system more efficient. For more detailed information on the use of any list command in PSB, refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Find Employees for a Budgetary Unit

The LEBN (List Employees for a Bu & date by Name) function provides an alphabetical listing of employees for a budgetary unit for a particular date.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input "LEBN" in the Command field and press Enter.
  2. Input the Date, BU (budgetary unit) and Name, then press Enter.

    Note: The Name field can be left blank to view the entire alphabetical listing, or you can input a Name to see the listing starting with a particular employee name.

  3. For more information, mark the employee and press PF2 to suspend to the default command, POS.

Related Topics

For further information on the LEBN (List Employees for a Bu & date by Name) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Find All Changes Made to an Employee's Record

Users often need to know the history of an employee's employment with the University. This history is currently available for individuals who held a job with the University on 4/22/97, and for those employed on or after this date. The entire history or selected records may be viewed on the LEP (List Employee's Positions) command.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input "LEP" in the Command field and press Enter.
  2. Input the Emp ID and the Date (the earliest date you wish to view) and press Enter. A listing of changes made after the date in the banner will be displayed.

    Note: Pressing PF1 with the cursor in the Emp ID field will summon the Name Search Facility.

  3. Select a record or records by marking with any non-blank character.
  4. Press PF2 to suspend to the POSition record for more information.

Related Topics

For further information on the LEP function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Find All Changes Made to a Position

Users may need to know what changes have been processed for a particular position, which includes things such as distribution changes, new-hires, terminations, appointment percentage changes, etc. All changes made since 4/22/1997 are available on the LPP (List Positions by Position) command. You may see all changes or choose to see only selected records.

Step by Step Process

  1. To display all changes for a particular position, go first to LPBD (List Positions for a BU and Date by occ) for your BU and find the position record(s) that you wish to display. (Use "LPBD" in the Command field and press Enter. To scroll ahead, use PF8.)
  2. Press PF4 if you need to display the names of the individuals filling positions in your budgetary unit.
  3. For each screen, mark the selection box(es) for any position(s) for which you'd like to view a history of changes, then press the home key to move the cursor to the Command field.
  4. Input "LPP" then press the PF2 (suspend) key.
  5. For each record, you may need to change the Date (the earliest date you wish to view). If you change the date you must press Enter to redraw the screen.
  6. Press PF8 to scroll through the record(s) you marked until you are returned to the LPBD command.

Related Topics

For further information on the LPP function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Use the Employee Name Search Facility

The Employee Name Search facility is available in all Human Resources-related applications: LABOR, PAYROLL, LEAVE, HRLY-TS, and PSB. To access the facility, place your cursor on the Emp ID field in the banner and either press the PF1 key or type a "?" and press Enter.

The Employee Name Search facility assists users in accessing employee records when they do not know the system assigned employee identification (Emp ID) number. The employee database file currently includes approximately 40,000 entries; so there are naturally a number of duplicates or near duplicates. Merely selecting a name from a list has some obvious accuracy risks, such as performing status changes or record additions for an employee other than the one intended. The facility is designed to increase the accuracy of this process by providing certain personal data against which the user can crosscheck:

  1. Birth date
  2. Employment Type
  3. Budgetary Unit
  4. Appointed or Hourly Title
Additionally, if the user knows the employee's Social Security number, there is a validation field available. When a proposed number is entered, the system compares it to the SSN on file for the selected individual and either confirms or rejects the entry. Campus users should be especially careful in adding new employees to the database through the SUNE (Set Up New Employee) function. Numbers can easily be transposed or improperly reported to the department; adding an employee twice under two different numbers can have dramatic and unfortunate effects in terms of proper payroll processing and recordkeeping, as well as accounting reconciliation. Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the Employee Name Search facility.

Figure 1. Employee Name Search Parameters

 Enter, mark or position cursor to desired command
  HPOMENU 1 DEMO      Main mENU for hourly time sheets - MENU     07/02/97 08:49
  Command:      Action: V BU:      Emp ID:             Date: 05/10/1997
  HTC:      WR Seq: A
    CMD  Command description +------------------ Required key fields ----------+
    ---- ------------------- |              Employee Name Search               |
  _ SUNE Set Up New Employee | Enter search name in form: last, first/middle   |
  _ WR   Wage Rate           | Perform a phonetic search (Y/N): N              |
  _ UWR  Update Wage Rate    | Confirm selection (Y/N):         Y              |
  _ BIO  BIOgraphical inform | Search for: tay                                 |
  _ HT   Hourly Titles       |                                                 |
  _ MTE  Menu of Time Entry  |                                                 |
  _ MHRC Menu of Human Resou |                                                 |
  _ MLST Menu of LiST comman |                                                 |
  _ MAIC Menu of Application |                                                 |
                             |                                                 |
                             |                                                 |
                             |                                                 |
                             |                                                 |
                             |       0 Employees with matching name(s)         |
                             |         Names 0   thru 0   displayed            |
 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4 | PF1=Help PF3=Quit PF6=Fld Definition            |
       Help        Quit      + ------------------------------------------------+

Entry of Search Parameters

There are three basic parameters which define or limit your search. (See Figure 1).

Change the Perform a phonetic search (Y/N) field to Y if you are uncertain of the spelling of the name for the person for whom you are searching. The value defaults to N, which will yield more tightly confined results if you know how to spell part or all of the name. Note how in our example, we just input "tay." The search facility will bring up all employees on the database file whose names begin with "tay." You may enter as much or as little of the employee's name as you like. As a rule, enter as much of the name as you are sure of, unless you are using the phonetic search. The less you enter, the broader the list of matches. Keep in mind that for common names, such as Smith, you will likely want to include some or all of the employee's first name as well. Make certain that you include a comma after the last name and then one space before the first name. Remember, if you enter more of the name (first, middle, etc.) you might get a shorter list of selections, but you run the risk of missing the person for whom you are searching if he or she is on the database with a slightly different spelling, such as "Scranton, Bill/D" instead of "Scranton, Billy Don."

The final search parameter is Confirm selection (Y/N) which defaults to Y. We recommend leaving this unchanged so that you can validate your selection against the detail information shown in the selection window. Again, it is crucial that you select the proper employee from the 40,000 entries.

List of Matches

After you key in your search parameter and press Enter, the system presents a list of matches in the window. Figure 2 shows the list of matches in the Name Search Window.

Figure 2. Employee Name Search Matches List

 Enter, mark or position cursor to desired command
  HPOMENU 1 DEMO      Main mENU for hourly time sheets - MENU     07/02/97 08:49
  Command:      Action: V BU:      Emp ID:             Date: 05/10/1997
  HTC:      WR Seq: A
    CMD  Command description                      Required key fields
    ---- ------------------- +------------- Employee Name Search --------------+
  _ SUNE Set Up New Employee | Select a name or specify a new search value     |
  _ WR   Wage Rate           | Perform a phonetic search (Y/N): N              |
  _ UWR  Update Wage Rate    | Confirm selection (Y/N):         Y              |
  _ BIO  BIOgraphical inform | Search for: TAY                                 |
  _ HT   Hourly Titles       |                                          Occurs |
  _ MTE  Menu of Time Entry  |  _ TAYLOR, BARBARA/G                          1 |
  _ MHRC Menu of Human Resou |  _ TAYLOR, BARBARA/G.                         1 |
  _ MLST Menu of LiST comman |  _ TAYLOR, BROOKE/                            1 |
  _ MAIC Menu of Application |  _ TAYLOR, JIM/                               1 |
                             |  _ TAYLOR, MARK/D.                            1 |
                             |  _ TAYLOR, SARAH/                             1 |
                             |                                                 |
                             |                                                 |
                             |       5 Employees with matching name(s)         |
                             |         Names 1   thru 6   displayed            |
 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4 | PF1=Help PF3=Quit PF6=Fld Definition            |
       Help        Quit      +-------------------------------------------------+

Tab or newline to the entry or entries you are interested in, place a mark (any non-blank character) in the selection field, and press Enter. If there are more entries on the list than can fit in the window, use the PF8 key to move ahead through the list. If you have selected multiple entries, use the Enter key to move from one selection to another.

The Detail Confirmation Window

When you mark an entry or entries and press Enter you will be presented with the detail window, which provides information to help validate your selection to avoid selecting someone with the same name as your desired employee who is actually a different person. Figure 3is an example of the Detail Confirmation Window for an appointed individual.

Figure 3. Detail Confirmation Window for Appointed employee

 Enter, mark or position cursor to desired command
  HPOMENU 1 DEMO      Main mENU for hourly time sheets - MENU     07/18/97 08:11
  Command:      Action: V BU:      Emp ID:             Date: 05/10/1997
  HTC:      WR Seq: A
    CMD  Command description                      Required key fields
    ---- ------------------- +------------- Employee Name Search --------------+
  _ SUNE Set Up New Employee | Select a name or specify a new search value     |
  _ WR   Wage Rate           | Perform a phonetic search (Y/N): N              |
  _ UWR  Update Wage Rate    | Confirm selection (Y/N):         Y              |
  _ BIO  BIOgraphical inform | Search for: TAY                                 |
  _ HT   Hourly Titles       |   +------------- Employee Details --------------+
  _ MTE  Menu of Time Entry  |   | Select employee or press ENTER to quit      |
  _ MHRC Menu of Human Resou |   |  _ Emp ID: 900792    Birth date: 02/16/1953 |
  _ MLST Menu of LiST comman |   |    Appointed: FAY ACAD 9 mo. 100%           |
  _ MAIC Menu of Application |   |      Associate Professor                    |
                             |   |      DELTA BRANCH STATION (DLST)            |
                             |   |                                             |
                             |   |    Employee names                      Type |
                             |   | 1. Taylor, Stanley K.                   W   |
                             |   | 2.                                          |
                             |   |           Enter SSN to confirm:             |
 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4 | P |  ENTR=Quit  PF3=Quit                        |
       Help        Quit      +---+---------------------------------------------+
Figure 4is an example of the Detail Confirmation Window for an hourly employee.

Figure 4. Detail Confirmation Window for hourly.

 Enter, mark or position cursor to desired command
  PBOMENU 1 DEMO     Menu of Employee/Position commands - MEP     07/18/97 09:07
  Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 04/21/1997
  BU:      CCC:
    CMD  Command description                      Required key fields
    ---- ------------------- +------------- Employee Name Search --------------+
  _ POS  POSition            | Select a name or press PF8 for more             |
  _ SUNE Set Up New Employee | Perform a phonetic search (Y/N): N              |
  _ DIST DISTribution change | Confirm selection (Y/N):         Y              |
  _ PACT Personnel ACTion (C | Search for: EMPLOYEE                            |
  _ PAYS PAY Status (EE,EP,L |   +------------- Employee Details --------------+
  _ LPBD List Positions for  |   | Select employee or press ENTER to quit      |
  _ LEBN List Employees for  |   |  _ Emp ID: 901030    Birth date: 06/22/1975 |
  _ LPCC List Positions for  |   |    Hourly: MULN Clerical Assistant I        |
  _ LEP  List Employee's Pos |   |             PARK   Service Assistant        |
  _ LTDC List Txns for a Dis |   |             HMRS   Clerical Assistant I     |
  _ LTPA List Txns for a Per |   |                                             |
  _                          |   |    Employee names                      Type |
  _                          |   | 1. Employee, Dee Example                W   |
  _                          |   | 2.                                          |
                             |   |           Enter SSN to confirm:             |
 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4 | P |  ENTR=Quit  PF3=Quit                        |
       Help        Quit      +---+---------------------------------------------+

As mentioned above, if dealing with multiple selections, use the Enter key to move from one detail window to another. The hope is that the combination of Employment type (Appointed, Hourly, Not currently employed), the appointed or hourly titles, BU, and the Birth date will allow you to verify that this is the correct individual.

Making a Selection

There are two methods you may use to pull the appropriate Emp ID back to the banner and allow you to process transactions or view lists of data associated with this individual.
  1. If the data in the detail window assures you of the accuracy of your selection, you can tab to the single character selection field to the left of the Emp ID in the detail window and press Enter. This allows you to skip the Social Security validation, exit the facility and move the ID back to the banner.
  2. If you wish to double check your selection by having the system measure a Social Security number entered by you against the value on the database, simply key the number into the Enter SSN to confirm field and press Enter. If the numbers match, the ID will be returned to the banner and you will exit the Employee Name Search facility. If you are incorrect, the system will give you an error message and return to the SSN field to allow another attempt.
Press PF3 to exit the facility without making a selection.

How to Add a New Employee to the System

The SUNE (Set Up New Employee) command is used to establish an employee ID (Emp ID) and to gather all of the information necessary to add that employee to the database. The SUNE command is available in both the PSB and HRLY-TS systems.

Step by Step Process

  1. Name Search. Since an employee only gets added to the system once, the first step is to verify that they are not already there. The Employee Name Search facility (see the previous "How-To" topic) is the easiest and most accurate way to do this.
  2. Input "SUNE" in the Command field, use an Action of A, and the employee's SSN as it appears on the Social Security card, and press Enter.
  3. Input the Name as it appears on the Social Security card
  4. Input the Address information.

    Note: If the Name and Address fields are not modifiable, this is an indication that the W4 or I9 has been received and input by Human Resources. The Name and Address on those documents has priority over information on SUNE.

  5. Input the Gender(F/M), Racial/Ethnic, and Date of Birth. Field help is available by pressing PF1 while the cursor is positioned in any of these input fields.
  6. Input the Hourly Check Distribution BU. This field is required for a new employee to establish a default check sort. It simply denotes the location to which hourly checks will be delivered.
  7. Press PF10 to save and add the employee to the database.

Related Topics

For further information on the SUNE (Set Up New Employee) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Hire a New Appointed Employee

Within the PSB system, the PACT (Personnel ACTion) command is used to place an employee in an appointed position to compensate them for their work effort.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input "LEP" in the Command field and press Enter.
  2. Input the Emp ID or perform a name search. This step is to insure that the employee is not already in a position. If the employee is not on the system you will have do a Set Up New Employee (SUNE) before the appointment. See "How to Add a New Employee to the System."
  3. Press Enter.
  4. If the employee is currently in a position with a 2099 End Date, you will not do a new hire.
  5. If the employee does not have a position with a 2099 End Date, go to Step 6.
  6. Input "LPBD" in the Command field, and the current Date, and press Enter. This list function allows a departmental representative to see the empty positions for the Date within the banner.
  7. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  8. The body of the screen should now be modifiable. If not, read the message/error line to identify the problem.
  9. Input the following information in the body of the screen.
  10. Make any necessary comments, then press PF10 to save the record and submit it for approval.

Related Topics

For further information on the PACT (Personnel ACTion) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Change a Cost Center Number Distribution

The DIST (DISTribution Change) function is used to update the company cost center distribution for a position in your budgetary unit. Cost center distributions are used to properly charge the employee's salary during a payroll run. The distribution change may be processed whether or not the position is filled.

Step by Step Process

  1. You must first find the Position by using LEBN (List Employees for a Bu & Date by Name) or LPBD (List Positions for a Bu and Date by occ) and LEP (List Employee's Positions).
  2. After selecting the Position you wish to change, type "DIST" in the Command field and press Enter.

    Note: You may only change the cost center distribution for payrolls which have not yet been processed. If you have a question about these processing dates, refer to the PDAY (Payroll Dates And due bYs) function in the PSB, HRLY-TS or LABOR applications.

  3. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  4. Input the CCC (company cost center) number(s) you want to be charged for the employee's pay.
  5. Input the Percent for each cost center.
  6. Include a brief explanation of the change you have made in the Comment field.
  7. Press PF10 to save.

Note: As with everywhere in BASIS, if you change a key field in the banner you must press Enter in order to update the body of the screen based upon the new banner fields. If you've already made changes, the system will issue a warning message and you'll have to press Enter a second time to redraw the screen and begin the update based upon the new key field(s). In the case of a distribution change, if you alter the date in the banner after starting a distribution change, you must press Enter in order for the system to recognize that you wish to use a different starting date for the DIST.

The DIST function has a special pay calculation window available which displays the dollar amount to be charged for each cost center for a filled Position. This function key is only available when the Position is filled because it calculates based upon the Employee Annual Salary. By pressing PF6, you can see two calculations:

  1. Through the end of the month, (or the End Date of the DIST, if sooner).
  2. Through the end of the fiscal year (or the End Date of the DIST, if sooner).
You can use this feature to immediately see the effect of your changes, even before saving. This allows you to manipulate the percentages on your cost center numbers on DIST to arrive at an exact, desired distribution.

This is a TARGET transaction that goes to the cost center number owners for approval.

Related Topics

For further information on the DIST (DISTribution Change) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Process a Promotion/Demotion

A promotion or demotion is processed when a classified employee's appointment Position and Grade change. This is done via the PACT (Personnel ACTion) function.

The effect of changing a classified employee's grade up or down one grade is a 6% increase or decrease in the annual salary, or the entry level for the new position, whichever is higher. The effect of changing a grade up or down two grades or more is a increase or decrease of 8% in the employee's annual salary, or the entry level for the new position, whichever is higher.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input "LEP" in the Command field and press Enter.
  2. Input the current Date and the Emp ID, then press Enter again to obtain the employee's position(s). (If you do not know the Emp ID, you may use the Employee Name Search facility.)
  3. Note the last position number listed. (You will need to input this number as the From Position in step #10.)
  4. Input "LPBD" in the Command field and press Enter.
  5. Input the current Date and press Enter.
  6. Select the Position that is to be filled.

    Note: No Emp ID will be displayed for the empty position.

  7. Mark with a non-blank character.
  8. Type "PACT" in the Command field.
  9. Press PF2 or press Enter twice. (Using the PF2 suspend key preserves your link to the original list.)
  10. Input the following keys in the banner and press Enter:
  11. Input the following information:
  12. Press PF10 to save the record and submit it for approval.

Related Topics

For further information on the PACT (Personnel ACTion) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Process a Lateral Change

A lateral change must be made when an employee moves from one classified position to another classified position of an equal grade. To process a lateral change, use the PACT (Personnel ACTion) function.

Step by Step Process

  1. Type "LEP" in the Command field.
  2. Press Enter.
  3. Note the last Position number listed. (You will need to input this number as the From Position in step #10).
  4. Input "LPBD" in the Command field and press Enter. (The LPBD function allows a departmental representative to see the empty positions for the Date within the banner.)
  5. Input the current Date and press Enter again.
  6. Select the empty Position (no Emp ID) that is to be filled.

    Note: The grade of the To and From Position must be the same. Lateral change can only be used for classified positions.

  7. Mark with a non-blank character.
  8. Type "PACT" in the Command field
  9. Press PF2 or press Enter twice. (Using the PF2 suspend key preserves your link to the original list.)
  10. Input the following keys in the banner and press Enter:
  11. Input the following information:
  12. Press PF10 to save the record and submit it for approval.

Related Topics

For further information on the PACT (Personnel ACTion) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Process a Change Position

A change position must be processed when an employee changes appointment positions and either or both of the positions are non-classifed. These changes are made via the PACT (Personnel ACTion) command.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input "LEP" in the Command field and press Enter.
  2. Input the current Date and the Emp ID, then press Enter again to obtain the employee's position. (You may use the Employee Name Search facility if this number is unknown.)
  3. Note the last Position number listed. (You will need to input this number as the From Position in step #10.)
  4. Input "LPBD" in the Command field and press Enter.

    This list function allows a departmental representative to see the empty positions for the date within the banner.

  5. Input the current Date and press Enter again.
  6. Select the empty position that is to be filled. (Either the To or From Position must be a non-classified position.)
  7. Mark with a non-blank character
  8. Type "PACT" in the Command field
  9. Press PF2 or press Enter twice. (Using the PF2 suspend key preserves your link to the original list.)
  10. Input the following keys in the banner and press Enter:
  11. Input the following information:
  12. Press PF10 to save the record and submit it for approval.

Related Topics

For further information on the PACT function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Process a Leave Without Pay (Long Term)

A leave without pay is processed to temporarily suspend the pay of an employee who is absent from work and who has exhausted all leave available.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input "LEP" in the Command field and press Enter.
  2. Input the current Date and the Emp ID, then press Enter to view the most recent Positions filled by your employee.
  3. Mark the last Position record with any non-blank character, input "PAYS" in the Command field and press PF2.
  4. You will arrive at the PAYS (PAY Status) screen.
  5. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  6. Provide a brief explanation in the Comment field.
  7. Press PF10 to save the record.

    When you change the Action to V you will notice that the field with the tag On LWOP now has a "Y" (for yes). The system will calculate and pay the employee only through the day prior to the date which you have indicated for the LWOP to begin.

    Note: The effect of this action can be seen by suspending to POS, changing the Action to V and pressing PF6.

    The process for removing the employee from LWOP and returning him to a paid status is identical since an update on PAYS using reason code LW simply toggles the LWOP flag back and forth.

  8. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  9. Notice that the field On LWOP still shows a "Y."
  10. Provide a brief explanation in the Comment field.
  11. Press PF10 to save the record.

    You will notice that the field with the tag On LWOP now has an "N" (for no). The system will calculate and pay the employee beginning with the date which you have indicated for the return from LWOP.

    Note: The effect of this action can be seen by suspending to POS, changing the Action to V and pressing PF6.

Related Topics

For further information on the PAYS (PAY Status) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Change an Employee's Percent Appointment

Changing an employee's percent appointment enables the system to correctly pay an employee who has changed the standard number of hours worked in a week.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input "LEP" in the Command field and press Enter.
  2. Input the current Date and the Emp ID, and press Enter again to view the most recent Position(s) filled by the employee.
  3. Mark the last Position record with any non-blank character, input "PACT" in the Command field and press PF2 to suspend.
  4. You will arrive at the PACT (Personnel Action) command.
  5. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  6. The body of the screen should now be modifiable. If not, read the message/error line to identify the problem.
  7. Input the Position Pct which reflects the employee's appointment.
  8. Include a brief explanation in the Comment field.
  9. Press PF10 to save the record.
The system will calculate and display the Annual Salary at the new employee Position Percent.

Note: The immediate effect of this action can be seen by suspending to POS, changing the Action to V and pressing PF6.

Related Topics

For further information on the PACT function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Process an End Employment (Termination)

The End Employment process removes an employee who has separated from service from the position record so that he or she is no longer appointed and paid.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input "LEP" in the Command field and press Enter.
  2. Input the current Date and the Emp ID, then press Enter to view the most recent Position(s) filled by the employee.
  3. Mark a position record with any non-blank character, input "PAYS" in the Command field and press PF2 to suspend.
  4. The system brings you to the PAYS (PAY Status) command.
  5. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  6. The body of the screen should now be modifiable. If not, read the message/error line to identify the problem.
  7. You must provide a brief explanation in the Comment field. This is a required field.
  8. Press PF10 to save the record.
The system will calculate and pay the employee only through the Date Terminated displayed in the body of the screen.

Note: The effect of this action can be seen by suspending to POS, changing the Action to V, entering the termination Date in the banner, and pressing PF6.

Related Topics

For further information on the PAYS (Pay Status) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Process a Non-Classified Salary Change

This process compensates non-classified employees who have been approved for a salary change outside of the budget cycle.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input "LPBD" in the Command field and press Enter.
  2. Input your BU and, if desired, a Date and/or an Occ Cd to further limit the display.
  3. Press Enter and find the Position record for the employee you wish to affect. Pressing PF4 will decode the names of the individuals filling positions.
  4. Mark the position with any non-blank character.
  5. Input "PACT" in the Command field and press PF2.
  6. The system will switch to the PACT function.
  7. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  8. The Annual Salary field displays the current annual salary. Change the salary to the authorized salary.
  9. Input an appropriate comment in the Comment field.
  10. Press PF10 to save.

The annual salary is updated to show the new salary. The immediate effect of this can be verified by going to POS, using the date of the NS in the banner, and pressing PF6.

Related Topics

For further information on the PACT function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Process an Off Campus Duty Assignment

The purpose of this change is to pay professors who have applied for and received approval for an off-campus duty assignment at half their annual salary. Professors who will continue to be paid a full salary will require no change in PSB.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input "LPBD" in the Command field and press Enter.
  2. Input your BU and, if desired, a Date and/or an Occ Cd to further limit the display.
  3. Press Enter and find the Position record for the employee you wish to affect. Pressing PF4 will display the names of the individuals filling positions.
  4. Mark the position with any non-blank character.
  5. Input "PAYS" in the Command field and press PF2.
  6. You will be switched to the PAYS function.
  7. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  8. Include a brief explanation in the Comment field.
  9. Press PF10 to save.
Note: When you change your Action to V, you will notice that the On OCDA flag is now set to "Y."

Although the displayed Annual Salary, or base salary, does not change, the employee's pay will be decreased by half. The immediate effect of this can be verified by going to POS, using the date of the OC in the banner, and pressing PF6.

Related Topics

For further information on the PAYS (PAY Status) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Process a Shift Differential

A shift differential allows public safety officers and other selected OPM-approved titles to be compensated at a higher rate when scheduled to work hours at variance with the normal university work day. The SD Reason CD is only available for use on titles that have a Shift Differential marked on the OCC (Occupation) table.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input "LPBD" in the Command field and press Enter.
  2. Input your BU and, if desired, a Date and/or an Occ Cd to further limit the display.
  3. Press Enter and find the Position record for the employee you wish to affect. Pressing PF4 will display the names of the individuals filling positions.
  4. Mark the position that you desire with any non-blank character.
  5. Input "PACT" in the Command field and press PF2.
  6. You will be switched to the PACT function.
  7. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  8. Input a brief explanation in the Comment field.
  9. Press PF10 to save.
Note: You will notice that the On Shift/Diff flag is now set to "Y."

Although the displayed Annual Salary does not change, the employee's pay will be increased by the percentage allowed on the CTLD (ConTroL Data) table. The immediate effect of this can be verified by going to POS, using the Date of the SD in the banner, and pressing PF6.

Related Topics

For further information on the PACT function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Delete a Future or Same-Dated Reason Code

Occasionally PSB users are required to delete a future or same dated Reason CD. This normally occurs when a change has been made to the position record and another change to the Position is processed which would affect the way that the pay is calculated. In order for the pay to be correct the changes must be processed in sequential order. Users see messages similar to:

"PD record dated 04/01/97 must be deleted before proceeding"

"Reason code PD on the from position is invalid for the same day"

How to Tell Who Must Delete a Record

  1. When you find the record that must be deleted, you need to determine whether you must call someone to delete or whether you can delete it yourself.
  2. As a departmental user, you may only delete a Reason CD that is related to PAYS:
    LW Leave Without Pay
    OC Off Campus Duty Assignment
    EE End Employment
  3. Or these items on PACT:
    NH New Hire
    EP Employee Percent
    PD Promotion/Demotion
    CP Change of Position
    LC Lateral Change
    SD Shift/Diff
    NS Non-Classified Salary Change
    NR Null Record
  4. You must contact Human Resources at extension 5-4851 for all other Reason CDs.

To See a Display of Reason CDs for a Position and Date

There are several ways to access the information. Sometimes it is helpful to use a combination of commands to find the exact information you need.
  1. When you get an error message referring to a later or same-day- dated record that must be acted upon before proceeding, enter "POS" in the Command field. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  2. Press PF8 to page forward through the position record information.
  3. Press PF7 to page backwards.
  4. Screen 3 of POS is the audit information and displays reason codes for a Date.

Another way to view the information is through LEP or LPP.

  1. When you get an error message type the following keys in the banner and press Enter:

    Note: Since the Emp ID and Position are already filled in, you will not need to re-enter those fields.

  2. All records created for your employee (LEP) or your Position (LPP) on or after the Date in the banner will be displayed.
  3. Select the offending Reason CD and suspend to PAYS or PACT.

    Note: If there is a "+" beside the Reason CD, then there is more than one code making up the record. Suspend to POS to see what other codes must be deleted. The last Reason CD must be deleted first.

How to Delete an EP (Employee Percent)

  1. You will see a message similar to:

    "Future reason code EP on From record must be deleted before proceeding"

  2. Page forward (and backward, if needed) through POS as decribed above until you find the offending Reason CD.
  3. Input "PAYS" in the Command field and press Enter.
  4. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  5. You will see a message that says:
  6. Make a note of the Date and Position Percent of appointment so that you can re-enter the information after you have completed your other transaction if it is still appropriate.

How to Delete a LW (Leave Without Pay)

  1. You will see a message similar to:

    "LW record dated 06/01/97 must be deleted before proceeding"

  2. Type "LEP" in the Command field and press Enter.
  3. Mark the record referred to in the error message.
  4. Type "PAYS" in the Command field and press PF2 to suspend to the record you have marked.
  5. Input an Action of D
  6. You will get a message similar to:
  7. Make a note of the Begin Date of the LWOP to re-process after making your other change.
  8. Press PF10 to delete.

How to Delete a SD (Shift Differential)

  1. You will see a message similar to:

    "SD record dated 04/01/97 must be deleted before proceeding."

  2. Type "LEP" in the Command field and press Enter.
  3. Mark the record referred to in the error message.
  4. Type "PAYS" in the Command field and press PF2 to suspend to the record you have marked.
  5. Input an Action of D and press Enter.
  6. You will get a message similar to:

    "Press PF10 to delete Pos:4650 Date:04/01/1997"

  7. Make a note of the Begin Date of the shift differential to re-process after making your other change.
  8. Press PF10 to delete.

How to Delete Other PAYS Records

For Reason CDs OC and NS the procedure is the same as for SD, LW and EP.

How to Delete an EE (end of employment)

  1. You will see a message similar to:

    "EE record dated 04/16/97 must be deleted before proceeding"

  2. Go to PAYS.
  3. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  4. You will get a message similar to:

    "Press PF10 to delete Pos:4667 Date:04/17/1997"

  5. Make a note of the Date of the EE to re-process after making your other change.
  6. Press PF10 to delete.

How to Delete PACT Transactions

PACT deletions are different than others in one basic way. When deleting an approved TARGET transaction, the deletion must also be approved through the same approval chain as used in the original transaction. This means that the reviewers must approve your request to delete the record. Once you have completed the change that necessiated the removal of the PACT record, you will need to re-input it, and it will again be subject to TARGET review.

How to Delete a NH (New Hire)

If your employee never shows up to work after being hired, and is not to be paid for even one day, you will want to delete the NH.
  1. After finding your position record through the use of lists, go to LTPA, input the following in the banner, and press Enter:
  2. Mark the entry with a non-blank character and suspend to PACT.
  3. Change the Action to D and press PF10.
  4. This will create a TARGET transaction which must be approved through the normal chain of approval.

Note: The same procedure is followed for PD, CP and LC.

How to Delete a NR (Null Record)

  1. You will see a message similar to:

    "NR record dated 04/01/97 must be deleted before proceeding"

  2. This indicates that a PACT has been done to move an employee out of your record, which creates the NR.
  3. For the Date in the banner, look at screen 1 of POS.
  4. At the bottom of the screen is a message line that reads:

    "Change effected from position: / to position: 4637"

  5. This indicates that 4637 is the Position number to investigate.
  6. Go to LTPA.
  7. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  8. You will see a listing of transactions for the Position indicated.
  9. Find the one marked with Status E.
  10. Mark with a non-blank character and suspend to PACT.
  11. While displaying the original transaction, change the Action to D and press Enter.
  12. You will see a message similar to the one below:

    "Press PF10 to record txn to delete 04637 04/01/1997"

  13. Make a note of the dates and position numbers to re-enter later, if appropriate.
  14. Press PF10 to create the TARGET transaction.
  15. The TARGET transaction must be approved by the same chain of individuals who originally approved the change.
  16. After final approval, you may make the change which was to occur prior to the creation of the null record.
  17. Re-enter PACT txn if appropriate.

How to Delete When There are Multiple Reasons

  1. You will see a message similar to:

    "Multiple reasons exist and reason MI is not last; cannot delete"

  2. For the Date in the banner, look at screen 3 of POS.
  3. You will note that there are multiple reason codes listed.
  4. These must be deleted in reverse order. So, reason #4 must be deleted before reason #3, etc.
  5. Follow the procedure listed above for the indicated Reason CD. If the Reason CD is not one valid on PACT or PAYS, call Human Resources at 575-4851 for assistance.

Related Topics

For further information on the POS, PACT, PAYS, LEP, LTPA and LPP functions, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Process a Summer Research Payment

The XPAY (eXtra PAY) function allows users to process summer research payments for 9 month employees.

Step by Step Process

The XPAY function resides in the Payroll module. To process, first you must enter "PAYROLL" in the Application ID box on the Logon Screen. If you are already signed into another BASIS application, you can use either the LOG function or the Natural Session Manager to switch to Payroll. At the Main Menu, enter "XPAY" in the Command field and press Enter.

To add a summer research payment for an employee

The first requirement is that the employee be a 9-month academic employee and that the dates of compensation fall between the end of the spring academic term and the beginning of the fall academic term.
  1. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  2. Input the following in the body of the screen and press Enter:
  3. Press PF10 to save and submit via TARGET for approval.

To copy a summer research record

If you have several individuals being paid in a similar manner, using the copy Action may be the easiest way to process the payment record. First, find the record you want to copy and display it (use an Action of V).
  1. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  2. Make any changes necessary in the body of the screen.
  3. Press PF10 to save and submit via TARGET for approval.

To delete a summer research payment record

If the pay is to be received in more than one payment, each pay record must be deleted individually. Call the Payroll office at ex: 5-6204 for assistance.

Related Topics

For further information on the XPAY (eXtra PAY) function, please refer to the command reference in this pamphlet.

How to Process an Extra Compensation Payment

The XPAY (eXtra PAY) function provides a facility for processing extra compensation payments to pay certain exempt employees for special work done in addition to their regular appointment.

Step by Step Process

The XPAY function resides in the Payroll module. To process, you must first enter "PAYROLL" in the Application ID box on the Logon screen. If you are already signed into another BASIS application, you can use either the LOG function or the Natural Session Manager to switch to Payroll. At the Main Menu, enter "XPAY" in the Command field and press Enter.

To add an extra compensation payment record

The procedure for processing an extra compensation payment is the same for the following compensation types:
XN Extra Compensation Non-credit
XS Extra Compensation Service.
  1. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  2. Input the End of the compensation period.
  3. Input the Payment Amount of the entire compensation period.
  4. Input the Funding Type.

    Possible types are:

    E Exempt
    NE Non-Exempt
  5. Input the CCC from which the extra compensation is to be paid. If additional cost centers are required, press PF9 to open the CCC distribution window. Values may be expressed as percentages or as dollar amounts.
  6. Input the Comment that describes the payment.
  7. Input the Attribute if one on the attribute table is valid for the payment.

    Note: This value is used as a key for segregating similar payments on a list.

  8. If desired, add a TARGET comment by pressing PF11 to open the comment entry area.
  9. Press Enter to validate.
  10. Press PF10 to save and submit via TARGET for approval.

The procedure for adding an "XC" is essentially the same as above, with the following exceptions:

To copy an extra compensation request

First, find the record which you want to copy and display it.
  1. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  2. Make appropriate changes in the body of the screen.
  3. Press PF10 to save and submit via TARGET for approval.

To withdraw an extra compensation request

An extra compensation transaction may be withdrawn by the initiator of the transaction as long as the transaction has not been given final approval.
  1. Find your transaction on LTXP (List Transactions for XPAY).
  2. Mark with any non-blank character and press PF2 (Suspd) to suspend to XPAY.
  3. Change the Action to 'W' and press Enter.
  4. Press PF10 to withdraw transaction.

To delete an extra compensation request

If the payment has been approved, but not extracted for pay, it may be deleted. The deletion must also be approved via the TARGET approval chain.
  1. Find your transaction on LTRS (List Transactions for a Requestor, Status & command).
  2. Mark with any non-blank character and press PF2 (Suspd) to suspend to XPAY.
  3. Change the Action to 'D.'
  4. Press Enter to validate.
  5. Press PF11 to record a comment regarding the deletion.
  6. Press PF10 to save and submit via TARGET for approval.

Related Topics

For further information on the XPAY (eXtra PAY) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Monitor the List of Reasons for a Week and Budgetary Unit

The LRWB (List Reasons for a Week and Budgetary Unit) function is an auditing tool which is used extensively by Human Resources to monitor the changes to positions which have occurred during the week. Campus users have limited access to this command. Since all changes made in the PSB system have been indexed with a Saturday end date, as well as a reason code, we are able to look at changes that have been made during any particular week for a specified reason. The user can suspend to POS or POSI for more information about the change that was made.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  2. Mark the selection(s) that you wish to investigate.
  3. Press PF2 to suspend to POS.
  4. The first screen of POS displays the employee name, employee ID, salary, start date, and other pertinent information about the Position that the employee fills.
  5. Press PF8 to view the second and third screen of POS

Special intructions for PD and CP Reason CDs

  1. On the first screen of POS, at the bottom of the screen, notice the line that reads: "Change effected from position: XXXX / to position: " (where the "XXXX" indicates the position number of the position from which the employee is coming).
  2. In the banner of POS, enter the from position number in the Position field.
  3. Enter "POSI" in the Command field and press PF2 to suspend.
  4. This gives you information about the previous Position the employee held. This enables Benefits personnel to ascertain eligibility for certain benefits and vesting status changes.
  5. Press PF3 to return to POS.

Special instructions for EE (end of employment) Reason CD

  1. You will notice that the Emp ID is blank on this list. This is because the EE is the reason that the empty record was created.
  2. Mark the selection(s) you want to view.
  3. Press PF2 to suspend to POSI.
  4. The record displays a before and after image.
  5. If the right hand side of the screen has the EE record, then the left side of the screen will show who was in the position just prior to the termination. This lets you see who the last person in the position was.

Note: Alternatively, you can suspend to POS and press PF7 to view the previous record.

Monitoring of this list should be done a minimum of once per week for the Human Resources Office. It is recommended that it is done on Monday for the previous week. Each week the Date in the banner of LRWB can be increased by a week to see information created during the next week.

Note: A "P" in the record under the TG Pn column, indicates that there is a pending TARGET transaction for PACT (Personnel ACTion) on the system.

Related Topics

For further information on LRWB, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of the Reference Manual.

How to Monitor List Retroactive Deleted Positions

LRDP (List Retroactive Deleted Positions) function is an auditing tool which payroll uses to determine the need for processing corrections to an employee's pay. The user can suspend to RDP (Retroactive Deleted Positions) function for more information about the change that was made.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  2. Notice the time of the Retroactive Delete and the Begin Date of the record that was deleted. This indicates how many payrolls may have been paid incorrectly.
  3. Mark the selection(s) that you wish to investigate.
  4. Press PF2 to suspend to RDP (Retroactive Deleted Positions). This is the record that was in effect until the time of the delete.
  5. Enter POS in the command field and press PF2 to suspend. This is the record that reflects how the employee should have been paid.
  6. In the banner of POS, enter the begin date of the deleted record in the Date field and press Enter.
  7. Press PF6 to the display the amount due for the position record. Make a note of the amount.
  8. Repeat this process, changing the date in the banner to one in the next payment period, through the date of the retroactive delete.
  9. If the deleted pay record begins mid-month:
  10. If the deleted pay record ends mid-month:
  11. Log into the LABOR system and go to LLDE (List Labor Data for an Employee).
  12. Compare payments due and payments shown in LABOR.
  13. Process a supplemental pay action, invoice a cash receipt, or be aware that no action is required.

This process is to be repeated for all positions on the list. This should be done a minimum of once per week. Each week the date in the banner of LRDP can be increased by a week so that you are not presented the same records over and over again.

Note: When the reason code on the record is 'EE' (end of employment), no Emp ID exists on the position record. In this case, it is necessary to suspend to POS, then press PF7 to the previous record. This allows you to determine which employee's record to check in LABOR.

Related Topics

For further information on the LRDP (List Retroactive Deleted Positions) command, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference"

How to Monitor List Different Than Paid

LDTP (List Different Than Paid) function is an auditing tool which payroll uses to determine the need for processing corrections to an employee's pay. The user can suspend to POS or POSI for more information about the change that was made.

Step by Step Process

  1. Mark the selection that you wish to investigate.
  2. Press PF2 to suspend to POS.
  3. Note the time of retroactive change (last line on screen 1 of POS).
  4. In the banner of POS, in the Date field, enter the begin date of the record.
  5. Press PF6 to view the display indicating amount due for the position record. Make a note of the amount.
  6. Repeat this process, changing the date in the banner to the next payment period, through the date of the retroactive change.
  7. If the pay record begins mid-month:
  8. If the pay record ends mid-month:
  9. Log into the Labor system and go to LLDE (List Labor Data for an Employee).

    Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:

  10. Compare payments due and payments shown in LABOR.
  11. Process a supplemental pay action or invoice a cash receipt.

This process is to be repeated for all positions on the list. This should be done a minimum of once per week. Each week the date in the banner of LDTP can be increased by a week so that you are not presented the same records over and over again.

Note: When the Reason Code on the record is 'EE' (end of employment), no Emp ID exists on the position record. In this case it is necessary to suspend to POS, then press PF7 to the previous record. This allows you to determine which employee's record to check in LABOR.

Related Topics

For further information on the LDTP (List Different Than Paid) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference"

Command Reference: Online Functions

The functions and list functions associated with Position System/Budget are defined on the following pages, and the associated descriptions are also used as the screen level help text within the on-line system.

Position Control Functions

POS - POSition

Figure 5 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the POS function.

Figure 5. Position Screen One - POS

  PBOPOS  1 DEMO                  POSition - POS                  05/16/97 11:07
  Command:      Action: V Position: 5207  Emp ID:             Date: 05/01/1997
  BU: PARK CCC:                                                    Screen 1 of 3
 Position No: 5207  Occ: A006 Accounting Supervisor I
      12 mo.  Hrly Appt: N  Student: N  Loc: FAY   SubL: CLAS  Pos Type: R
     Effective from: 05/01/1997 thru 12/31/2099

 Position Pct: 100  Classified Grade: 20  TARGET Pending:

 Emp ID: 900189 Screen, Anne B
 Emp Pos Pct: 100  Annual Salary:  22,860  Academic Title Modifier:

 Non-Exempt: Y  ET Straight Rate: N  Leave Eligibility: C  Spec Rate Req:
 On LWOP: N     On Shift Diff: N     On OCDA: N

 Begin Reason 1 of  1: PD Promotion/Demotion             05/16/97 11:07 PAY02
        Promotion to new position
 Change effected from position: 5416  / to position:
 Near current or future: Y  Time of retroactive change: 01/02/0000 00:00:00
       Help  Suspd Quit              PCalc PrevR NextS

The following sections describe the POS (POSition) function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Related Topics".


The POS (POSition) function is used to obtain complete information about a position for an effective dated record. There are three screens for this Command, and each gives the user unique information concerning a Position. One can see the history by paging forward and backward through the position records. Each change made to a Position creates a new record. The effective starting date of the change is the Begin Date on the position record. One might think of this as leafing through a pile of paper PAFs (Personnel Action Form) to determine what the status is, how it is changed from what it was, etc.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}


POSition, Screen 1

The first screen of the POS function presents a wealth of information about the status of the position for the effective dated record. The following information can be obtained from screen 1 on POS:
  1. Position information (which is the same whether or not the position is filled):
  2. Employee information (only available if the position is filled):
  3. Leave and special flags and indicators:
  4. Change information

POSition, Screen 2

Figure 6 is an example of the second screen presented during processing of the POS function.

Figure 6. Position, Screen Two- POS

  PBOPOS  1 DEMO                  POSition - POS                  05/16/97 11:08
  Command:      Action: V Position: 5207  Emp ID:             Date: 05/01/1997
  BU: PARK CCC:                                                    Screen 2 of 3
 Position No: 5207  Occ: A006 Accounting Supervisor I          12 mo. HA: N S: N
     Effective from: 05/01/1997 thru 12/31/2099

  ------------------------------ Salary Distribution ---------------------------
  Co. Cost Center    Description                              Per Cent   Salary
  0202 17000-00-0000 ARKANSAS UNION-ADM & GENERAL             100.00000  22,860

       Help  Suspd Quit              PCalc PrevS NextS
 Press PF8 to view next screen or enter new keys
Figure 7 is a generic example of the pop-up screen presented on screen 2 when PF4 is pressed.

Figure 7. Decode window for POS, screen 2

                    Position Pay Calc/Distribution
          Press ENTER to continue
          Employee 100013  Allanburg, Darcy Fay
          in Position 702   effective 07/01/1996 - 08/31/1996
          for Aug 1996 will be paid $ 3812.50
          distributed between Company Cost Centers as:
                                                FY '97
                                   Aug. '96   7/1 - 8/31/96
           1. 0364 85100-31-0000   3,240.63    6,481.26
           2. 0364 85107-31-0000     381.24      762.48
           3. 0102 11080-12-0000     190.63      281.26

Screen Two provides the cost center distribution which is associated with the effective dated record. The display provides the extended description or name of the cost center and the appropriate percentage of the salary to be charged to each cost center. Also, in this display is the fiscal year salary with the percentages applied. This shows the user the amount that would be charged to each cost center if the distribution were to remain effective for an entire fiscal year.

Detailed information about the payment of salaries can be obtained from any screen by pressing PF6. The detail shown in the decode screen is dependent upon the Date in the banner. If the Effective Dates of the record span more than one month, the detail for each month can be seen by merely changing the Date that appears in the banner.

For example, for effective dates July 1, 1996 through August 31, 1996, you can enter any date in July in the banner and view the payment for July. An August date displays the amount charged in August for that record. Please keep in mind that the monthly amount is only for that particular record. Therefore, if the position record is for less than a full month, the monthly amount will only be for the portion of the month that the position record covers.

The second display shows the user the amount to be charged to each cost center for the fiscal year encompassing the date in the banner. The record shows only the amount to be charged for the effective dates of the record. So a record spanning two months may show $1000 to be charged to one cost center for the month, but the fiscal year display shows $2000 as the total for that cost center for the fiscal year.

To obtain a total picture, you must press PF7 or PF8 to look at the records prior to and following the record to see what other information is valid for the whole fiscal year.

POSition, Screen 3

Figure 8 is an example of the third screen presented during processing of the POS function.

Figure 8. Position Screen Three- POS

 Please enter new key fields
  PBOPOS  1 DEMO              POSition - POS              11/12/96 09:3
  Command:     Action: V Position: 702   Emp ID: 100013  Date: 08/15/1996
  BU:      CCC:                                             Screen 3 of 3
Position No: 702   Occ: 2285 Extension Specialist III  12 mo. HA: N S: N
    Effective from: 07/01/1996 thru 08/31/1996

    Beginning Reason Code/Desc    Updated on   By user  Prior  Saturday
     & Comment                                          Salary  Date
 1. DC Distribution Change      10/08/1996 17:39 DEMORC 45,750 10/12/1996
    Going 75% time.
 2. EP Employee Pct Appt Change 10/08/1996 15:43 PAY02  61,000 10/12/1996
    Going 75% time.



      Help  Suspd Quit                 PrevS NextR

Screen 3 decribes the position activity that created this unique record with the effective dates that are displayed below the banner. Several changes are acceptable for one record and are listed with the date and time of the change, the User ID, the salary prior to the change, the Saturday Date that is the key to LRWB (List Reasons for a Week for a BU), and other pertinent information.

This screen provides an on-line audit record of changes made. It allows the user to see what reason code records must be deleted when required by the system. It also allows the user to view the ID of the individual who must be contacted for deletion of a position record that the user is unable to delete.

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to the invoices. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens.
POSM POSition Master

Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

POSM - POSition Master

Figure 9 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the POSM function.

Figure 9. Data Entry Screen - POSM

 Please enter new key fields
  PBOPOSM 1 DEMO              POSition Master - POSM              05/19/97 15:10
  Command:      Action: V Position: 3205  Emp-ID:             Date: 04/21/1997
  BU:      CCC:                    LTC: 0048
   Action: V    Position: 3205                           Begin Date: 04/21/1996
   LTC: 0048 Assoc Vice Chancellor for Admn              End   Date: 12/31/2099
   Max Auth Positions: 1    Alloc: 1.000    Unalloc: 1.000

   Occ Cd: 1520 Assoc Vice Chanc For Admin                  Location Code: FAY
   Sub Location Code: ADMN      Appointment Period: 12      Position Type: R

   Hrly Appt (Y/N): N           Student Title (Y/N): N      Position Pct: 100
   Cross-grade (Y/N):           To Position No:

   Last Audit Request:                           Last PCQ:
   Last Paper Audit:                             Prov. Pos. Renewed:
   Last Physical Audit:

  Comment:              Begin reason 1 of  1: PM Position Master Change
  This record created from program PBBPSBL1

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextR

The following sections describe the POSition Master function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Related Topics".


The POSition Master (POSM) function is used to establish a position in the Position Master file and the Position file.

Access and Security

This function is only available to Human Resource's personnel.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Delete {D}


  1. For action 'A,' there must be a valid LTC (Legislative Title Code) for the Effective Date in the banner.
  2. For action 'D', the position must be unallocated, have no desk assignment, and no employee information.
  3. For action 'D', if the CD flag has been set, then the To Position must be entered.
  4. No same day dated records are allowed.
  5. No later dated records are allowed.


The system creates a position record effective beginning on the date in the banner, and assigns a position number. The Begin Date is the date entered in the banner, and the End Date is set to 12/31/2099. On both the position master and the position record, the system assigns values to the following fields equal to the values associated with the LTC entered: The system assigns values to the following fields on the position record:
  1. Leave Eligibililty Code is set based on the following combinations of Occupation Code and Appointment Period:
    C Classified/12 Month
    N Non-Classified/12 Month
    9 Non-Classified/9 Month
    blank Hourly/12 Month
  2. Employee Flags are set based upon the current values on the Occupation Table for the following:

Position records are created when the position has been authorized by the State in the Appropriation Act, or when a position is received from another agency of the state in a crossgrade process. Position records are deleted (ended) when a position is given up in the legislative process or in a crossgrade process. Once a position has been established, then it can be allocated to a Budgetary Unit, have an employee and a cost distribution assigned to it, and have a desk allocated to it. In addition, this function is used in the crossgrade process to indicate the position number that was received in that process and to enter a comment to that effect.

The following characteristics are used to define a position and therefore are never changed: Occupation, Location, Sub Location, Appointment Period, Type (regular or provisional), Hourly Appointed (Y/N), and Student Title (Y/N). An employee may be appointed to two positions as long as the total percentage appointment for that employee does not exceed 100. When creating a new entry with the use of action 'A,' this identifier need not be entered because it is assigned by the system.

Master records may be deleted once the position has been given back to the State. Modifiable fields include the Cross-grade flag and the To Position. Deletion of the Position Master will cause the system to set the Position Pct to '0' (zero).

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the command Help:
Effective Dated Records Description of how effective dated records work, as well as how actions work with these records.
Deletions Description of why and how deletions are used in PSB.

The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:

POS view a Position record
APBU Allocate Position to a Budgetary Unit
PACT Personnel ACTion

Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

APBU - Allocate Position to a BU

Figure 10 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the APBU function.

Figure 10. Data Entry Screen - APBU

 Please enter new key fields
  PBOAPBU 1 DEMO          Allocate Position to BU - APBU          05/19/97 17:32
  Command:      Action: V Position: 3204  Emp-ID:             Date: 12/31/2099
  BU:      CCC:
   Action: V  Position: 3204                          Begin Date: 03/01/1997
                                                      End   Date: 12/31/2099

   Occupation-Code: K153 Secretary II

      Location Cd: FAY            Hrly Appt: N        Emp. ID:
      Sub Location Cd: CLAS       Student: N          Employee Pct:
      Appointment Period: 12      Target Pend: N

   Allocated Budgetary Unit: AERO AIR FORCE ROTC
               Position Pct: 100

  Comment:              Begin reason 1 of  1: AB Allocate BU

       Help  Suspd Quit                          NextR

The following sections describe the Allocate Position to a BU function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Related topics".


The Allocate Position to a BU (APBU) function is used to allocate a position to a Budgetary Unit, and is initiated by the Class Compensation Officer responsible for the affected Budgetary Unit. In addition, this function is used to bring a position back into the unallocated pool of positions, and may be used to change the position percent.

Access and Security

This command is limited to use by Classification/Compensation officers in the Department of Human Resources and to one Classification/ Compensation officer in the College of Agriculture.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}
Delete {D}


  1. For action 'U', Comment is modifiable.
  2. For action 'U', the Position Pct must be greater than zero.
  3. There can be no PACT transaction pending. A DIST transaction pending will become invalid.
  4. BU must be valid on the BU Table.
  5. For action 'U', the position record cannot contain an Empl ID if the position is being brought back into the pool.
  6. For action 'U', the position record must contain an Emp ID if the position is being moved from one BU to another.
  7. For action 'U', the Position Pct is reset to 100 if the position is being brought back into the pool.
  8. For action 'D,' if the position goes back to the pool, the Position Budget record is deleted and the BU Balance file is updated as needed.
  9. For action 'D,' if the position goes from the pool back to a BU, the Position Budget record is added.

    Note: No funding is associated with this position until someone does a PBM or PBMC, thus, the person responsible for the budget funding of this position must be notified.

  10. For action 'D,' if the position goes from a BU back to another BU the funding sources on the Position Budget record are wiped out and the BU Balance file is updated as needed.

    Note: No funding is associated with this position until someone does a PBM or PBMC, thus, the person responsible for the budget funding of this position must be notified.

  11. The Begin Date may be retroactively set 120 days into the past and 90 days into the future.
  12. Cannot process two 'AB' on the same day.
  13. Later Dated Records

    The following reason codes are allowed as later day updates when an employee is in the position and the BU is being changed from one BU to another:

    The BU change is rippled through the later dated records.
  14. No Later Dated Records except 'DC' are allowed when the Position is being brought back into the pool.


If the position is being brought back into the pool, then no future position records can exist, nor can an Empl ID or related information such as a pay distribution be associated with the record. In order to process a position record in order to bring it back into the pool (the BU is blanked out), the system assigns values to the following fields:

In the case where the position and the employee are changing Budgetary Units, then the Class Compensation Officer must exercise discretion in determining which future dated records are appropriate, although all personnel action changes will be disallowed. When appropriate, the change to the BU ripples through the future records. Changes to the BU made in this manner will require coordination of several offices.

If the position is being brought back into the pool, then the position is removed from the future Position Budget file. If the position is being allocated to a BU from the pool, then the position is added to the future Position Budget file. If the position has an Empl ID and the position is moving from one BU to another, then the position remains on the future Position Budget file, but the Position Budget Source Group is removed. The future fiscal year is determined by checking the Latest Budget Year on the Control file (CTLD). Current year records are not affected.

An Action 'Delete' requires Human Resources to contact the Budget Office to effect the appropriate updates to the position budget file via PBM.

The only fields modifiable on APBU are BU , Position Percent, and Initial Cost Center. The Initial Cost Center is set when allocating a position from the pool to a BU. The BU entered must be blank, or be a valid BU on the BU table. The BU must be active on the Begin Date of the APBU record. If the Position has an Employee ID, then the BU may be changed to another BU, otherwise the BU must be set to blank, bringing it back into the pool. When the Position is brought back into the pool, all employee data and pay distribution data is removed, and the Position Percent is reset to 100. Position Percent may not be set lower than the Employee Position Percent. If the position is being brought back into the pool, then all later dated records are deleted.

The delete action removes the record from the database, and restores the previous record to the values that it had before the deleted record was created. Normally this means setting the End Date on the previous record back to 12/31/2099. When an Action 'D' is processed the following position budget and BU Balance updates occur for the conditions described:

  1. When a delete is done and the result is the position goes back to the pool, the Position Budget record is deleted and BU-Balance updated as needed.
  2. When a delete is done and the result is the position goes from the pool back to a BU, the Position Budget record is added.
  3. When a delete is done and the result is the position goes from a BU back to another BU the funding sources on the Position Budget record are "wiped out" and the BU-Balance is updated as needed.

    Note: With 1 and 2 above no funding is associated with this position until someone does a PBM or PBMC so the person responsible for the budget funding of this position needs to be notified when this happens.

Related topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the command HELP:

Effective Dated Records - Description of how effective dated records work, as well as how actions work with these records.
Reason Codes - Short description of all the reason codes.
Alternate Entry Formats - Valid entry formats for dates and cost centers
Deletions - Description of why and how deletions are used in PSB.
Same Day and Later Day Dated Records - Description of why special processing is required.

The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:

POS view a Position record
POSM Position Master

Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

PACT - Personnel ACTion

Figure 11 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the PACT function.

Figure 11. Data Entry Screen - PACT

  PBOPACT 1 DEMO       Personnel ACTion (CP,LC,NH,PD) - PACT      05/15/97 18:45
  Command:      Action: V Position: 5207  Emp ID:             Date: 05/01/1997
  BU: PARK CCC:                    From Position: 5416  Reason: PD
  Action: V Position: 5207                                  Date: 05/01/1997
             From Position: 5416     Administrative Office Super.
  Begin: 01/15/1997 End: 04/30/1997          Alloc BU: PARK
  Annual Salary: 16678   Pct: 100    Appt Period: 12  Grade: 15 Hrly Appt Cd:

             To Position: 5207       Accounting Supervisor I
  Begin: 05/01/1997 End: 12/31/2099  Appt Period: 12  Grade: 20 Hrly Appt Cd:
  Employee ID  : 900189        Screen, Anne B
  Employee Pct : 100           PARK PARKING PROGRAM OPERAT
  Annual Salary: 22860        FTE/Min: 22860  Max: 41548  Labor Market:
                   Special Rate Request   :
                   Academic Title Modifier:   Normal

  Comment                             Reason  1:   PD Promotion/Demotion
  Promotion to new position

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextR             Optns

The following sections describe the PACT (Personnel ACTion) function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Related Topics".


The PACT (Personnel ACTion) function is used to process transactions involving position title and/or location changes, including: new-hires, promotions/demotions, lateral changes, and changes of position involving non-classified titles.

Access and Security

PACT is available to all campus users, but with the following limitations:

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}
Withdraw {W}
Review {R}
Delete {D}

Approval Routing

When the initator of the transaction presses PF10, it is routed through the TARGET system, using PBPB and PBPA as the Criterion Types, to the following approvers:

Additional approvals are based on Reason code and Special Rate Request code.


  1. The To Position must be on the position master and allocated to a BU for which the user is authorized.
  2. The To Position must be a record with a null Emp ID.
  3. The From Position must be on position master and filled by an employee for use with Reason codes PD, LC, and CP.
  4. Date must be no more than 180 days in the future, nor more than 365 days in the past.
  5. The Reason code must be one of the reasons approved for use on this command: PD, LC, CP, and NH.
  6. Comment is a required field for audit purposes.
  7. A distribution must be on the To Position.
  8. Non-Classified salaries may not exceed Line Item Maximum * (appt.%) unless the Special Rate Request is marked with an O. If Special Rate Request flag is O, the amount that LIM *(appt. %) may be exceeded is controlled by the Over Max Limit field on CTLD.
  9. Classified salaries must all be less than or equal to LIM unless the Special Rate Request is marked S. If marked as S, the Annual Salary may exceed LIM, but the salary paid is calculated based upon LIM. 3
  10. The Emp ID must not be filling another position for a new hire.
  11. The Emp ID must not be marked as a duplicate.
  12. If two or more PACT transactions are initiated for the same employee, after approval of the first transaction, the others will become invalid.

Validations for New Hire NH

  1. Reason NH may only be used when the To Position has a null Emp ID for the Begin Date of the change.
  2. The From Position is not be displayed as it is a null record.
  3. The Emp ID, Employee Pct, Academic Title Modifier, Annual Salary, Special Rate Request, and Comment are modifiable.
  4. An employee may not occupy more than one Position in the PSB system.
  5. The Academic Title Modifier may be set when the Sub Location Code of the To Postion is ACAD.
  6. The Employee Pct must be greater than zero and less than or equal to the Position Pct.
  7. For a NH, an Special Rate Request of S is not allowed.
  8. The system validates the following values on the Annual Salary field for the To Position.
  9. The following Reason codes can be in existence as same day updates on the specified NH record:
    PM Position Master
    AB Allocate a Budgetary Unit
    CS Classified Salary Change
    DC Distribution Change
    LE Leave Eligibility
    LM Labor Market
    LW Leave Without Pay
    NE New Entry Level
    NS Non Classified Salary Increase
    SD Shift Differential
  10. The following Reason codes can be in existence as later dated records on the specified NH record:
    DC Distribution Changes are not employee based and may remain as a Later Dated Record.
    LE Leave Eligibility updates are position based and may remain as Later Dated Records.

Validations for Promotion/Demotion PD

  1. The From and To Position must be classified titles.
  2. The Grade of the From and To Position must not be the same.
  3. The allocated BUs of the From and To Position may be the same or different.
  4. The system displays values in the following fields on the To Position:
  5. The following Reason codes can be in existence as same day updates on the specified PD record:
    PM Postion Master
    AB Allocate a Budgetary Unit
    CO Cost of Living
    CS Classified Salary Change
    DC Distribution Change
    LE Leave Eligibility
    LM Labor Market
    NE New Entry Level
    LW Leave Without Pay
    SD Shift Differential
  6. The following Reason codes can be in existence as later dated records on the specified PD record:
    DC Distribution changes are not employee based and may remain as a Later Dated Record.
    LE Leave Eligibility updates are position based and may remain as Later Dated Records.

Validations for Lateral Change LC

  1. LC (Lateral Change) is a valid reason code only for Classified employees.
  2. The Grade of the To Position and the From Position must be the same.
  3. The BUs of the From and the To Position may be the same or different.
  4. Annual Salary
  5. The system displays values in the following fields on the To Position:
  6. The following Reason codes can be in existence as same day updates on the specified LC record:
    PM Position Master
    AB Allocate a Budgetary Unit
    CO Cost of Living
    CS Classified Salary Change
    DC Distribution Change
    LE Leave Eligibility
    LM Labor Market
    LW Leave Without Pay
    MI Merit Increase
    NE New Entry Level
    SD Shift Differential
  7. The following Reason codes can be in existence as later dated records on the specified LC record:
    DC Distribution Changes are not employee based and may remain as a Later Dated Record.
    LE Leave Eligibility updates are position based and may remain as

Validations for Change of Position CP

  1. One or both of the From and To Position must be a non-classified Position.
  2. The Academic Title Modifier may be set when the Sub Location Code of the To Position is ACAD.
  3. The SRR flag may be set for the To Position.
  4. Annual Salary
  5. The system displays values in the following fields on the To Position:
  6. The following Reason codes can be in existence as same day updates on the specified CP record:
    PM Position Master
    AB Allocate a Budgetary Unit
    CO Cost of Living
    CS Classified Salary Change
    DC Distribution Change
    LE Leave Eligibility
    LM Labor Market
    LW Leave Without Pay
    NE New Entry Level
    NS Non-Classified Salary Change
    OC Off Campus Duty Assignment
    OM Over Max
    SD Shift Differential
  7. The following Reason codes can be in existence as later dated records on the specified CP record:
    DC Distribution Changes are not employee based and may remain as a Later Dated Record.
    LE Leave Eligibility updates are position based and may remain as Later Dated Records.


An employee may not occupy more than one Position in the PSB system. While it is valid for an employee to work in more than one job, the system allows one title per person. The user needs to provide Class/Comp with the information required to modify one position record to carry the salary for both part-time positions. Class/Comp will use SALI to adjust the salary for the employee's primary position. This decision came from the inability of MSA to hold more than one title and from a need in the Labor system to display one title.

When a NH (new hire) is approved through the TARGET. process, several employee fields are updated with the Begin Date of the NH. If the four fields have non-zero values, they are skipped and not be updated. If the values of the following fields are zero, they are updated with the Begin Date of the NH:

Pre-PSB date hired and Pre-PSB date terminated are not reset by a NH.

The system displays defaulted values in the following fields on the To Position:

The system displays defaulted values in the following fields on the From Position:

The BU to which the To Position is allocated initiates these changes, which are submitted via TARGET for approval. These changes may be dated 180 days in the future, or up to 365 days in the past. To become effective without retroactive corrections, the changes must be approved prior to the cutoff date for the related payroll, which is shown on the Payroll CALendar (PCAL) function.

Distribution displays the effective cost center distribution for the To Position record. Update will cause the Emp ID and certain other information to be moved to the To Position effective the date in the banner. Dependent upon the reason code used, different employee based fields will be modifiable by the departmental users.

Action D for delete is used to restore the To and From Positions to the state they were in immediately before the update was done. Delete may be used for TARGET transactions after intial approval, but it is a requirement that the deletion be approved through the TARGET process. If subsequent changes were made to the positions, then they must be deleted in the order that the changes were made until the appropriate reason code is the last reason code on the record.

When a change is processed after the cutoff date listed on the Payroll CALendar (PCAL) function, the system evaluates whether or not employee pay is affected. For those changes where employee pay is affected, the system marks the record so that it shows up on a list of records which are different than originally paid. Payroll staff uses this list to evaluate the situation and to manually process either supplemental pay or cash receipt adjustments to correct the employee's pay.

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the Command Help:
Effective Dated Records Description of how effective dated records work, as well as how actions work with these records.
Reason Codes Short description of all the reason codes.
Alternate Entry Formats Valid entry formats for dates and cost centers
Deletions Description of why and how deletions are used in PSB.
Same Day and Later Day Dated Records Description of why special processing is required.

The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:

POS view a Position record
APBU Allocate Position to a Budgetary Unit
DIST Distribution Change

Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

DIST - Distribution Change

Figure 12 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the DIST function.

Figure 12. Data Entry Screen - DIST

 1001 07/01/1995  12/31/2099 displayed; press PF10 to save changes
 PBODIST               DISTribution change - DIST                 08/22/96 08:51
 Command: DIST Action: U Position: 1001.0  Emp ID:              Date: 01/01/1996
 BU:       CCC:                                             End Date: 06/30/1997
 Action: U Position No: 1001      Occ: A111 Accountant             Screen 1 of 2
 Emp ID: 1000001 Boyd, Sandra/J       BU: COEX Coop Extension Service
 Effective from: 07/01/1995 thru 12/31/2099      Employee Annual Salary: 100,000
  ------------------------------- Cost Center ----------------------------------
 Number                  Description                         Percent
 0102 XXXXX-XX-0000     Dean's Maintenance                  xxx.xxxxx

 0102 XXXXX-XX-0000     Dean's Maintenance                  xxx.xxxxx

 0102 XXXXX-XX-0000     Development                         xxx.xxxxx

 0402 XXXXX-XX-0000     US/DOE/Brown                        xxx.xxxxx

 0102 XXXXX-XX-0000     Dean's Salary Reserve               xxx.xxxxx

 Comment:                                Total Number of CCC: xx
 Update Distribution to include research grant
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt PCalc       NextS       Save  CCom

The following sections describe the DISTribution function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Update/Add Processes"
"Related Topics".


The DIST (DISTribution Change) function is used to update the company cost center distribution for a Position that has been allocated to a BU. Cost center distributions are used to distribute the employee's salary during a payroll run.

Access and Security

DIST is available to all campus users with the following limitations:

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}
Copy {C}

Approval Routing

DIST changes are sent through the TARGET process and is controlled by Criterion Type CBCC - Company, BUnit, Cost/Center.


  1. CCC must be valid.
  2. CCC must have a status code O for active.
  3. CCC cannot be duplicated on same record.
  4. There must be at least one CCC on the record.
  5. CCC must have an active Date which is earlier than or equal to the begin Date.
  6. CCC must have an inactive date which is later than or equal to the End Date.
  7. Percentages must equal 100.
  8. Position entered must be allocated to a BU.
  9. Begin Date cannot be any earlier than the first day of the current open (has not been processed) payroll period.
  10. Begin Date cannot be equal to or earlier than the End Date of the preceding position record if it has a distribution change as a Reason code. Likewise, the End Date cannot be equal to or later than a succeeding position record if it has a DC Reason code. Error message reads: "Existing xx/xx/xxxx - xx/xx/xxxx record must be updated separately."
  11. End Date defaults to "12/31/2099" when suspending from a list on an Action of U.
  12. The following Reason codes are disallowed as same-day updates to the position record:
    CD Crossgrade Downgrade
    PM Position Master
    DC Distribution Change
    RD Resume Distribution
  13. The following Reason codes are disallowed as later-dated records:
    AP Academic Promotion
    CD Crossgrade Downgrade
    DC Distribution Change
    PM Position Master
    RC ReClassification


The distribution change may be independent of whether the Position is vacant or filled. All position records which have an employee assigned to them must have a distribution record. Therefore, a cost center distribution must exist on a position record before a new hire Action can be initiated. If the Position is brought back into the unallocated pool or the BU is changed the system will set the CCC distribution fields to blank on the position record(s) involved.

TARGET transactions related to the distribution change record can be viewed by using the function LTDC (List Transactions for a Distribution Change).

The PF4 (DCode) key may be used during this display to translate the company cost center description.

The PF6 (PCalc) key may be used to display the Position pay calculation.

A cost center distribution on one Position record can be copied from an existing record which results in an Action of U after pressing PF10. The new entry retains the values for CCC and Percentage for the Position number and begin and end dates designated. The new entry can then be modified as needed before saving it as an updated entry.

Distribution change begin dates cannot be any earlier than the first day of the current payroll period. As long as the payroll has not been processed, changes may be made for that month. Otherwise, the user must enter the distribution change as a retroactive change entry in the Labor system.

The distribution change record updates can affect the beginning or ending dates, company cost centers, or percentages on existing position records. The system also adds a new position record in the case where the begin and end dates on the update do not coincide with the position record being modified. A distribution change cannot update more than one position record at a time if the preceding and/or succeeding position record(s) being affected have distribution change as a Reason code.

Update/Add Processes

There are eight possible update/add scenarios associated with an update Action depending upon the begin and end dates defined on a distribution change. They are described as follows:
  1. Process One - Split Begin Record
  2. Process Two - Update Record: Update Record with new cost center(s) and/or percentage(s) and update the End Date if necessary.
  3. Process Three - Add a record with a Begin Date one day following the End Date designated and utilize the original cost center(s) and percentage(s).

Scenario One: Processes One, Two, and Three |_______________||____________||________________| |_______DC_________| | er | dc || | rd|| er |


Scenario Two: Processes One and Three |_______________||____________||________________| |_DC___| | er ||er| dc |rd|| er |


Scenario Three: Process One |_______________||____________||________________| |___DC____| | er ||er| || er |


Scenario Four: Processes Two and Three |_______________||____________||________________| |___DC__| | er || | rd || er |


Scenario Five: Process Two |_______________||____________||________________| |____DC______| | er || || er |


Scenario Six: Processes Two, Two, and Three |_______________||____________||________________| |________DC________| | er || || dc | rd


Scenario Seven: Processes One and Two |_______________||____________||________________| |_________DC__________| | er | dc || || er |


Scenario Eight: Processes One, Two, Two, and Three |_______________||____________||________________| |_____________DC_____________| | er | dc || ||| rd |


Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the Command Help:
Effective Dated Records Description of how effective dated records work, as well as how actions work with these records.
Alternate Entry Formats Valid entry formats for dates and cost centers

The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:

POS view a POSition record
PACT Personnel ACTion

Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

PAYS - Pay Status

Figure 13 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the PAYS function.

Figure 13. Data Entry Screen - PAYS

 PBOPAYS 1                       Pay Status - PAYS               04/23/96 10:30
 Command:      Action: V Position: 4     Emp ID:             Date: 04/28/1996
 BU:      CCC:                    Reason CD: EP
  Action: V Position: 4                                Begin Date: 04/28/1996
                                                       End   Date: 12/31/2099
      Occupation Code: G001 Agriculture Lab Technician
      Appointment Period: 12                 Hourly Appointed: N
      Allocated BU: BISC                     Position Percent: 100

      Emp-ID: 100036 Vaughn, Carlton/I
      Employee Position Pct: 100             Annual Salary: 12640

      On Summer Appointment: N               Over Max: N

      On Shift Differential: N               On Leave Without Pay: N
      On Off-Campus Duty Assignment: N

  Comment:                 Reason-CD-1-of: EP - Employee Position Percent
Going back to full time.
      Help  Suspd Quit                          NextR
Please enter new key fields

The following sections describe the Pay Status function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Related Topics".


The PAYS (PAY Status) function is used to process status changes which affect an employee's rate of pay. These include: appointment percentage, leave without pay, shift differential, off-campus duty assignment, non-classified salary change, and end of employment. The budgetary unit to which a position is allocated will initiate these changes, which become effective when the PF10 key is pressed.

Changes may be dated 90 days into the future, or 365 days into the past. To become effective without retroactive corrections, the changes must be input prior to the cutoff date for the related payroll, which is shown on the PCAL (Payroll CALendar) function.

Access and Security

The PAYS function will be available to all campus users, with the following limitations:

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U} 8
Delete {D} 9


Common validations

  1. The Position must be allocated to a BU for which the user is authorized.
  2. For Action U, there must be an Emp ID on the record (an employee is in the position).
  3. For Action D, the Reason CD entered in the banner must be the last Reason CD on the record for that date.
  4. For Action U or D, no later-dated records other than DC or LE may exist.
  5. For Action U or D, a single Reason Cd may not be repeated for a particular date.
  6. For Action U or D, the TARGET TXN PENDING flag for the PACT command cannot be set to P.

Later dated records validations

The following Reason CD are allowable as later dated records.
DC Distribution Change
LE Leave Eligibility

Employee Percent (EP) validations

  1. The employee's appointment percentage cannot exceed 100 for the time period for all positions.
  2. The employee's appointment percentage cannot be less than 1.
  3. The employee's appointment percentage cannot exceed the position percentage.
  4. The following Reason CDs are allowable as Same Day updates when the EP change is processed first:
    AB Allocate BU
    CO Cost of Living
    CS Classified Salary change
    DC Distribution Change
    LE Leave Eligibility
    LM Labor Market
    LW Leave W/O Pay
    MI Merit Increase
    NE New Entry Level
    NS Non-Classified Salary
    OC Off-Campus Duty Assignment
    OM Overmax
    SD Shift Differential

Leave without pay (LW) validations

  1. A Reason CD of "LW" is not valid for hourly appointed employees.
  2. The following Reason CDs are allowable as same day updates when the LW change is processed first:
    AB Allocate BU
    AP Academic Promotion
    CO Cost of Living
    CS Classified Salary change
    DC Distribution Change
    EP Employee Percentage
    LE Leave Eligibility
    LM Labor Market
    MI Merit Increase
    NE New Entry Level
    NS Non-Classified Salary
    OC Off-Campus Duty Assignment
    OM Overmax
    PD Promotion/Demotion
    RC Reclassification 10
    SD Shift Differential

Shift Differential (SD) validations

  1. May only be used for classified titles.
  2. The following Reason CDs are allowable as same day updates when the SD change is processed first:
    AB Allocate BU
    CO Cost of Living
    CS Classified Salary change
    DC Distribution Change
    EP Employee Percentage
    LE Leave Eligibility
    LM Labor Market
    LW Leave W/O Pay
    MI Merit Increase
    NE New Entry Level
    RC Reclassification

End Employment (EE) validations

  1. The following Reason CDs are allowable as same day updates when the EE change is processed first:
    AB Allocate BU
    CD Crossgrad/Downgrade
    CP Change Position
    DC Distribution Change
    LC Lateral Change
    LE Leave Eligibility
    NH New Hire
    PD Promotion/Demotion

Non-classified Salary (NS) validations

  1. May only be used for non-classified titles.
  2. The Annual Salary may not exceed LIM unless the Special Rate Request code is set to allow overmax, in which case the salary may exceed LIM by up 25%. LIM equals the LIM from the Occupation table * Employee Percentage * .01.
  3. The following Reason CDs are allowable as same day updates when the NS change is processed first:
    AB Allocate BU
    AP Academic Promotion
    CO Cost of Living
    DC Distribution Change
    EE End Employment
    EP Employee Percentage
    LE Leave Eligibility
    LW Leave W/O Pay
    OC Off-Campus Duty Assignment
    OM Overmax

Off-Campus duty assignment (OC) validations

  1. May only be used for non-classified, academic titles.
  2. The following Reason CDs are allowable as same day updates when the OC change is processed first:
    AB Allocate BU
    CO Cost of Living
    DC Distribution Change
    LE Leave Eligibility
    LW Leave W/O Pay
    NS Non-Classified Salary
    OM Overmax


Changes to later dated records

  1. Field values for later dated DC and LE records should be set to match those of the earlier record being changed through the current update. Specifically, the following changes should occur on the later DC/LE record(s):
    EP Ripple the new Employee Appointment % and Annual Salary.
    LW Ripple the LWOP Code entry.
    SD Ripple the Shift Differential Code entry.
    EE Ripple the null values for the following fields:
    1. Emp ID
    2. Emp pct
    3. Academic Title Modifier
    4. Annual Salary
    5. Leave Without Pay Code
    6. Shift Differential Code
    7. Off Campus Duty Assignment Code
    8. Special Rate Request code
    NS Ripple the Annual Salary.
    OC Ripple the OCDA Code entry.

Changes to the budget file

None. Changes must be effected manually when appropriate via PBM and/or CUB functions.

Employee Percent (EP) process

  1. All fields have their values carried from the existing record to the new one with the following exceptions:

Retroactive records

When a change is processed after the cutoff date listed on the Payroll CALendar (PCAL) function, the system will evaluate whether or not employee pay is affected. For those changes where employee pay is affected, the system will mark the record so that it shows up on a list of records which are different than originally paid. Payroll staff will use this list to evaluate the situation, and will manually process either supplemental pay or cash receipt adjustments to correct the employee's pay.

Leave Without pay (LW) process

  1. Pay transactions are not sent to the payroll module for dates within a pay period where the LWOP Code is set to Y.
  2. The Annual Salary is not changed.
  3. All fields have their values carried from the existing record to the new one with the following exceptions:

Shift Differential (SD) process

  1. For days in a pay period where the SD Code is set to Y, the system forwards pay transactions to the payroll module which are increased by the percentage entered for Shift Differential on the Control Data (CTLD) table.
  2. The Annual Salary is not changed.
  3. All fields have their values carried from the existing record to the new one with the following exceptions:

End Employment (EE) process

  1. The effective Date entered in the banner will equal the last day the employee worked in the Position.
  2. The Comment is modifiable by the user.
  3. The system creates a new position which begins on the date after the effective Date entered in the banner and removes the employee's information from the following fields:

Non-classified Salary (NS) process

  1. All fields have their values carried from the existing record to the new one with the following exceptions:

Off-Campus duty assignment (OC) process

  1. All fields have their values carried from the existing record to the new one with the following exceptions:

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the Command Help:
Effective Dated Records Description of how effective dated records work as well as how actions work with these records.
Reason Codes Short description of all the reason codes.
Same Day and Later Day Dated Records Description of why special processing is required.
How to process an employee's percent appointment
How to process a Leave Without Pay
How to process a Shift\Differential
How to process an End of Employment
How to process a Non-Classified Salary Change
How to process an Off Campus Duty Assignment
The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
POS view a POSition record
PACT Personnel ACTion
POSI POSition Inquiry
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

CTRA - Change Title-Reclass/Academic promotion

Figure 14 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the CTRA function.

Figure 14. Data Entry Screen - CTRA

Please enter new key fields
 PBOCTRA 1 TEST  Change Title-Reclass/Academic promotion - CTRA  05/20/96 17:15
 Command:      Action: V Position: 1     Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
 BU:      CCC:                    To Position:       Reason Cd:    Adj Bgt: N
  Action: V  From Position: 1                            Begin Date: 01/01/1996
    Occ Cd: A111 Accountant                              End   Date: 01/09/1996
    Hourly Appt: N
    Allocated BU: COMP 1067 COMPUTING SERVICES              Pos Pct: 100
    Emp ID: 100001 Boyd, Sandra/J                       Emp Pos Pct: 100
    On LWOP: N On OCDA: N On Shift Diff: N SRR Code:    Ann. Salary:  20,000
  Comment:              Begin reason 1 of  1: PM
  Zap the first record out there.
  To Position:                                           Begin Date:
    Occ Cd:                                              End   Date:
    Hourly Appt:
    Allocated BU:                                           Pos Pct:
    Emp ID:                                             Emp Pos Pct:
    On LWOP:   On OCDA:   On Shift Diff:   SRR Code:    Ann. Salary:
  Comment:              Begin reason 1 of  1:

      Help  Suspd Quit

The following sections describe the Change Title-Reclass/Academic promotion function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Related topics".


The Change Title-Reclass/Academic promotion (CTRA) function is used to move an employee from one Position to another as a result of that position being reclassified or as a result of an academic promotion. These changes are initiated by the Classification Compensation Office and may be dated 180 days into the future, or 90 days into the past. In both cases the To Position is brought from the unallocated pool of Positions.

Access and Security

CTRA will be available for use by the Classification/Compensation unit of Human Resources.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

Add {V}
Update {U} 12
Delete {D}

Approval Routing

There is no TARGET routing for this command. Any changes are saved (effected) when PF10 is pressed.


The CTRA command employs the following validations:
  1. For action 'U', Comment is updatable.
  2. For action 'U', the To Position must be in the unallocated pool.
  3. For action 'U', the Position Percents for both Positions must be greater than Zero.
  4. There can be no PACT Pending.
  5. A DIST pending will become invalid.
  6. The Employee Position Percent on the 'From' Position must be less than or equal to the 'To' Position Percent.
  7. For action 'D', the Begin Dates on both the 'To' Position and the 'From' Position must be equal.
  8. For action 'D', the value in the 'To' Position field on the 'From' Position must equal the 'To' Position in the banner.

ReClassification (RC) validations

  1. For action 'D', RC or DC must be the last Reason Code on both the 'To' Position and the 'From' Position. If DC is the last Reason Code, then RC must be the next to last Reason Code.
  2. The system assigns values to the following fields on the 'To' Position.
    The following rules govern the change to Annual Salary:
    1. If both the 'From' Position and the 'To' Position are classified, and the grade of the 'To' Position is higher than the 'From' Position, then the Annual Salary must be at least the minimum salary for that grade, and no greater than current Annual Salary plus the applicable percentage increase as defined on the control table, not to exceed line item max for the 'To' Position.
    2. If both the 'From' Position and the 'To' Position are classified, and the grade of the 'To' Position is lower than the 'From' Position, then the Annual Salary does not change, so long as it is at or below the maximum for the grade of the 'To' Position.
    3. If the 'From' Position is non-classified and the 'To' Position is classified, then the Annual Salary remains the same unless below minimum salary.
    4. If the 'From' Position is classified and the 'To' Position is non-classified, then the Annual Salary does not change, so long as the salary is at or below the maximum (LIM) for the 'To' Position.
  3. The following Reason Codes are allowable as same day updates for both the To and the From Position:

Academic Promotion (AP) validations

  1. The Effective Date for Academic Promotions is July 1 of the next fiscal year for 12 month positions.
  2. The Effective Date for Academic Promotions is the first day of the next academic year for 9 month positions.
  3. For action 'D', AP or DC must be the last Reason Code on both the 'To' Position and the 'From' Position. If DC is the last Reason Code, then RC must be the next to the last Reason Code.
  4. Both the 'From' and the 'To' records must be non-classified.
  5. The following Reason Codes are allowable as same day updates for both the 'To' and the 'From' Position for reason code AP.
  6. There can be no later dated records for the To Position. A DC on the From Position will be copied to the To Position, then the DC on the From Position will be deleted.


In the case of a reclassification, these changes are made once the Class Compensation Officer has reviewed a Position (which will become the From Position) and determined that the duties outlined in the PCQ are not consistent with the State's definition of duties for that Occupation. The To Position will come from the unallocated pool, and itself may may have come from the State pool of positions through the crossgrade (trade up or down a grade) process. These transactions are external to this command.

In the case of an academic promotion, these changes are made when the Class Compensation Officer receives the list of eligible employees from Academic Affairs. This would be the same list submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval. The Class Compensation Officer will determine the To Position in advance in the unallocated pool to ensure that none of the From Positions are reused in the process, since it is possible that the record must be deleted, which could set off a chain reaction.

The system assigns values to the following fields on the To Position

  1. From Position - Identifies the Position from which the To Position was reclassified or promoted. This value is set to the value of the Position in the banner.
  2. Allocated BU - Set to the Allocated BU of the From Position.
  3. Employee ID - Set to the Employee ID of the From Position.
  4. Employee Position Percent - Set to the Employee Position Percent of the From Position. This value can not be greater than the Position Percent.
  5. Cost Center Distribution and Percent - Set to the values on the From Position..
  6. Academic Title Modifier - Set to the values on the From Position..
The system assigns values to the following fields on the From Position..
  1. To Position - Identifies the Position to which the Position was reclassified or promoted. This value is set to the value of the To Position in the banner.
  2. Leave Eligibililty Code - Set based on the following combinations of Occupation Code and Appointment Period:
  3. Non-Exempt Code - Set to current value on Occupation Table
  4. Extra Time Straight Rate Code - Set to current value on Occupation Table
  5. Other Data - The following fields have their values set to blank:

Changes to the Budget File

The CTRA function will always update the future year Position-Budget file by "substituting" the To Position number for the From Position number. The future fiscal year is determined by checking the Latest Budget Year on the Control file. Current year records are not affected.

The "Adj Bgt" banner key defaults the value to 'N' for reason code "RC". The Human Resource personnel must set the "Adj Bgt" flag to 'Y' for yes if the reclassification was state mandated. If the reclassification was initiated by the department the "Adj Bgt" flag must be kept at the value of 'N' for no. The "Adj Bgt" flag controls the program in adjusting the salary budget for the future budget cycle. In the case of a reclassification (reason code "RC") and the annual salary changes the system will check the "Adjust Budget?" flag. If 'Y' the program will prorate the increase/decrease in salary to the position budget source records and the respective BU Balance Anticipated and Sum Position Budget balances. If the position changes salary categories (e.g. classified to non-classified), the system generates these changes in the BU Balance Budget files.

If the "Adjust Budget" flag is set to 'N' the program will not change (increase or decrease) the position budget source records and the BU balance Anticipated and Sum Position Budget balances.

The CTRA program sets the "Adj Bgt" banner key value to 'Y' for reason code "AP". Note, however, the adjustments to annual salary and the position budget and BU Balance do not occur until the annual budget cycle when the budget officers effect their changes to salary and position budgets on function PBMC.

Action 'Delete' provides for a system-generated change to position budgets to the original funding levels and posts those changes to the BU Balance anticipated and sum position budget balances only if the "Adj Bgt" flag is correctly set by the user to the same value the original CTRA record was initiated with.

Related topics

SALI - SALary Increase

Figure 15 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the SALI function.

Figure 15. Data Entry Screen - SALI

 Make changes and press ENTER to validate
  PBOSALI 1 DEMO    SALary Increase (CO,CS,LM,MI,NE,OM) - SALI    04/10/97 13:27
  Command:      Action: U Position: 3202  Emp ID:             Date: 04/01/1997
  BU:      CCC:                    Reason CD: MI
   Action: U Position: 3202                             Begin Date: 04/01/1997
                                                        End   Date: 12/31/2099
       Occupation Code: K153 Secretary II
       Appointment Period: 12                 Job Grade: 13
       Position Percent: 100                  Hrly Appt: N

       Emp ID: 900229 Frog, Frank/
       Emp Position Pct: 100                  On LWOP: N
                                              On Shift/Diff: N

       Spec Rate Req:                         Annual Salary:  14700
       Merit Percent Increase:

   Comment:              Begin Reason 1 of  1: PD Promotion/Demotion

       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             NextR       Save

The following sections describe the Salary Increase function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Related Topics".


The Salary Increase (SALI) function allows Budget Office and Human Resources personnel to effect changes to individual employee records. Such changes are required when problems occur in batch processing (e.g., COLA), or when retroactive position record changes necessitate the removal and re-entry of a single COLA. Additionally, the SALI command supports adjustments to individual employee salaries for Performance Evaluation Merit Increases for staff members who receive scores of 400 or higher, or to ensure that salaries meet newly established rates for Labor Market or New Entry level approvals. Finally, the SALI command is used to mark position records as eligible for employee salaries greater than Line-Item maximum * (Appt. % * .01), and to correct salaries for employees holding multiple appointments.

Changes may be dated in the following manner:

To become effective without retroactive corrections, the changes must be input prior to the cutoff date for the related payroll, which is shown on the Payroll CALendar (PCAL) function.

Access and Security

SALI will be available only to specified staff members in Human Resources and the Budget Office.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U} 16
Delete {D} 17


Common validations

  1. A valid EMP-ID must be on the record.
  2. Comment is optional.
  3. For action 'D', the Reason Code entered in the banner must be the last Reason Code on the record for that date.
  4. For action 'U' or 'D', no later-dated records other than DC or LE may exist.
  5. For action 'U' or 'D', a single Reason Code may not be repeated for a particular date.
  6. For action 'U' or 'D', the TARGET TXN PENDING flag for PACT cannot be set to 'P'.

Later Dated Records validations

The following Reason Codes are allowable on later dated records:

Cost of Living Adjustments (CO) validations

  1. For a Non-Classified employee, the calculated Annual Salary may not exceed LIM * (Emp Appt % * .01) unless the SRR flag is set to 'O', indicating Board of Trustees approval. In this instance, the Annual Salary may exceed LIM by the amount entered on the Control Data (CTLD) table.
  2. The following Reason Codes are allowable as Same Day updates when the CO change is processed first:

Classified Salary change (CS) validations

  1. This Reason Code is valid only for Classified positions.
  2. The Annual Salary must be greater than or equal to entry level.
  3. The following Reason Codes are allowable as Same Day updates when the CS change is processed first

Labor Market (LM) validations

  1. This Reason Code is valid only for Classified positions.
  2. The Annual Salary must be >= Entry Level and <= Labor Market Salary as shown on OCC.
  3. The following Reason Codes are allowable as Same Day updates when the LM change is processed first:

Merit Increase (MI) validations

  1. This Reason Code is valid only for Classified positions.
  2. The Merit Percent Increase entered must > 0 and <= the value entered in Control Data Maintenance (CTLD).
  3. The following Reason Codes are allowable as Same Day updates when the MI change is processed first:

New Entry (NE) validations

  1. This Reason Code is only valid for Classified positions.
  2. The Annual Salary must equal the "minimum" value for the position's grade as shown on JOBG.
  3. The following Reason Codes are allowable as Same Day updates when the NE is processed first:

Over line item Maximum (OM) validations

  1. This reason is only valid for Non-classified positions.
  2. The following Reason Codes are allowable as Same Day updates when the OM change is processed first.


Changes to Later Dated Records

Field values for Later Dated DC and LE records should be set to match those of the earlier record being changed through the current update. Specifically, the following changes should occur on the later DC/LE record(s):

Changes to the Budget File

When Human Resources personnel enter changes to the employee's annual salary using Reason Code 'MI' (Merit Increase), 'NE' (New Entry), and 'CO' (Cost of Living Adjustment) the system should make the Budget changes which are necessary for the next fiscal budget year (indicated as the latest budget year on CTLD). The Position Budget is updated by the amount of the net change in annual salary and prorates this amount over the budget funding that exists on the Position Budget record at the time of the update. Based on the changes made to the Position Budget, corresponding changes will be made to the Anticipated BU Budget and the Sum Position Budget on the BU Budget file. In the case where the position funding type indicates a 'U' for Unfunded, no updates are made to the BU Balance file. When the position funding type is 'S' for Soft the program only updates the Sum Position Budget amount and does not affect the Anticipated Budget amount. Currently, soft budgets are not maintained in the BU Balance file.

An action Delete results in the system performing the same calculations to the existing current position budget and BU Budget balances (in effect, 'undoing' what the orignal MI, CO, or NE created). It is assumed the deletes will take place fairly soon after the original MI, CO or NE was initiated and prior to any updates on PBM.

Cost of Living Adjustment (CO) Process

  1. The user enters a percentage increase into the COLA Percent Increase field, and the system calculates the new Annual Salary = previous value * 1.xxxx where xxxx = the percentage entered. There is an edit to warn the user when the percentage entered exceeds twenty (20) percent. This calculation takes place at ENTER or at PF10.
  2. For a Classified employee, if the percentage increase results in a calculated salary > LIM * (Emp Appt % * .01) the system will display the LIM and the difference between LIM and the calculated salary (the "lump sum" payment) as non-stored, display fields.
  3. The full, calculated salary is stored in the Annual Salary field, and the SRR flag is set to 'S'.
  4. For records where the SRR flag = 'S' the pay routine sends only the salary amount equal to the portion of LIM appropriate for the pay period (1/12 of LIM for monthly pay).
  5. All fields have their values carried from the existing record to the new one with the following exceptions:

Classified Salary change (CS) process

  1. All fields have their values carried from the existing record to the new one with the following exceptions:

Labor Market (LM) Process

  1. All fields have their values carried from the existing record to the new one with the following exceptions:

Merit Increase (MI) Process

  1. The user enters a percentage increase into the Merit Percent Increase field, and the system calculates the new Annual Salary = previous value * 1.xxxx where xxxx = the percentage entered. This calculation takes place at ENTER or at PF10.
  2. If the calculated Annual Salary > LIM, the SRR flag is set to 'S' and the full, calculated value is stored. difference between LIM and the calculated salary (the "lump sum" payment) as non-stored, display fields.
  3. For records where the SRR flag = 'S' the pay routine sends only the salary amount equal to the portion of LIM appropriate for the pay period (1/12 of LIM for monthly pay).
  4. All fields have their values carried from the existing record to the new one with the following exceptions:

New Entry level (NE) process

  1. All fields have their values carried from the existing record to the new one with the following exceptions:

Over line item Maximum (OM) process

  1. All fields have their values carried from the existing record to the new one with the following exceptions:

Retroactive Records

When a change is processed after the cutoff date listed on the Payroll CALendar (PCAL) function, the system will evaluate whether or not employee pay is affected. For those changes where employee pay is affected, the system will mark the record so that it shows up on a list of records which are different than originally paid. Payroll staff will use this list to evaluate the situation, and will manually process either supplemental pay or cash receipt adjustments to correct the employee's pay.

Related Topics

SLEP - Set Leave Eligibility for a Position

Figure 16 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the SLEP function.

Figure 16. Data Entry Screen - SLEP

 Please enter new key fields
   Update performed for Position No.  5377 for 04/17/1997    SLEP 05/16/97 11:05
  Command:      Action: U Position: 5377  Emp-ID: 121542      Date: 04/17/1997
   Action: U  Position: 5377                          Begin Date: 04/17/1997
                                                      End   Date: 12/31/2099

        Occupation Code: G001 Agriculture Lab Technician
        Appt Period: 12          Hrly Appt: N         Target Pending:
        Allocated BU: AGRN       Student: N

             Emp ID:  121542 Kent, William/D.
             Emp Pct: 100

        Leave Eligibility Cd:   N
        Non-exempt (Y/N):       Y
        ET Straight Rate (Y/N): Y

  Comment:              Begin reason 1 of  1: LE
  Will work in the field, ET will be at straight rate.

       Help  Suspd Quit                          NextR

The following sections describe the Set Leave Eligibility for a Position function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Related Topics".


The SLEP function allows the Class/Comp Director(s) to set leave and extra-time eligibility for a position. This eligibility will be set when Class/Comp determines, based upon information from the PCQ and from job audits, that a particular position should have different eligibility than that established in the position master.

Access and Security

SLEP will be updated exclusively by the Classification Compensation unit in the Human Resources office, although general campus users may view the data.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}
Delete {D}


  1. Position must be a valid Position established on the Position Master File and may be filled (with an Emp ID) or unfilled.
  2. Date should be no more than 46 days in the past. This is because the Leave system will not use the information which is past the leave cut-off for the month.
  3. Date should be no more than 120 days in the future.
  4. Comment is required.
  5. The system defaults values to the following fields on the position. These fields are modifiable by the Classification/Compensation unit in Human Resources.

Same Day Dated Records

The following Reason CDs are allowable as same day updates when LE is the existing Reason CD.
AB Allocate BU
AP Academic Promotion
CO Cost of Living
CD Cross Grade/Down Grade
CP Change Position
DC Distribution Change
EE End Employment
EP Employee Percent
LC Lateral Change
LM Labor Market
LW Leave Without Pay
MI Merit Increase
NE New Entry Level
NH New Hire
NS Non-Classified Salary Increase
OC Off campus Duty Assignment
OM Over Max
PD Promotion/Demotion
RC Reclassification
SD Shift Differential

Later Dated Records

AB Allocate BU
CO Cost of Living
CP Change Position
DC Distribution Change
EE End Employment
EP Employee Percent Change
LC Lateral Change
LM Labor Market
LW Leave Without Pay
MI Merit Increase
NE New Entry Level
NH New Hire
NS Non-classified Salary Increase
OC Off Campus Duty Assignment
OM Over Max
PD Promotion/Demotion
SD Shift Differential


The Reason CD will be LE (Leave Eligibility). This is a defaulted value.

Changes to the budget file


Special Processing

Since changes made on the SLEP command are position based rather than employee related, the codes will remain as set until changed again by the Class/Comp Director. Therefore, when an EE - End Employment is processed, these fields will remain as they have been set. Only when the position is returned to the pool should these three fields be reset to match those established on OCC.

Retroactive records

Retroactive changes of these codes will not change anything about the way an employee has been paid nor will it affect prior leave accruals. Monthly balance adjustments will need to be completed to adjust prior month's accruals. For extra time which is already paid based upon prior information, Class/Comp will need to evaluate whether additional money is due or whether a cash receipt is required. The changes will affect records for the open pay period and forward. If extra time has been entered for a Position, but has not been submitted, the Class/Comp group can request that the department update the extra-time record after the change to the extra time flags are made. A Position that is not normally eligible for overtime, after being set to Non-Exempt = Y, shall show up in the Leave system as eligible. If a change is made to the Leave Eligibility Cd then the leave system shall begin accruing the new leave rate with the next open month.

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the Command Help:
Effective Dated Records Description of how effective dated records work, as well as how actions work with these records.
Reason CDs Short description of all the reason codes.
The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
POS view a Position record
POSM Position Master
SLEP Set Leave Eligibility for a Position
SADE Set Accrual Dates for an Employee
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

SUNE - Set Up New Employee

Figure 17 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the SUNE function.

Figure 17. Data Entry Screen - SUNE

  PBOSUNE 1 DEMO            Set Up New Employee - SUNE            02/04/97 09:11
  Command:      Action: A Pos:       Emp ID: 900013      Date: 12/01/1996
  BU:      CCC:                    SSN: 777-88-9999
 Action: V  SSN: 777-88-9999   Tester, Pike House

 Emp ID: 900013

 First Name : Pike                       Name and Address is
 Middle Name: House                      from the SUNE screen
 Last Name  : Tester

 Address: 320 Arkansas Ave
 City   : Fayetteville
 State  : AR Zip: 72701
                               Appt Check Distribution BU:
 Gender(F/M): M              Hourly Check Distribution BU: HMRS
 Racial/Ethnic: W                   Date of Birth: 02/04/1961

                                        Updated: 02/04/97 09:11 By: PAY04

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt                         Save

The following sections describe the Set Up New Employee function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Related Topics".


The SUNE command is used to establish an employee ID and to gather all of the information necessary to add that employee to the database. SUNE will also send the necessary transactions to MSA Payroll for set up in that system. When MSA Payroll is replaced, SUNE will still serve as a method for establishing a new employee in the database. The employing department will initiate the addition of the new employee. The system will assign the next available employee ID when the PF10 key is pressed.

Access and Security

SUNE will be available to all campus users but with the following limitations:

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V} 19
Add {A} 20


  1. The SSN must not be on the database with an Emp ID in order to perform an add.
  2. For Action V, the employee must be on the database with an Emp ID that has been established for the user's BU.
  3. For the Name fields, initials are acceptable.
  4. Hourly Check Distribution BU must be valid BU on ML25 table.
  5. Gender (F/M), must choose one.
  6. Date of Birth, must be over the age of 14. 21
  7. Racial/Ethnic, value may be picked from a list:
    W White
    B Black
    HIS Hispanic
    AA Asian or Pacific Islander
    AI American Indian or Alaskan Native


  1. If the I9DF has been entered by Human Resources personnel, then name and address will default from it and be non-modifiable.
  2. If a W4 has been entered, then the name and address from it will default to these fields and be non-modifiable.
  3. The I9DF name and address has precedence over any name and address that might be entered by the departmental user, and the W4 name and address has precedence over the I9DF name and address.
  4. After initial setup, the departmental leave representative may change the employee's address on DIRM for the employee without the requirement of additional paperwork, so DIRM will overlay any previous address.
  5. Appt Check Distribution BU will be set from the code entered in the employment BU field.
  6. If an I9DF has not been entered, the levels 3 & 4 will be ZZZ9, so that the check will be routed to the Treasurer's Office for pick-up after completion of an I9. If an I9DF has been entered, the levels will revert to the ones on ML25, and the check will be delivered to the department for pick-up
  7. A warning message will display if the current Date minus Date of Birth is less than 16. This is not an error, and the user may F10 past it. This message serves as a reminder that a certificate from the Labor Board must be on file for each worker between the ages of 14 and 16.
  8. Upon pressing PF10, the system will assign an Emp ID to a new employee who passes the age restrictions.

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the Command Help:
Same Day and Later Day Dated Records Description of why special processing is required.
The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
POS view a POSition record
PACT Personnel ACTion
DIST Distribution Change
SADE Set Accrual Dates for an Employee
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

SADE - Set Accrual Dates for an Employee

Figure 18 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the SADE function.

Figure 18. Data Entry Screen - SADE

 Emp ID 100517 displayed; please enter new key fields
  PBOSADE 1 DEMO     Set Accrual Dates for an Employee - SADE     04/25/97 11:01
  Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID: 100517      Date: 04/21/1997
  BU:      CCC:
   Action: V    Emp ID: 100517 Schambach, Frank/F

   Position No:                                 Employee Position Pct:

   Occ Cd:                                                  Job Grade:
   BU:                        Appt Period:                  Hourly Appt:

   Career Service Date: 07/01/1968     Anniversary Date: 07/01/1968
   Yrs. for Career Service:   28       Date Base Leave Accrual: 07/01/1968
   U of A Service Date: 07/01/1968     Date Base Retirement: 10/01/1971
   Pre-PSB Date Hired: 07/01/1968      Pre-PSB Date Terminated:


       Help  Suspd Quit                          NextR

The following sections describe Set Accrual Dates for an Employee:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Related Topics".


The Set Accrual Dates for an Employee function is used to adjust accrual dates for an individual In cases where the employee has changed classifications, or has prior State Service, the Class/Compensation Officer must exercise discretion in determining which dates are appropriate. Changes to the dates made on this command will require coordination and verification of service dates and receipt of proper paperwork.

Access and Security

SADE will be updated and maintained exclusively by Human Resources personnel, although general campus users may view the data.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}


The SADE function employs the following validations:


Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the Command Help:
Effective Dated Records Description of how effective dated records work, as well as how actions work with these records.
Reason Codes Short description of all the reason codes.
Alternate Entry Formats Valid entry formats for dates and cost centers
The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
POS view a POSition record
PACT Personnel ACTion
SADE Set Accrual Dates for an Employee
LRWB List Reasons for a Week for a Budgetary Unit
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

RDP - Retroactive Deleted Positions

Figure 19 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the RDP function.

Figure 19. Retroactive Deleted Position - RDP

 Please enter new key fields
  PBORDP  2 DEMO        Retroactive Deleted Positions - RDP       02/04/97 14:47
  Command:      Action: V Position: 1275  Emp ID:             Date: 12/01/1996
  BU:      CCC:                    Time: 12/09/1996 14:29:09.2
 Position No: 1275  Time Deleted: 12/09/1996 14:29:09.2 by: PAY02
        Deleted record was also retroactive: 12/09/1996 14:28
        Effective from: 08/15/1996 thru 12/31/2099

 Reason: EP Employee Pct Appt Change  12/09/96 14:28 PAY02
        Chge %

 Allocated BU: GEOL GEOLOGY                     Position Pct: 100

 Emp ID: 126416 Nottenkamper, Cynthia/A.         Academic Title Mod:
 Emp Pos Pct: 50  Emp Annual Salary:   8,331

 Non-exempt: Y  Shift Differential:           Special Rate Request:
 LWOP:          Summer Appointment:           Off Campus Duty Assignment:

 Change effected from position:         / to position:
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   Q/Nxt

The following sections describe the RDP function:

"Access And Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


RDP provides a permanent on-line record of positions that have been deleted after the time of the extract to MSA. RDP is an auditing tool which payroll will use to help determine the need for processing corrections to an employee's pay. It is used in conjunction with other records so that a thorough investigation can be made.

Access And Security

RDP will be available to Human Resources for payroll purposes.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Note: Since you must use the exact date and time of the delete, you should first go to LRDP and suspend from there.


If a record is deleted after the time of the extract for the pay period which is inclusive of the begin date of the record, that record will appear on RDP. This gives us a permanent record in PSB for auditing purposes. It is payroll's job to research how the employee was paid and determine, based on the position records, what type of correction must be made.

You may mark a record and suspend to POS where a three screen display will tell you all information about the positions that are now effective for the same time frame as the deleted record. In the decode display (for the time period covered by the deleted record), the proper dollar amount that should be paid is shown. The Labor system has a record of the amounts that were originally processed for the past pay periods. The Labor information, together with the information on RDP and on POS/POSI, allows you to calculate whether more money is due the employee or whether money must be recovered.

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to the LRDP function. For information on these commands, press PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
POS Position
LDTP List Different Than Paid
LRDP List Retroactive Deleted Positions

Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

POSI - POSition Inquiry (sequence comparison)

Figure 20 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the POSI function.

Figure 20. POSI - POSition Inquiry

 Press PF8 to view next screen or enter new keys
  PBOPOSI 1 DEMO   POSition Inquiry (sequence comparison) - POSI  02/03/97 16:02
  Command:      Action: V Position: 1712  Emp ID:             Date: 01/14/1997
  BU:      CCC:
 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Screen: 1 of 2
 Position No: 1712  Occ: N290 Graphic Artist II                12 mo. HA: N S: N

               01/01/1997 - 01/14/1997    Y |       01/15/1997 - 01/21/1997    Y
 From/To Pos:    1043       /               |         1043       / 1707
 BU/PosPct/NE:   ANTH / 100 / Y             |         ANTH / 100 / Y
 Employee:       102152 Pottinger, Joan/D.  |         102152 Pottinger, Joan/D.
 Em%/ATM/SAL/Lv: 50   /     /  16,500  / C  |         100  /     /  33,000  / C
 TT/LwSd  OcSrE:   / N / N     /   /   / N  |           / N / N /   /   /   / N
  B R 1: DC on: 02/03/97 11:38 by: PAY02    | DC on: 02/03/97 16:00 by: PAY02
  e e                                       | Library funding
  g a 2:                                    | DC     02/03/97 11:38     PAY02
  i s                                       |
  n o 3:                                    | EP     02/03/97 11:18     PAY02
    n                                       | Going back full time
    s 4:                                    |
       Help  Suspd Quit                    PrevR NextS
Figure 21 is an example of the second screen presented during processing of the POSI function.

Figure 21. POSI - POSition Inquiry, screen 2.

 Please enter new key fields
  PBOPOSI 1 DEMO   POSition Inquiry (sequence comparison) - POSI  02/03/97 16:02
  Command:      Action: V Position: 1712  Emp ID:             Date: 01/14/1997
  BU:      CCC:
 Position No: 1712  Occ: N290 Graphic Artist II                    Screen 2 of 2

          01/01/1997 - 01/14/1997     |          01/15/1997 - 01/21/1997
 CCC: 0102 02130-61-0000 %: 100.00000 | CCC: 0102 04090-41-0000 %: 100.00000

       Help  Suspd Quit                    PrevS NextR

The following sections describe the POSI function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner".


The POSI command provides a sequence comparision of a position record. The side-by-side orientation of the screen layout allows one to easily see the changes in the record that have occurred. The first screen displays position information and the audit log. The second screen displays the cost center distribution associated with each record.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

LPBD - List Positions for a BU and Date by occ

Figure 22 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LPBD function.

Figure 22. List Positions for a BU and Date by occ-LPBD

  Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 04/21/1997
  BU: COEX CCC:                    Occ Cd:
    List Positions for BU: COEX effective 04/21/1997 starting from Occ cd

    ------------- Occupation ----------- ------- Position -------- T -Employee-
    Code             Title            GD Number Begin      End     P   ID   Pct
  _ A108 Accounting Tech II           15 5644  04/21/96 12/31/2099          100
  _ A108 Accounting Tech II           15 5707  04/21/96 12/31/2099           50
  _ C011 Switchboard Operator II      9  5645  04/21/96 12/31/2099          100
  _ G045 Equipment Operator I         8  5305  04/21/96 12/31/2099   136887 100
  _ G171 Custodial Worker I           3  5646  04/21/96 12/31/2099          100
  _ G171 Custodial Worker I           3  5647  04/21/96 12/31/2099          100
  _ K006 Data Entry Specialist        10 5651  04/21/96 12/31/2099          100
  _ K023 Clerk Typist                 10 5231  04/21/96 04/25/1997   113813  50
  _ K023 Clerk Typist                 10 5352  04/21/96 12/31/2099   127168  50
  _ K023 Clerk Typist                 10 5368  04/21/96 12/31/2099   128626  50
 Default command selected: POS
  Position records     1 thru    10 displayed;    1 accessed but not effective

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt             Forwd
 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
Figure 23 is a generic example of the pop-up screen presented when a line is selected and PF4 is pressed.

Figure 23. Decode window for LPBD

  Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 04/21/1997
  BU: COEX CCC:                    Occ Cd:
    List Positions for BU: COEX effective 04/21/1997 starting from Occ cd

    ------                                                   ----- T -Employee-
    Code                Employee Name             S/D LWOP   d     P   ID   Pct
  _ A108 A                                         N   N     /2099          100
  _ A108 A                                         N   N     /2099           50
  _ C011 S                                         N   N     /2099          100
  _ G045 E    Wood, Troy/E.                        N   N     /2099   136887 100
  _ G171 C                                         N   N     /2099          100
  _ G171 C                                         N   N     /2099          100
  _ K006 D                                         N   N     /2099          100
  _ K023 C    Smith, Martha/M                      N   N     /1997   113813  50
  _ K023 C    Smallwood, Janet/D.                  N   N     /2099   127168  50
  _ K023 C    Beene, Rebekah/M.                    N   N     /2099   128626  50
 Default c   Press ENTER to continue
  Position                                                   but not effective

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt             Forwd
 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys

The following sections describe the LPBD function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


This function lists positions for a BU that are effective for a Date and Occ CD. Press PF4 for a list of employees' names that are associated with the positions for this list.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


When the Occ Cd is left blank, all positions effective on the Date entered will be displayed. If the Occ Cd is entered, then it is used as a starting value for the display. Unallocated positions have a blank BU, so leaving the BU blank in the banner will list all unallocated positions for a Date and Occ CD. The POS function is defaulted for a suspend unless another Command is entered in the banner prior to pressing PF2.

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the Command Help:
Effective Date Records Description of how effective dated records work, as well as how actions work with records.

The following commands perform processing functions related to the LPBD function. For information on these commands, press PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:

POS View a Position record
POSI Position Inquiry (sequence comparison)

Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

LEBN - List Employees for a BU & date by Name

Figure 24 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LEBN function.

Figure 24. List Employee for a BU & date by Name - LEBN

  PBOLEBN 1 DEMO   List Employees for a Bu & date by Name - LEBN  02/03/97 12:12
  Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 12/01/1996
  BU: ARKU CCC:                    Name:
 List Employees for BU: ARKU effective 12/01/1996
     starting from Name:

    ----------------- Employee ---------------- Occ  -------- Position ------- T
    Name                               ID   Pct Code Number Begin      End     P
  _ Abel, Troy L                     124964 100 G035 1254  04/21/96 12/31/2099
  _ Anderson, Nianzer E              125187 100 Z725 1257  04/21/96 12/31/2099
  _ Babbitt, Robyn O.                137225  50 2265 1117  04/21/96 12/31/2099
  _ Bell, Amy D.                     127520 100 K041 1287  12/01/96 01/31/1997
  _ Chappell, Mary A.                119688 100 G035 1696  08/03/96 12/31/2099
  _ Clark, Mark A                    120205 100 G169 1219  04/21/96 12/18/1996
  _ Combs, Linda F                   115570 100 H049 1178  04/21/96 02/01/1997
  _ Duncan, T. Lea                   116418 100 K149 1189  04/21/96 10/20/1997
  _ Etchart, Michelle R.             132451 100 R144 1343  04/21/96 12/31/2099
  _ Frederick, Dennis A              115010 100 G079 1171  04/21/96 12/31/2099
 Default command selection: POS
      Employees     1 thru    10 displayed;   10 accessed but not effective
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt             Forwd
 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
Figure 25 is a generic example of the pop-up screen presented when a line is selected and PF4 is pressed.

Figure 25. Decode window for LEBN

  PBOLEBN 1 DEMO   List Employees for a Bu & date by Name - LEBN  02/03/97 14:06
  Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 12/01/1996
  BU: ARKU CCC:                    Name:
 List Employees for BU: ARKU effective 12/01/1996
     starting from Name:

    ----------------- Employee ----              Occupation De-Code
    Name                              Code Title                         Grade
  _ Abel, Troy L                      G035 Custodial Worker II              4
  _ Anderson, Nianzer E               Z725 UAF Dir Of Student Union        24
  _ Babbitt, Robyn O.                 2265 Graduate Assistant
  _ Bell, Amy D.                      K041 Administrative Secretary        14
  _ Chappell, Mary A.                 G035 Custodial Worker II              4
  _ Clark, Mark A                     G169 Custodial Supervisor I           6
  _ Combs, Linda F                    H049 Supervisor Of Cooking           13
  _ Duncan, T. Lea                    K149 Cashier I                        9
  _ Etchart, Michelle R.              R144 Program Coordinator             20
  _ Frederick, Dennis A               G079 Coordinator of Housekeeping     16
 Default command selection: POS       Press ENTER to continue
      Employees     1 thru    10 di
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt             Forwd
 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys

The following sections describe the LEBN function:

"Key Fields Required in Banner"
"Related Topics".


This function lists all employees for a BU and Date by Name. When Name is left blank, all employees effective on the entered Date will be displayed. If a Name is entered, it is used as a starting value for the display. The POS function is defaulted for a suspend unless another Command is entered in the banner prior to pressing PF2.

Key Fields Required in Banner

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the Command Help:
Effective Dated Records Description of how effective dated records work, as well as how actions work with these records.

LPCC - List Positions by Cost Center

Figure 26 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LPCC function.

Figure 26. List Positions by Cost Center - LPCC

 Select an entry, press PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
 PBOLPCC           List Positions for a Cost Center - LPCC      01/18/96 08:51
 Command: LPCC Action: V Position:         Emp ID:            Date: 01/18/1996
List Positions for CCC: ASSOCIATE VICE-CHANCELLOR FOR FINANCE    for 12/01/1996

   Occ   -------- Position -----------      TG         Emp    - Distribution --
  Code   No.   Begin Date   End Date  LWOP Pnd  BU     ID     Percent  Amount
_ A106  1301   04/21/1996  12/31/2099   N   N  AVCB  128757   50.00000   6,980
_ A111  1226   04/21/1996  12/31/2099   N   N  AVCF  120551  100.00000  21,436
_ A111  1238   04/21/1996  12/31/2099   N   N  AVCF  123157  100.00000  21,798
_ 1552  1172   04/21/1996  12/31/2099   N   N  AVCF  115091  100.00000  53,473
_ 2113  1356   04/21/1996  12/31/2099   N   N  AVCF  133213  100.00000  44,205
_ 2117  1359   12/05/1996  12/07/1996   N   N  AVCF  133552  100.00000  33,475
_ 2117  1359   12/08/1996  12/09/1996   Y   N  AVCF  133552  100.00000  33,475
_ 2117  1359   12/13/1996  12/13/1996   Y   N  AVCF  133552  100.00000  33,475
_ 2117  1359   12/18/1996  12/19/1996   Y   N  AVCF  133552  100.00000  43,475
_ 2117  1359   12/20/1996  12/24/1996   N   N  AVCF  133552  100.00000  43,475
          Positions __1__ thru __10_ of __25___ displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextS
Figure 27 is an example of the pop-up screen presented when a line is selected and PF4 is pressed.

Figure 27. Decode window for LPCC

 | Press ENTER to continue                                            |ution
 |  Employee Name                       Occupation Title              | Amount
 |  Goodson, Clotho/W.                  Accounting Tech I             |   6,980
 |  Smith, Stephanie/A.                 Accountant                    |  21,436
 |  Harrison, Janice/K.                 Accountant                    |  21,798
 |  Stolfi, Larrie/D                    Controller                    |  53,473
 |  Briney, Colleen/M.                  Project/Program Manager       |  44,205
 |  Campbell, Peter/C                   Project/Program Specialist    |  33,475
 |  Campbell, Peter/C                   Project/Program Specialist    |  33,475
 |  Campbell, Peter/C                   Project/Program Specialist    |  33,475
 |  Campbell, Peter/C                   Project/Program Specialist    |  43,475
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextS

The following sections describe the LPCC function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics"


This function lists all positions for a CCC and Date by Occ CD. This function can be used to list all positions which currently use the cost center for pay distributions effective for a Date. In the case where the End Date of 12/31/2099 is input, the function lists all current and later dated position records which use the CCC. When the Occ Cd is left blank, all positions effective on the entered Date will be displayed. If Occ Cd is entered, it is used as a starting value for the display.

Note: The Occ CD is not displayed even though this list is ordered by Occ CD. occupation title is displayed in its place. The DIST function is defaulted for a suspend unless another Command is entered in the banner prior to pressing PF2.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the Command Help:
Effective Dated Records Description of how effective dated records work, as well as how actions work with these records.
The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
POS view a POSition record
LPBD List Positions for a BU and Date by occupation
DIST DISTribution change
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

LEP - List Employee's Positions

Figure 28 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LEP command.

Figure 28. List Employee's Positions

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  PBOLEP  1 DEMO          List Employee's Positions - LEP         02/03/97 11:46
  Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID: 102152      Date: 10/01/1996
  BU:      CCC:
  Emp ID 102152 Mottings, Joan/S.             effective on or after 10/01/1996

         --------------------- Position -------------------- TG--- Employee ---
    Cmd  Emp ID RC + Beg Date End Date Loc  Occ  AP Pct  BU  Pn Pos  Pct  Salary
  _ POS  102152 PM   04/21/96 11/30/96 FAY  2265  9  50 ANTH N  1043  50   6,400
  _ POS  102152 CP + 12/01/96 12/14/96 FAY  N290 12 100 ANTH N  1712 100  33,000
  _ POS  102152 EP   12/15/96 12/31/96 FAY  N290 12 100 ANTH N  1712  50  16,500
  _ POS  102152 DC   01/01/97 01/14/97 FAY  N290 12 100 ANTH N  1712  50  16,500
  _ POS  102152 EP + 01/15/97 01/21/97 FAY  N290 12 100 ANTH N  1712 100  33,000
  _ POS  102152 PD   01/22/97 12/31/99 FAY  N324 12 100 ANTH N  1707 100  35,640

            Employee records     1 thru      6 of 6     displayed

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt

The following sections describe the LEP Function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


The LEP function lists all position records for an employee that have a Begin Date equal to or later than the Date in the banner. This list is helpful when you know the Emp ID and want to find the position(s) occupied by that employee for a specified time frame.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the Command Help.

How to interpret information on a LIST .
Suspend Using the PF2 (Suspd) to suspend to related functions.
Name Search Facility Using the name search facility to retrieve an employee ID.

The following commands perform processing functions related to positions. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:

POS POSition
POSI POSition Inquiry
LPBD List Positions for a BU and Date by occupation
LEBN List Employees for a BU by Name

Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

LTDC - List Transactions for a Distribution Change

Figure 29 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LTDC function.

Figure 29. List Transactions for a Distribution Change - LTDC

Select an entry, or enter new keys
PBOLTDC 1 DEMO    List Txns for a Distribution Change - LTDC    08/24/96 01:54
Command:      Action: V Position: 201   Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
BU:      CCC:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------d ---

List of DC transactions for Position 201
starting from date period beginning 01/05/1996
  Cmd   ---Requested--  ---By--- Action Status  --Status Set--  Code
_ DIST  07/23/96 07:38  AVCF001    U      E     07/23/96 09:55
_ DIST  07/23/96 10:09  AVCF001    U      E     07/23/96 10:21
_ DIST  07/23/96 10:44  AVCF001    U      E     07/23/96 10:46
_ DIST  07/23/96 11:11  AVCF001    U      E     07/23/96 11:13
_ DIST  07/23/96 16:18  PAY02      U      R     07/24/96 08:08    D
_ DIST  07/23/96 09:57  AVCF001    U      W     07/23/96 09:58

Transactions      1 thru     6 of     6 are displayed

     Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt

The following sections describe the LTDC function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


LTDC (List Transactions for a Distribution Change) allows the user to track the activity of a distribution change. The list gives information including the status of the transaction, time and date of initiation of the transaction and when the current status was set.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the Command Help:

Effective Dated Records

Description of how effectively dated records work, as well as how actions work with these records.

Alternate Entry Formats

Valid entry formats for dates and cost centers is required.

How to Change a Distribution

The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:

POS view a POSition record
DIST DISTistribution change
SADE Set Accrual Dates for an Employee
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

LTPA - List Transactions for a Personnel Action

Figure 30 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LTPA function.

Figure 30. List Transactions for a Personnel Action - LTPA

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
   Suspended from LPBD                                       LTPA 05/15/97 18:26
  Command:      Action: V Position: 4638  Emp ID: 900260      Date: 04/21/1997
    List of PA transactions for Position 4638
          starting from date period beginning 04/21/1997
    Cmd   ---Requested--  ---By--- Action Status  --Status Set--  Code
  _ PACT  03/18/97 16:29  PAY02      U      E     03/19/97 10:44
  _ PACT  03/31/97 14:02  PAY02      U      E     03/31/97 14:04
  _ PACT  04/11/97 16:26  PAY02      U      W     04/11/97 16:26

          Transactions      1 thru     3 of     3 are displayed

       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             Q/Nxt

The following sections describe the LTPA function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


LTPA allows the user to track the activity of a personnel action. The list gives information as to the status of the transaction, time and date of initiation of the transaction and when the current status was set.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the Command Help:
Effective Dated Records Description of how effective dated records work, as well as how actions work with these records.
Reason Codes Short description of all the reason codes.
Deletions Description of why and how deletions are used in PSB.

The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:

POS view a POSition record
PACT Personnel ACTion
LPBD List Positions for a BU and Date by occupation

Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

LRDP - List Retroactive Deleted Positions

Figure 31 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LRDP function.

Figure 31. List Retroactive Deleted Positions - LRDP

 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
  PBOLRDP 1 DEMO     List Retroactive Deleted Positions - LRDP    02/04/97 14:45
  Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 12/01/1996
  BU:      CCC:
      List Retroactive Deleted Positions created on or after 12/01/1996

         ---- Time of -----  ----------- Position ----------  ---- Employee ----
    Cmd  Retroactive Delete Number BR Beg Date End Date  BU     ID   Pct  Salary
  _ RDP  12/09/1996 13:23:09  1012 NS 08/15/96 12/31/99 GEOL  100392 100  75,000
  x RDP  12/09/1996 14:29:09  1275 EP 08/15/96 12/31/99 GEOL  126416  50   8,331
  _ RDP  12/09/1996 14:40:28  1009 AP 08/15/96 12/31/99
  _ RDP  12/09/1996 14:40:28  1682 AP 08/15/96 12/31/99 GEOL  136275  50   7,700
  _ RDP  12/09/1996 14:50:09  1283 NS 08/15/96 12/31/99 BADM  127322 100  55,000
  _ RDP  12/10/1996 16:40:38  1235 LE 11/01/96 12/31/99 COEX  136887 100  12,535
  _ RDP  12/11/1996 15:00:44  1123 CO 07/01/96 12/31/99 MNTB  108925 100  36,235
  _ RDP  12/11/1996 17:10:41  1060 CO 07/01/96 12/31/99 FINN  102971 100  84,094
  _ RDP  12/11/1996 17:11:42  1031 CO 07/01/96 12/31/99 ACCT  101202 100  82,351
  _ RDP  12/11/1996 17:14:43  1031 CO 07/01/96 12/31/99 ACCT  101202 100  85,613

                    RDP records     1 thru    10 displayed

       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             Forwd

The following sections describe the LRDP function:

"Access And Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


LRDP is an auditing tool which payroll uses to determine the need for processing corrections to an employee's pay. The user can suspend to RDP for more information about the record that was deleted. In some cases, no correction will be needed, so it is critical that a thorough investigation be made.

Access And Security

LRDP is available to Human Resources for payroll purposes.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


If a record is deleted after the time of the extract for the pay period which is inclusive of the Begin Date of the record, that record will appear on the LRDP list. It is payroll's job to research how the employee was paid and determine, based on the position records, what type of correction must be made.

Notice that RDP is the default command for a suspend from this command. There you can see exactly which position record was deleted.

You may mark a record and suspend to POS where a three screen display will give you all information about the positions that are now effective for the same time frame as the deleted record. In the decode display (for the time period covered by the deleted record), the proper dollar amount that should be paid is shown. The Labor system has a record of the amounts that were originally processed for the past pay periods. The Labor information, together with the information on RDP and on POS/POSI, allows you to calculate whether more money is due the employee or whether money must be recovered.

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to the LRDP function. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
POS POSition
LDTP List Different Than Paid
RDP Retroactive Deleted Positions

Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

LDTP - List Different Than Paid

Figure 32 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LDTP function.

Figure 32. List Different Than Paid - LDTP

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  PBOLDTP 1 DEMO          List Different Than Paid - LDTP         02/03/97 14:45
  Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 12/01/1996
  BU:      CCC:
      List Positions Different Than Paid created on or after 12/01/1996

         ---- Time of -----  ----------- Position ----------  ---- Employee ----
    Cmd  Retroactive Change Number BR Beg Date End Date  BU     ID   Pct  Salary
  _ POS  12/06/1996 15:32:50  1024 CS 05/21/96 12/31/99 ARCH  100757 100  23,700
  _ POS  12/06/1996 15:34:08  1122 OC 07/01/96 12/31/96 ARCH  108606 100  80,321
  _ POS  12/06/1996 15:35:50  1336 EE 05/18/96 12/31/99 ARCH
  _ POS  12/09/1996 14:34:21  1290 EE 05/16/96 12/31/99 GEOL
  _ POS  12/11/1996 17:15:41  1031 CO 08/16/96 12/31/99 ACCT  101202 100  86,020
  _ POS  12/12/1996 08:11:08  1091 MI 11/01/96 12/31/99 MNTB  105203 100  35,892
  _ POS  12/13/1996 13:37:51  1102 MI 04/22/96 12/31/99 PARK  105626 100  21,551
  _ POS  12/13/1996 15:29:34  1093 OM 07/01/96 12/31/99 PARK  105277 100  41,000
  _ POS  12/16/1996 11:38:25  1328 LE 11/01/96 12/31/99 ANTH  131087 100  41,671
  _ POS  01/27/1997 15:35:23  1245 EP 11/01/96 11/30/96 ANTH  124500  25   3,200

           DTP Position records     1 thru    10 displayed

       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt

The following sections describe the LDTP function:

"Access And Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


LDTP is an auditing tool which payroll will use to determine the need for processing corrections to an employee's pay. The user can suspend to POS for more information about the change that was made.

Access And Security

LDTP is available to Human Resources for payroll purposes.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


If a record is updated or approved after the time of the extract for the pay period which is inclusive of the Begin Date of the record, that record will appear on the LDTP list. It is payroll's job to research how the employee was paid and determine, based on the position records, what type of correction must be made.

Notice that POS is the default command for a suspend from this command.

You may mark a record and suspend to POS where a three screen display will tell you all information about the change. In the decode display (for the time period(s) approved too late for extract), the proper dollar amount that should be paid is shown. The Labor system has a record of the amounts that were originally processed for the past pay periods. Using the information together with the information on POS allows you to calculate whether more money is due the employee or whether money must be recovered.

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to the LRDP function. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
POS Position
LRDP List Retroactive Deleted Positions
RDP Retroactive Deleted Positions

Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

LMOL-List Master positions for an Occupation Code & Location

Figure 33 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LMOL function.

Figure 33. List Master positions for and Occ code & Location - LMOL

Select an entry, or enter new keys
 PBOLMOL 1 TEST  List Master positions by Occ cd and Loc - LMOL  05/23/96 16:47
 Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
 BU:      CCC:                    Occ Cd: A106 Loc: FAY
               Position Masters for Occ: A106 Loc: FAY

                                          Sub     T H S --- Position Master ---
        Occupation Title          GD Loc  Loc  AP P A T  No   Beg Date End Date
 _ Accounting Tech I              12 FAY  CLAS 12 R     3758  01/05/96 12/31/99

        Position Master records     1 thru     1 of 1     displayed

      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt


The LMOL function lists all positions that have been assigned for an occupation code along with the date the position was created (PM). This command will be used primarily by Classification/Compensation for tracking purposes. Occ Cd is used as a starting value for the display. The POS (POSition) function is defaulted for a suspend unless another command is entered in the banner prior to pressing PF2.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the command Help:
Effective Dated Records Description of how effective dated records work, as well as how actions work with these records.
Reason Codes Short description of all the reason codes.
Alternate Entry Formats Valid entry formats for dates and cost centers
Standard Validations Validations performed on data entered in PSB.
Deletions Description of why and how deletions are used in PSB.
Same Day and Later Day Dated Records Description of why special processing is required.
Budget Maint Restriction Code Use of this field in controlling the budget process.
The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
POS view a POSition record
POSM POSition Master
APBU Allocate Position to a Budgetary Unit
PACT Personnel ACTion
DIST DISTribution change
CTRA Change Title-Reclass/Academic promotion
SALI SALary Increase
SLEP Set Leave Eligibility for a Position
SUNE Set Up New Employee
SADE Set Accrual Dates for an Employee

Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

LMTL-List Master positions for a Type, Location & occupation code

Figure 34 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LMTL function.

Figure 34. List Master positions for a Type, Location & occ. cd. - LMTL

 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys

 PBOLMTL 1 DEMO  List Master pos by Type, Loc and occ cd - LMTL 04/29/96
 Command:     Action: U Position: 10    Emp ID: 100020  Date: 05/04/1996
 BU:      CCC:               Type: P Loc: FAY  Sub Loc:      Occ Cd:
   Position Masters for Type: P Loc: FAY  Sub-Loc:      by Occupation

   Occ   JB       Sub      Date Last  Date Prov.--- Position Master ---
   Code  GD  Loc  Loc   AP    PCQ    Pos. Rnewd  No  Begin Date  End Date

 _ 2240     FAY   ACAD  12  04/15/96  05/04/96  56  01/05/1996 12/31/2099
 _ 1660     FAY   ADMN  12                      34  01/05/1996 12/31/2099
 _ 1660     FAY   ADMN  12                     179  04/01/1996 12/31/2099
 _ 1660     FAY   ADMN  12                     180  04/01/1996 12/31/2099
 _ K014 14  FAY   CLAS  12                     181  04/01/1996 12/31/2099
 _ M028 20  FAY   CLAS  12                      90  01/05/1996 12/31/2099
 _ R144 20  FAY   CLAS  12                     177  04/01/1996 12/31/2099

         Position Master records     1 thru     7 of  7    displayed

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt             Forwd

Figure 35 is a generic example of the pop-up screen presented when a line is selected and PF4 is pressed.

Figure 35. Decode window for LMTL

 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
 PBOLMTL 1 DEMO   List Master pos by Type, Loc and occ cd - LMTL 04/29/96
 Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:        Date: 01/06/1996
 BU:      CCC:                    Type: P Loc: FAY  Sub Loc:      Occ Cd:
     Position Masters for Type: P Loc: FAY  Sub-Loc:      by Occupation

    Occ      Press ENTER to continue                Position Master -----

    Code       Occupation Title        H/A  S/T    Begin Date  End Date
  _ 2240     Research Assistant        N    N     01/05/1996 12/31/2099
  _ 1660     Assoc For Administration  N    N     01/05/1996 12/31/2099
  _ 1660     Assoc For Administration  N    N     04/01/1996 12/31/2099
  _ 1660     Assoc For Administration  N    N     04/01/1996 12/31/2099
  _ K014     Library Academic Tech III N    N     04/01/1996 12/31/2099
  _ M028     Counselor II              N    N     01/05/1996 12/31/2099
  _ R144     Program Coordinator       N    N     04/01/1996 12/31/2099

        Position Master records     1 thru     7 of  7    displayed

      Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt             Forwd


The LMTL function lists all positions on the Position Master by type and location for an occupation code for a date. This allows Class/Comp to easily monitor the provisional positions in use. The Date last PCQ and the Date Provisional Position Renewed will give better control and insure that required paperwork is completed in a timely manner. These dates come from dates entered on the PMAD - Position Master Audit Date command. Position type is used as a starting value for the display. With this in place, all provisionals will be grouped together, then sorted by Location, and finally occupation code. This sorting of the data allows the user to track for each location the activity for provisional positions. Decode will display the occupation title. The Position (POS) function is defaulted for a suspend unless another command is entered in the banner prior to pressing PF2.

Key Fields

The following are key fields used by the List Master positions for Type, Location & occupation code function and can be found in the banner section of the LMTL screen.

Date -

The date on which an entry is effective. All records will be selected where this date is greater than or equal to the Beginning Date and less than or equal to the Ending Date.

Occupation Code: -

A code which identifies an occupation title and the type of work done by an employee. For classified positions, this code is mandated by the State, and its first posisition is an alpha character. For non-classified positions, this code created along University guidelines and is numeric. Occupation Code is used as a starting value for this display.

Location: -

a code which identifies the location to which a legislative title is appropriated. Values for this field are:

AES - AGRI Experiment Station

ARCH - Archeological Survey

AUX - Auxiliary

CES - Cooperative Extension Service

FAY - Fayetteville

SYS - System

Type -

Identifies a position as regular or provisional. All regular positions have position numbers assigned, while provisional positions are assigned position numbers at the time the need for the position is defined. Provisional positions are intended for short term use and must be renewed annually.

Related topics

LTRS - List Transactions for a Requestor,Status & command

Figure 36 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LTRS command.

Figure 36. List Txns for a Requestor,Status & cmd

  PBOLTRS 1 DEMO  List Txns for a Requestor, Status & cmd - LTRS  11/12/96 15:44
  Command:      Action: V Position:       BU:           Txn Req Date: 10/15/1996
  Emp ID:             Requestor: PAY04    Stat: E Txn Cmd: PACT Thru: 11/12/1996
   List of transactions requested by: PAY04
 in status: E (Effected)  for cmd: PACT requested from: 10/15/96 thru 11/12/96

                                       Action                             Num
    Cmd  --Requested--- --Status Set-- - --------- ID of Entity --------- Comm
  _ PACT 10/21/96 09:33 10/21/96 09:34 U 00964 10/06/1996
  _ PACT 10/21/96 09:56 10/21/96 09:57 U 00752 10/21/1996
  _ PACT 10/29/96 08:29 10/29/96 08:30 U 00979 08/01/1996
  _ PACT 10/30/96 08:24 10/30/96 08:24 U 00994 08/01/1996
  _ PACT 10/30/96 08:26 10/30/96 08:26 D 00994 08/01/1996
  _ PACT 10/30/96 09:38 10/30/96 09:38 U 00994 08/01/1996
  _ PACT 10/30/96 10:43 10/30/96 10:43 U 00995 08/01/1996
  _ PACT 10/30/96 10:50 10/30/96 10:50 U 00892 07/03/1996
  _ PACT 11/01/96 13:34 11/01/96 13:36 U 00996 09/02/1996
  _ PACT 11/01/96 14:33 11/01/96 15:20 U 00999 10/01/1996

           Transactions     1 thru    10 of    10 are displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt
 Select an entry, or enter new keys


This function lists all transactions for a particular userid, status and command for a specific date.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Requestor 28
Status 29
Command ID 30


After the user has filled in the appropriate information in the banner, a list will be presented with the only those transactions which have the status which was requested in the banner. The CMD requested is selectable, the user will be able to suspend (PF2) and review the original transaction.

LTPR - List Transactions Pending Review

Figure 37 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LTPR function.

Figure 37. List Transactions Pending Review - LTPR

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  PBOLTPR 1 DEMO      List Transactions Pending Review - LTPR     04/13/97 14:14
  Command:      Action: V Position: 5017  Emp ID:             Date: 04/21/1997
  BU:      CCC:                    Reviewer Desk: NELSON
  List of pending transactions for Desk: NELSON   in Application: PSB

                                     Action                              Num
     Cmd   --Requested---  Requestor -  --------- ID of Entity --------- Comm
  _  PACT  11/01/96 15:40  PAY02     U  00675 10/30/1996
  _  PACT  11/13/96 13:18  PAY02     U  00725 11/05/1996
  _  PACT  04/11/97 14:03  MLDAY     U  05239 04/10/1997
  _  PACT  04/11/97 14:26  MLDAY     U  05019 04/01/1997
  _  PACT  04/11/97 14:58  MLDAY     U  05242 04/30/1997
  _  PACT  04/11/97 16:29  PAY02     D  04636 05/10/1997

           Transactions     1 thru     6 of     6 are displayed

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt

LTPR is used to list transactions that are pending review by a specified desk. Specific transactions may be displayed or processed further by selecting an entry which includes the command associated with that particular transaction.

Key fields

Reviewer Desk - The desk for which pending transactions are a presented for review through target.
Command ID- The command within the system that is to be reviewed.
After the user has filled in the appropriate information in the banner, a list should appear with the CMD requested being selectable, the user should be abel to mark the entry and suspend PF2 and review the original transaction.

LRWB - List a Reason for a Week for a BU

Figure 38 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LRWB function.

Figure 38. List Reasons for a Week for a BU - LRWB

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  PBOLRWB 1 DEMO      List a Reason for a Week for Bu - LRWB      05/09/97 17:46
  Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 04/12/1997
  BU: ACDO CCC:                    Reason CD: PD
 List Reason CD: PD starting from BU: ACDO for the week of: 04/12/1997

         ------------------- Position ----------------- TG  ---- Employee ----
     Cmd Number Beg Date End Date Loc  Occ  AP Pct  BU  Pn    ID   Pct  Salary
   _ POS   4696 05/10/97 06/01/97 FAY  D049 12 100 ACDO  N  900243 100  20,140
   _ POS   5354 05/15/97 05/31/97 FAY  A006 12 100 ACDO  N  900274 100  22,860
   _ POS   4990 05/25/97 06/14/97 FAY  A006 12 100 ACDO  N  116983 100  22,860
   _ POS   5369 06/05/97 12/31/99 FAY  A111 12 100 ACDO  N  900293 100  20,140

               Position records     1 thru     4 displayed

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt
Figure 39 is an example of the decode window presented when PF4 is pressed on the LRWB function.

Figure 39. List Reasons for a Week and Budgetary Unit - LRWB

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  PBOLRWB 1 DEMO      List a Reason for a Week for Bu - LRWB      05/09/97 17:46
  Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 04/12/1997
  BU: ACDO CCC:                    Reason CD: PD
 List Reason CD: PD starting from BU: ACDO for the week of: 04/12/1997

         -   Press ENTER to continue
     Cmd N    Employee Name                       Occupation Title
   _ POS      Bentley, Clayton/Robert             Computer Support Spec I - In
   _ POS      Sanders, Simon/X                    Accounting Supervisor I
   _ POS      Dennore, Jamie/A.                   Accounting Supervisor I
   _ POS      Nartley, Joe/Bob                    Accountant

               Position records     1 thru     4 displayed

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt

The following sections describe the LRWB function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"


The LRWB function allows the departmental users to view the transactions for their budgetary unit for a week by BU and type of change. An indicator (Pn) shows when a pending TARGET transaction exits. This allows users to check on the status of a TARGET txn and helps Human Resources personnel determine whether a change has been approved in time for the end of month payroll cut-off to be met. Human Resources will use this list extensively for monitoring benefits, employment, leave and payroll actions. Leaving the BU blank in the banner will indicate to the system to begin the listing of changes (of the type selected for a specified week) with the first occurance. The POS (POSition) Command is defaulted for a suspend unless another Command is entered in the banner prior to pressing PF2 .

Key Fields Required in the Banner


Notice in Figure 38 the listing for a change performed for Position #702 on the third line down.

_ POS 702 07/01/96 12/31/99 CES 2285 12 100 1064 N 100013 75 45,750

We can see that this record begins on 7/1/96 and that Employee ID number 100013 occupies the position at a 75% appointment with an annual salary of 45,750. From this list, we can do a few things to learn more about the change. As indicated above, LRWB defaults to POS, which will show all pertinent information on a three screen display. (See Command POS for more information.) By using PF7 and PF8 to toggle backward and forward, respectively, we can view the POS record(s) in effect prior to or after the selected record.

Our other choice involves the POSI (Position Inquiry) command. This function allows users to compare two different consecutive effective dated records for a Position, which you may think of as a before and after image of a change.

LPP - List Positions by Position

Figure 40 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LPP function.

Figure 40. List Position by Position - LPP

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  PBOLPP  1 DEMO         List Positions by Position - LPP         02/06/97 10:19
  Command:      Action: V Position: 1713  Emp ID:             Date: 01/01/1996
  BU:      CCC:
        List Records for Position 1713  effective on or after 01/01/1996

        ---------------------- Position ------------------- TG---- Employee ----
    Cmd Number RC + Beg Date End Date Loc  Occ  AP Pct  BU  Pn  ID   Pct  Salary
  _ POS   1713 PM   04/21/96 11/07/96 FAY  R010 12 100      N
  _ POS   1713 AB   11/08/96 11/30/96 FAY  R010 12 100 ANTH N
  _ POS   1713 NH + 12/01/96 12/15/96 FAY  R010 12 100 ANTH N 103370 100  18,776
  _ POS   1713 EE   12/16/96 12/16/96 FAY  R010 12 100 ANTH N
  _ POS   1713 NH   12/17/96 12/31/99 FAY  R010 12 100 ANTH P 900011 100  18,776

         Position records     1 thru     5 of 5     displayed

       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt

The following sections describe the LPP function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


LPP is a list designed to track the changes made over time to a specific Position. The user can suspend to POS for more information about the changes that were made.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


As new records are created for a Position, these changes are recorded in abbreviated form on the LPP list. This list displays: A Date that is farther back in time will reveal more information about the history of the position, while a more current Date will display the information relevant for the Position.

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to the LPP function. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
POS POSition
LEP List Employee's Positions
LPBD List Positions for a Bu and Date by occupation

Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

Budget Functions

AUBB - Allocate University Budget to a Budgetary unit

Figure 41 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the AUBB function.

Figure 41. Data Entry Screen - AUBB

PBOAUBB 1           Allocate University Budget to Bu - AUBB     03/19/96 11:43
Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
FY: 1998 Company: 0102 BU: UABM To BU: ART  Fund SC: H
Action: V FY: 1998 Company: 0102 Funding Source: H Hard
From BU: UABM Univ of Ark BU               To BU: ART Art
         Unallocated |  Anticipated     Before                        After
           Budget    |    Budget        Change       Allocation       Change
SalNC:       450,000 |      45,000                      50,000          50,000
SalClass:    940,000 |      56,000                      60,000          60,000
SalGA:       200,000 |
Wages:        19,000 |       1,000                       1,000           1,000
WageStu:             |
OtherCom:      5,000 |
Fringes:     342,200 |      24,729                      26,925          26,925
Maint:       960,000 |      37,000                      40,000          40,000
Total:     2,916,200 |     163,729                     177,925         177,925
      Help  Suspd Quit                          NextR       Save  CCom

The following sections describe the Allocate Budget to a Budgetary Unit function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Related Topics".


The AUBB (Allocate University Budget to a Budgetary unit) function is used during the budget cycle to transfer or allocate university budget amounts from one Budgetary Unit (BU) to another. Normally, the allocation will be from a higher BU to a BU under that BU's span of control. For example, the Budget Director uses AUBB to move budget allocations to individual Vice Chancellors' or academic Deans' offices. The Vice Chancellors and Deans then in turn use AUBB to move their allocations down to individual departments under their direct control. AUBB can also be used to correct or adjust budget allocations from one budgetary unit to another.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}
Review {R}
Withdraw {W}

Approval Routing

When the initiator of the transaction presses PF10, it will be routed through the TARGET system to the approvers for the From BU.


  1. FY (fiscal year) must be the latest one indicated on the CTLD (ConTtroL Data) function.
  2. Budget categories may not be changed using this function. This function is designed only for the allocation of budget from one budgetary unit to another. No individual category amount placed in the Allocation column may exceed the same category total in the From Unallocated Budget column. (No allocation can result in a negative budget balance in the From BU.)
  3. The Allocation amounts must always be positive.
  4. No TARGET transaction can be saved where the Allocation values are all zero.
  5. The system should update the To BU balance budget amount when the transaction is given final approval.
  6. No more than one TARGET transaction can be pending for a From BU and To BU combination. (Note: The SETB balances do not reflect the changes proposed in the AUBB record that is pending.)
  7. No allocations should be allowed which would result in a negative budget balance. Therefore, if a change has been made to the BU budget amounts (via CUBC, AUBB, or SETB) which would result in a negative balance if the AUBB transaction is given approval, then the system requires the reviewer to assign a status code of D (disapproved) or I (invalid).
  8. The system should disallow the update if it would result in a BU- Budget-Amount less than the Sum-Position-Budget-Amount.
  9. The system should set the Allocation values equal to Anticipated Budget if all the To BU budget amounts are zero. The system allows the user to modify and save the Allocation values.
  10. The From BU must be different than the To BU.
  11. The function updates the Audit-Log-Group occurence #3, with the Time-of-Update and User ID.
  12. Use of this function is disallowed if the Budget Maintenance Restriction Code on the Company file identifies this function.


The allocation of budget record can be initiated by any user with access to the AUBB function. The AUBB record is subject to TARGET review. The TARGET routing requires the review of the BU manager from which the budget is transferred. The TARGET process creates a log of allocation transactions as budget allocation decisions are processed. The TARGET transaction can also include a comment to document the purpose for the budget allocation.

Note: No more than one TARGET transaction can be pending for a From BU and To BU combination.

The Anticipated Budget column reflects the budget of the current operating year plus or minus sanctioned budget changes made during the operating year, as well as the amounts for cost-of-living increases. It is used as a guideline for determining the new budget balances.

The fringe benefit amounts are system-calculated at the rates specified on the FBRT (Fringe Benefit Rate Table) function according to the salary amounts and types entered for those salary categories. The fringe benefit amounts cannot be modified by the user and are not recorded on the BU Balance file. Fringe benefits will be calculated and posted in a separate batch job at the last stage of the budget cycle into the BU Balance and Dynamic Balance file.

The only modifiable field is the Allocation field. This field represents the positive allocation of budget being allocated to another budgetary unit. When the user is entering the first allocation to a budgetary unit (e.g. the Before Change and After Change values are zero) the system will set the Allocation values to the values displayed in the Anticipated Budget column. The user can then modify and save the allocation values. Once an allocation is submitted and approved and the To BU has a positive budget balance the values in the Allocation column must be manually set by the user.

Withdraw is used to stop a TARGET transaction and make the allocation invalid. Only the initiator of the transaction can withdraw it. The W (withdraw) Action is only appropriate when the allocation has not been given final approval via the TARGET process.

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the Command Help: The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
LTAB List Txns for an Allocation of Budget
BUBI Budgetary Unit Balance Information
FBRT Fringe Benefits Rate Table
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

AUER- Allocate University Estimated Revenues

Figure 42 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the AUER function.

Figure 42. Data Entry Screen - AUER

  PBOAUER 1      Allocate University Estimated Revenues - AUER   8/09/96 08:38
  Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
  FY: 1998  Company: 0102  BU: UABM   To BU: TREA
 ------------------------Txn action: U entered: 08/08/96 by: AVCF001 Status: P
 Action: V   FY: 1998  Company: 0102
 From BU: UABM Univ of Ark BU                 To BU: TREA Treasurer

                     Unallocated   |   Before                         After
                     Est. Revenue  |   Change        Allocation       Change
                     ------------  | ------------   -------------   -----------
 Tuition and Fees:     20,000,000  |                   15,000,000    15,000,000
 State Appr:                       |
 Federal Appr:                     |
 Grants & Contracts:               |
 Sales & Service:                  |
 Other Sources:                    |
                    -------------  | ------------  --------------  ------------
 Total:                20,000,000  |                   15,000,000    15,000,000

       Help  Suspd Quit                          NextR       Save  CCom

The following sections describe the Allocate University Estimated Revenues function:

"Access and Security"
"Key fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Related Topics".


The Allocate University Estimated Revenues (AUER) function is used by the Budget Directors of the entities of the U of A Fund during the budget cycle to allocate estimated revenue amounts by general revenue type to specific Budgetary Units that will be responsible for their maintenance and accounting.

Access and Security

This function is restricted to Budget Unit Managers.

Key fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}
Review {R}
Withdraw {W}

Approval Routing

When the initiator of the transaction presses PF10, it will be routed through the TARGET system to the approvers of the From BU.


  1. Fiscal Year must be set to the latest fiscal year indicated on the Control Data (CTLD) function.
  2. Fiscal Year, Company, and the From BU must exist on the BU Balance file.
  3. The From BU must be different than the To BU.
  4. Estimated Revenue categories may NOT be changed using this function. This function is designed only for the allocation of estimated revenue from one budgetary unit to another. No individual category amount placed in the Allocation field may exceed the same category total in the From Unallocated Est. Revenue column. (No allocation can result in a negative estimated revenue balance in the From BU.)
  5. The Unallocated Revenue amounts may not be negative for any category.
  6. No negative values are allowed.
  7. No TARGET transaction can be saved where the Allocation values are all zero.
  8. No more than one TARGET transaction can be pending for a From BU and To BU combination. (Note: The SETE balances do not reflect changes proposed in the AUER record that is pending).
  9. The system updates the BU Balance file BU-Estimated-Revenue-Amt when the transaction is given final approval.
  10. The function updates the Audit Log Group occurence #5, with Time of Update and User ID.
  11. Use of this function is disallowed if the Budget Maintenance Restriction Code on the Company file identifies this function.


The allocation can be initiated by any user with access to the AUER function. The AUER record is subject to TARGET. The TARGET routing requires the review of the BU manager from which the estimated revenue amounts are transferred. The TARGET process creates a log of allocation transactions as estimated revenue amounts are processed. The TARGET transaction can also include a comment to document the purpose of the estimated revenue allocation.

Note: No more than one TARGET transaction can be pending for a From BU and To BU combination.

On Action View, the Unallocated Estimated Revenue column represents the total amount of estimated revenue by institutional category that the from BU needs to allocate to the respective To BUs. The Before Change column represents the amount of estimated revenues which have been allocated to the To BU.

A user may view the TARGET transactions which will display the allocation values by selecting the transaction record from the List Transactions for Allocation of Estimated revenues to bu (LTAE).

On Action Update, the only modifiable field on this function is the Allocation column. This field represents the amount of estimated revenues being allocated down to the next lower echelon budgetary unit. The information displayed is the same as View. Once amounts have been entered in the Allocation column, then the user may press Enter to validate and see the effects of the change in the After Change column.

Related Topics

BUBA - Budgetary Unit Budget Adjustment

Figure 43 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the BUBA function.

Figure 43. Data Entry Screen - BUBA

All entries are valid, press PF10 to save transaction
PBOBUBA 1                 BU Budget Adjustment - BUBA           08/14/96 11:44
Command:      Action: U Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
FY: 1998  Company: 0102  BU: UABM  To BU: ART     Fund SC: H
Action: U FY: 1998 Company: 0102 Funding: H Hard
-------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
From BU: UABM Univ of Ark BU              To BU: ART  ART
                         Anticipated    |  Before                        After
                           Budget       |  Change       Allocation       Change
Salaries Non-Classified   100,000       |    10,000                      10,000
Salaries Classified       200,000       |   150,000       10,000        160,000
Salaries GA                10,000       |     1,000                       1,000
Wages                      50,000       |     2,000                       2,000
Wages Student                           |
Other Compensation         50,000       |     1,000                       1,000

Fringe Benefits            79,310       |    39,300         2,440        41,740
Maintenance               300,000       |     5,000                       5,000

                       -----------      | ---------     ----------    -----------
Total:                    779,310       |   208,300        12,440       220,740
      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             NextR       Save  CComm

The following sections describe the Budgetary Unit Budget Adjustment function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Related Topics".


The BUBA (Budgetary Unit Budget Adjustment) function is used to make budget transfers between budgetary units outside the budget cycle; it maintains the BU Balance file budget base for the next year's budget cycle. These transfers must be within the same institutional categories, as with, for example, a transfer of budget amounts for Salaries, Classified from one budgetary unit to another.

These transfers are TARGET transactions and are reviewed by the BU managers for both the initiator and receiver of the transfer.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}
Copy {C}
Review {R}
Withdraw {W}

Approval Routing

When the initiator of the transaction presses PF10, it will be routed through the TARGET system to the approvers for both the initiator and receiver of the transfer.


  1. FY must be set to the latest fiscal year indicated on the Control Data (CTLD) function.
  2. FY, Company, From/To Budgetary Units, and categories must be valid and exist on the BU Balance file for the budget year designated.
  3. Company and Funding SC must be be valid as per the Company file.
  4. From BU must be different from the To BU.
  5. The BU Balance Anticipated-BU-Budget-Amount is decreased for the From BU and increased for the To BU.
  6. The system disallows and provides an error message when the change results in a negative value in the From BU Anticipated-BU-Budget-Amount.
  7. No negative values are allowed in the Allocation column.
  8. If the latest fiscal year is changed while a BUBA record is in TARGET, the system forces the reviewer to make the transaction R (Rejected) or I (Invalid). The reviewer will need to refer to the latest Payroll CALendar (PCAL) procedures.
  9. A second TARGET transaction for the same From and To BUs is disallowed if the first TARGET transaction has not reached final review status.
  10. The system calculates and displays the Fringe Benefits amount but does NOT post this value to the BU Balance file.
  11. The use of this function is disallowed if the Budget Maintenance Restriction Code on the Company file identifies this function.


The only modifiable field on this function is the Allocation column. This field represents the positive allocation of budget being allocated to another budgetery unit. Once the amounts have been entered in the Allocation column, the user may press Enter to validate and see the effects of the change in the After Change column. The screen value for the Anticipated Budget column is also updated.

When the user saves the BUBA record, a TARGET transaction is initiated and must be approved by the BU manager of the From BU.

Note: No more than one TARGET transaction can be pending for a From BU and To BU combination.

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
LTBB List Transactions for a Budgetary unit Budget adjustment
FBRT Fringe Benefit Rate Table
BUBI Budgetary Unit Balance Information
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

BUBI - BU Balance Information

Figure 44 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the BUBI function.

Figure 44. Data Entry Screen - BUBI

Please enter an institutional category
PLOBUBI 1 DEMO       BU Balance Information - BUBI
Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
FY: 1998 Company: 0102 BU: ART  Inst Catg: SALNC
Action: V FY: 1998 Company: 0102 BU: ART   Inst Catg: SalNC

                   ------------ Funding Source-----------
                       Hard         Soft         Dept Rev
BU Budget:          100,000,000  100,000,000   100,000,000
Anticipated:               0            0         0
Sum POS/BU:                0            0         0
Sum CCC Dist Bud:          0       ------- Audit Log Information --------
BU Est Revenue:                    BUCM              AP01   02/17/97 11:18
CCC Dist Est Rev:                  SETB, SETE        AP01   02/17/97 11:18
BU Encumbrance:                    AUBB, AUER               00/00/00 00:00
BU Revenue:   :                    PBMC, PBM                00/00/00 00:00
BU Transfer:                       CUBC, CUB                00/00/00 00:00
BU Expenditure:                    BUBA                     00/00/00 00:00
BU Commitment:                     DUBC, DUER               00/00/00 00:00
BU Pending App:                    SALI, APBU, CTRA         00/00/00 00:00
BU Planned:                        Batch job update         00/00/00 00:00
      Help  Suspd Quit                          NextR

The following sections describe the BUBI (BU Balance Information function):

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Related Topics".


The BUBI (BU Balance Information) function is a view screen that gives a budgetary unit manager current information on a particular BU by Inst Catg (Institutional Category). Information is displayed across funding sources 'Hard,' 'Soft,' and 'Departmental Revenues.' The budgetary unit manager is able to view budget to actual expenditures by Inst Catg. Fields displayed show: BU Budget information, BU Encumbrance, BU Expenditure, BU Transfer, BU Revenue, BU Commitment, BU Pending App (approvals), and BU Planned. BUBI will normally be updated nightly via batch posting of revenues and expenditures so that the information displayed on the screen should include previous day's activities.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
BUCM BU Category Maintenance
SETE SET Estimated revenue
AUBB Allocate University Budget to BU
AUER Allocate University Estimated Revenues
PBM Position Budget Maintenance
PBMC Position Budget Maintenance - Cycle
CUBC Change University Budget - Cycle
CUB Change University Budget
BUBA BU Budget Adjustment
DUER Distribute University Estimated Revenues
DUBC Distribute University Budget to Cost Centers
SALI SALary Increase
APBU Allocate Position to BU
CTRA Change Title-Reclass/Academic promotion
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

BUCM - Budgetary Unit Category Maintenance

Figure 45 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the BUCM function.

Figure 45. Data Entry Screen - BUCM

PBOBUCM 1 TEST   Budgetary Unit Category Maintenance - BUCM     08/12/96 11:21
Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
FY: 1997 Company: 0102 BU: ART  Inst Catg: SalNC
Action: V

                    FY: 1997

               Company: 0102      Educational and General - Fayetteville

                    BU: ART       ART

Institutional Category: SalNC     Salaries - Non Classified

Entered: 07/01/1996     By: AVCF001 Colleen Briney

      Help  Suspd Quit  Dcode                   NextR       Save

The following sections describe the BUCM (Budgetary Unit Category Maintenance) function:

"Access and Security"
"Key fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Related topics".


The BUCM (Budgetary Unit Category Maintenance) function is used by the Budget Director to perform table maintenance on Fiscal Year/BU/Company/Institutional Category combinations in the system. Most activity will consist of deletes of unnecessary combinations. (Most new combinations needed will be dynamically generated by the system from rolling forward records from the upcoming operating BU balance file to open and build a new year (anticipated) BU balance file.)

Access and Security

This function is restricted to the Budget Director.

Key fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Copy {C}
Delete {D}

Approval Routing

There is no TARGET for this command. Any changes are saved when PF10 is pressed.


  1. Fiscal Year must be set to the latest fiscal year indicated on the CTLD table.
  2. Company must be a valid record on the Company file.
  3. BU must exist on TABLES-BU.
  4. Institutional Category must be valid on the Departmental Accounting Category file.
  5. FY-BU-Company-Institutional Category must be unique and therefore, not allow the existance of duplicate records.
  6. FY-BU-Company-Institutional Category combination can be deleted as long as there are no BU source group records with balances in existance.
  7. The User ID and Time of Update should be reflected on the BUCM record and in occurence #1 on the BU Balance file.


When a BU is added to TABLES the Budget Officer will add BU Balance records by identifying the FY, BU, Company, and Institutional Category combinations needed to support the budget activities of the new BU.

A Budgetary Unit Company Maintenance record can be copied from an existing record which results in an action Update after pressing PF10. The new entry will retain the change values from the record being copied. The new entry can then be modified as needed before saving it as an updated entry.

The PF4 (DCode) may be used during a view translate the name of the user who updated the table.

Related topics

CUB - Change University Budget

Figure 46 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the CUB function.

Figure 46. Data Entry Screen - CUB

PBOCUBC 1           Change University Budget - CUB           08/22/96 14:13
Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date:
FY: 1998 Company: 0102      BU: BADM       Fund SC: H
-----------------------Txn action: U entered: 08/15/96 by: AVCF001  Status: P
Action: V FY:1998  Company: 0102 BU: BADM Business Administration  Fund SC: H

  Institutional        Anticipated                   Adjusted      Sum Position
    Category             Budget        Change          Budget         Budget
--------------------   -----------   ------------    -----------    -----------
Salaries Non-Class:       100,000         20,000        120,000        120,000
Salaries Classified:       50,000        -20,000         30,000         30,000
Salaries GA:                1,000                         1,000          1,000
Wages:                      5,000                         5,000
Wages Student:
Other Compensation:         1,000                         1,000

Fringe Benefits:           37,115                        37,115

Maintenance:                5,000          1,000          6,000

                       -----------   ------------   ------------
Total Budget:             199,115          1,000        200,115

      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             NextR       Save  CComm

The following sections describe the Change University Budget function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Related topics".


The Change University Budget (CUB) function is used ONLY by the Budget Directors of the U of A Fund entities to permanently change budget allocations among budget categories (Salaries to Maintenance, etc.) for a Budgetary Unit. Depending upon the Fund entity's policy and procedures, the future (anticipated) budget base for the Budgetary Unit and thus the entire fund entity can be increased or decreased via this function. For example, in the case of Fayetteville Educational and General Funds where fringe benefits can only be used for fringe benefits, a transfer of budget from salaries to maintenance would result in a decrease to the future year budget base.

Access and Security

This function is restricted to Budget Directors.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}
Review {R}
Withdraw {W}

Approval Routing

When the initiator of the transaction presses PF10, it will be routed through the TARGET system to the approvers of the fund entity/component and the Budget Officer.


  1. Fiscal Year must be set to the latest fiscal year indicated on the Control Data (CTLD) function.
  2. Fiscal Year, Company, BU, and Fund Source must exist on the BU balance file.
  3. Positive and negative values should be allowed in the Change column only if the result would not create a BU Balance file negative Anticipated-BU-Budget-Amount
  4. The total of the values in the Change column can be any positive or negative value.
  5. The function updates the BU Balance file Anticipated-BU-Budget-Amount.
  6. The fringe benefit amount is recorded in the BU Balance file.


An action Update on CUB results in a TARGET transaction which must be approved by the Budget Officer. The TARGET review criterion is based upon the fund entity/component which is identified by the last digit of the company number called the location code. Currently those location codes and the corresponding fund entities are 1 - Central Administration, 2 - Fayetteville, 3 - Agricultural Experiment Station, 4 - Cooperative Extension Service, and 5 - Arkansas Archeological Survey. The user may include a TARGET comment which documents the purpose of the change.

The user should not use CUB to adjust salaries if there is a PBM in TARGET for that same salary category and Budgetary Unit. Also, the user should ensure that the position budget records are in line with the changes made to the Anticipated BU Budget Amount. The Sum Position Budget is displayed to provide this information. If needed, the user may initiate a Position Budget Maintenance (PBM) before processing the CUB.

The only modifiable field on this function is the Change column. The Anticipated Budget and Adjusted Budget column amounts are presented by the system and are the same values when the user first displays the screen. After pressing Enter or PF10, the Adjusted Budget column reflects Anticipated Budget amount plus or minus the Change amount. The amounts displayed in the Fringe Benefit field are calculated and entered by the user when necessary.

Withdraw is used to stop a TARGET transaction and make that change invalid. Only the initiator of the transaction can withdraw it. Withdraw is only appropriate when the proposed change has not been given final approval via the TARGET process.

Related topics

CUBC - Change University Budget - Cycle

Figure 47 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the CUBC function.

Figure 47. Data Entry Screen - CUBC

PBOCUBC 1           Change University Budget - Cycle - CUBC     08/22/96 14:13
Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date:
FY: 1998 Company: 0102  BU: VCFA  Fund SC: H
Action: V FY:1998  Company: 0102 BU: BADM Business Administration  Fund SC: H

Institutional Category                    Budget          Change        Budget
-------------------------------      ------------   --------------   -----------
                                               0               0              0
Salaries, Non-Classified:                      0               0              0
Salaries, Classified:                          0               0              0
Salaries, Graduate Assistants:                 0               0              0
Wages:                                         0               0              0
Wages, Student:                                0               0              0
Other Compensation:                            0               0              0

Fringe Benefits

Maintenance:                                   0               0              0
                                     ------------   --------------   -----------
Total Budget:                                  0               0              0

      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             NextR       Save

The following sections describe the CUBC (Change University Budget - Cycle) function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Related Topics".


The CUBC (Change University Budget - Cycle) function is used only by the Budget Directors of the U of A Fund entities during the budget cycle to permanently change budget allocations among institutional categories (salaries to maintenance, etc.) for a BU.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}

Approval Routing

There is no TARGET routing for this Command. Any changes are saved when PF10 is pressed.


  1. Fiscal Year must be set to the latest fiscal year indicated on the Control Data (CTLD) function.
  2. Fiscal Year, Company, BU, and Fund SC must exist on the BU balance file.
  3. BU cannot be UABM.
  4. Positive and negative values should be allowed.
  5. The total of the values in the Changecolumn should sum to zero. The Budget column total and the Adjusted Budget column total should always equal.
  6. The function updates the BU Balance file BU-Budget-Amount.
  7. The system should disallow any changes which would result in a negative BU Balance file BU-Budget-Amount or would reduce BU Balance below CCC-Dist amount.
  8. The system should disallow any updates which would result in the BU-Budget-Amount less than the Sum-Position-Budget-Amount
  9. The fringe benefit amount is not recorded in the BU-Balance file.
  10. The use of this function is disallowed if the Budget Maintenance Restriction code on the Company file identifies this function.


The fringe benefits are system calculated based upon the salary amounts and types and the fringe benefit rates on the Fringe Benefit Rate Table (FBRT) function. The Total Budget cannot change. When a change between categories requires a change in fringe benefits, the Maintenance category will be adjusted so that the Total Budget remains unchanged. The user may use AUBB to move the requisite maintenance dollars to or from the BU adjusted on CUBC. For example, if BU was increasing salary amounts, the BU would have to make sure they had enough Maintenance to not only fund the increase but also the Fringe Benefit amount. If there was not enough Maintenance the user would have to use AUBB to transfer funds to cover the amount needed to fund the increase and/or Fringe Benefit amounts.

An update increases or decreases the BU Budget amount for a specific Institutional Category. The system calculates the fringe benefits based upon the values entered for salaries. Any differences will be shown as an adjustment in the Maintenance category. The net change to the BU must always equal zero. The system does not post any of the updates to the Fringe Benefit categories. The fringe benefits will be posted at the close of the budget cycle based upon the institutional salary category balances.

A CUBC update should be initiated only after ensuring that there are no AUBBs (allocations to or from the BU being adjusted) pending in TARGET.

The AUBB function is utilized to clear or fund the adjustment in Maintenance when necessary.

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the Command Help: The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
CUB Change University Budget
FBRT Fringe Benefits Rate Table
BUBI Budgetary Unit Balance Information
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

DUBC - Distribute University Budget to CCCs

Figure 48 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the DUBC function.

Figure 48. Data Entry Screen - DUBC

 PBODUBC 1 TEST      Distribute University Budget to CCC- DUBC     08/05/96
 Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
 FY: 1998  CCC: 0102 14040-11-0000   BU: ECON  Inst Catg: SalNC
Action: V FY: 1998 From BU: ECON Economics               Inst Catg: SalNC
Starting DAC: 0102 14040-11-0000      Undistributed Amount: 000,000

 Dept Acct Center    Dept Acct Center Description            Distribution
------------------  ------------------------------           ------------
0102-14040-11-0000  ECONOMICS-ON-CAMPUS CR INSTRUC            12,345,678
0102-14040-12-0000  ECONOMICS-INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPOR                   100
0102-14040-13-0000  ECONOMICS-OFF-CAMPUS CR INSTRUC                  100
0102-14040-14-0000  ECONOMICS-NON-CREDIT INSTRUC                   1,000
0102-14040-15-0000  ECONOMICS-INSTRUCTION-COST SHAR               10,000
0102-14040-16-0000  ECONOMICS-ACADEMIC ADVISING                      100
0102-14040-22-0000  ECONOMICS-UNIV SUPPORT RESEARCH                1,000
0102-14040-31-0000  ECONOMICS-SUPPORT PUB SERV                       100
0102-14040-33-0000  ECONOMICS-UNIV SUPPORT PUB SERV                  100
0102-14050-12-0000  ECONOMICS                                      1,000

      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             NextR       Save

The following sections describe the DUBC (Distribute University Budget to CCC) function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Batch Jobs"
"Related Topics"


The DUBC (Distribute University Budget to CCC) is used to distribute university budget, previously allocated to a BU to cost centers within the span of control of that BU. This activity takes place during the budget cycle, and the budget cycle is not considered complete for Company '0102' until the budget amounts allocated to BU's have been completely distributed.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}

Approval Routing

There is no TARGET routing for this command. Any changes are saved when PF10 is pressed.


  1. Only positive values should be allowed in the Distribution balance column.
  2. Dept Acct Center budget amounts must never be negative on the Dynamic Balance file.
  3. The system does not calculate the related fringe benefit amounts to follow the salary category distributions from BU to CCC. This will occur when a job is executed at the last stages of the budget cycle.
  4. Undistributed Amount may not be negative. This is calculated as the BU-Budget for that category less the CCC-Distribution amount less the calculated screen values.
  5. All CCC budget distributions will be posted into the July period of the next fiscal year on the Dynamic Balance file.
  6. The system will display the correct CCCs for the BU by using the TABLES file superdescriptor key BU-CCC. (The user will post to the appropriate CCCs, skipping over the CCCs which will not have budget posted to them.) If necessary, the user can enter a starting CCC value. DUBC checks the DATE-INACTIVE for a CCC on TABLES and if it is before 7/1 of the budget year on CTLD, it is ignored. Also, if the CCC does not exist on the Dynamic Balance file, then the cost center will not display on DUBC.
  7. The function updates the Audit Log Group occurrence #4, with Time of Update and User ID.
  8. Use of this function is disallowed if the Budget Maintenance Restriction Code on the company file identifies this function.


As a part of the budget cycle preparation process, a batch program will produce a report which displays the prior year budget amounts by CCC for a BU and Inst Catg. In addition, current expenditure amounts by cost center will be displayed as well as an anticipated budget. The anticipated budget is derived by sorting positions by salary category for a BU and then aggregating the pay distributions for a CCC for each position.

The only modifiable field on this function is the Distribution column. This is where budget for a BU is distributed across CCCs by individual function. Once amounts have been entered, the user may press Enter to validate and see the effects of the distribution in the screen value for Undistributed Amount. The Undistributed Amount is the BU Balance Budget Amount less the Sum-CCC-Dist-Budget-Amt. The Dynamic Balance File Budget Amount for the Active Month Group is updated. Also, the BU Balance Sum-CCC-Dist-Budget Amount is updated along with the the audit log group.

When moving amounts between CCCs, the user should enter and save decreasing distributions to the CCC first to restore the undistributed balance.

Batch Jobs

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the Command Help: The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
BUBI Budgetary Unit Balance Information
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

DUER - Distribute University Estimated Revenues

Figure 49 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the DUER function.

Figure 49. Data Entry Screen - DUER

PBODUER Distribute University Est.Revenues to Categories - DUER  8/09/96 08:38
 Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
 FY: 1998 BU: TREA CCC: 0102 24000-00-0000 DeptCatg: fall
Action: V FY: 1998 From BU: TREA Treasurer
DAC: 0102 24000-00-0000 beginning DeptCatg: fall       Undist Amt:   41,026,624
  Departmental  Seq                                                 Estimated
    Category    Code       Category Description                      Revenue
  ------------  ----     ------------------------------            -----------
    Fall         100     Tuition and Fees - Fall                    15,000,000
    Spring       110     Tuition and Fees - Spring                  12,000,000
    Summer       120     Tuition and Fees - Summer                  10,000,000

                                                      Total:        37,000,000
       Help  Suspd Quit                          NextR       Save

The following sections describe the Distribute University Estimated Revenues function:

"Key fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Related topics".


The Distribute University Estimated Revenues to categories (DUER) function is used to distribute Estimated Revenue amounts to departmental categories within a company cost center of a BU. This activity takes place during the budget cycle and the budget cycle is not considered complete for Company '0102' until all the Estimated Revenue amounts have been completely distributed.

Key fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}

Note: The only modifiable field on this function is the 'Estimated Revenue' column.

Approval Routing

There is no TARGET routing for this command. Any changes are saved when PF10 is pressed.


  1. Fiscal year must be set to the 'latest fiscal year' on the Control Data (CTLD) function.
  2. Fiscal Year, Company, and BU combination must exist on the BU Balance file.
  3. No negative values are allowed.
  4. Only Company Cost Center/Category combinations on the Dynamic Balance file will be displayed.
  5. The CCC must be valid on Tables.
  6. The CCC must be valid for the BU on Tables.
  7. The CCC inactive date must be greater than 7/01 of the next fiscal year.
  8. Undistributed amount may not be negative. This is calculated as the BU Estimated Revenue amount for that category less the Sum-CCC-Dist-Est-Revenue-Amt less the calculated screens amounts.
  9. The BU Balance Sum-CCC-Dist-Est-Revenue-Amt is updated.
  10. The Dynamic Balance file Estimated-Revenue-Amt for the July period is updated.
  11. The function updates the BU Balance file Audit Log Group occurence #6, with the Time of Update and User ID.
  12. The function updates the Dynamic Balance file Audit Log Group occurence #1, with the Time of Update and User ID.
  13. Use of this function is disallowed if the Budget Maintenance Restriction Code on the Company file identifies this function.


The only modifiable field on this function is the 'Estimated Revenue' column. This is where Estimated Revenue amounts are broken down for a Cost Center by departmentally assigned Categories for a BU and Institutional Category combination.

The user may not make incremental changes on this function. All entries must be for the Total Estimated Revenue amounts by category that the user wants to distribute.

If all of the categories cannot be displayed on the screen, then the information on the screen must be saved (PF10) before pressing PF8 to page to the next screen of categories.

Related topics

FBRT - Fringe Benefit Rate Table

Figure 50 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the FBRT function.

Figure 50. FBRT (Fringe Benefit Rate Table)

 Please enter new key fields
  PBOFBRT 1 DEMO         Fringe Benefit Rate Table - FBRT         11/07/96 13:50
  Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
   FY: 1998
   Action: V FY: 1998

                                              Regular          Federal
        Institutional Category                 Rate             Rate
        -----------------------------         -------          -------
        Salaries Non-Classified:               24.40            21.80
        Salaries Classified:                   24.40            21.80
        Salaries Graduate Assistants:           0.50             0.50
        Wages:                                  8.50             8.50
        Wages Student:                          0.50             0.50
        Other Compensation:                     8.50             8.50

   Updated on: 10/17/1996 by: AP01

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextR

The following sections describe the FBRT (Fringe Benefit Rate Table) function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Related Topics"


The FBRT (Fringe Benefit Rate Table) function is used by the Budget Office to establish rates for fringe benefits by Institutional Category. Institutional Categories displayed are salaries (non-classified, classified, and graduate assistants), wages (regular and student), and other compensation. There are two fringe benefit rates - Regular Rate which is the amount determined by the University and Federal Rate which is the amount allowable on federal grants. The system calculates the fringe benefit amounts by Institutional Category based on the rates specified.

Access and Security

Use of this function is restricted to the Budget Office.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Update {U}
Delete {D}


The FBRT function employs the following validations:
  1. You cannot update or delete if FY is prior to last fiscal year on CTLD.
  2. Update is restricted to the Budget Office.


The Budget Office will create a new fringe benefit rate table for the new fiscal year at the beginning of the budget cycle.

PF4 (DeCode) may be used during a view to translate the name of the user who updated the table.

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the Command Help:

The following command performs processing functions related to positions and budget. For information on this Command, press PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of this screen:

CTLD ConTroL Data
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

PBM - Position Budget Maintenance

Figure 51 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the PBM function.

Figure 51. Data Entry Screen - PBM

Please enter new key fields
PBOPBM 1 TEST       Position Budget Maintenance - PBM        04/22/97 17:37:37
Command:      Action: V Position: 201   Emp ID:             Date: 07/01/1997
FY: 1998
Action: V Position: 201   FY: 1998  Occ Cd: 1435 Associate Director
BU: COMP Computing Services       Inst Catg: SalNC Salaries, Non-Classified
Employee ID: 123456 Boyd, Sally          Appt Period: 12  Annual Salary:100,000
 -Company -    --------- Budgetary Unit ----------  Funding    ---- Position ---
   Number        Code     Name                      Source           Amount
       0102         COMP  Computing Services             H            10,000
       0102         COMP  Computing Services             S            10,000
       0102         COMP  Computing Services             D            10,000
       0102         COMP  Computing Services             U             1,000
       0402         ENGR  Engineering                    S             9,000
       0102         ENGR  Engineering                    D            10,000
       0102         AVCF  Assoc VC for Financial         H            20,000
       0102         AVCB  Assoc VC for Business          H            10,000
       0102         HMRS  Human Resources                H            10,000
       0102         VCFA  VC Finance and Adminis         H            10,000
                                           Total Position Budget:    100,000
      Help  Suspd Quit  Dcode RStrt             NextR       Save  CCom

The following sections describe the PBM (Position Budget Maintenance) function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Related Topics".


The Position Budget Maintenance (PBM) function is used by BU managers to update the sources and amounts of a position budget salary outside the budget cycle, or to add or delete position budget records as necessary when position records are deleted.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Update {U}
Review {R}
Withdraw {W}
Delete {D}

Approval Routing

When the initiator of the transaction presses PF10, it will be routed through the TARGET system to the approvers of the BUs on the Position Budget record and the Budget Officer of the fund entity as identified by the company number.

Note: The allocated BU manager of the Position is not included in this review chain if the allocated BU is not identified as one of the BU budget source groups.


  1. For Action U, the only Company that can be used must be C Current on the company file.
  2. The Funding Source used must be appropriate for the Company being adjusted. See Permitted Funding Type value on company file.
  3. Company/Budgetary Unit combination must exist on the BU Balance file.
  4. System generates a warning (not an error) if the budgeted salary is not equal to or greater than the employee Annual Salary.
  5. On an Update, the fiscal year must be set to the latest budget year in effect on the Control Data (CTLD) function.
  6. As the position budget record is approved, the BU balance field Sum-Position-Budget-Amount is updated.

    Note: the Inst Catg is inferred from the position record Occ Cd and Student Title Code.

  7. The position record update cannot be saved if the BU Balance file Sum-Position- Budget-Amount would exceed the Anticipated-BU-Budget-Amount.


Up to ten budget sources can be identified and include the Company, BU, and Position Source, and Position Amount. Funding Sources are:
H Hard Budget
D Departmental Revenues
S restricted or Soft funds
U Unfunded salary
PBM updates are reflected in the Position Budget record file of the latest budget year (which is always the next fiscal year). The user has the ability to select any effective dated position record for the current fiscal year or the future budget year in order to correctly analyze the salary and employee information for the position budget update.

In contrast to function PBMC (Position Budget Maintenance - Cycle), the employee Annual Salary amount may not be changed using this function. Employee Annual Salary updates are made with PAYS Command. Therefore, changes made using the PBM function do not affect the individual position records and no Reason Cd is assigned.

PBM is subject to TARGET reviews by the BU managers of the BUs on the Position Budget record and the Budget Officer of the fund entity. The allocated BU manager of the Position is not included in this review chain if the allocated BU is not identified as one of the BU budget source groups. The TARGET review criterion for the Budget Officer is based upon the fund entity/component which is identified by the last digit of the company number called the location code. Currently those location codes and corresponding fund entities are:

1 Central Administration
2 Fayetteville
3 Agricultural Experiment Station
4 Cooperative Extension Service
5 Arkansas Archeological Survey
The user may also include a TARGET comment which documents the purpose of the change.

There is no security by value access defined for this function.

The user should not process a PBM if there is a CUB pending in TARGET. which affects the salary budget category for the same BU.

When the user saves the PBM record, a TARGET transaction is initiated.

Withdraw is used to stop a TARGET transaction and make the proposed change invalid. Withdraw is only appropriate when the change has not been given final approval through the TARGET process.

A position budget record may be deleted.

A new position budget record may be added. The position number must exist on the position file.

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
LTPB List Transactions for a Position Budget
PBMC Position Budget Maintenance - Cycle
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

PBMC - Position Budget Maintenance - Cycle

Figure 52 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the PBMC function.

Figure 52. Data Entry Screen - PBMC

Please enter new key fields
 PBOPBMC 1 TEST  Position Budget Maintenance Cycle - PBMC      05/15/96 17:37
 Command:      Action: V Position: 201   Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
 FY: 1998                         Reason CD: NS
Action: V Position: 201   FY: 1998  Occ Cd: 1435 Associate Director
Allocated BU: Comp                         Inst Catg: SalNC
Employee ID: 123456 Boyd, Sally                Employee Annual Salary: 100,000

 - Co -   ----- Budgetary Unit --------  --- Funding ---    Position Budget
 Number   Code       Name                    Source              Amount
  0102    COMP Computing Services        H Hard                   47,400
  0102    COMP Computing Services        S Soft                   10,000
  0102    COMP Computing Services        D Dept Revenues          10,000
  0102    COMP Computing Services        U Unfunded                1,000
  0402    ENGR Engineering Dean          S Soft                    9,000
  0102    ENGR Engineering Dean          D Dept Revenues           1,000
  0102    AVCF Assoc VC Financial Aff    H Hard                   20,000
  0102    AVCB Assoc VC Business Aff     H Hard                   10,000
  0102    AVCB Assoc VC Business Aff     S Soft                   10,000
  0102    VCFA VC for Finance and Admn   H Hard                   10,000
                                     Total Position Budget:       100,000
      Help  Suspd Quit  Dcode RStrt Pct         NextR       Save
Figure 53 is a generic example of the pop-up screen presented when PF4 is pressed.

Figure 53. Decode window for PBMC

Please enter new key fields
 PBOPBMC 1 TEST  Position Budget Maintenance Cycle - PBMC      05/15/96 17:37
 Command:      Action: V Position: 201   Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
 FY: 1998                         Reason CD: NS
Action: V Position: 201   FY: 1998  Occ Cd: 1435 Associate Director
Allocated BU: Comp                         Inst Catg: SalNC
Employee ID: 123456 Boyd, Sally                Employee Annual Salary: 100,000

 - Co -   ----- Budgetary Unit --------  --- Funding ---    Position Budget
 Number   Code       Name                    Source              Amount
  0102    COMP Computing Services        H Hard                   47,400
  0102    COMP Computing Services        S Soft                   10,000
  0102    COMP Computing Services        D Dept Revenues          10,000
  0102  +---------------------------------------------------------------+
  0402  | Press enter to continue                                       |
  0102  |               Audit Log Information                           |
  0102  |                                                               |
  0102  | Position Budget rec. added:  03/07/1997 15:03 By: PollyP      |
  0102  | Last update of Pos. Budget:  01/02/0000 00:00 By:             |
  0102  |                                                               |
      Help  Suspd Quit  Dcode RStrt Pct         NextR       Save
Figure 54 is a generic example of the pop-up screen presented when PF6 is pressed.

Figure 54. Decode window for PBMC when PF6 Pct is pressed

Please enter new key fields
 PBOPBMC 1 TEST  Position Budget Maintenance Cycle - PBMC      05/15/96 17:37
 Command:      Action: V Position: 201   Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
 FY: 1998                         Reason CD: NS
Action: V Position: 201   FY: 1998  Occ Cd: 1435 Associate Director
Allocated BU: Comp                         Inst Catg: SalNC
Employee ID: 123456 Boyd, Sally    +--------------+oyee Annual Salary: 100,000
                                   | Press ENTER  |
 - Co -   ----- Budgetary Unit ----|  Distribution|  ---    Position Budget
 Number   Code       Name          |     Percent  |              Amount
  0102    COMP Computing Services  |     47.40000 |               47,400
  0102    COMP Computing Services  |     10.00000 |               10,000
  0102    COMP Computing Services  |     10.00000 |enues          10,000
  0102    COMP Computing Services  |      1.00000 |                1,000
  0402    ENGR Engineering Dean    |      9.00000 |                9,000
  0102    ENGR Engineering Dean    |      1.00000 |enues           1,000
  0102    AVCF Assoc VC Financial A|     20.00000 |               20,000
  0102    AVCB Assoc VC Business Af|     10.00000 |               10,000
  0102    AVCB Assoc VC Business Af|     10.00000 |               10,000
  0102    VCFA VC for Finance and A|     10.00000 |               10,000
                                   +--------------+ Budget:       100,000
      Help  Suspd Quit  Dcode RStrt Pct         NextR       Save

The following sections describe the PBMC (Position Budget Maintenance function):

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Related Topics".


The PBMC (Position Budget Maintenance - Cycle) function is used by BU Managers during the budget cycle to update the budget sources and budget salary amounts of a Position. Up to ten budget sources can be identified and include: Funding Sources include:
H Hard Budget
D Departmental Revenues
S Restricted or Soft Funds
U Unfunded salary
These updates are reflected in the Position Budget records.

Access and Security

PBMC will be available to all campus users, but with the following limitations:

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}

Approval Routing

There is no TARGET routing for this command. Any changes are saved when PF10 is pressed.


  1. Fiscal Year must be set to the latest budget year in effect on the CTLD (ConTroL Data) function.
  2. The Company/BU combination must exist on the BU Balance file.
  3. For action U, only those non-classified positions with effective dates of July 1 (for 12 month employees) and August XX (beginning date of upcoming academic year for 9 Month employees) may be changed. Employees with effective hire dates later than those above must be entered using the PBM function after the budget cycle is complete.
  4. Company and BU must be valid. This is validated on the BUCM function.
  5. Funding Source must be compatible with the Company being used as per Permitted Funding Type value on the Company file.
  6. For Action U, the Reason CD NS (Nonclassified Salary change) is recorded on the Position record when the Annual Salary is updated.
  7. As the position budget records are saved, the BU Balance field Sum-Position-Budget-Amount is incrementally increased by the updated amount. The BU balance Sum Position Budget Amount cannot exceed the BU budget amount for the category affected if the Company file field Sum-Position-Budget code is yes. This validation is not conducted for fund source types of S and U.
  8. The Inst Catg is derived from the position record's Occ Cd and the Student Title Code.
  9. Employee Annual Salary cannot exceed the aggregate position budget salary on the record.
  10. Employee Annual Salary cannot exceed maximum salary on LEGT or OCC for the employee percent set or exceed the overmax by 25% for non-classified positions if the over maximum flag is on.
  11. Employee Annual Salary cannot be zero if there is an Emp ID and the Position is nonclassified. System provides a warning if position budget exceeds Employee Annual Salary.
  12. Employee Annual Salary cannot be modified if there is no Emp ID.
  13. If the Position is filled, there must be at least one budget source record group on each record. The budget source record must have positive or real values other than negative, zero, or null. If the Position is vacant, the position budget record source group may be blank.
  14. The following later dated Reason CDs are allowed and the Employee Annual Salary is rippled through them:
    DC Distribution Change
    LE Leave Eligibility
    RD Resume Distribution

    All disallowed later-dated reason codes which are detected will result in a system error message which describes the offending Reason CD and the effective Date of the position record. The user will have to manually delete the Reason CD via the appropriate function.

  15. The function updates the Audit Log Group occurrence #2, with time of update and user ID.
  16. If the Budget Maintenance Restriction code on the company file identifies this function then the user is restricted from updating, deleting, or adding any source group record (line) with this company.


If the Position has a non-classified Occ cd and has an Emp ID, then the BU Manager may also enter the employee's new annual salary for the year. The system will update or add a position record with a fiscal year (7/1) begin date or academic year begin date with the new annual salary. The Reason CD NS (Nonclassified Salary change) will be assigned to the position record.

Note: In the event that the user desires to delete the Reason CD NS position record due to the later dated Reason CD rules, the PAYS Command must be used.

Update access to positions is based upon an allocated BU security value. The Security by Value provides a means of restricting entry to a Command. This restriction is based on the relationship of the desk/BU of the individual attempting the entry to that of the BU being affected by the entry.

The Inst Catg that is displayed is derived from the position record's Occ Cd and Student Title Code.

The only fields modifiable on PBMC are:

If there is an Emp ID for the effective begin date and the Occ Cd is non-classified, then the Employee Annual Salary may be updated. Otherwise, the Employee Annual Salary field is displayed but not modifiable.

The update can involve a change to only the Employee Annual Salary or the Position Budget fields (Company, BU, Funding Source, or Budget Salary amounts) or both.

If the Employee Annual Salary needs to be updated more than once the user would have to use the PBS function PAYS (PAY Status) to delete the NS Reason CD and then go back to PBMC to update the salary.

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
LPBC List Position budgets for a BU, Company
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

SETB - SET Budget

Figure 55 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the SETB function.

Figure 55. Data Entry Screen - SETB

Please enter new key fields
 PBOSETB 1 TEST                 SET Budget - SETB                08/14/96 17:36
 Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date:
 FY: 1998 Co: 0102
Action: V FY: 1998 Company: 0102 BU: UABM Univ of Ark BU

Institutional Category                       Hard          Dept Revenues

Salaries, Non-Classified:                10,000,000           2,000,000
Salaries, Classified:                    85,000,000          10,000,000
Salaries, Graduate Assistants:              200,000             100,000
Wages:                                      400,000              10,000
Wages, Student:                             100,000

Other Compensation:                          10,000              10,000

Fringe Benefits:                         23,223,500           2,929,350

Maintenance:                              1,000,000               1,000
                                        ------------       --------------
Total:                                  119,933,500          15,050,350

      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             NextR       Save

The following sections describe the SET Budget function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Related topics".


The SET Budget (SETB) function is used by the Budget Directors of each U of A Fund entity (Fayetteville Campus, System Administration, Agricultural Experiment Station, Cooperative Extension Service, and Arkansas Archeological Survey) at the beginning of the budget cycle to enter the expenditure budget for that entity by Institutional Budget Category and Funding Source. Institutional budget categories displayed are Salaries (Non-Classified, Classified, Graduate Assistant), Wages (Regular and Student), Other Compensation, Fringe Benefits (calculated by salary type, fringe benefit rate and aggregated), and Maintenance. Other compensation includes sick leave, annual leave, extra compensation, incentive pay, overload, service award, special retirement, and overtime. The Funding Sources are Hard and Departmental Revenues. Hard Budget is the amount of Budget provided by Institutional Revenues, whereas Departmental Revenue budget is provided by Revenues generated in a particular department.

Access and Security

This function is restricted to Budget Directors.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}
Delete {D}

Approval Routing

There is no TARGET routing for this command. Any changes are saved when PF10 is pressed.


  1. Fiscal Year must be set to the latest fiscal year on the Control Data (CTLD) function.
  2. Fiscal Year, Company, and BU must exist on the BU Balance file.
  3. No negative values should be allowed.
  4. The function updates the BU Balance file BU-Budget-Amount.
  5. The function records the update in the Audit Log Group occurence #7, with Time of Update and User ID.
  6. Amounts shown for fringe benefits on each salary category are generated by a table of benefit rates contained in FBRT and are reflected in the category field 'Fringe Benefits'. This value is NOT stored in the BU Balance file.


Each Budget Director will enter the total budget base for their fund component and use the system required 'clearing house' Budgetary Unit called "UABM".

Salary totals entered represent the sum of the current salary base combined with salary increases authorized by executive management, state-mandated Cost-of-Living increases, and Exceptional Merit Pool amounts as authorized and funded by the state.

The fringe benefits are system-calculated at the rates specified on the Fringe Benefit Rate Table (FBRT) function according to the salary amounts and types entered for those salary categories. The fringe benefit amount cannot be modified by the user and are NOT posted to the BU-Balance file

The Budget Director should ensure that the Total Budget amount entered equals the Total Estimated Revenue amount entered on the Set Estimated Revenues (SETE) function for that same entity.

The initial entry and subsequent changes to the total budget allocation to each company is done with an Update. Fields modifiable on SETB are Salaries (Classified, Non-Classified, and Graduate Assistants), Wages (Regular and Student), Other Compensation, and Maintenance.

Related topics

SETE - SET Estimated Revenue

Figure 56 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the SETE function.

Figure 56. Data Entry Screen - SETE

PBOSETE 1           SET Estimated Revenues - SETE              08/08/96 14:55
 Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
 FY: 1998  Company: 0102
Action: V  FY: 1998  Company: 0102   BU: UABM Univ of Ark BU

Institutional Category                  Estimated Revenues

Tuition and Fees:                         999,999,999
State Appropriations:                     999,999,999
Federal Appropriations:                   999,999,999
Grants and Contracts:                     999,999,999
Sales and Service:                        999,999,999
Other Sources:                            999,999,999


Total:                                  9,999,999,999

      Help  Suspd Quit                          NextR       Save

The following sections describe the SET Estimated revenue function:

"Access and Security"
"Key fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Related topics".


The SET Estimated Revenue (SETE) function is used by the Budget Directors of each U of A Fund entity (Fayetteville Campus, System Administration, Agricultural Experiment Station, Cooperative Extension Service, and Arkansas Archeological Survey) at the beginning of the budget cycle to enter the Estimated Revenue amounts for that entity by Institutional Revenue category. Major Estimated Revenue sources include Tuition and Fees, State Appropriations, Federal Appropriations, Gifts, Grants, and Contracts (which include Federal, State, and Local as well as Private), Sales and Service, and Other Sources. Other Sources includes Estimated Revenues which are expected to be generated by Departments, as well as miscellaneous revenues generated by the Institution.

Note: Only Unrestricted Revenues are entered on this function.

Access and Security

This function is restricted to Budget Directors.

Key fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}
Delete {D}

Approval Routing

There is no TARGET routing for this command. Any changes are saved when PF10 is pressed.


  1. Fiscal Year must be set to the 'latest fiscal year' on the Control Data (CTLD) function.
  2. Fiscal Year, Company, and BU must exist on the BU Balance file.
  3. No negative values are allowed.
  4. The function updates the BU Balance file BU-Estimated-Revenue-Amt.
  5. The function updates the Audit Log Group occurence #7, with Time of Update and User ID.


Each Budget Director will enter the total Estimated Revenue amounts for their fund component using the system required 'clearing house' Budgetary Unit called "UABM".

The State Appropriations category total includes General Revenues Allocations and Transfers from Other State Funds (such as the Merit Adjustment Fund which allocates funding for Cost-of-Living increases and for Exceptional Merit pools).

Budget Directors are responsible for ensuring that their Total Estimated Revenue amount equals the Total Budget amount (both Hard and Departmental Revenues) entered on the Set Budget (SETB) function for that same entity.

Related topics

LPBC - List Positions for a Bunit, Company, and category by fiscal year

Figure 57 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LPBC function.

Figure 57. LPBC (List Positions for a Bunit, Company, and category by

 Select an entry, press PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
 PBOLPBC    List Position budgets for a BU, Company - LPBC    01/18/96 08:51
 Command:      Action: V Position: 12345   Emp ID:            Date: 07/01/1996
 FY: 1998 Co: 0102 BU: NURS  Inst Catg: SalNC
 Positions for FY: 1997 Company: 0102 BU: NURS and Inst Catg: SalNC
 Starting From Postion:
   Pos.  --------- Employee --------- ------- Position Budget Amounts ---------
   Number      Name            Salary    Hard       Dept       Soft      Unfund
 _ 1049  Hutchcroft, John/A.   30,000   19,262                           10,738
 _ 1061  Neighbors, Marianne/  49,657   49,657
 _ 1078  Harwell, Linda/M.     34,759   34,759
 _ 1079  Barta, Kathleen/M.    39,207   39,207
 _ 1147  Johnson, Kelly/Vowel  33,085   33,085
 _ 1151  McHenry, Lepaine/A.   29,222   29,222
 _ 1200  Sullivan, Margaret/J  70,911   65,851                            5,060
 _ 1303  Smith-blair, Nancy/J  33,854   33,854
 _ 1485                                 35,000
                                    ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
                      Totals:          339,897                           15,798
        Position budget records     1 thru     9 of 9     displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit DCode  RStrt             NextS
fiscal year)
Figure 58 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LPBC function when the PF4 decode key is pressed.

Figure 58. Decode window for LPBC

Select an entry, or enter new keys
  PBOLPBC  List Positions for budgets for a BU, Company - LPBC  01/18/96 08:51
  Command:      Action:   Position:       Emp ID:          Date: 07/01/1997
  FY: 1998 Company: 0102 BU: Nurs Inst Catg: SalNC
Positions for FY: 1997 Company: 0102 BU: NURS and Inst Cat: SalNC
Starting From Position:
   Pos.  --------- Employee --- | Press ENTER to continue                    |
   Number      Name             |          Occupation Title        H/A  S/T  |
 _ 1049  Hutchcroft, John/A.    |  Instructor                        N    N  |
 _ 1061  Neighbors, Marianne/   |  Professor                         N    N  |
 _ 1078  Harwell, Linda/M.      |  Instructor                        N    N  |
 _ 1079  Barta, Kathleen/M.     |  Assistant Professor               N    N  |
 _ 1147  Johnson, Kelly/Vowel   |  Instructor                        N    N  |
 _ 1151  McHenry, Lepaine/A.    |  Instructor                        N    N  |
 _ 1200  Sullivan, Margaret/J   |  Departmental Chai                 N    N  |
 _ 1303  Smith-blair, Nancy/J   |  Instructor                        N    N  |
 _ 1485                         |  Assistant Professor               N    N  |
                                                 -------- ---------- ----------
                      Totals:          339,897                           15,798
        Position budget records     1 thru     9 of 9     displayed
      Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt

The following sections describe the LPBC function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


LPBC (List Positions for a Budgetary unit, Company, and category) enables the user to identify all the positions which are funded by a particular BU (budgetary unit) and Company in a category. Information as to occupation codes, employee names, position budget amounts and position funding types are displayed. The user may enter a starting Position number as a starting value for the display or if no Position number is specified, then all positions will be displayed.

The list will display position effective date 7/1 for 12 month positions and the academic start date for 9 month positions for the fiscal year designated.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
PBMC Position Budget Maintenance - Cycle
PBM Position Budget Maintenance
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

LTAB - List Transactions for an Allocation of Budget to budgetary unit

Figure 59 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LTAB function.

Figure 59. List Transactions for an Allocation of Budget to BU - LTAB

Select an entry, or enter new keys
PBOLTAB 1 DEMO    List Txns for a Allocation of Budget - LTAB   08/29/96 15:19
Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
FY: 1997 Company: 0102 BU: UABM  Fund SC: H Hard
  List of AB transactions for FY: 1997 Company: 0102 BU: UABM and Fund SC: H

       To                                                          Reject
  Cmd  BU   ---Requested--  ---By--- Action Status  --Status Set--  Code
_ AUBB AVCB 08/09/96 09:55  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 09:55
_ AUBB AVCF 08/09/96 10:05  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 10:05
_ AUBB COMP 08/09/96 10:02  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 10:02
_ AUBB FMAN 08/09/96 09:44  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 09:44
_ AUBB PBSF 08/09/96 08:57  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 08:57
_ AUBB PHPL 08/09/96 09:01  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 09:01
_ AUBB PHPL 08/09/96 09:39  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 09:39

       Transactions      1 thru     7 of     7 are displayed

      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt

The following sections describe the LTAB function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


LTAB (List Transactions for a Allocation of Budget to BU) allows the user to track the activity of budget allocations to a BU. The list will give information as to status of the transaction, time and date of initiation of the transaction, and when the current status was set.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
AUBB Allocate University Budget to BU
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

LTAE - List Transactions for Allocation of Estimated revenues to bu

Figure 60 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LTAE function.

Figure 60. LTAE (List Transactions for Allocation of Estimated

Select an entry, or enter new keys
PBOLTAE 1 DEMO   List Txns for Allocation of Est revs to bu     09/03/96 09:55
Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
FY: 1998 Company: 0102  BU: UABM
       List of AE transactions for FY: 1998 Company: 0102 and BU: UABM

          To                                                          Reject
   Cmd    BU   ---Requested--  ---By--- Action Status  --Status Set--  Code
_  AUER  AVCF  02/10/97 10:34  AP01       U      E     02/10/97 16:39
_  AUER  AVCF  02/18/97 10:05  AP01       U      E     02/18/97 15:54
_  AUER  CASH  02/18/97 10:02  AP01       U      R     02/18/97 15:56   I
_  AUER  COMP  02/18/97 09:44  AP01       U      E     02/18/97 15:54
_  AUER  TREA  02/10/97 10:33  AP01       U      E     02/10/97 16:39
_  AUER  TREA  02/18/97 11:29  AP01       U      E     02/18/97 16:53
_  AUER  TREA  02/19/97 08:14  AP01       U      E     02/19/97 08:25

         Transactions   1    thru   7   of     7 are displayed

      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt
revenues to bu)

The following sections describe the LTAE function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


LTAE (List Transactions for Allocation of Estimated revenues to a budgetary unit) allows the user to track the activity of estimated revenue allocations to budgetary units. The list gives information as to status of the transaction, time and date of initiation of the transaction, and when the current status was set.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
AUER Allocate University Estimated Revenues
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

LTBB - List Transactions for a Budgetary unit Budget adjustment

Figure 61 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LTBB function.

Figure 61. LTBB (List Transactions for a Budgetary unit

Select an entry, or enter new keys
PBOLTBB 1 DEMO    List Txns for a Bu Budget adjustment - LTBB   08/29/96 15:19
Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
FY: 1997 Company: 0102 BU: UABM  Fund SC: H
  List of BUBA transactions for FY: 1997 Company: 0102 BU: UABM and Fund SC: H

       TO                                                          Reject
  Cmd  BU   ---Requested--  ---By--- Action Status  --Status Set--  Code
_ BUBA AVCF 08/09/96 09:55  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 09:55
_ BUBA AVCF 08/09/96 10:05  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 10:05
_ BUBA AVCF 08/09/96 10:02  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 10:02
_ BUBA AVCF 08/09/96 09:44  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 09:44
_ BUBA COMP 08/09/96 08:57  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 08:57
_ BUBA TREA 08/09/96 09:01  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 09:01
_ BUBA TREA 08/09/96 09:39  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 09:39

       Transactions      1 thru     7 of     7 are displayed

      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt
Budget adjustment)

The following sections describe the LTBB function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


LTBB (List Transactions for a Budgetary unit Budget adjustment) allows the user to track the activity of budget changes for a BU by budget year. The list gives information as to status of the transaction, time and date of initiation of the transaction, and when the current status was set.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
BUBA Budgetary Unit Budget Adjustment
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

LTCB - List Transactions for Changes to university Budget

Figure 62 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LTCB function.

Figure 62. LTCB (List Transactions for Changes to university Budget)

Select an entry, or enter new keys
PBOLTCB 1 DEMO    List Txns for Changes to univ Budget - LTCB   08/29/96 15:19
Command:      Action: V Position:       Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
FY: 1997 Company: 0102 BU: UABM  Fund SC:
  List of CUB transactions for FY: 1997 Company: 0102  BU: UABM and Fund SC: H

  Cmd   ---Requested--  ---By--- Action Status  --Status Set--  Code
_ CUB   08/09/96 09:55  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 09:55
_ CUB   08/09/96 10:05  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 10:05
_ CUB   08/09/96 10:02  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 10:02
_ CUB   08/09/96 09:44  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 09:44
_ CUB   08/09/96 08:57  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 08:57
_ CUB   08/09/96 09:01  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 09:01
_ CUB   08/09/96 09:39  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 09:39

       Transactions      1 thru     7 of     7 are displayed

      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt

The following sections describe the LTCB function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


LTCB (List Transactions for Changes to university Budget) allows the user to track the activity of budget changes for a BU for a particular budget year. The list gives information as to status of the transaction, time and date of initiation of the transaction, and when the current status was set.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
CUB Change University Budget
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

LTPB - List Transactions for a Position Budget

Figure 63 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LTPB function.

Figure 63. LTPB (List Transactions for a Position Budget)

Select an entry, or enter new keys
PBOLTPB 1 DEMO    List Txns for Position Budget - LTPB          08/29/96 15:19
Command:      Action: V Position: 301   Emp ID:             Date: 01/05/1996
FY: 1997
  List of PB transactions for Position: 301 FY: 1997
  Occ Code: 1435 Associate Director
  Cmd   ---Requested--  ---By--- Action Status  --Status Set--  Code
_ PBM   08/09/96 09:55  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 09:55
_ PBM   08/09/96 10:05  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 10:05
_ PBM   08/09/96 10:02  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 10:02
_ PBM   08/09/96 09:44  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 09:44
_ PBM   08/09/96 08:57  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 08:57
_ PBM   08/09/96 09:01  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 09:01
_ PBM   08/09/96 09:39  AP01       U      E     08/09/96 09:39

       Transactions      1 thru     7 of     7 are displayed

      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt

The following sections describe the LTPB function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


LTPB (List Transactions for a Position Budget) allows the user to track the activity of budget changes for a position record by budget year. The list gives information as to status of the transaction, time and date of initiation of the transaction, and when the current status was set.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to positions and budget. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
PBM Position Budget Maintenance
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

Payroll Functions

PCAL - Payroll Calendar

Figure 64 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the PCAL function.

Figure 64. PCAL (Payroll CALendar)

 Press PF8 to view more records or enter new keys
  EPOPCAL 1 TEST              Payroll CALendar - PCAL             03/12/97 13:28
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 05/15/1997
  Payroll Type:
 Action: V Pay Date: 05/15/1997 Payroll Type:

            Payroll   Approval                                      FY/        S
   Pay Date  Type      Due By      ---- Comp Period ---- Run Date   CY   Term  t

  05/15/1997  O   05/05/1997 17:30                       05/06/1997 1997 19971
  05/25/1997  H   05/17/1997 17:30                       05/18/1997 1997 19971
  05/31/1997  M   05/29/1997 17:30 05/01/1997 05/31/1997 05/29/1997 1997 19971
  06/10/1997  H   06/03/1997 17:30                       06/04/1997 1997 19972
  06/12/1997  A   06/11/1997 17:30                       06/12/1997 1997 19972

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   Forwd

The following sections describe the PCAL (Payroll CALendar) function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"


PCAL is used by the University Payroll office to establish a comprehensive calendar of payrolls and to coordinate BASIS activities for those payrolls. Pay dates and approval cut-off dates are established for each type of payroll.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Update {U}
Delete {D}


For the monthly payroll, compensation periods are established which control the scheduling of payments and identification of certain records as retroactive. A combination of pay date and type is used to positively identify a payroll for the loading of LABOR records. The status of the payroll can be viewed. The FY/CY field determines the fiscal year for which the payroll is to be posted to accounting and Labor. The CY part indicates in which calendar year the payroll is paid. Term, which is appropriate only for the hourly payrolls, is used to control which SAFARI records to access during processing in order to determine Student/FICA eligibility.

The ST (Status) values are:

_ (blank) Future, not yet extracted
E Extracted for payment
R Payroll has been run, pending load to LABOR
S The load to LABOR has been submitted
L Payroll information loaded to LABOR (available for use)
D The payroll information has been loaded to the Dynamic Balance file.
P The payroll information has been loaded to PSUM - the Payroll Summary file.
Y The payroll information has been loaded to PANN - the Payroll Annual file.
B ACH tape created for Bank
C Checks loaded to Payment
I Issue checks and send to printer

An update allows the user to change field values prior to a status being set for a particular payroll. Additionally, the sytem does not allow the addition of a paydate that is earlier than the cut-off date of a previously extracted payroll. Pay Date and Type may not be changed.

A delete is used to remove an incorrect entry prior to the scheduling of supplemental payrolls. It is only to be changed if the Pay Date or Type is incorrect.

PDAY - Payroll Dates And due bYs

Figure 65is an example of the box presented during processing of the PDAY function.

Figure 65. Payroll Dates And due bYs - PDAY

 Enter, mark or position cursor to desired command
  EPOMENU 1 PROD           main MENU for payroll - MENU           08/05/97 10:57
  Command: pday Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 08/05/1997

                  Payroll Dates And due bYs - PDAY                  s
   Press PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys                     ------------
    Starting Pay Date: 07/16/1997                                   & Date
    -------------------------------------------------------------   & Date
    Payrolls with pay dates on or after: 07/16/1997                 & SP/Adj Typ

                  Payroll          Payroll         Updates and      omp Type
     Pay Date  ____Type_____ ______Status_______ Approvals Due By
    07/16/1997 A  Adjustment A AcctgDtl updated  07/15/1997 18:45   Adj Type, Dt
    07/25/1997 H  Hourly     D DART updated      07/17/1997 18:45    Cmd & Date
    07/31/1997 M  Monthly    D DART updated      07/22/1997 18:45
    08/11/1997 H  Hourly     R Run               07/31/1997 18:45
    08/12/1997 A  Adjustment   Not yet extracted 08/11/1997 18:45
    08/14/1997 O  OT/Suppl.    Not yet extracted 08/04/1997 17:30

                 Payrolls 1   thru 6   displayed

    PF1=Help  PF3=Quit    PF5=RStrt             PF8=Forwd           F11--PF12---

The following sections describe the Payroll Dates And due bYs function:

"Key Fields"


This application independent command is used by the campus commumity to determine when approvals are due for upcoming payrolls. Pay dates, approval cut-off dates, type of payroll, and status of the payrolls are displayed.

Key Fields

Date: - The Pay Date of a payroll, used as a starting value for the list.


This View only command reflects the cut-off times for approvals which have been previously entered on the comprehensive payroll calendar. The date in the banner area is used only as a starting point for the listing. The user may page forward or re-start his list. Changing the date will cause the list to begin with the new date. The payroll types and status are defined below:

XPAY - eXtra PAY

Figure 66 is an example of the screen presented during processing Extra Compensation on the XPAY function.

Figure 66. Data Entry screen - XPAY

 Please enter new key fields
   Decoding has been performed                               XPAY 03/14/97 10:13
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 100319      Comp Type: XN Date: 01/01/1997

 Action: V Emp ID: 100319 Jacobs, Lynn F.
   Comp Type: XN Extra Comp, non-credit    Comp Period Begin: 01/01/1997
                                                         End: 01/31/1997
 Position: 5080  Appt Period: 9  FTE Appt Pct: 100    Annual Salary:   47,400
 Occ: 2170 Assoc Professor                            Line Item Max:   79,502
                                                      Payment Amount:     802.32
   Funding Type: NE                                   Payment Date:   01/30/1997
                                                      Payroll Type:   M

 CCC: 0202 17000-00-0000 ARKANSAS UNION-ADM & GENERAL             Pct: 100.00000

 Comment: testing

 Attribute: N    Non-exempt extra compensation

 Requested 03/13/97 13:51 by PAY04    Jennifer Carey
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   Q/Nxt
Figure 67 is a generic example of the pop-up screen presented when more than one cost center is required and PF9 is pressed.

Figure 67. Distribution window for XPAY

  Co Cost Center----- Co Cost Center Name------ Percent--  Amount---
 1 0102 XXXXX-XX-0000  College Salary           xxx.xxxxx   XXX,XXX
 2 0102 XXXXX-XX-0000  Dean's Maintenance       xxx.xxxxx   XXX,XXX
 3 0102 XXXXX-XX-0000  Development              xxx.xxxxx   XXX,XXX
 4 0402 XXXXX-XX-0000  US/DOE/Brown             xxx.xxxxx   XXX,XXX
 5 0102 XXXXX-XX-0000  Dean's Salary Reserve    xxx.xxxxx   XXX,XXX
 6 0103 XXXXX-XX-0000  Dill Pickle              xxx.xxxxx   XXX,XXX
 7                                              ---------
CCC Entries 1 thru 10                  Total    100.00000      550

                 Quit                                   Save

The following sections describe the XPAY function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Related Topics".


The XPAY command provides a method for paying employees special types of compensation which are in addition to regular position based pay. The types of pay which may be processed on this command are:
Extra Compensation For 9 and 12 month appointed employees
Summer Research For 9 month employees
Summer Research (Graduate Assistant) For 9 month employees

Access and Security

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A} 40
Delete {D} 41
Copy {C}
Withdraw {W}
Review {R}

Approval Routing

When the initiator of the transaction presses PF10, the transaction will be routed throught the TARGET system to the following approvers (the exact approvers will vary by department):


Extra compensation payment validations

  1. The Emp ID must be on the employee file and not be marked as a duplicate.
  2. The FTE Appt Pct must be 100% of the Position occupied by the employee on the Begin date of the XPAY record.
  3. The Begin date must be no more than 365 days in the past.
  4. A special situation exists in the summer concerning the compensation period for an XPAY. For any record crossing the fiscal year, one record must end in June and the next record will pick up in July. This is a requirement because of fiscal year legislative title changes.
  5. The Comp Type must be one of the types approved for use on this command: XC, XN, XS.
  6. A Comment is required.
  7. A valid cost center distribution must be completed. Only cost center numbers that are active during the entire span of the compensation period may be used.
  8. A Comp Type code may only be used one time for a given Begin and End date. The system will check to see that there is no duplicate XC, XN, XS comp types for the same dates.
  9. Funding Type exempt funds or non-exempt funds will be specified by the user.
  10. The system will check to see that the Annual Salary plus the XPAY Payment Amount is less than or equal to Line Item Max for the occupation occupied by the employee.
  11. The system will only allow the employee to exceed Line Item Max if his position record has O in the SRR (Special Rate Request) field.

Summer research validations

  1. The Comp Type must be SR or GR. GR may only be used for employees in a Position with the Occ of 2265 or 2264 indicative of Graduate Assistant status.
  2. The SR Comp Type may not be used with occupation codes 2264 and 2265.
  3. Comment is required.
  4. Begin date must be between the end of the spring academic term and prior to the begin of the fall term as established on CTLD. 42
  5. End date must be between the end of the spring academic term and prior to the begin of the fall term. Additionally, it must be after the Begin date of the SR or the GR record.
  6. For compensation periods which cross the fiscal year, one record will need to be completed for the year which ends June 30, and another set up for the portion of the record which begins on July 1. This is necessary as many legislative title codes change with the fiscal year change.
  7. Appt Period must be 9 month for the Position occupied by the employee.
  8. Position must have sub-loc of ACAD and be non-classified.
  9. All cost centers used on the distribution must be open for the entire period of the record.
  10. Payment Amount must not exceed 1/9 of the previous fiscal year salary for a time period equal to one month.


Extra compensation payment processing

  1. There will be an on screen display showing the rate that a nine-month employee might be compensated for instructing for one credit hour (Comp Type: XC - Extra Compensation, Credit). The user will be able to enter a total number of hours in the hours field and see the calculated Maximum Allowed. Either a 12-month or a 9-month employee may be paid under the XC compensation type. To process a 12-month employee the system will:
  2. TARGET will route the transaction to the Dean of Continuing Education for final approval.
  3. When the final approval is received, the system will schedule the pay dates for the payments. The system will assign the extra compensation payment to the next available supplemental or regular payroll following or equal to the end date of the compensation period.
  4. On the appropriate payroll, the system will produce a unit, lump sum payment which is ineligble for benefits deductions. During the interim period while BASIS is still feeding MSA, the pay transactions will be coded R3. The distribution which is specified for the payment will be associated only with this payment.

Summer research process

Figure 68 is an example of the screen presented during processing Summer Research on the XPAY function.

Figure 68. Data Entry Screen - XPAY (Summer Research)

 Emp:127322 CT: SR Date:06/01/1997 displayed; please enter new key fields
  EPOXPAY 1 DEMO                 eXtra PAY - XPAY                 05/16/97 14:50
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 127322      Comp Type: SR Date: 06/01/1997

 Action: V Emp ID: 127322 Curington, William P
   Comp Type: SR Summer Research (9 mo.)   Comp Period Begin: 06/01/1997
                                                         End: 06/30/1997
 Supplemental Pay (check distribution) BU: BADM BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
 Position: 3783  Appt Period:    FTE Appt Pct: 79     Annual Salary:
 Occ:                                                 Line Item Max:
                                                      Payment Amount:   6,425.65
                                                      Payment Date:   06/30/1997
                                                      Payroll Type:   M

 CCC: 0102 14010-44-0000                                          Pct: 100.00000

 Comment: summer administration @ 25%


 Requested 04/16/97 09:17 by DHYATT
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextR
Figure 69 is a generic example of the pop-up screen presented when more than one cost center is required and PF9 is pressed.

Figure 69. Distribution window for Summer Research

  EPOXPAY 1 DEMO                 eXtra PAY - XPAY                 05/16/97 14:51
  Command:      Action: A Emp ID: 127322      Comp Type: SR Date: 07/01/1997

 Action: A Emp ID: 127322 Curington, William P
   Comp Type: SR Summer Research (9 mo.)   Comp Period Begin: 07/01/1997
                                                         End: 06/30/1997
                        Company Cost Center Distribution
   Enter data; press ENTER to validate or PF10 to save
    Co. Cost Center    Description                         Percent    Amount
    0102 14010-44-0000                                    100.00000   6,425.65

      _ Specify distribution by amount                                6,425.65
   PF1=Help   PF3=Quit                                     PF10=Sav/Q

  1. For any month where the SR code is on the record for 11 or more days in the month, the Leave system should accrue 8 hours of sick leave for the employee.
  2. Position procedures to prepare for summer research appointment:
  3. After final TARGET approval, the system will schedule unit payments which are eligble for selected benefit (retirement) deductions. During the interim period while BASIS is still feeding MSA, the pay transactions will be coded R1. The distribution which is specified for the payment will be associated only with this payment.
  4. When the final approval for the SR or GR is received, the system will schedule the pay dates for the payments. For summer research which is normally spread over the course of a summer period, the system will:
    1. Prorate the total amount to be paid to the total number of Monday through Fridays in the Comp Period using the method described in the section titled "Calculation of pay."
    2. If any of the Comp Period includes dates for which the payroll has already run, those monies will be scheduled to be paid on the next OT/Supp or regular payroll.
    3. Any remaining payments for the Comp Period will be scheduled over the appropriate regular payrolls, which may mean the inclusion of monies from Step #2 for the first month.
    4. For monies to be paid in August, the system will schedule payment for the special mid-month payroll rather than the end-of-month payroll.
    5. If processed too late for the mid-month payroll, the money will be paid on the month-end payroll.
    6. For any payment scheduled on the supplemental payroll, the system must feed an RK transaction to MSA to override D/OE 89 and D/OE 90 formatted as follows, where XXXXXXXXX is the SSN as converted from the Emp ID:

      RKUAFY XXXXXXXXX89*10N0000000

      RKUAFY XXXXXXXXX90*10N0000000

Calculation of pay

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to eXtra PAY. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
LTXP List Txns for XPay for an employee
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

LTXP - List Transactions for eXtra Pay

Figure 70 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LTXP function.

Figure 70. List LTXP (Transactions for eXtra PAY)

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  EPOLTXP 1 DEMO     List Txns for XPay for an employee - LTXP    05/19/97 10:22
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 101400      Comp Type:    Date: 04/01/1997

  List of all PAYROLL XPAY transactions for
      Employee: 101400 Manger, Walter L

       Comp ---Comp Period--- Action                    Status            Rj Num
    Cmd Typ   Begin    End    -    Requested   by       -  --Status Set-- Cd Com
  _ XPAY SR 05/19/97 06/30/97 A 04/30/97 11:15 ABELL    E  04/30/97 11:16
  _ XPAY SR 07/01/97 08/11/97 A 04/13/97 15:04 PAY02    E  04/13/97 15:04
  _ XPAY SR 07/01/97 07/31/97 D 04/13/97 15:07 PAY02    E  04/13/97 15:07
  _ XPAY SR 07/01/97 08/11/97 A 04/13/97 15:09 PAY02    E  04/13/97 15:09
  _ XPAY SR 08/01/97 08/11/97 D 04/13/97 15:09 PAY02    E  04/13/97 15:09
  _ XPAY XC 05/01/97 05/14/97 A 04/01/97 17:03 PAY04    E  04/02/97 08:05

           Transactions     1 thru     6 of     6 are displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt

The following sections describe the LTXP function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner".


LTXP allows the user to track the activity of XPAY (eXtra PAY) that has been initiated for an employee and displays information as to status of the transaction, time and date of initiation of the transaction, and when the current status was set.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

SUPP - Supplemental Payroll

Figure 71 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the SUPP function.

Figure 71. Data Entry Screen - SUPP

 Please enter new key fields
 EPOSUPP 1 TEST              SUPplemental Pay - SUPP             07/19/99 10:49
 Command:     Action: V Emp ID: 107939      Comp Type:  SN Date: 01/01/1999

  Action: V Employee: 107939 Williams, S Miller
   Comp Type:  SN Salary - Non-classified   Comp Period Begin: 01/01/1999
                                                          End: 01/31/1999
Supplemental Pay (check distribution) BU: UAPR UNIV OF ARKANSAS PRESS
Position: 109   Appt Period:    Occ:

                                        Payment Amount:           4,500.00
                                        Payment Date:           02/15/1999
                                        True Supplemental Pay:  Y

CCC:   0102 02130-61-0000                                        Pct: 25.00000
Notes: Compensation missed on Regular Payroll


 Entered 07/19/99 10:49 by PAY04
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode       EParm       NextR CCC
 Emp: 107939 CT: SN Date: 01/01/1999 displayed; please enter new key fields
Figure 72 is a generic example of the pop-up window presented when additional cost centers are required and PF9 is pressed.

Figure 72. Pop-up window for SUPP

 All entries are valid, press PF10 to Save
  EPOSUPP 1 TEST              SUPplemental Pay - SUPP             02/18/97 09:43
  Command:      Action: A Emp ID: 107939      Comp Type: SN Date: 01/01/1997

   Action: A Employee: 107939 Williams, S. Miller                  Screen 2 of 2
             Comp Type: SN Comp Period Begin: 01/01/1997 End: 01/21/1997
     ----- Employee & Employer Deductions and Other Earnings OVERRIDES -------
                        Company Cost Center Distribution
   All data is valid; press PF3 to quit or PF10 to Save
    Co. Cost Center    Description                         Percent    Amount
    0102 02130-61-0000 HUMAN RESOURCES                     75.00000   2,967.75
    0102 04090-41-0000 MULLINS LIBRARY                     25.00000     989.25

      _ Specify distribution by amount                                3,957.00
   PF1=Help   PF3=Quit                                     PF10=Sav/Q

The following sections describe the SUPP (SUPupplemental Payroll) function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Validations and processing for early retirement agreements"
"Validations and processing for career service awards"
"Validations and processing for summer school teaching"
"Validations and processing for traditional supplemental pay"
"Related Topics".


The SUPP (SUPplemental Payroll) function is used to process:

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Copy {C} 44
Delete {D}

Approval Routing

There is no TARGET routing for this command. Any changes are saved (effected) when PF10 is pressed. The Payroll Office will initiate these payments, which are scheduled when the PF10 key is pressed.

Payments processed on this command are the result of previously approved transactions, therefore no TARGET approval is required. Payroll is informed of the need to pay in three ways:

  1. Submission of a paper document authorizing the payment.
  2. Information received from the on-line lists which reflect payments which were paid and have had subsequent changes which indicate a need for adjusted payments. Information from lists which show payments which were approved too late for the regular scheduled payroll.
  3. Informtion received monthly from the leave with out pay report.


  1. The user must specify the cost center distribution to be used with each payment record.
  2. The user must specify the amount to be paid. This amount will be expressed with two places to the right of the decimal.
  3. For Action A, the Emp ID must be a valid ID in the system.
  4. The user must designate the Begin and End dates of the compensation period. A special situation exists during the summer months. In the summer, these dates may not span fiscal year. So, if the compensation period begins in June, it must have a June End date. A new record will be required for any July dates which might be in the compensation period.
  5. The user must assign the Payment Date which must be no earlier than the next un-extracted supplemental or monthly payroll.

Validations and processing for early retirement agreements

  1. Only taxes will be deducted from this type of payment.
  2. The Comp Type for Labor is SP.
  3. The Comment is required.

Validations and processing for career service awards

  1. The system will produce a list of employees eligible for Career Service Awards based on more than 10 years of state service using information from the SADE command. This listing will be segregated by 10, 15, 20, 25 year increments.
  2. Only taxes may be deducted from this payment.
  3. The Comp Type for Labor is SA.
  4. A listing will be provided after the payroll runs of all employees with an SA along with their appointed BU and the amount paid.

Validations and processing for summer school teaching

  1. Only retroactive summer school teaching payments will be processed on SUPP.
  2. The Comment is required.
  3. Only valid for nine month employees
  4. The dates of compensation must be after the end of the academic term and prior to the beginning of the next academic term.
  5. The Date pay of the supplement must be after the regularly scheduled pay date for that compensatin period.
  6. Valid compensation types for summer school are ST and GT.

Validations and processing for traditional supplemental pay

  1. The user will specify True Supplemental Pay (Y/N) for all payments.
  2. Supplemental pay will consist of payments for transactions approved too late for automatic pay through the PSB system.
  3. Supplemental pay may be derived from information received from LDTP in PSB.
  4. Annual leave will be paid, using information from the Leave Representative in Human Resources.

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to SUPP. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
PADJ Payroll ADJustment
Pay Category
EBDS Employee BDoe Setup
EBDO Employee BDoe Override
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

LSPC - List Supplemental pay for a Payroll from CompTyp

Figure 73 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LSPC function.

Figure 73. LSPC (List Supp pay for a Payroll from CompType)

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  EPOLSPC 1 DEMO  List Supp pay for a Payroll from CompTyp - LSPC 04/13/97 14:44
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type: SN Date: 05/30/1997
  Payroll Type: M
 List suppl. pay for Date: 05/30/1997 Type: M  Monthly appointed (regular)
      starting from Comp Type: SN Salary - Non-classified   by name

        Comp                              SP/ -- Comp Period --         Suppl.
    Cmd Typ    Employee Name       Emp ID Adj Begin         End  BU     Amount
  _ XPAY SR Gorman, Dean R         103400 SP  05/20/97 05/31/97 HKRD    1,440.00
  _ XPAY SR Hutchcroft, John A.    102384 SP  05/15/97 05/31/97 NURS      552.63
  _ SUPP ST Hutchcroft, John A.    102384 SP  05/15/97 05/31/97 NURS    1,500.00
  _ XPAY XC Manger, Walter L       101400 SP  05/01/97 05/14/97 GEOL      500.00

     Supplemental pay actions     1 thru     4 of     4 are displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt

The following sections describe the LSPC function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


LSPC allows the user to view the supplemental pay to be paid on a specific payroll.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


Comp Type is used as the starting value for the list.

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to the invoices. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens.
SUPP SUPplemental Payroll

Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

LSBP - List Supplemental pay for a BU on or before Pay date

Figure 74 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LSBP function.

Figure 74. LSBP (List Supplemental pay for a BU on or before Pay date)

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  EPOLSBP 1 DEMO  List Supp pay for a BU on or before PayD - LSBP 04/13/98 17:25
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 08/16/1998
 List supplemental pay for BU: MEEG MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
       on or before Pay Date: 08/16/1998 by employee name

                  T                        Com SP/ -- Comp Period --    Suppl.
    Cmd  Pay Date y Employee Name    Emp ID Ty Adj Begin         End    Amount
  _ SUPP 06/30/98 M Roe, Larry A.    105414 ST SP  06/01/98 06/30/98    1,352.00
  _ SUPP 05/30/98 M Roe, Larry A.    105414 ST SP  05/18/98 05/30/98      650.00

               Supplemental pay actions     1 thru     2 displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt

The following sections describe the LBSP function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


This list allows the user to view by Pay Date and BU a list of employees scheduled to received supplemental pay.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to the LSBP function. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
SUPP SUPPlemental Pay

Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys and list functions.

LSAD - List Supplemental pay for an Attribute on/before pay Date

Figure 75 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LSAD function.

Figure 75. LSAD (List Supplemental pay for an Attribute on/before pay Date)

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  EPOLSAD 1 DEMO  List Supp pay for an Attr on/before PayD - LSAD 04/14/97 08:31
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 06/30/1997
  Attribute: SS1
 List supplemental pay with Attribute: SS1  Summer Session 1
      on or before Pay Date: 06/30/1997

                 Comp SP/  -- Comp Period --        Supplemental   Pay   Payroll
    Cmd   Emp ID Typ  Adj  Begin         End   BU      Amount      Date   Type
  _ SUPP  102384  ST  SP   06/01/97 06/27/97  NURS     1,500.00  06/30/97  M
  _ SUPP  102384  ST  SP   05/15/97 05/31/97  NURS     1,500.00  05/30/97  M

     Supplemental pay actions     1 thru     2 of     2 are displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt

The following sections describe the LSAD function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


LSAD (List Supplemental pay for an Attribute on/before pay Date) allows the user to view the supplemental pay scheduled for payment by the specified Attribute. On this list, the Date serves as an end value designating the last Pay Date that you wish to review.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to the LSAD function. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
SUPP SUPPlemental Pay
ATTR ATTRibute table
PCAL Payroll CALendar

Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys and list functions.

LSCC - List Supp pay Calendar Year, Comp Type,Supp/Adj Type

Figure 76 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LSCC function.

Figure 76. List Supp pay for Calendar Year, Comp Type, Supp/Adj Type

  EPOLSCC 1 DEMO   List Supp pay for CY, CT, SP/Adj Type - LSCC   04/14/97 15:04
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type: ST Date: 04/11/1997
  SP/Adj Type: SP  Payroll Calendar Year: 1997
 List supplemental pay for CY: 1997 Comp Type: ST Summer Teaching (9 mo.)
   SP/Adj Type: SP  Suppl. Pay   starting from Pay Date: 04/11/1997

           Pay                                -- Comp Period --         Suppl.
    Cmd    Date  Employee Name         Emp ID Begin         End  BU     Amount
  _ SUPP 05/30/97 Hutchcroft, John A.  102384 05/15/97 05/31/97 NURS    1,500.00
  _ SUPP 05/30/97 Schmitt, Neil M      103256 05/15/97 05/31/97 ENGR      750.00
  _ SUPP 06/30/97 Hutchcroft, John A.  102384 06/01/97 06/27/97 NURS    1,500.00
  _ SUPP 06/30/97 Schmitt, Neil M      103256 06/01/97 06/30/97 ENGR    1,500.00
  _ SUPP 07/31/97 Gorman, Dean R       103400 07/01/97 07/30/97 MASC    1,200.00

     Supplemental pay actions     1 thru     5 of     5 are displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt
 Select an entry, or enter new keys


The LSCC list allows the user to view employees scheduled to be paid or adjustments to be made, by Comp Type, Pay Date, Sp/Adj Type and for Payroll Calendar Year.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

LSEC - List Supplemental pay for an Employee from a Comp type

Figure 77 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LSEC function.

Figure 77. LSEC (List Supp pay for an Employee from a Comp type)

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  EPOLSEC 1 DEMO  List Supp pay for an Emp from Comp Type - LSEC  04/14/98 11:32
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 901164      Comp Type:    Date: 04/14/1998
  SP/Adj Type:
  List supplemental pay for Employee: 901164 Dotson, Charlie L
 starting from Comp Type:    --invalid comp type--     SP/Adj Type:

         Comp SP/ -- Comp Period --     Supplemental   Pay    Payroll
    Cmd  Typ  Adj Begin         End  BU     Amount     Date   Ty  --Attributes--
  _ XPAY  SR  SP  05/18/98 05/31/98 MEEG    2,694.44 05/30/98 M   BOTH
  _ XPAY  SR  SP  06/01/98 06/26/98 MEEG    4,898.99 06/30/98 M   BOTH
  _ SUPP  ST  SP  05/18/98 05/30/98 MEEG    1,200.38 05/30/98 M   SS1
  _ SUPP  ST  SP  06/01/98 06/30/98 MEEG    2,677.12 06/30/98 M   SS1  SS2
  _ SUPP  ST  SP  07/01/98 07/31/98 MEEG    3,080.00 07/31/98 M   SS2
  _ SUPP  ST  SP  08/01/98 08/07/98 MEEG      680.00 08/15/98 O   SS2

     Supplemental pay actions     1 thru     6 of     6 are displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt


LSEC allows the user to view the supplemental pay scheduled for a specific employee. If the employee is paid from several comp types, the user can selectively expand or restrict the list by changing the Comp Type.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

SUMT - SUMmer Teaching

Figure 78 is an example of the screen used to process Summer Teaching payments on the SUMT command.

Figure 78. Data Entry screen - SUMT

 All entries are valid, press PF10 to save transaction
  EPOSUMT 1 TEST              SUMmer Teaching - SUMT              04/02/98 08:29
  Command:       Action: A Emp ID: 103715      Comp Type:    Date: 05/18/1998
   Calendar Year: 1998
 Action: A CY: 1998 Emp Id: 103715  Huffley, Michael/P
 Occ: 2155 Professor            Ann.Salary: $ 58,030 $ 1450.75  Per credit hour
 Summer Teaching BU: ANTH ANTHROPOLOGY                  Comp Type: ST
 Session #       Begin       End     Prev. | Credit  Prev.  |  Payment   Calc'd
                 Date        Date    Hours | Hours    Amt.  |  Amount    Amount
 Session I    05/18/1998  06/26/1998           3              4352.25   4,352.25
 Session II   06/29/1998  08/07/1998
 Session III  05/18/1998  08/07/1998
 Session IV
 Session V    06/01/1998  07/02/1998
 Session VI   07/06/1998  08/07/1998
 Session VII

 Comment: ANTH 3213

 Requested by:
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt                   CCC   Save  CComm
Figure 79 is the pop-up screen presented when PF9 is pressed.

Figure 79. Distribution window for SUMT

 You must have a CCC for every session that has credit hours
  EPOSUMT 1 TEST              SUMmer Teaching - SUMT              04/02/98 08:29
  Command:       Action: A Emp ID: 103715      Comp Type:    Date: 05/18/1998
   Calendar Year: 1998
 Action: A CY: 1998 Emp Id: 103715  Huffley, Michael/P
 Occ: 2155 Professor            Ann.Salary: $ 58,030 $ 1450.75  Per credit hour
 Summer Teach              Company Cost Center Distribution
 Session #      All data is valid; press PF3 to quit, PF10 to Save        alc'd
                Cr hr       Co Cost Center      Description               mount
 Session I        3      0102 04143-11-0000 FSFY-ARSC-ON-CAMPUS CR INSTR  352.25
 Session II
 Session III
 Session IV
 Session V
 Session VI
 Session VII
                PF1=Help   PF3=Quit            PF10=Sav/Q
 Comment: ANT

 Requested by:
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt                   CCC   Save  CComm

The following sections describe the SUMT function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Validations for Summer Teaching"


The SUMT command provides a method for electronically submitting and approving payments to be made to 9 month employees for Summer Teaching performed between academic semesters. The types of pay which may be processed on this command are:
Summer Teaching For 9 month appointed employees.
GA Summer Teaching For 9 month Graduate Assistants.
Off Campus Summer Teaching For Continuing Education

Access and Security

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Update {U}
Withdraw {W}
Review {R}

Approval Routing

When the initiator of the transaction presses PF10, the transaction will be routed through the target system to the following approvers (the exact approvers will vary by department):
  1. Department head, dean/director - PBPB Criterion Type
  2. Graduate school (for student titles only) -EPST Criterion Type #1
  3. Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs - EPST Criterion Type #2

    EPST is defined as the Criterion Type for Summer Teaching

    EPST Number 01 is for student positions and will route to the Graduate School first and then to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Review Group is GRAD-ACAD.

    EPST Number 02 is for non-student ACAD positions and will route to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Review Group is SUMMER.

Validations for Summer Teaching

  1. The system will check the position record on the first day of the first summer session. If the employee is not eligible on that date, no SUMT record may be entered for that calendar year.
  2. The employee must not be marked as a duplicate.
  3. The employee must be in a position with a Sub-location of ACAD. If any other sub-location is detected, an error message that says "This employee is not in an academic position on xx/xx/xx" will be displayed.
  4. The appointment period of the position occupied by the employee must be 9-month. If not, an error message that says "This employee is not in a 9 month position on xx/xx/xx " will be displayed.
  5. The Comp Type (GT or ST) will be determined by the system by looking at the position record for the employee.
  6. "GT" will be used for employees in a Position where the code for Student = Y indicative of Graduate Assistant status.
  7. The "GT" Comp Type may not be used with positions where the code for Student = N.
  8. Comment is required and should list the code and number of the course being taught. Additionally, the User should make a comment, when appropriate, that Summer Research is also being processed.
  9. Cost/Center number for this payment is required. A pop-up screen will be presented for entry when the PF9 is pressed.
  10. Session # and dates will correspond to the dates that have been published in the racing form for the calendar year identified in the banner. Sessions labeled "various" will not have pre-defined dates, but will be modifiable by the user. Both the Begin Date and End Date must be designated and must fall between the spring term end date and the start of the fall term. (The defined dates will be hard-coded into the system and changed each year until an effective dated control table for sessions is created.)
  11. If no change is made to SUMT, PF10 will not save a null transaction.
  12. If credit hours are entered for a session, there must be session dates. (Sessions IV and VII must be non-blank if hours are entered.)
  13. If credit hours are non-zero, the Payment Amount must be non-zero.
  14. The payment amount can not be negative.
  15. If credit hours are entered, there must be a CCN for that session.
  16. Position must have sub-loc of ACAD and be non-classified.
  17. All cost centers used on the distribution must be open for the entire period of the record.
  18. The annual salary displayed will be the annual salary of the employee on the day specified in the banner.
  19. The conversion rate for faculty is 2.5% X the annual-salary.
  20. For Grad Assistants, the conversion rate is 2.5% x (annual salary divided by the employee position percent).
  21. The conversion rate is displayed below the banner as dollars allowed per credit hour.


  1. The BU will default to the allocated BU for the employee's position, but will be modifiable to accomodate the need for employees to be paid for summer work done for a BU other than the Position System/Budget allocated BU.
  2. The session dates will be hard-coded and changed each year to accomodate the yearly changes.
  3. The only sessions that will allow a date to be entered are the ones identified in the "Racing Form" as Various.
  4. There will be an on-screen display showing the rate that a nine-month employee might be compensated for instructing for one credit hour. The user will be able to enter a total number of hours in the hours field and see the calculated maximum allowed.
  5. After PF10 is pressed, target will route the transaction to the BU Department Head, the Dean, Grad School if a student and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (by PBPB and EPST.)
  6. After final target approval, at the time of the cut-off for the regular payroll, the system will schedule current comp period payments which are eligible for selected benefit (retirement) deductions.
  7. The system will assign the first Summer School payment to the regular payroll following or equal to the end date of the compensation period.
  8. The distribution which is specified for the payment will be associated only with this payment.
  9. For Summer School sessions to be paid out over a variable a summer period, the system office will:
    1. Prorate the total amount to be paid to the total number of Monday through Fridays in the Comp Period using the method described in the section titled "Calculation of pay".
    2. If any of the Comp Period includes dates for which the payroll has already run, those monies will be scheduled to be paid on the next OT/Supp or regular payroll.
    3. Any remaining payments for the Comp Period will be scheduled over the appropriate regular payrolls, which may mean the inclusion of monies from Step #2 for the first month.
    4. For monies to be paid in August, the payroll office will schedule payment for the special mid-month payroll rather than the end-of-month payroll.
    5. If processed too late for the mid-month payroll, the money will be paid on the month-end payroll.

Report of Retroactive Changes

A batch report will be written, which can be run at various times during the summer. This will compare the information on SUMT with the LABOR records with compensation types GT and ST. Differences will be written out to the report so that additional money owed can be paid or overpayments recovered.

Position (PSB) procedures to prepare for summer teaching appointment:


SSES - Summer Sessions

Figure 80 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the SSES function.

Figure 80. Data Entry Screen - Summer Sessions

  EPOSSES 1 PROD                Summer SESsions - SSES            08/05/98 15:59

  Command:      Action: V  EMP ID:       Comp Type:      Date: 08/05/1998
  Calendar Yr: 1998
   ACTION: V   Calendar Year:  1998

   Session I  :  Begin Date:  05/19/98  End Date:  06/30/98
   Session II :  Begin Date:  07/01/98  End Date:  08/17/98
   Session III:  Begin Date:  07/01/98  End Date:  08/08/98
   Session IV :  Begin Date:  various   End Date:  various
   Session V  :  Begin Date:  07/01/98  End Date:  07/15/98
   Session VI :  Begin Date:  08/01/98  End Date:  08/06/98
   Session VII:  Begin Date:  various   End Date:  various

   All Legislative Titles for the new fiscal year are updated:  Y/N

       Help  Suspd Quit                          NextR

The following sections describe the SSES function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
This command is used by the Human Resources department to maintain, for system control, the Summer Sessions as established and printed in the "racing form" for the summer term.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Delete {D} 54


For each session the appropriate begin and end dates will be filled in by a Payroll Specialist in Human Resources. For those sessions which have been identified as "Various", Begin and End will be various or blank. The table will be used to control the date range for Summer School processing on the SUMT command. This table is ready for use by SUMT when the Class/Comp director updates a flag to indicate that all Legislative titles, for the new fiscal year that begins during the summer session, have been updated and finalized. When the user places a Calendar year in the banner on SUMT, the corresponding dates are pulled into the body of the screen. If the session is "various", no dates will be pulled in and the user will be required to supply the dates. No changes to the dates may be made after the time that payments are scheduled.

Access to this command is view-only for the general campus user, so that they can view a comprehensive list of the summer school session dates.

LSTB - List Summmer Teaching for a BU

Figure 149 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LSTB function.

Figure 81. List Summer Teaching for a BU

 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
  EPOLSTB 1 TEST       List Summer Teaching for a BU - LSTB       04/13/98 08:49
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 04/13/1998
  BU: GEOL Payroll Calendar Year: 1998
  List Approved Summer Teaching records for BU: 1130 GEOLOGY
                             for Calendar Year: 1998
         ------Employee------------ Comp Approval   Session #  & Hrs     Total
    Cmd   Employee Name      Emp ID Type   Date   I II III IV V VI VII   Amount
  _ SUMT Boss, Stephen/K.    137591  ST  04/08/98          3        3   5,700.00
  _ SUMT Eckhoff, Jeff/A.    107442  GT  04/10/98 6                     2,310.00
  _ SUMT Guccione, Margaret/ 103854  ST  04/08/98 3                 3   4,700.00
  _ SUMT Hansen, Jay/T       137583  GT  04/10/98       6               2,310.00
  _ SUMT Hoffman, Michael/P  103715  ST  04/08/98 6  6                 17,420.00
  _ SUMT Jameson, Eric/W.    137594  GT  04/10/98                   6   2,310.00
  _ SUMT Konig, Ronald/H     100705  ST  04/08/98 6     1               5,300.00
  _ SUMT Manger, Walter/L    101400  GT  04/10/98       6               2,850.00
  _ SUMT Peterson, Eric/W    137658  GT  04/10/98    3                  1,155.00
  _ SUMT Screen, Bobby/M     900108  ST  04/08/98 6     1               9,625.00

 SUMT Records     1 thru     10 of     12 displayed  Running Total:    53,680.00
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             Forwd


The LSTB list allows the user to view calendar year for a BU. Employees with approved Summer Teaching (SUMT) records.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

List Information

LTST - List Transactions for Summer Teaching

Figure 150 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LTST function.

Figure 82. List Transactions for Summer Teaching (LTST)

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  EPOLTST 1 TEST   List SUMT Txns for an employee for CY - LTST   04/13/98 08:50
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 101400      Comp Type:    Date: 04/13/1998
  Calendar Year: 1998
  List of all PAYROLL SUMT transactions for Calendar Year: 1998
  For Employee: 101400 Manning, Kenneth

          Comp               SUMT Transaction Information       Reject  No.
     Cmd  Type Action --Date & Time----by---Status-----Set------  Cd  Comments
  _  SUMT  GT    A    04/10/98 15:35 PAY04     E  04/10/98 15:37
  _  SUMT  GT    A    04/02/98 12:45 PAY04     W  04/02/98 14:05

        SUMT Transactions     1 thru     2 OF     2 are displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt

The following sections describe the LTST function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"


This command allows the user to track the activity of SUMmer Teaching that has been initiated for an employee. LTST displays information as to status of the transaction; time, date, and initiator of the transaction, and when the current status was set.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


W4-Employee W4 Information

Figure 83 is an example of the screen presented for setting options on the W4 command.

Figure 83. W4 (Employee's Taxing Information)

 EPOW4   1 TEST       Employee W-4 Taxing Information - W4       05/20/99 08:57
  Command:      Action: V BU:      Emp ID:             Date: 01/01/1999
                       SSN: 431-85-7228
 Action: V  SSN: 431-85-7228  900162  Aga, Ali B

 First : Ali                    Name and Address is            Alien Cd: AC
 Middle: B                      from the SUNE screen         Federal Cd:
 Last  : Aga                                         State Spec Rate Cd:
 Address: 116 Hazel Valley Road
 City   : Fayetteville         State: AR  Zip: 72703

             Tax Method       Marital Status  Exemptions   Amount/Percent
 Federal  0 Standard                 S            001          16.00
 State    0 Standard                 S            000          0.00

 HR:  Testing

 NRA: Do not change testing

 Updated: 05/20/99 08:52     By: PAY04
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextR
 SSN: 431-85-7228 displayed; please enter new key fields

The following sections describe the W4 function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"


The W4 command is used by the Payroll Office to establish employee taxing and address information for both Federal and Arkansas state.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

Add {A}
Update {U}
View {V}
Delete {D}


  1. The command in which the name and address originated will be displayed.
  2. The system will only allow a dash, period, space or apostrophe.
  3. First or Last name cannot be blank.
  4. An error will be issued, if the names have not been entered in mixed case.
  5. A warning will be issued, if the name is one character. "Initial must be followed by a period".
  6. If the last name is multiple parts, either the first part is on the prefix IRS list, or the second part on the suffix list.
  7. The recognized common name prefixes. Prefixes can be entered in either mixed case or lower case.
    St. 55
  8. The recognized common name suffixes.
  9. Exempt will be added to Federal and State Taxing Method.
  10. The taxing method description will display, after the user presses Enter or changes the action to "View" after PF10 has been pressed.
  11. The State Special Rate options are:
  12. The following fields will be added.
  13. A HR comment section will be added.
  14. A NRA comment section will be displayed from NRA will be non updateable. A warning will be issued, if an update is performed for non resident alien.
  15. Help will be available on all fields.
  16. The system updates the audit log history group with the time, date and user.


The system will create a W4 record for each employee, to be accessed by the batch payroll jobs to determine the individual taxes for each payroll based on the current information.

I9DF-I9 Drug-Free Check off

Figure 84 is an example of the screen presented for setting options on the I9DF command.

Figure 84. I9DF (I9 Drug-Free checkoff information)

  EPOI9DF 1 TEST           I9 Drug-Free Checkoff - I9DF           06/05/00 17:03
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 900067      Comp Type:    Date: 06/01/1999
   Emp SSN: 789-45-6123
 Action: V  SSN: 789-45-6123  900067  Employee, Ima Good

       Date Last Paid: 05/31/2000
 First Name : Ima                     Name and Address is
 Middle Name: Good                    from the W4 or I9
 Last Name  : Employee

 Address: 13245 Arkansas Ave
 City   : Fay'ville
 State  : AR
 Zip    : 71234

 Date of Birth         : 01/23/1965        X Drug Free Signed
 Date Current I9 Signed: 06/18/1998

                                        Updated: 06/05/00 17:03 By: PAY04

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextR
 SSN: 789-45-6123 displayed; please enter new key fields

The following sections describe the I9DF function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"


The I9DF command is used by the Human Resources to establish s

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

Add {A}
Update {U}
View {V}


  1. The command in which the name and address originated will be displayed.
  2. Date last paid will be displayed.
  3. The system will only allow a dash, period, space or apostrophe.
  4. First or Last name cannot be blank.
  5. An error will be issued, if the names have not been entered in mixed case.
  6. A warning will be issued, if the name is one character. "Initial must be followed by a period".
  7. If the last name is multiple parts, either the first part is on the prefix IRS list, or the second part on the suffix list.
  8. The recognized common name prefixes. Prefixes can be entered in either mixed case or lower case.
    St. 56
  9. The recognized common name suffixes.
  10. Help will be available on all fields.
  11. The system updates the audit log history group with the time, date and user.


NRA - Non-Resident Alien

Figure 85 is an example of the screen presented for updating NRA information

Figure 85. NRA

  EPONRA 1 TEST              Non Resident Alien-NRA           05/13/99 11:38
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 900162      Comp Type:    Date: 01/01/1999

Action: V  Emp Id: 900162   Aga, Ali

 Name   : Aga, Ali/                                        Alien Cd: AC
 Address: 116 Hazel Valley Road
 City   : Fayetteville         State: AR  Zip: 72703

 Non Resident Alien. Please do not change Fed w/h without checking with
 Carrie first.

                                        Updated: 05/01/1999 17:30 BY: PAY04
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   Next        Save

The following sections describe the NRA function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Security and Access"
"Valid Actions"


The NRA coordinator will use this command to establish employee non-resident alien, and current treaty status. The exemption code for Oasdi and Medicare for these individuals will be established here also.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Security and Access

The NRA coordinator and her backup will have update access to this function. The remainder of the Human Resources department will have view access only. The access for this function will be established in Command Security through NSM.

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}



The individual must be established on the employee file before the user can update the record. The employee name, address, and id number will be displayed from the W4 name from the employee file. 'Update' will allow the user to change the alien exempt code and the comment. "View' will allow the user to see the current information. By placing an A in the first occurrence of the alien exempt code, the employee will be Oasdi and Medicare exempt. Once the comment has been updated, it will be displayed in the 5th occurrence on the W4 command. The alien code will also be displayed on the W4 command.

Oasdi/MEDicare rates

Figure 86 is an example of the screen presented for the tables of OASDI/Medicare Rates.

Figure 86. OMED

   Next Record after OASDI/MEDI retrieved                    OMED 03/24/99 12:04
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 08/29/1998

   Action: V  Date Period Begin: 06/30/1998 Date Period End: 08/29/1998

    Pecentage for Employee OASDI (EOAS)  : 6.2000
    Percentage for Employer OASDI (ROAS) : 6.2000

    Maximum taxable wage for OASDI :   68400.00

    Percentage for Employee Medicare (EMED) : 1.4500
    Percentage for Employer Medicare (RMED) : 1.4500

    Maximum taxable wage for Medicare:

 Updated: 03/03/1999 By: MAZANTI

       Help  Suspd Quit                          NextR
 OASDI/MEDI displayed; please enter new key fields

The following sections describe the Oasdi/Medicare Tax Table function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"


OMED is used by the University of Arkansas Payroll office to maintain a tax table which controls the Oasdi/Medicare taxing for University payrolls. The information for the table is provided yearly or more often by the Internal Revenue Service. The table contains the Oasdi & Medicare limits, effective percentages for each tax and maximum wage allowance.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Update {U}
Delete {D}



The following processing is performed based upon the action.

The system updates the audit log history group with the time, date, and user performing the update.

EFIT - Employee Federal Income Tax

Figure 87 is an example of the screen presented for updating the Federal Tax table for Married Status on the EFIT command.

Figure 87. EFIT (Married Status)

   Next Record after EFIT 07/29/1998 retrieved               EFIT 03/22/99 09:45
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 01/18/1999

  Action: V                       Married    Begin: 07/30/1998     Screen 1 of 2
                                               End: 01/18/1999

                                  ------ Withholding ------      of Excess
        Start       Through         Amount    +  Percentage         Over
     ----------    ----------     -----------    ----------      ----------
           0.01      1,000.00
       1,000.01      5,000.00                       5.00 %         1,000.00
       5,000.01     10,000.00          100.00      10.00 %         5,000.00
      10,000.01     50,000.00          500.00      25.00 %        10,000.00
      50,000.01    100,000.00        1,000.00      50.00 %        50,000.00
     100,000.01                      1,500.00      50.00 %       100,000.00

   The Annual Amount of One Withholding Exemption:   2,500.00

   Updated: 03/11/1999 15:39 By: MAZANTI
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextS
 EFIT 01/18/1999 displayed; press PF8 for next screen or enter new keys
Figure 88 is an example of the screen presented for updating the Federal Tax table for Single Status on the EFIT command.

Figure 88. EFIT (Single Status)

  EPOEFIT 1 TEST  Employee Federal Income Tax rate maint. - EFIT  03/22/99 09:46
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 01/18/1999

  Action: V                       Single     Begin: 07/30/1998     Screen 2 of 2
                                               End: 01/18/1999

                                  ------ Withholding ------      of Excess
        Start       Through         Amount    +  Percentage         Over
     ----------    ----------     -----------    ----------      ----------
           0.01        100.00
         100.01        500.00                      10.00 %           100.00
         500.01     10,000.00          100.00      20.00 %           500.00
      10,000.01     20,000.00          200.00      30.00 %        10,000.00
      20,000.01     30,000.00          300.00      35.00 %        20,000.00
      30,000.01                        500.00      45.00 %        30,000.00

   The Annual Amount of One Withholding Exemption:   2,500.00

   Updated: 03/11/1999 15:39 By: MAZANTI
       Help  Suspd Quit                    PrevS NextR
 Please enter new key fields

The following sections describe the EFIT (Employee Federal Income Tax) function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"


EFIT is an effective dated table used by the University of Arkansas Payroll office to maintain a tax table which controls the Federal taxing of university payrolls. The information for the table is provided yearly or more often by the Internal Revenue Service. Federal tax tables (Married and Single) are updated here. The Federal tables are maintained using the "annual" method. The calculation for a particular payroll is dependent upon whether the payroll is monthly, semi-monthly, or supplemental. The annual amount of the withholding exemption is updated on the Federal tax table.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Update {U}
Delete {D}



A table is maintained using the formulas provided at least annually by the appropriate taxing authority. An "add" will be used initially to enter the amounts into the tables. After the initial "add", an "update" will be used to change amounts. The tables will be available for users to view. The date and User ID of the person who updated the tables will be available in the system. The Annual table provided in Circular E (IRS Employer Publication) will be used for the table entries. The calculation for federal tax is done from the standard IRS formula. Supplemental pay will use the "look back" method to calculate taxes, as defined by the IRS.

ARkansas State Income tax

Figure 89 is an example of the screen presented for updating the ARkansas State Income Tax rate table.

Figure 89. ARSI

   Next Record after ARSI 05/13/1998 retrieved               ARSI 03/22/99 14:08
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 01/17/1999

  Action: V                                  Begin: 01/01/1999   Screen 1 of 2
                                               End: 01/17/1999

                                 ------ Withholding ------       of Excess
      Start         Through        Amount    +  Percentage          Over
   ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------       ----------
         0.00       3,000.00                        1.00 %             0.00
     3,000.01       6,000.00          30.00         2.50 %         3,000.00
     6,000.01       9,000.00         105.00         3.50 %         6,000.00
     9,000.01      15,000.00         210.00         4.50 %         9,000.00
    15,000.01      25,000.00         480.00         6.00 %        15,000.00
    25,000.01                      1,080.00         7.00 %        25,000.00

   Updated: 03/16/1999 16:32 By: MAZANTI
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextS
 ARSI 01/17/1999 displayed; press PF8 for next screen or enter new keys
Figure 90 is an example of the second screen presented for the ARkansas State Income tax rate maintenance.

Figure 90. ARSI2

  EPOARSI 1 TEST   ARkansas State Income Tax rate maint. - ARSI   03/22/99 14:09
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 01/17/1999

  Action: V                                                      Screen 2 of 2

         Standard Deduction $ 2,000.00    Exemptions $ 20.00

         Special Rate Request Cd          Reduce By Percentage
         -----------------------          --------------------
                    1                             33.33 %
                    2                             66.66 %

       Help  Suspd Quit                    PrevS NextR
 Please enter new key fields

The following sections describe the ARSI function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"


ARSI is used by the University of Arkansas Payroll office to maintain rate amounts which controls the Arkansas State taxing for the University of Arkansas payrolls. The information for the table is provide by the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration. State tax table for (Married and Single) deductions are updated here. The Arkansas State tax table is maintained using the "annual" method. The calculation for a particular payroll is dependent upon whether the payroll is monthly, semi-monthly, or supplemental. The amount to be allowed for Arkansas State withholding exemptions are updated here also.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Update {U}
Delete {D}



A table is maintained using the formulas provided at least annually by the appropriate Arkansas State staxing authority. An "add" will be used initially to enter the amounts into the tables. After the initial "add", an "update" will be used to change amounts. The tables will be available for users to view. The date and User ID of the person who updated the tables will be available in the system. The default method is the "look-back" method. The calculation for state tax is done from the standard State formula.

EIC - Earned Income Credit

Figure 91 is an example of the screen presented for updating tables on EIC Command

Figure 91. EIC (Earned Income Credit Data, one parent claiming credit)

EPOEIC  1 TEST    Earned Income Credit data maintenance - EIC   05/07/99 08:56
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 01/01/1999


  Action: V  Type: 1 Single or Married without Spouse Filing Certificate
                                                                  Screen 1 of 2
          Date Period Begin: 01/01/1999 Date Period End: 05/04/1999

                                 ----Annual EIC Amount----       of Excess
     Start          Through        Amount       Percentage          Over
   ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------       ----------
         0.01      17,893.00                        20.400 %
    17,893.01      20,000.00       1,234.00                %      17,893.00
    20,000.01                      1,234.00          9.580 %      20,000.00

                  Maximum Wage for Eligibility:   1,234.00
   Updated: 04/01/1999 16:16 By: MAZANTI
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextS
 EIC 01/01/1999 displayed; press PF8 for next screen or enter new keys
Figure 92 is an example of screen presented for updating tables on the EIC command.

Figure 92. EIC (Earned Income Credit Data, both parents claiming credit)

 EPOEIC  1 TEST    Earned Income Credit data maintenance - EIC   05/07/99 09:03
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 01/01/1999


  Action: V  Type: 2 Married with Both Spouses Filing Certificate
                                                                  Screen 2 of 2
          Date Period Begin: 01/01/1999 Date Period End: 05/04/1999

                                 ----Annual EIC Amount----       of Excess
     Start          Through        Amount       Percentage          Over
   ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------       ----------
         0.01      10,000.00                        20.000 %
    10,000.01      15,000.00       1,000.00                %      10,000.00
    15,000.01                      1,000.00         10.000 %      15,000.00

                  Maximum Wage for Eligibility:   1,234.00
   Updated: 04/01/1999 16:16 By: MAZANTI

       Help  Suspd Quit                    PrevS NextR
 Please enter new key fields

The following sections describe the EIC (EIC data) function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Security and Access"
"Valid Actions"
"Related Topics".


EICD is used by the University Payroll office to maintain a table which controls the calculations of Advanced Earned Income Credit for University payrolls. The information for the table is provided yearly by the Internal Revenue Service. The table contains the EIC salary limits and formulas for the calculations. This table uses the "annual" method and the calculation for a particular payroll is dependent upon whether the payroll is monthly, semi-monthly, or supplemental.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Security and Access

The Payroll Manager will have update access. Other Users will have view access to the formula.

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Update {U}
Delete {D}



A table is maintained using the formulas provided annually by the appropriate taxing authority. An "add" will be used initially to enter the amounts into the tables. After the initial "add", an "update" will be used to change amounts. The calculation for Advanced EIC is done by the Standard IRS formula. The Annual table provided in Circular E (IRS Employer Publications) will be used for the table entries.

Related Topics

Advanced Earned Income Credit (EIC)

The advanced earned income credit is a special federal tax credit provided to qualifying low wage employees whereby their net pay for a payroll is increased by the amount of the credit. The funds for this come out of the federal income tax withheld from other employee's gross -- the University remits the difference in the federal income tax withheld and the EIC paid. This constitutes the advanced EIC since the credit is being advanced to the employee via our payroll process versus the employee waiting until their income tax has been filed for the year when the full Earned Income Credit can be claimed.

The employee must qualify and apply for EIC annually. To qualify the employee's salary must be below a defined limit and the employee must have an eligible child. There are two options: 1 - the employee is single or the employee is married and only parent has applied for EIC, or 2 - the employee is married and both parents have applied for EIC. This EIC election will be defined on the Employee-BDOE-Setup with a Short-Comment of '1' or '2' indicating the appropriate option.

The calculation parameters for EIC are specified on command EIC where a maximum salary limit is defined (MSL) and a fixed amount (FA) and percentage (Pct) is defined for various salary ranges. The percentage is applied to the amount over the entry point to the salary range (EPSR). Currently there are three salary ranges, but a maximum of 5 are permitted. Currently the first range (0 to 6680) has a zero fixed amount and a percentage, the second range has a fixed amount and a zero percentage, and the third range has a fixed amount and a negative percentage (the credit phases itself out the more you make). These parameters are defined separately for option 1 and option 2.

The EIC calculation is performed using the above parameters and the employee's option (1 or 2), current federal taxable wages (CFTW), YTD federal taxable wages (YFTW), and number of payroll periods in the year (NPPY). The following steps are performed.

  1. Check to see if the employee is over the salary limit. The current federal taxable wages (CFTW) are added to the YTD federal taxable wages and if these exceed the maximum salary limit (MSL) for EIC, the employee is no longer eligible. No further calculations are performed and the attribute ZEIC (Zero EIC) will be set on the Payroll-Summary file.
  2. Annualize the federal taxable wages (AFTW):


  3. Determine which parameters to use (FA and Pct) and the entry point of the salary range (EPSR) based upon the AFTW and the defined salary ranges.
  4. Calculate an Annualized EIC amount (AEIC):

    AEIC = FA + (Pct * (AFTW - EPSR))

  5. If AEIC is less than or equal zero no EIC will be taken but attribute ZEIC will be set on Payroll-Summary.
  6. Reduce the annual EIC to a current pay period basis -- calculate the current EIC amount (CEIC) to be added to the employee's net:


No other deductions are ever applied to the EIC amount. EIC will be held back until after all employee based deductions have been figured (including net based deductions) and then EIC will be added to the final employee net. In this manner, an employee with EIC will always receive a check for at least the amount of his or her EIC payment -- even when there are other deductions not taken that exceed this amount.

CPRP - Cancel PayRoll Payment ID

Figure 93 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the CPRP function.

Figure 93. Data Entry Screen - CPRP

 Please enter new key fields
  EPOCPRP  1           Cancel PayRoll Payment ID - CPRP          08/13/98 09:50
  Command:       Action: V  Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date:
  Payment ID: 203        Check No:
 Action: V  Payment ID: 203        Check Number: 1010001194

  Do you want to cancel check (Y/N): Y
  Do you want to reissue check with new check number (Y/N): N
  Do you want to issue a check from an ACH payment (Y/N): N

  Do you have the physical check (Y/N): Y

  Payment Status: I  Issued and Outstanding
  Payment Type: PC  Payroll Check
  Check Amount:   2,485.00      Date Paid: 08/31/1998
  Employee ID: 123456
  Name:  John E. Doe

  Updated/canceled:                        by:
       Help  Suspd Quit

The following sections describe the CPRP (Cancel PayRoll Payment ID) function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Related Topics".


The CPRP (Cancel PayRoll Payment ID) function is used to cancel a payroll payment where a check has been issued to the employee, to reissue a check to the employee, or to issue a check to the employee for an ACH payment which was returned from the bank.

Access and Security

Use of this function is restricted to the Payroll supervisor.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}


  1. Only payment type of PC with a payment status of I or H may be cancelled.
  2. Only payment type of PD with a payment status of blank may be cancelled.
  3. The payment status for canceled checks is X with either an S or a V in the second occurrence.
  4. The payment status for reissued checks is P with either an S or a V in the second occurrence.
  5. The payment status for checks issued for returned ACH is P and the payment type becomes PC.
  6. If the "Do you have the physical check" field has a Y, then the second occurrence of the payment status is V.
  7. If the "Do you have the physical check" field has a N, then the second occurrence of the payment status is S.
  8. For the questions on whether to cancel, reissue, or issue a new check, can enter Y for only one of the questions.
  9. For the questions on whether to cancel, reissue, or issue a new check, the system defaults an N.
  10. One of the questions on whether to cancel, reissue, or issue a new check must have a Y.
  11. The third occurrence of the history group on the UA Payment file is be updated.
  12. Comment is required.


Entering a payment id or check number displays a payment record which includes the payment status, payment type, check number (there could be more than one occurrence of the check number, if the check had been reissued), check date, employee id, employee name, and any comments.

Canceling Payment ID

The only payment ids which may be cancelled are those with a payment type of PC (payroll check) with a payment status of I (issued and outstanding) or H (held for pick up) or a payment type of PD (payroll deposit) with a payment status of blank.

The Payroll Supervisor enters a Y in the "Do you want to cancel check" field. If the Payroll Supervisor has the physical check, they enter a Y in the "Do you have the physical check" field; otherwise, they enter a N in the field. When canceling payroll deposit payment ids, enter a Y in the "Do you have the physical check" field.

After pressing PF10, the payment status changes to X with a V (for void) if have the physical check or an S (stopped payment) if don't have physical check.

A payroll adjustment is processed to correct the employee's payroll summary record. The reversing cash and cash pool entries are posted with the payroll adjustment process. Thus, it is important that the payroll adjustment and the canceling of the check are processed on the same day.

If the employee is entitled to a check with a different amount, the check is written out of the payroll office's impriest fund and the fund is replenished when the new payroll check is issued on the next payroll check run.

Reissuing a new check

The only payment ids which may be reissued are those with a payment type of PC (payroll check) with a payment status of I (issued and outstanding) or H (held for pick up).

The Payroll Supervisor enters a Y in the "Do you want to reissue check" field. If the Payroll Supervisor has the physical check, they enter a Y in the "Do you have the physical check" field; otherwise, they enter a N in the field.

After pressing PF10, the payment status changes to P with a V (for void) if have the physical check or an S (stopped payment) if don't have physical check. The original check number is moved to the second occurrence.

When the payroll trigger job is run, the payment record is updated with a payment status of H, the new check number, and update history group.

Issuing a check from a payroll deposit

The only payment ids which may have a check issued from a payroll direct deposit are those with a payment type of PD (payroll check) with a payment status of blank (cleared).

The Payroll Supervisor enters a Y in the "Do you want to issue a check from an ACH payment" field. The "Do you have physical check" field is N.

After pressing PF10, the payment status changes to P and the payment type changes to PC.

When the payroll trigger job is run, the payment record is updated with a payment status of H, the new check number, and update history group.

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the command Help: The following commands perform processing functions related to the CPRP function. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens: Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

ARkansas State unemployment and Worker's compensation rates

Figure 94 is an example of the screen presented for updating the ARkansas State unemployment and Worker's compesation rates

Figure 94. ARSW

   Decoding has been performed                               ARSW 03/24/99 12:06
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 08/29/1998

   Action: V  Date Period Begin: 05/20/1998 Date Period End: 12/19/1998

                Arkansas State Unemployment Rate is :  0.13

             Arkansas Worker's Compensation Rate is :  0.14

 Updated: 03/22/1999 By: MAZANTI

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextR
 Please enter new key fields

The following sections describe the ARSW function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"


ARSW is used by the University of Arkansas Payroll office to maintain the state unemployment and worker's compensation amounts to be taxed for the University of Arkansas payrolls. The information for the table is provide by the Controller's Office at least once on fiscal year basis.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Update {U}
Delete {D}



A table is maintained using the amounts provided at least annually by the Controller's Office. An "add" will be used initially to enter the amounts into the tables. After the initial "add", an "update" will be used to change amounts. The tables will be available for users to view. The date and User ID of the person who updated the tables will be available in the system.

BDOE - Benefit, Deduction, Other earning, EIC

Figure 95 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the BDOE function.

Figure 95. Benefit, Deduction, Other earning, EIC - BDOE

  EPOBDOE 1 TEST  Benefit, Deduction, Other earning, Exemp - BDOE 03/29/99 16:36
  Command:       Action: V  Emp ID:              Comp Type:     Date: 05/13/1998
   Action: V  BDOE Cd: ARSI Short Desc: Ark State Income Tax

 Long Desc: Arkansas State Income Tax
 BDOE Type: ET  Category: 1  Status: A  Priority: 4    All or None code: N
 Short Comment Use code: R   Base Pay Category codes: I  N  R  E  T

                                 FIT    SIT    OAD    MED    WC     SUI
 Tax exempt codes - exempt from:

 Cost Center: 0102 02147-62-0000 Account: 00221007 Dept Catg: ARTAX    Check: N
 CCC:                                    Acc:
 Payee Vendor ID:


   Updated: 03/26/1999 17:30 by: PAY04  Jennifer Carey
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextR
 displayed; please enter new key fields

The following sections describe the BDOE function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"


The BDOE command is used exclusively by the Payroll office to establish a comprehensive listing and definition of the UofA provided benefits, employee deductions, other taxable earnings, EIC and exempt wages. Access to this command is strictly controlled and update is restricted by command security, with internal reviews to be completed any time that an update is performed. Each code is defined by type, Active/Inactive Status, Extended Description, Benefit Category, Exempt from Withholding, Priority, Tax Exempt or Tax Deferred status.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Update {U}
Delete {D}


  1. Mixed case will be allowed for the short description, long description, and comment.
  2. BDOE codes can be up to 4 alpha numeric characters.
  3. The following types are the only valid BDOE types. No other types are allowed.
    ET Employee tax deduction
    RT Employer tax benefit
    D Deduction, employee non-tax
    B Benefit, employer non-tax
    O Other taxable wage (other earnings or taxable fringe benefit)
    EW Exempt Wage (earnings exempt from tax)
    EI Earned Income Credit -EIC
  4. There are two valid BDOE Statuses. These are:
    A Active
    I Inactive
  5. The BDOE category is only meaningful for BDOE types "B", "D", "ET" and "RT" and must be one of the following values:
    1 Tax
    2 Major Medical Insurance
    3 Retirement
    4 Other Insurance
    5 Other employer benefit or voluntary employee deduction
    6 Involuntary employee deduction
    7 Other employee deduction
    Since the BDOE category is not applicable to other BDOE types, it will be required to be zero for those types.
  6. The Base Pay Categories are only meaningful for BDOE types "B" and "D" and must be at least one or more of the following values:
    I Insurance and all other benefits or deductions
    N Non-Insurance benefits and deductions
    R Retirement (EE and ER) and few if any other benefits or deductions.
    E Employee retirement, state retirement (PERS), and taxes.
    T Taxes only.
    Since the Base Pay Categories are not applicable to other BDOE types, they will be required to be blank for those types.
  7. The Short Comment Use code must be one of the following:
  8. The All or None code is only meaningful for BDOE types "D" and "ET" and must be one of the following values:
    Y Take all of the deduction/tax or none of it.
    N Take as much of the deduction/tax as possible (leaving a zero net).
    Since the All or None code is not applicable to other BDOE types, it will be required to be blank for those types.
  9. The Tax Exempt From or For codes are only meaningful for BDOE types "B", "D", "EW" and "O" and must be one of the following values:
    Y Exempt from or for one of the 6 tax types.
    N Not exempt from or for one of the 6 tax types.
    Since the Tax Exempt From or For codes are not applicable to other BDOE types, they will be required to be blank for those types.
  10. The Cost Center is only meaningful for BDOE types "ET", "RT", "D", "B", and "EI" and must exist on the Cost Center table. Since the Cost Center is not applicable to other BDOE types, it is required to be zero for those types.
  11. The Account is only meaningful for BDOE types "ET", "RT", "D", "B", and "EI" and must exist on the Account Code table with an Account-Txn-Type of "2" or "4". (The Departmental Category is also obtained from this table for these BDOE types.) Since the Account is not applicable to other BDOE types, it is required to be zero for those types.
  12. The Check code (BD-Payee-Check-Cd) is only meaningful for BDOE types "ET", "RT", "D", "B", and "EI" and must be one of the following values:
    Y AP check will be issued for this BDOE.
    N No AP check will be issued for this BDOE.
    Since the Check code is not applicable to other BDOE types, it will be required to be blank for those types.
  13. The Vendor ID is only meaningful for BDOE types "ET", "RT", "D", "B", and "EI" and only then if the Check code is "Y". In this circumstance the Vendor must exist on the Vendor Name and Vendor Address file. Since the Vendor ID is not applicable to other BDOE types or when the Check code is "N", it is required to be zero in those circumstances.
  14. A comment is allowed but is not required.


Pay Category

The MSA Payroll system required a great deal of manual calculations and overrides in order for benefits and deductions to be taken properly. Problems resulted when appointed employees worked hourly, when nine month employees worked in the summer, and in most cases of supplemental pay. A goal of BASIS is to calculate and take the appropriate benefits and deductions without the extra effort required for special overrides. The design to address this involves categorizing the employee's gross pay and simultaneously defining the categories for which the various BDOEs are subject -- facilitating the automatic calculation of benefits and deductions.

The categorization of wages is primarily accomplished by the association of a Pay-Category with the various Compensation Types by which employees are paid. The following categories are currently used with the associated compensation types noted.

I (Insurance)

Insurance and all other deductions and benefits (including taxes) should be calculated on these earnings. These represent normal, periodic, recurring wages and are associated with compensation types SC, SG, and SN.

N (Non-Insurance)

All non-insurance deductions and benefits (including taxes) should be calculated on these earnings. These wages are not subject to insurance deductions since they represent some type of special non-recurring compensation or compensation for which insurance benefits are not provided. Category N earnings are associated with compensation types GR, GT, Hn, SR, ST, Sn, and Wn.

R (Retirement)

Employee and employer portions of retirement, taxes, and possibly some other selective deductions or benefits are calculated on these wages. These wages are even more selective and have been separated from category N primarily to exclude garnishments. The associated compensation types are AL and LS.

E (EE Retirement)

Employee retirement contributions and taxes are the only benefits and deductions to be calculated on these wages which are associated with overtime (compensation type On) and in the special circumstance (exception) noted below.

T (Taxes only)

Only taxes are to be calculated on these wages as defined by compensation types SA, SL, SP, XC, XN, and XS.

There are three exceptions that override the assignment of the pay category based upon the compensation type.
  1. If an appointed employee is compensated for any hourly work the category for those wages is automatically downgraded to an E.
  2. When entering supplemental pay on SUPP the operator is required to indicate whether this is true supplemental pay. If it is supplemental pay and the category would have been an I or an N, it will be changed to an R. This would be desired when processing a retroactive salary change where only the difference in pay is being made.
  3. Nine month employees are paid a half month in August and another half month in May. However, they pay a full month's insurance premiums in May and none in August. Therefor a nine month employee paid on the end of month August payroll in a category that would have been an I will have the category changed to an N.

Each BDOE defines the pay categories to which the BDOE is subject. If there are no wages in the corresponding pay categories for a defined BDOE, no benefit or deduction will be calculated for that payroll. If there are wages and a P (percent of pay category) method is defined then the BDOE amount will be calculated using only the associated pay category amounts.

LBST - List Bdoes for a Status & Type

Figure 96 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LBST function.

Figure 96. LBST (List Bdoes for a Status & Type)

  EPOLBST 1 TEST       List Bdoes for a Status & Type - LBST      04/05/99 15:58
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 05/13/1998
   BDOE Cd:      BDOE Status: A BDOE Type: ET
          List BDOEs by priority for BDOE status: A and BDOE type: ET

         BDOE                            Base Pay  BDOE  Shrt Com  All  Check
    Cmd   Cd  Description          Prty  Cat Codes Catg   Use Cd   None  code
  - ---- ---- -------------------- ----  --------- ----  -------- ----- -----
    BDOE EOAS Emplyee OASDI Tax       5  I N R E T   1       N      N     N
    BDOE EMED Emplye Medicare Tax     6  I N R E T   1       N      N     N
    BDOE EFIT Emp Federal Inc Tax     7  I N R E T   1       R      N     N
    BDOE ARSI Ark State Income Tax    8  I N R E T   1       R      N     N

             BDOE records     1 thru     4 of     4 displayed;
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt
 Select an entry, or enter new keys


LBST allows the user to view BDOE setups by their status and types. When the list is returned to the BDOEs will be listed in priority order, if no priority exists it will be returned in BDOE code order. The list will contain the BDOE code, description, prority, base pay category code, BDOE type, short comment use code, all or none code, and check code. If more detail is required, the default suspend command will be BDOE.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

BDOE Status
A Active
I Inactive
ET Employee Tax
RT Employer Tax
D Deductions
B Benefits
O Other taxable wages
EW Exempt Wages
EI Earned Income Credit

LBSC - List Bdoes for a Status and Category

Figure 97 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LBSC function.

Figure 97. LBSC (List Bdoes for a Status and Category)

  EPOLBSC 1 TEST    List Bdoes for a Status and Category - LBSC   04/05/99 17:36
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 05/13/1998
   BDOE Cd:      BDOE Status: A BDOE Category: 3
          List BDOEs by priority for BDOE status: A and BDOE Category: 3

         BDOE                            Base Pay   BDOE  Shrt Com All  Check
    Cmd   Cd  Description          Prty  Cat Codes  Type   Use Cd  None  code
  - ---- ---- -------------------- ----  ---------  ----  -------- ---- -----
    BDOE 3V   Fidelity Non Matched  333  I N R E     D       R       N
    BDOE 3Z   Fidelity Matched      333  I N R E     D       R       N
    BDOE 31   Tiaa/Cref Reduction   310  I N R E     D       R       N
    BDOE 32   Tiaa/Cref NM Reduct   311  I N R E     D       R       N
    BDOE 33   Tiaa/Cref SRA         312  I N R E     D       R       N
    BDOE 4P   TIAA Personel Annty   460  I N R E     D       R       N
    BDOE 4V   Fidelity Unmatched    460  I N R E     D       R       N
    BDOE 4X   Fidelity Deduction    450  I N R E     D       R       N
    BDOE 44   Jefferson Life RED    440  I N R E     D       R       N
    BDOE 45   TIAA/CREF Deduction   450  I N R E     D       R       N

             BDOE records     1 thru    10 of    16 displayed;
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             Forwd
 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys


LBSC allows the user to view BDOE setups by their status and category. When the list is returned to the BDOEs will be listed by in BDOE code order. The list will contain the BDOE code, description, prority, base pay category code, BDOE type, short comment use code, all or none code, and check code. If more detail is required, the default suspend command will be BDOE.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

BDOE Status
A Active
I Inactive
BDOE Category
1 Taxes
2 Major Medical
3 Retirement
4 Other Insurance
5 Other employee benefits or voluntary employee deduction
6 Involuntary employee deduction
7 Other employee deduction

April 5, 1999

BDSC - BDoe Short Comment

Figure 98 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the BDSC function.

Figure 98. Data Entry screen - BDSC

  EPOBDSC 1 TEST             BDoe Short Comment - BDSC            03/31/99 11:13
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 07/01/1998
  BDOE Cd: 7T    Short Comment: Yellow
  Action: V BDOE Cd: 7T   Comment: Yellow            BDOE Start Date: 07/01/1998
   BDOE desc: Parking Pemit 125                        BDOE End Date: 06/30/1999

   Tax Sheltered Equivalent BDOE: 7T

   Short Comment rate code:   A
   Short Comment amount:      56.00000

   Short Comment description: Faculty/Staff yellow parking sticker


  Updated:                  By:
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextR
 BDOE cd: 7T   Short Comment: Yellow for 07/01/98 displayed; please enter new k

The following sections describe the BDSC function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"


The BDSC (Bdoe Short Comment table) function is used to view and maintain the bdoe short comment values and rates. This function will also display for a non tax sheltered BDOE it's tax sheltered equivalent BDOE. The data maintained will be stored on BDOE- Short-Comment file, and a thorough understanding of the data is required for the proper use of BDSC. The BDSC will be used by the Payroll and Benefits Departments of the University of Arkansas, with the security for those individuals to be setup through NSM function using command security. A example the BDOEs having Short Comments are Medical insurance, Optional life, and EIC.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Effective Date for locating any existing records as of this date
Begin Date for Add or New records.
Short Comment

Valid Actions

Add {A}
Copy {C}
Delete {D}
New {N}
Update {U}
View {V}


  1. The BDOE-Cd must be valid and active.
  2. The Date (effective date of the change or addition) must be on or after the earliest pay date of any payroll with a later cutoff time.
  3. BDOEs with the BDOE-SHORT-COMMENT-USE code of 'T' or 'n' will have entries established on this function.
  4. If the BDOE has been defined having a 'n', the BDOE-SHORT-COMMENT should not be larger than the defined 'n' number.
  5. If one of the valid BDOE-SHORT-COMMENT-RATE-CDs are chosen, there must be a BDOE-SHORT-COMMENT-AMT.
  6. A comment is optional.


The following processing is performed based upon the action.

The system updates the audit log history group with the time, date, and user performing the update, differentiating between the creation or complete update of a record and an update where only the end date is set.

LSCD - List Short Comments for bdoe and Date

Figure 99 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LSCD function.

Figure 99. LSCD (List Short Comments for a bdoe and Date)

  EPOLSCD 1 TEST  List Short Comments for a bdoe and Date - LSCD  04/07/99 15:01
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 06/01/1998
   BDOE Cd: 4E   Short Comment:
          List Short Comments for BDOE: 4E   effective: 06/01/1998

                             ---Effective  Period---   Rate  Short Comment
      Cmd   Short Comment    Begin Date    End Date    Code     Amount
  -   ----  ---------------  ----------   ----------   ----  -------------
      BDSC  Ch  CLC          05/18/1998   12/31/2099     A     3413.28000
      BDSC  Ch  Ind          05/18/1998   12/30/2099     A     4448.64000
      BDSC  Ch  POS          05/18/1998   12/31/2099     A     3868.56000
      BDSC  Fam CLC          05/18/1998   12/31/2099     A     5824.80000
      BDSC  Fam POS          05/18/1998   12/31/2099     A     6601.44000
      BDSC  Ind CLC          05/18/1998   12/31/2099     A     1931.52000
      BDSC  Ind Ind          05/18/1998   12/31/2099     A     2517.60000
      BDSC  Sp  CLC          05/18/1998   12/31/2099     A     4342.32000
      BDSC  Sp  Ind          05/18/1998   12/31/2099     A     5659.92000
      BDSC  Sp  POS          05/18/1998   12/31/2099     A     4921.68000

   BDOE records     1 thru    10 displayed;      accessed, but not effective.
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt
 Select an entry, or enter new keys


LSCD allows the user to view short comments for a BDOE effective on the date entered in the banner. The list will contain the short comment, effective begin and end date, rate code, short comment amount. If more detail is required, the default suspend command will be BDSC. The user can selectively expand or restrict the list by changing the Date, either to an earlier or later date.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


LSCA - List Short Comments for a bdoe & All dates

Figure 100 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LSCA function.

Figure 100. LSCA (List Short Comments for a bdoe & All dates)

  EPOLSCA 1 TEST  List Short Comments for a bdoe&All Dates - LSCA 04/07/99 15:09
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 06/01/1998
   BDOE Cd: 4E   Short Comment: Fam CLC
 List Short Comments for BDOE: 4E   starting from short comment: Fam CLC

                             ---Effective  Period---   Rate  Short Comment
      Cmd   Short Comment    Begin Date    End Date    Code     Amount
  -   ----  ---------------  ----------   ----------   ----  -------------
      BDSC  Fam CLC          05/18/1998   12/31/2099     A     5824.80000
      BDSC  Fam POS          05/18/1998   12/31/2099     A     6601.44000
      BDSC  Ind CLC          05/18/1998   12/31/2099     A     1931.52000
      BDSC  Ind Ind          05/18/1998   12/31/2099     A     2517.60000
      BDSC  Sp  CLC          05/18/1998   12/31/2099     A     4342.32000
      BDSC  Sp  Ind          05/18/1998   12/31/2099     A     5659.92000
      BDSC  Sp  POS          05/18/1998   12/31/2099     A     4921.68000

             BDOE records     1 thru     7 of     7 displayed.
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt
 Select an entry, or enter new keys


LSCA allows the user to view short comments for a BDOE. The list will contain the short comment, effective begin and end date, rate code, short comment amount. If more detail is required, the default suspend command will be BDSC. The user can selectively expand or restrict the list by changing the Short Comment field.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Short Comment

IBEI - Individual Benefit Enrollment Information

Figure 101 is an example of the screen used to enter an enrollee's benefits enrollment information.

Figure 101. Data Entry screen - IBEI

   Add performed for Employee ID 135877 for 03/14/199        IBEI 06/23/99 14:05
  Command:      Action: A Emp ID: 135877          Comp Type:    Date: 03/14/1999

 Action: A ID/SSN: 135877 / 432-45-7640 Smith, Carol Diane         Screen 1 of 3
 Effective from: 03/14/1999 through 12/31/2099     Benefit Status: A    (Active)
 BU: MULN     Occ: R211  Appointment Percent: 100  Date of Birth:     10/21/1945
 Annual Salary:  19,909  Appointment Periods:  12  Date Eligible:     11/01/1995
 Qualifying Event:        01/20/1999      12       Type: EA
 Tax-exempt --------------------------------------------------------------------
     Y   Health Enrollment: F Health Plan: P   Provider Group:    Group#:  10000
         Dental Enrollment: N                  Physician Change:
         Vision Enrollment: N                  Premium Periods:   12
 AD&D Amount: 275000  AD&D Code: I  Life Code: 4  Dependent Life:         LTD: N
 __ Flexible Accounts ________________________ Flex Periods:      12 ___________
 __ Dependent:  1200.00 YTD:            Period Amt:   100.00   OR:           ___
 __ Medical:            YTD:            Period Amt:            OR:           ___
 Note:  New setup
 Supplemental:             Begin Agreement:            End Agreement:
 Retiree Life Amt:         Health Agreement:           Life Agreement:
  Reasons: SE
        Help  Suspd Quit

 Supplemental:             Begin Agreement:            End Agreement:
 Retiree Life Amt:         Health Agreement:           Life Agreement:
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextS
Figure 102 is the decode screen presented when pf4 is pressed, showing the enrollment reason definitions for the record.

Figure 102. Decode screen - IBEI

 SSN 135877 for 03/14/1999 displayed; press PF8 for next screen or enter new ke
  EPOIBEI 1 TEST     Individual Benefit Enrollment Info - IBEI    03/18/99 14:22
                         Smith, Carol/Diane 432-45-7640
   Press ENTER to continue

            Reason                      Date           User
    -------------------------      ----------------  --------
    Set up Enrollment              03/16/1999 15:08  STWIGGS
    Add Dependent Health           03/16/1999 16:14  STWIGGS
    Add Dependent Health           03/16/1999 16:24  STWIGGS
    Add Dependent Health           03/16/1999 16:28  STWIGGS
    Delete Dependent Health        03/16/1999 16:28  STWIGGS
    Delete Dependent Health        03/16/1999 16:28  STWIGGS
    Delete Dependent Health        03/16/1999 16:43  STWIGGS
    Delete Dependent Health        03/16/1999 16:43  STWIGGS
    Add Dependent Health           03/16/1999 16:43  STWIGGS
    Delete Dependent Health        03/16/1999 16:43  STWIGGS
    Delete Dependent Health        03/16/1999 16:43  STWIGGS

   Health: Individual, Spouse, Children   (Point of Service)
   Dental: Not Eligible                   AD&D: Waived
   Vision: Not Eligible                   Life: 20000   LTD: 19909  Age:  53

Figure 103 is second screen presented when PF8 is pressed, used to record retirement choices.

Figure 103. Retirement Enrollment Screenn

 Press PF8 to view next screen or enter new keys
  EPOIBEI 1 TEST     Individual Benefit Enrollment Info - IBEI    06/23/99 13:5
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 100588      Comp Type:    Date: 12/31/2099

 Action: V ID/SSN: 135877 / 123-45-6789 /Smith, Carol D.          Screen 2 of 3
 Effective from: 01/01/1999 through 12/31/2099
 _____________________________ UAF RETIREMENT PLAN ____________________________
 ------------------- Employee Matched    Employee Unmatched -------------------
 Type  Employer     deferred  deducted   deferred  deducted            SRA
           %            %         %          %         %                %
  __     _____        _____     _____      _____     _____            _____
  TC     10.00
  FI                   10.00

          -----        -----     -----      -----     -----            -----
          10.00        10.00
  Employee Tax Deferred:        10.00    Vested Code:  D        Date: 05/01/96
  Employee Tax Deducted:         0.00    Alternative Limit:     Date:
  Total Employee Contribution:  10.00    Benefits Attributes:
        Help  Suspd Quit  DCode             PrevS NextS EDesc
Figure 104 is the decode screen presented when PF4 is pressed, showing the total contributions to each retirement plan.

Figure 104. Decode for Retirement

 Action: V Employee: 135877   Smith, Carol Diane                   Screen 2 of 3
 Effective from: 03/01/1999 through 03/14/1999
 --- --------     Employee Matched     Employee Unmatched              SRA
     Employer    deferred  deducted    deferred  deducted
 Type    %           %         %           %         %
  __   _____       _____     _____       _____     _____              _____
  TC   10.00
  FI               10.00

                                                       Plan Totals
       -----       -----     -----         Press ENTER to continue
       10.00       10.00
                        ________________     TIAA/CREF              10.00
                                             Fidelity Investments   10.00
                        Employee Tax Def
                        Employee Tax Ded
                        Total Employee C                           ------
 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6                            20.00
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode
Figure 105 is the screen for entry of dependent health and dental information.

Figure 105. Dependent Enrollment Information - IBEI

 Please enter new key fields
  EPOIBEI 1 DEMO     Individual Benefit Enrollment Info - IBEI    06/23/99 16:36
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 135837      Comp Type:    Date: 12/31/1998

 Action: V SSN: 135877        Smith, Carol Diane                   Screen 3 of 3
 Effective from: 03/01/1999 through 03/14/1999  (SPOUSE & DEPENDENTS ENROLLMENT)
   # Enr  ---------- Name ---------- Type||  # Enr --------- Name -------- Type
  01  H   Smith, Susie                 C ||
  03  H   Jones, Stanley               S ||
  04  H   Smith, Sally                 D ||

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode             PrevS NextR
Figure 106 is the pop-up screen presented when PF4 is pressed, showing detailed information about dependents enrolled.

Figure 106. Dependent Detailed Information - IBEI

 Action: V SSN: 135877        Smith, Carol Diane                   Screen 3 of 3
 Effective from: 03/01/1999 through 03/14/1999  (SPOUSE & DEPENDENTS ENROLLMENT)
   # Enr  ---------- Name ---------- Type||  # Enr --------- Name -------- Type
  01  H   Smith, Susie                 C ||
  03  H   Jones, Stanley               S ||
  04  H   Smith, Sally                 D ||
                                    Jones, Stanley
        Press ENTER to continue

         SSN: 123-12-1231           Spouse                    Age:  50
         Health                Begin Date:              End Date:

         Dental                Begin Date:              End Date:
 Off      Pre-Basis:99/99/99

Figure 107 is the screen for entry of extended text that is presented when PF9 is pressed.

Figure 107. Extended text for IBEI

  P  Employee Called - inquired about refund for dependent coverage that was
     "double coverage" - Spouse carries.

     ----+----1----+----| Lines  1   thru  16  of 2   |----+----6----+----7--
     Mark:   0/ 0  -   0/ 0                     Scrap
 Entered: 03/18/99 Updated: 03/18/99 14:27 By: PAY02
       Help        Quit  Parag BMark EMark Back  Forwd       Save  Insrt Flip

The following sections describe the IBEI function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Target Transaction"
"HR Discussion and Field Validations"


The IBEI command provides a method for recording the benefits enrollment for an employee. Information regarding covered dependents will be entered using the IBEI command. Based upon the information contained in this command, deductions from pay and University provided benefits will be calculated and recorded on the employee's payment record. The employee payment record will be used with the enrollment information to create monthly reports and premium payments for the System office. Enrollment information in conjunction with information from the Payroll Annual file will be used to provide a yearly comprehensive Benefits Statement for the employee.

Access and Security

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V} - For selected individuals in HR only
Add {A} - Creates a Benefit's record for an individual who previously had no enrollment information in the system.
Update {U} - allows changes to a previously created enrollment record.
Delete {D} -

Target Transaction

IBEI is not a target command.

HR Discussion and Field Validations

Enrollee Type is a 2 character code that, in part, determines for which benefits the enrollee is eligible. The Enrollee Type is made by using a combination made up of the first character, which is:
E - Employee
R - Retiree
S - Surviving spouse or child
C - Additional enrollee COBRA
and the second character of the Enrollee Type is one of:
A - University of Arkansas
W - Walton Arts Center
R - Razorback Foundation
C - UARK Federal Credit Union
U - UA Foundation
For Enrollee Type = EA, the following validations exist: For Enrollee-Type RA, Retiree of University, the only benefits fields valid for modification will be:
Basic Life - Coverage is limited to $10,000.
Medical Limited to Classic and Point of Service, unless retiree lives outside of Arkansas.

For Enrollee-Type SA, Surviving Spouse or child of a University employee, the only benefit valid for modification will be:

For Enrollee Type = CA, Cobra from University, the valid benefits will be: For Enrollee-Type EW,Employee of the Walton Arts Center, valid benefits will be: For Enrollee-Type EU, Employee of the UA Foundation, the valid benefits will be: For Enrollee-Type ER, Razorback Foundation employees, the valid modifable benefits fields will be For Enrollee-Type EC, Credit Union employees, valid modifable benefits will be: The following section outlines some system discussion and some general validations.
  1. The Emp-ID must not be marked duplicate or deceased.
  2. Premium-Installment-Periods will default to the code appropriate to the position for active employees. This field is modifiable and effects only those BDOEs where BDOE-Pay-Catagory-Cd=I and only I . The code is:
    9 12 months worth of premiums paid in 9 months due to a 9 month position. (TITLE-APPT-PERIOD = 9)
    12 Premiums paid month to month. (TITLE-APPT-PERIOD=12 or Employee is not in a postion, i.e. hourly, retired, or closely related entity).
  3. Use of a 9 allows us to deduct premiums at the 9-month rate and applicable pay period for a 12 month employee. This is for the purpose of collecting annual premiums for those individuals, who, by the nature of their jobs, have LWOP during the summer.
  4. The employee may chose the option Tax Exempt=Y for Medical, Dental, or Vision to indicate that the enrollee is taking advantage of the IRS Section 125 (Cafeteria) benefit. All Flexible Reimbursement plans are Secion 125 and therefore, exempt from tax. Any time that Tax Exempt=Y for a benefit, IRS regulations say that the employee may not drop out or change the deduction amount for that benefit without a qualifying event.

    Note: Qualifying events are subject to change at the whim of the IRS, and will therefore be maintained on a table, QEVT.

  5. The date BDOE is effective for all benefits except Employer Retirement, Basic LTD, and Basic Life, will be the first day of the month following eligible appointment, unless the eligible appointment date is the first day of the month. If the eligible appointment date is the first day of the month and all benefits enrollment forms have been completed, then the Date-BDOE-Initially Effective can be the appointment date.
  6. For Employer Retirement, LTD, and Life, the date effective will be the appointment date.
  7. Unless the Qualifying Event field is marked with a code from the QEVT table appropriate for the change, an update may not be made to a Tax Exempt benefit on any date except Jan. 1 of any year. Otherwise, error.
  8. Updates to any benefit, with the exception of Medical and Dental will be allowed only on the first day of a month.
  9. The Qualifying Event field will have selectible help available.
  10. The Begin date of the record is the date used in the banner.
  11. The end date on the newly created record will be 12/31/2099.
  12. An Update will cause a new record to be created which starts with the date in the banner.
  13. The system will place an end date on the old record that is equal to the day before the Begin date of the new record.

There are currently (11/10/98) three benefits which require an annual election. This means that deductions for these benefits must stop after December 31, YYYY unless a new election is made for the following year. These annually elected benefits are:

Vision Services Plan
Flexible Reimbursement for Medical Expenses
Flexible Reimbursement for Dependent Care Expenses

Validations for Medical

Dental Validations.

Vision Validations

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Validations

Life Insurance Validations

Optional Life Insurance Validations

Dependent Life Validations

LTD Validations

Flexible Benefits Discussion and Validations

IRS regulations require that Flexible Benefit Reimbursement accounts be enrolled in for no more than one calendar year at a time. Elections must be made prior to deduction of benefits from the first eligible check in the year. The employee may not stop the deduction from his check until the next year, unless there has been a qualifying event. Only with a "qualifying event", may the employee change the annual election amount. Otherwise, it remains as set up through December 31, after which it is dropped or the employee chooses to re-enroll. When an individual is enrolled in Flex, the system will check to see if the employee has a 9 or 12 appointment period. This is used to determine the number of eligible payments remaining for the calendar year. (Deductions are only taken from eligible earnings, so a 9-month employee with a compensation type of Summer Teaching or Summer Research will not have Flex deducted from those types of pay.) This also means that the user will need to perform overrides if supplemental payments are made with eligible compensation types, and it is not desired that the Flex deduction come out of the employee's check. The monthly deduction will be determined from the Annual Amount. The annual amount minus YTD contributions is divided by the number of eligible payments left in the calendar year to derive the monthly payment.

If an employee enrolls in Flex during any month other than January, the Flex-Periods will still reflect either 9 or 12. The system will divide the total enrollment by the number of months remaining over which Flex deductions will be made. Any time that a qualified change is made to the annual Flex amount, a calculation will be done to determine that the annual election is not less than the total amount that has been deducted previous to the change. If the new election is for an amount that is smaller than the previous election, the system will adjust the payments for the rest of the year by looking at the difference between the election and the year-to-date contributions from PANN. The difference between the two will be divided up evenly over the remainder of the payments for the rest of the year.

Validations for Employee Retirement

Validations for Dependent Enrollment Information

If the HEALTH-ENROLLMENT-TYPE is not equal to I, Spouse and dependent information will be entered on the third screen that appears when PF8 is pressed. Dependents will initially be added on BDSM where they will get a system generated dependent number. On IBEI, only the dependent number needs to be entered. The following validations will be performed when Enter or PF10 is pressed.


At the time of the payroll cut-off, the system will check the employee and the position record as of the first day of the current month. This salary and position information will be used to calculate the value of various benefits. The system will use the information from the lastest active IBEI record in the default compensation period to pass to the calculation program.

An update to an IBEI reocord forces an end date on the previous benefits record and starts a new record using the date in the banner. A delete may only be used if the cut-off (for the first payroll after a change) has not been passed. If the cut-off is passed, the record change will be made to the next available open period. This gives us an audit trail, so that events can be reconstructed at a later time.

Note: Although there is no system validation for this, extended text will be added to both records by the benefits office referencing the corrective action taken.

BDSM - Benefits Dependent/Spouse Maintenance

Figure 108 is an example of the screen used to establish

Figure 108. Data Entry screen - BDSM

 Please enter a Dependent/Spouse Number
  EPOBDSM 1 DEMO    Benefit Dependent/Spouse Maintenance - BDSM   04/01/99 09:47
  Command:       Action: V  Emp ID: 100008            Dependent/Spouse No:

   Action: V    Employee Id: 100008     Dependent/Spouse Number
                Name: Taylor, Barbara/G.
  #    SSN #            Dependent or Spouse Name         Birth Date   D/S Gender
  -  ----------- ---------------------------------------- ----------   -     -

  1  123-45-6789 Taylor, Tommy                            01/01/1990   C     M
  2  654-65-4321 Smith, Snuffy                            05/10/1957   H     M
  3  373-73-7373 Jones, Joe                               05/23/1945   S     F

       Help  Suspd Quit

The following sections describe the BDSM function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Validations for Benefits Dependent Spouse Maintanence"


The BDSM command provides a method for electronically recording information about an Enrollee's dependents. As dependents are added, the system assigns a numerical value which can be used elsewhere to define insurance coverage for that individual. Information collected is name, SSN, Birthdate, relationship to the Enrollee, and gender. Once assigned a number, the dependent retains that number as a permanent assignment. This command will be accessed to provide dependent information when completing benefits enrollment on the IBEI command.

Access and Security

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V} - Listing begins wtih the number in the banner. If the number is left blank, the listing begins with the first dependent.
Add {A} - during initial setup only.
Update {U} - used to correct an entry which was initially set-up with incorrect information. A dependent number is used in the banner to indicate which dependent will appear as the first modifable entry.

Validations for Benefits Dependent Spouse Maintanence

On an Add or Update:


After all pertinent information is entered and saved, the first occurance of dependent "moves down" to the second occurance and opens up the entry area for adding another dependent. As each dependent is added, it moves down in the list so that the list is in numberical order with #1 at the top. The system assigns dependent numbers in numerical order, starting over with the number one for each enrollee. No number is skipped or used twice for an enrollee.

LIBH - List an Individual's Benefits History

Figure 109 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LIBH command.

Figure 109. List an Individual's Benefit History

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  EPOLIBH 1 DEMO    List an Individual's Benefit History - LIBH   04/05/99 15:53
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 139491       Date Effective: 01/05/1999

  List Benefits History for Employee: 139491 starting from 01/05/1999
  White, John/A                                        SSN: 123-45-6789
      Begin    End   Sta  Dep  Hlth      Flex Acct         Retirement  QE Reason
  _ __Date__ __Date__ | L    LTD    D  V _Dep/Med_  _AD&D_    ER/EE    __ ______
  _ 03/01/99 03/31/99 A 2 20K O P/F    N 0999/1999         10.00/12.00    SE
  _ 04/01/99 04/04/99 A 2 20K O P/F    N 0999/1999         10.00/37.00    CR
  _ 04/05/99 12/31/99 A 2 20K O C/C    N 0999/1999         10.00/37.00 E  DH CH

    Effective Dated Records      1 through      3 of     3 are displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt

The following sections describe the LIBH Function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Access and Security"
"Additional Human Resources Information".


The LIBH function is a list which shows all benefit change records for an employee that have a Begin Date equal to or later than the Date in the banner. This list is helpful for seeing a synopsis of the history of an employee's benefits enrollments. The User will be able to see at a glance, when a particular benefit was first entered on the employee record. Marking that record and pressing PF2 will enable the User to suspend directly to the IBEI enrollment record in which the change occured.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Access and Security

Access to this command will be controlled through command security and is limited to selected Users in the Human Resources Office.

Requirements for LIBH

Additional Human Resources Information

Codes will be set by the system when changes to a benefits enrollment are made. These codes will be listed on LIBH under Benefit Change Reasons. When more than three reason exist on a IBEI for a date, the existance of additional codes will be noted on LIBH by a + beside the last code listed.

Abbreviations are utilized on LIBH to conserve space.

question to consider: will adding prior year PANN records impact what we are doing here?

TDAC - Tax Deferred Annuity Calculation

Figure 110 is an example of the screen used to input prior contributions to an employees retirement plan.

Figure 110. Data Entry screen - TDAC

 Please enter new key fields
  EPOTDAC 1 DEMO  Tax Deferred Annuity Calc (& pre-BASIS) - TDAC  06/23/99 15:34
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 106172      Comp Type:    Date: 02/01/1999

 Action: V ID/SSN: 106172 / 888-88-8888 McKay, Debra K.
 Effective from: 02/01/1999 through 12/31/2099
                                                        Base Date:    06/04/1990
 _______ Pre-Basis and Transfer Data __________         Alternative Limit:
 Tax-Deferred Employee Contribution:    8197.00         Date Elected:
 Employer Contribution:                 8197.00         Vested: 01/01/1991
______________ 93 ________ 94 __________ 95 _________ 96 _________ 97 _________

 Employee:  1200.00      1500.00      1600.00      2000.00      1897.00
 Employer:  1200.00      1500.00      1600.00      2000.00      1897.00
 Earnings Adj:               ER Percent:  5.00     EE Deduction Percent:
 ________________ YTD Data for System Transfers (for TDA calculation)___________
 YTD Salary Amount:                     YTD Employer Contribution
 YTD Employee TD cont:                  YTD Employee After Tax:
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode       MaxC        NextR EText
Figure 111 is the second screen presented when PF8 is pressed.

Figure 111. Tax Deferred Calculation screen

                         McKay, Debra/K. 888-88-8888
  Press ENTER to continue

                                                       Current Date: 06/23/99
  Vested:             on
  Alternative Limit:                 | YTD Salary:                21,650.01
                                     | YTD Tax Deferred Employee:  1,443.30
   Years of Service:         9.5833  | YTD After Tax Employee:
                                     | YTD Employer Contribution:  1,804.14
 Prior Employee Cont:     8,197.00   | Current Salary:            32,500.00
 Prior Employer Cont:     8,197.00   | ER Cont: 5.00  % EE Deduction:       %
 Prior 402(g) Excess:                |

     Limit           IRC     Maximum Amount    Maximum Percent    Adjust
 -------------     ------    --------------    ---------------    ---------
  General           415(c)           9745.83         22.50
  Alternative B     415(c)          13745.83         31.73
  Alternative C     415(c)           9745.83         22.50

The following sections describe the TDAC function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Validations for Employee Retirement"


The TDAC command provides a method for electronically recording an individual's retirement contributions, both prior to the present date and transfered contributions. Based upon these prior contributions, and IRS defined factors, with current salary information, Maximum Retirement Exclusion Calculations (Max Calc) can be processed for the employee. Note: In Jan. 2000, there is a Bill in the Senate to eliminate the Maximum Retirement Exclusion Allowance in the year 2001. Initially information will be uploaded from the MSA Year-End Masters. Priors provided by TIAA-CREF from initial contribution through 1993 will be manually input into the record. The TDAC function will also display in a separate the total dollars that have been contributed over the general 402(g) limit for individuals who have elected to take advantage of the "catch-up" provision of the IRS code. At the point that the MSA data has been verified and HR Benefits office is ready, the values from MSA will be "frozen" and the ability to update them will be removed. Any further changes or corrections, after the 1994 through 1997 contributions are frozen, will need to be made to the < 1994 fields.Current year contributions and salary information for individuals who have transfered from another System campus will be entered. At the first of the year following the year of transfer, benefits personnel will manually add the transferred amounts to the priors. In this manner, we have all University contributions for the employee. TDAC will not display any information for contributions after 1997.

Access and Security

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}

Validations for Employee Retirement

  1. The employee must not be marked as a duplicate.
  2. The Base Date will be populated from the Date-Base-Retirement in PSB.
  3. If no Base-Date-Retirement exists, then the Date-Base-Leave-Accrual will be used to populate the Base Date field.


Prior years contributions will be loaded into the employee record by a batch job and by manually entering the information. There is a section of TDAC available for use in updating current year contributions for individuals who have transferred from another entity in the University system. At year end, these will need to be manually added to the "priors" for the year.

Using a combination of pre-BASIS contributions, contributions recorded on each PANN record, salary information, years of service, and any other factor required, system will perform a Max Calc. when pf6 if pressed and display the maximum exclusion allowance available under various Alternative Election Codes. It is planned that there will be a system validation on IBEI that accesses these amounts for retirement contributions. If the entry on IBEI for employee salary reduction exceeds the percentage calculated, there will be a warning on IBEI telling the user that the percentage elected exceeds the calculated maximum.

LRDE - List Retirement Data for an Employee

Figure 112 is an example of the screen used to provide a listing of summary retirement information for an employee.

Figure 112. List Retirement Data for an Employee - LRDE

Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
  LDOLRDE 1 PROD  List Retirement Data for an Employee - LRDE     11/30/99 09:53
  Command:       Action: V Emp ID: 139491      Date Pd: 07/01/1998
  CCC:                                             Thru 06/30/1999
  List for 139491 White Jr., John Austin       Paid from: 07/01/98 thru 06/30/99
         ----------------------- Employee Contribution------- ----Employer Cont-
   Date Pd  Pn Gross Pay  Tax-Def$ ShtCmt   Aft-Tax$ ShtCmt      ER$   ShtCmt
  _06/30/99 TC 19,645.83    177.10          1,787.48          1,964.58 10.00%
  _05/28/99 TC 19,645.83  1,964.58 10.00%                     1,964.58 10.00%
  _04/30/99 TC 19,645.83  1,964.58 10.00%                     1,964.58 10.00%
  _03/31/99 TC 19,645.83  1,964.58 10.00%                     1,964.58 10.00%
  _02/26/99 +  19,645.83  1,964.58 10,00%                     1,964.58 10.00%
  _01/29/99 FI 19,645.83  1,964.58 10.00%                     1,964.58 10.00%
  _12/23/98    19,645.83
  _11/30/98    19,645.83
  _10/30/98    19,645.83
  _09/30/98    19,645.83
               ---------- ---------         --------        ---------
               196,458.30 10,000.00         1,787.48        11,787.48
    Entries     1 thru    10 of    12 displayed

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt             Forwd
Figure 113 is the decode screen presented when PF4 is pressed.

Figure 113. Decoded information - LRDE

Type       Code Description          Short Comment  Src     Amount   Not Taken
EE TaxDef  31   TIAA-CREF Reduction   5.00 %         B      982.29        0.00
           3Z   Fidelity Reduction    5.00 %         B      982.29        0.00

EE AftTax

ER Cont    59   Employer TIAA-CREF    5.00 %         B      982.29        0.00
           5Z   Employer Fidelity     5.00 %         B      982.29        0.00

The following sections describe the LRDE function:

"Purpose and Discussion"
"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Validations for LRDE"

Purpose and Discussion

The LRDE command is used for listing and totaling of retirement totals and salary payments for an employee for a specified period of time. This on-line listing takes the place of paper reports that had been produced out of the MSA payroll system. It is used for auditing purposes and may at times be used to calculated lost interest, and to quickly see a retirement contribution history.

The LRDE command is an inverted list with running totals. A Date Paid and a Thru date are specified in the banner. The latest payroll date within the BKF dates is the first item on the list. There is a running total for each "dollar" field on the list. The user must page forward to find the grand total for the specified time frame.

Access and Security

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}

Validations for LRDE


LBMR - List Benefits Maintanence Reasons for a week

Figure 114 is an example of the screen presented when the LBMR command is accessed.

Figure 114. List Benefit Maintenance Reasons for a week.

 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
  EBOLBMR 1 DEMO      List Benefits Maintanence Reasons for a week
  Command:      Action: V   Emp ID:          CompType:         Date: 08/20/1999
                                             Reason CD: EH     Thru: 09/30/1999
 List Reason CD: EH:  Enroll Health        for the week of: 08/20/1999

  IBEI Beg Date  Emp Name                  ID    LOC Occ  AP Pct    Salary
   _   08/17/98 Blowmeysteir, Chuck      123456  FAY 2235  9 100    27,000
   _   08/17/98 Cayetier, Michelle       321546  FAY 2235  9  50    12,000
   _   08/17/98 Donner, Snowden          654879  FAY 2235  9  50    12,000
   _   08/17/98 Essary,  Donita          321546  AES K145 12  50    10,000
   _   08/17/98 Farristerston, Elmo      321111  FAY J350 12 100    23,600

                   Records     1 thru    05 displayed

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt             Forwd

The following sections describe the LBMR function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"


The LBMR command will be used extensively by the Benefits office to monitor the list of benefit transactions for a week by type of change. .

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Date date on which a record is effected. All records will be selected for the entire week in which this Date falls.
Thru the date through which selected records will be displayed.
Benefits Reason code which identifies why a change was initiated to a benefits record.


Each change made to an individual's benefits record is assigned a Benefits Reason. The change is indexed with a Saturday end date that is the Saturday of the week in which the update to the benefit's record occured. For any date that is entered in the banner, the system will change the date to the Saturday End Date for that week. For the Benefit's Reason entered in the banner, all records which have been indexed for that range of dates will be available for viewing. IBEI is the default command for a suspend, unless another Command is entered in the banner prior to pressing PF2 . Selectible help will be available on the BKF Reason Code. The Begin Date in the list will be the Effective Date from the benefits file.

QEVT - Qualifying Event Table

Figure 115 is an example of the screen used to establish

Figure 115. Data Entry screen - QEVT

 Please enter a Qualifying Event Code
  EPOQEVT 1 DEMO           Qualifying EVent table - QEVT          05/27/99 12:2
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 142830      Comp Type:    Date: 01/01/1999
  Qualifying Event Code:
 Action: V  Qualifying Event Code

 Code    Description                  Benefit Types

  A Adoption              HH DD LD FD FM
  B Birth                 HH DD LD FD FM
  C COBRA ceases          HH
  D Divorce               HH DD FM FD LD
  E Sp change Employment  HH DD FD
  F Elig. Full Benefits   HH DD FD FM LO LD AD DO
  H Big chng Health cov.  HH DD FD
  I EOI Approved          LO LD DO
  J Job status change     HH DD FD DO
  L Leave of Absence      HH DD FD

  Help  Suspd Quit                          Forwd

The following sections describe the QEVT function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Validations for Qualifying Event Table"


The QEVT command is used to create a table of events that qualify a change to a benefit's initial set up. After each coded event is the list of benefits which may be changed for that specific event. Cafeteria Plans, in particular, have strict federally controlled reasons that a change may be made. In most cases, the reason is related to a major life change such as birth, death, marriage, and adoption. This command will be accessed by the system when an update to IBEI is done. Unless the benefit is listed on the table for the qualifying event that is input on IBEI, that benefit may not be changed.

Access and Security

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V} - Listing begins wtih the code in the banner. If the code is left blank, the listing begins with the first code.
Add {A} - used for initial setup.
Update {U} - used to correct an entry for which the initial set-up is no longer valid.
Delete {D} - used to delete an incorrect entry.

Validations for Qualifying Event Table


As entries are added to the table, they appear in alpha, then numeric order. Up to eighteen (18) benefit codes may be associated with a single event code. If a code is deleted from the table, an occurance is freed up for use.

MBEN - Miscellaneous BENefit Information

Figure 116 is an example of the screen used to establish the current rates used in calculation of miscellaneous benefit amounts.

Figure 116. Data Entry screen - MBEN

 Misc Benefits Data 01/13/1999 displayed; please enter new key fields
  EPOMBEN 1 TEST  Miscellaeous BENefits table maintenance - MBEN  05/27/99 11:5
  Command:       Action: V                                         01/13/1999

   Action: V  Miscellaneous Benefits Data from 01/01/99 through 05/13/99

 Basic LTD Max Coverage:     20000.00     Optional LTD Max Coverage:   100000.0

 Basic Life Max Coverage:    50000.00     Optional Life Max Coverage:  300000.0

 Accidental Death & Dismemberment Maximum:   300000.00
______________________________ Flexible Accounts ______________________________

 Dependent Care Maximum:  5000.00             Medical Expense Maximum:   3000.0
 Dependent Care Minimum:   120.00             Medical Expense Minimum:    120.0
 Last updated on: 05/14/1999     By: STWIGGS

       Help  Suspd Quit                          NextR
Figure 117 is the second screen presented when PF8 is pressed.

Figure 117. Data Entry Screen - MBEN

 Please enter new key fields
  EPOMBEN 1 DEMO  Miscellaeous BENefits table maintenance - MBEN  11/30/98 13:42
  Command:       Action: V

 Action: V                                                      Screen 2 of 2
   Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance  -  Annual Rates (dollars)
         Coverage Amount          Single Rate         Family Rate
         ---------------           ----------         -----------
             25000.00                  6.00                9.12
             50000.00                 12.00               18.00
             75000.00                 18.00               27.12
            100000.00                 24.00               36.00
            125000.00                 30.00               45.12
            150000.00                 36.00               54.00
            175000.00                 42.00               63.12
            200000.00                 48.00               72.00
            225000.00                 54.00               81.12
            250000.00                 60.00               90.00
            275000.00                 66.00               99.12
            300000.00                 72.00              108.00
       Help  Suspd Quit                    PrevS

The following sections describe the MBEN function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Validations for Miscellanous Benefits"


The MBEN command provides a method for electronically recording annual percentage or dollar premiums to charge and to set the limitations upon miscellaneous benefits. Since this is not an effective dated table, changes may only be made after the last payroll is run that requires the old rates. The changes must be made prior to the cut-off for the first payroll after the date that the changes are to go into effect.

Access and Security

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A} - during initial setup only.
Update {U}

Validations for Miscellanous Benefits


This table will control the rates used to calculate BDOE amounts for benefits that have been selected by the employee.

IRSV - IRS Variables

Figure 118 is an example of the screen used to establish and maintain the maximums for 403(b) plans according to IRS regulations.

Figure 118. Data Entry screen - IRSV

 IRS Limits for 01/01/1999 displayed; please enter new key fields
  EPOIRSV 1 DEMO               IRS Variables - IRSV             05/27/99 12:15
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 142830      Comp Type:    Date: 01/01/1999

 Action: V  IRS Limits for 01/01/1999 through 02/28/1999         Screen 1 of 1

         403(b) Annual Employee Limit:               10000

         403(b) Annual Employee and Employer Limit:  30000

         403(b) Annual Salary Limit:                160000

         402(g) Annual Employee Limit:               13000

         402(g) Lifetime Employee Limit:             15000

 Updated: 01/19/1999        by PAY02
       Help  Suspd Quit                          NextR

The following sections describe the IRSV function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Validations for IRSV"


The IRSV command is used to create an effective dated table of maximums for 403(b) retirement plans according to IRS regulations. This table will be accessed during the benefit calculation process and used in conjunction with the amounts listed for the calendar year for the employee on PANN. If a calculation is made that, when combined with the amounts on PANN, would exceed the maximum established for the appropriate period, the employee's deduction will be reduced to not exceed the limit.

The IRSV limits will be used by the TDAC command in calculating tax-defered maximums for an individual.

Access and Security

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A} - used for initial setup.
Update {U} - used to begin a record and end the existing one.
Delete {D} - used to delete an incorrect entry.

Validations for IRSV


When the record is first created, the begin date will be the date in the banner, and the end date will be 12/31/2099. When an update is processed, the new record will begin with the BKF date and the system will put an end date on the previous record that is equal to the day before the date in the banner key field. When a delete is performed on a future dated record, the end date on the previous record is returned to 12/31/2099.

UAFV - UAF Variables

Figure 119 is an example of the screen used to establish and maintain University mandated percentages and maximums for benefit premium calculations.

Figure 119. Data Entry screen - UAFV

  EPOUAFV 1 PROD           UAF benefit Variables - UAFV           02/03/00 09:1
  Command:       Action: V                                     Date: 02/03/2000

 Action: V UAF Variables for 01/01/2000 through 12/31/2099
                                                                 Screen 1 of 2
   403 B UAF Standard Contribution:  5.00 %   Maximum Matched:         10.00 %
   APERS UAF Contribution:          10.00 %
   ATRS  UAF Contribution:          12.00 %   Employee Contribution:    6.00 %
   Group 1 (FAY)         Group 2       |  Group 1 (FAY)           Group 2
  ===============    ================  | ===============      ================
 - Classic Health Plan Contributions - | - POS & Indemnity Plan Contributions -
   Group 1 (FAY)         Group 2       |  Group 1 (FAY)           Group 2
  ===============    ================  | ===============      ================
  Appt    Cont       Appt    Cont      | Appt    Cont         Appt    Cont
  ----    ----       ----    ----      | ----    ----         ----    ----
  100 %  72.760 %    100 %  70.040  %  | 100 %  62.264 %      100 %  62.264 %
   75 %  58.295 %     75 %  54.120  %  |  75 %  48.113 %       75 %  48.113 %
   66 %  53.472 %     66 %  48.815  %  |  66 %  43.397 %       66 %  43.397 %
   50 %  43.830 %     50 %  38.209  %  |  50 %  33.967 %       50 %  33.967 %
      %         %        %          %  |     %         %          %         %

       Help  Suspd Quit                          NextS
Figure 120 is the second screen presented when PF8 is pressed.

Figure 120. Data Entry Screen - UAFV

 Please enter new key fields
  EPOUAFV 1 PROD           UAF benefit Variables - UAFV           02/03/00 09:20
  Command:       Action: V                                     Date: 02/03/2000

 Action: V  UAF Variables for 01/01/2000 through 12/31/2099
                                                                 Screen 2 of 2

                      Dental Plan Employer Contribution

                          Appointment   Contribution
                         -----------   ------------

                            100 %         50.000 %
                             75 %         38.000 %
                             66 %         33.000 %
                             50 %         25.000 %
                                %                %

        Last updated on: 01/24/2000 By: PAY02    Rebecca Shoemaker

      Help  Suspd Quit                    PrevS NextR

The following sections describe the UAFV function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Validations for UAFV"


The UAFV command is used to create an effective dated table of maximums and percentages used in the calculation of benefits. These particular items are mandated by the system office rather than by an outside agency.

The UAFV limits will be used during the initial entry of benefits (on IBEI) to determine levels of coverage for specific benefits based on salary levels of an employee. During the calculation process, percentages to be paid by the the UofA are accessed and used in formulas, and also used to determine the premium that an employee must pay for coverage.

Access and Security

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A} - used for initial setup.
Update {U} - used to create a new effective date table and put an end date on the old record.
Delete {D} - used to delete an incorrect entry.

Validations for UAFV


When the record is first created, the begin date will be the date in the banner, and the end date will be 12/31/2099. When an update is processed, the new record will begin with the BKF date and the system will put an end date on the previous record that is equal to the day before the date in the banner key field. When a delete is performed on a future dated record, the end date on the previous record is returned to 12/31/2099.

Conversion Reports (done)


This report will be produced with other conversion reports to give the Benefits office a tool for insuring that converted benefits for all employees are correct. This report will summarize errors only, and consist of several sections. When an error condition is detected, it will write out Employee Name, Allocated BU, SSN, and list these errors so that corrective action can be taken.

General Considerations

Report Considerations


The mismatches that must be reported are outlined below: After the BDOEs are converted and we are ready to load dependent information from QualChoice, we will need to check to see that the dependent information matches the HEALTH-ENROLLMENT-TYPE that has been converted for the employee.

Employee Benefits Calculation

The following sections describe the calculations for employee benefits.

"General Discussion"
"Eligibility Rules"
"Pay Catagory Control of Benefits"
"Basic Life Calculation"
"Optional Life Calculation"
"Long Term Disability Calculation"
"Optional LTD Calculation"
"Medical Insurance Calculation"
"Accidental Death and Dismemberment Calculation"
"Dependent Life Calculation"
"Vision Calculation"
"Dental Insurance Calculation"
"Flexible Benefits Calculation"
"Retirement Calculation".

General Discussion

BASIS will calculate premiums for an enrollee's payroll, based upon the enrollment elections of the employee. At the time that a payroll is run, the information on the employee and position records will be used in the calculation program to determine that payroll's premiums. The employee's date of birth on the paydate of the current payroll will be used to determine the EMP-BENEFITS-AGE. The first position record that the employee is in during the default compensation period will be used to determine the EMP-BENEFITS-APPT-PCT and the EMP-BENEFITS-ANNUAL-SALARY. These elements, (appointment percent, Salary, age) will be passed to the benefits calculation program for use in the formula variables. The latest IBEI record in the default compensation period will be used to determine for which benefits to perform a calculation.

Each combination of enrollee options will be mapped to a specific BDOE and Short Comment. The Short Comment Table will have effective dated records with amounts associated with each entry. These short comment table amounts will be become our "premium tables". In general, information derived from the IBEI command will determine the Short comment and BDOE to be accessed. A combination of enrollment elements including the type of benefit, the benefit's tax status, the benefit enrollment type, and (for hospitalization) the benefit plan type will determine the BDOE and short comment to access. Abbreviated comments are easily recognized.

Enrollment-Types - First 3 characters of Short Comment (always in mixed Case)
I - Ind
S - Sp
C - Ch
F - Fam
Plan-Types - Characters 4 thru 13, with the 4th character blank.
C - Classic
I - Indemnity
Every benefit does not have all of the same options, but the Short Comment will follow a loose naming convention. In the case of Optional Life, information from benefits such as the enrollee's age or level of coverage will be put into the short comment field so that it can be displayed on reports and the earnings statements.

Eligibility Rules

For Enrollee-Type=EA, if all three of the the following conditions are met, the employee is eligible for full benefits. If any of the three are not met, the employee is eligible for a Supplemental Retirement Annuity (SRA) or unmatched annuity contribution, with no University provided contribution.

Pay Catagory Control of Benefits

The following rules are the determining factor in whether to calculate a benefit for a specific type of pay. In the following information, Insurance is considered to be all benefits and deductions from IBEI, with the exception of retirement.

Note: In the discussion which follows, specific BDOEs are listed. Since these are subject to change, a more accurate listing of the active BDOEs can be obtained by going to PAYROLL list LBSC and indicating, in the banner, the BDOE catagory that you are interested in seeing. This selectively brings in all BDOEs of a "like" nature.

Basic Life Calculation

The BDOE for Basic Life is 66. The Short Comment is Sal to 50K.

Optional Life Calculation

The BDOE for Optional Life is LIFE. The first 5 characters in the Short Comment will contain the age brackets that are used to define premiums for Optional Life. The system will determine from the employee's age which bracket, and therefore, which premium amount to use. BASIS will fill in the rest of the short comment with the Life-Ins-Cd and the abbreviated coverage amount. (98K, 12K etc.) The Life-Ins-Cd from IBEI defines the coverage. This will be *plugged in* to spaces 7 and 8 of the short comment.
1 - 1x
2 - 2x
3 - 3x
4 - 4x
In spaces 10 through 13 of the Short Comment will be the value of the Optional Life Insurance coverage expressed as 150K, 25K, etc. Special care will be given to make sure that these numbers are formated correctly. The K must be in space 13, so if the coverage is for under 100K, space 10 must be a blank. Limitations on coverage is in the Max Coverage field on the LIFE table. Currently (04/10/98) it is $300,000.

Long Term Disability Calculation

The BDOE for LTD is 70. The Short Comment is Under 20K.

Optional LTD Calculation

The BDOE for Optional LTD is 4F, the Short Comment is Over 20K.

Medical Insurance Calculation

The Bdoe for Medical is 51, and the corresponding Tax-exempt BDOE is 4E. The employer share of Medical is BDOE 68. A combination of the Health-tax-status, Health-Enrollment-Type, Health-Plan-Type will determine which BDOE and which Short Comment to access. For the Indemnity Plan and the Point of Service Plan:
  1. Determine HEALTH-TAX-STATUS to decide whether 4E (exempt) or 51 (non-exempt)
  2. Determine HEALTH-ENROLLMENT-TYPE. This code corresponds to the first three characters of the short comment.
  3. Determine HEALTH-PLAN-TYPE. This code corresponds to characters 4 thru 8 of the short comment.
  4. From this Short Comment take the Short Comment Amount which is an annual premium. (AP)
  5. Using the Employee-Appt-Pct, determine into which bracket on the UAFV table, that the employee falls. (the percent must be greater than or equal to the percentage line on the table, but not as great as the percentage in the next higher bracket.) This determines what percentage of the total premium will be paid by the UofA.
  6. Multiply the UofA percentage (found on the UAFV table) times the Short Comment Amount to derive the employer annual premium.
  7. Subtract employer annual premium from the Short Comment Amount to get the employee annual amount.
  8. Divide the Employer annual amount by the Premium-Installment-Periods to get the monthly amount. This is the amount for BDOE 68.
  9. Divide the Employee Annual Amount by the Premium-Installment-Periods to get the amount for the employee contribution. (either 51 or 4E)

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Calculation

The BDOE for Accidental Death and Dismemberment is AD&D. The Short Comment uses the convention of Fam or Ind in the first three spaces of the short comment. The 4th is blank, and the next 4 spaces tell the coverage level in terms of 100K, 50K, etc. with the K always falling in the last space.

Dependent Life Calculation

The BDOE for Dependent Life is DEPL

Vision Calculation

V1 is the tax-exempt equivalent of V6

Dental Insurance Calculation

5A is the tax exempt equivalent of 5B. The employer share of Dental is 6A.
  1. Determine DENTAL-TAX-STATUS to decide whether 5A (exempt) or 5B (non-exempt)
  2. Determine DENTAL-ENROLLMENT-TYPE. This code corresponds to the first three characters of the short comment.
  3. From this Short Comment take the Short Comment Amount which is an annual premium. (AP)
  4. Using the Employee-Appt-Pct, determine into which bracket on the UAFV table, that the employee falls. (the percent must be greater than or equal to the percentage line on the table, but not as great as the percentage in the next higher bracket.) This determines what percentage of the total premium will be paid by the UofA.
  5. Multiply the UofA percentage (found on the UAFV table) times the Short Comment Amount to derive the employer annual premium.
  6. Subtract employer annual premium from the Short Comment Amount to get the employee annual amount.
  7. Divide the Employer annual amount by the Premium-Installment-Periods to get the monthly amount. This is the amount for BDOE 6E.
  8. Divide the Employee Annual Amount by the Premium-Installment-Periods to get the amount for the employee contribution. (either 5A or 5B)

Flexible Benefits Calculation

The BDOE for Medical Reimbursement is 5M and the BDOE for Dependent Care is 5C.
At the time of the payroll cut-off, the system will determine what is in the FLEXIBLE-ACCT-PERIOD. This will be used to determine how many pay periods are left in the year for premium payment purposes. If the FLEXIBLE-ACCT-PERIOD = 12, one premium is deducted for each month in the year. If the FLEXIBLE-ACCT-PERIOD = 9, one payment is is to be deducted in January, February, March, April, May, September, October, November, and December.
Subtract YTD (year to date) contributions from the Annual Election amount, then divide that amount by remaining deductions for the year as determined by the FLEXIBLE-ACCT-PERIODs to arrive at the monthly deduction.

Retirement Calculation

The employee Retirement BDOEs currently (06/18/1999) are as follows:
BDOE 3v Fidelity Non Matched
BDOE 3Z Fidelity Matched
BDOE 31 TIAA-CREF Reduction
BDOE 32 Tiaa/Cref NM Reduction
BDOE 33 Tiaa/Cref SRA
BDOE 4P TIAA Personel Annuity
BDOE 4V Fidelity Unmatched
BDOE 4X Fidelity Deduction
BDOE 45 TIAA/CREF Deduction
BDOE 46 TIAA/CREF Unmatched Deduction
BDOE 6S ATRS Reduction
The employer Retirement BDOEs are currently (06/18/99):
BDOE 5Z Employer Fidelity
BDOE 59 Employer TIAA/CREF
BDOE 6T Employer ATRS
BDOE 63 Employer APERS

Monthly Benefits Premium Report


This batch report submitted through the JOBS command in PAYROLL is designed to provide the benefits office with all of the information required to complete the monthly enrollment summary and premium remittance report for the Systems Office. Detail of each employee's enrollment will be provided in a delimited format.

General Considerations

Report Considerations


For calculated coverages (or volume) use the PSB salary and Employee- Position-Percent and Employee (age) information that is in effect for the first day of the month.

Reportable Information

Below is outlined the type of information required for each benefit, that must be reported to the system office. The actual amount deducted from pay will be different from the totals obtained from the enrollment figures. This is partly due to collecting premiums from 9-month employees on a 9-month basis, and remitting on a 12-month basis. Some basic "terms" are defined here.
Lives Insured - this is the number of Enrollees (not to include their dependents)
Volume - this refers to a total summation of the value of a benefit, for all enrollees in that benefit catagory.
Remittance Amount The total of the premiums that are to be paid for one month. One twelveth of the annual premium.
The first section of the report will be for the LIFE insurances. Health The reports for Health coverage will be divided into separate areas for each Plan-Type. (as of 1998, this was Classic, Indeminity, and Point of Service)


University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Benefits Enrollment Report
Date 06/30/1999
Basic Life
Lives       Volume         Premium Amount      Rate
4897    120,654,017        3,810.04         .0031200
Dependent Life    No. of Lives    Premium Amount   Rate 
Level 1 (10,000)          456              980.40       32.52
Level 2 (15,000)         1937            5,617.30       49.08
Level 3 (20,000)         2578           11,601.00       65.04
Optional Life
Max Age    Lives       Volume of Coverage         Premium     Rate
29          85              5,830,000            291.50     .0006000
34         116             10,080,000            604.80     .0007200
39         186             18,041,000          1,443.28     .0009600
44         225             21,848,000          2,840.24     .0015600
49         223             19,927,000          4,383.94     .0026400
54         166             19,090,000          7,063,30     .0044400
59         168             16,804,000         10,082.40     .0072000
64          70              5,340,000          5,126.40     .0115200
69          18              1,296,000          2,099.52     .0194400
99           4                272,000            728.96     .0321600
Total                  118,528,000         34,664.34
Basic Only --.0021000 --Optional Enrollment --- .0045000   Total Basic
Lives     2113                         Lives   1179                3292
Basic             Basic             Optional
Coverage  38,989,867       23,580,000         39,526,374    62,569,867
Amount      6,823.22         4,126.50          14,822.39     10,949.72
Lives        Volume       Premium
Individual          570       54,075,000     1081.50
Family              743       93,925,000     2817.75
Total                                        3899.25
Classic Plan                        Employer         Employee 
Individual (A01):              542        78383.09         31296.03
Employee Spouse (A02):         229        74671.45         29500.65
Employee & Child(ren) (A03):   171        43914.13         17232.05
Family (A04)                   371       162386.85         63989.93
Total Classic                 1313      359,355.32       142,018.66
(To be implemented later, but follows format of Active employee)
(To be implemented later, but follows format of Active employee)
Point of Service                     Employer        Employee 
Individual (A01) -                 663     93264.98        57660.34
Employee Spouse (A02) -            311     98360.58        60778.12
Employee & Child(ren) (A03) -      156     38956.36        23793.08
Family (A04) -                     337    143631.84        87671.48
Total POS                         1467   374,213.76      229,903.02
Retirees & Survivors will be done later with similar format)
Indemnity                              Employer        Employee 
Individual (A01) -                   6         977.94          592.74
Employee Spouse (A02) -              1         366.42          222.08
Employee & Child(ren) (A03)-         0           0.00            0.00
Family (A04)-                        2         982.90          595.70
Total Indemnity                      9       2,327.26        1,410.52
(Retirees & Survivors will be done later)

Note: This same format will be followed to separate out the amount of the premium attributable to 9-month employees.


The report will run in summary format, with an FTP semi-colon delimited report that has the detail for each employee's enrollment. The Premium- Installment-Period of the employee is indicated along with a code to tell the user if the employee was in LWOP with or without being paid for the month.

The following information is written out in the FTP file:

  1. Social Security Number
  2. LWOP indicator
  3. 9-month indicator
  4. No-pay-for-month indicator
  5. Last Name, First Name
  6. Annual Salary (fiscal year salary)
  7. Date Eligible
  8. Basic Life Coverage Amt
  9. Optional Life Coverage Amt
  10. Age
  11. Dependent Life Coverage Amt
  12. LTD Coverage Amt
  13. AD&D Coverage Amt
  14. AD&D Coverage Code
  15. Appointment Percent
  16. Health Plan Type
  17. Health Enrollment Type
  18. Group 1 (FAY/AUX) or Group 2 (SYS, ARAS, AGRI)
  19. Health Group Number
  20. Position Location
  21. Dental Enrollment Type
  22. Allocated Budgetary Unit

ebbrdftp - Retirement Data extract, FTP, and report

This doc is NOT DONE

The following sections describe the report.

"General Considerations"


Extract and FTP the monthly retirement data files to a PC for transmission to Fidelity Investments and TIAA-CREFF and produce a printed report for each.

General Considerations

Run Frequency This job is run on demand.
Job Submission This job is run on demand from the JOBS menu screen in the PAYROLL application.
Input Parameters
Month and Year
Detail option
FTP address
FTP password if required by user set-up
PC file name for Fidelity file (filename.ext)
PC file name for TIAA/CREF file (filename.ext)
Report Destination
Report Title Retirement Data extract, FTP, and report
Report ID ebjrdftp
Description This file consolidates, by employee, retirement account BDOEs for the designated month for transmission to the appropriate retirement carrier, TIAA-CREF and/or Fidelity.
Security Level B
Special Forms/COLD The report is FTP'd to the indicated PC in specified format. A report will be distributed to a network printer or the User's CMS ID. No copies, distribution, special forms, or output to COLD are required.
Source The data source for the job is the PAYROLL-SUMMARY, and the EMPLOYEE file.
Options Output destination
Exception Handling If no data meets the specifications or if errors cause an abort, the user receives output to that effect.
Selection Criteria If a Pay Summary record, with a Fidelity or TIAA-CREF BDOE exists for anytime in the month specified, write out a detailed record for the employee's retirement account information.
Sort Sequence The report is sorted alphabetically by the last name of the employee.
Control Breaks None
Report Layout The following is the report layout for TIAA-CREF. In general, anytime that a dollar amount is indicated, it will be right justified in the field and front zero filled. The last number in the "cents" will be in a standard hex format where:
{ = 0
A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
D = 4
E = 5
F = 6
G = 7
H = 8
I = 9
J = -1
K = -2
L = -3
M = -4
N = -5
O = -6
P = -7
Q = -8
R = -9
} = -0

There is a single line for each employee record, formated as follows.

  • Space 1 through 8, College code for the University of Arkansas - 00180100
  • Space 9 - blank
  • Space 10 through 18 - Employee Social Security number
  • Space 19 through 27 - blank
  • Space 28 through 34 - Employer Contribution (BDOE 59)
  • Space 35 through 41 - Employee Tax-Deferred Matched (BDOE 31)
  • Space 42 through 48 - Employee After-Tax Matched (BDOE 45)
  • Space 49 through 55 - Employee Tax-Deferred Unmatched (BDOE 32)
  • Space 56 through 62 - Employee After-Tax Unmatched (BDOE 46)
  • Space 63 - blank
  • Space 64 through 70 - Amount Supplemental Retirement Annuity (BDOE 33)
  • Space 71 through 78 - Pay Date in MMDDYYYY format
  • Space 79 through 86 - Employee Date of Birth in MMDDYYYY format
  • Space 87 through 120 - Employee Last Name, First Name, Middle Name or Initial

ebbfatfe- Flexible Account Transfer File Extract, FTP & report


The following sections describe the report.

"General Considerations"


Produces the file for an electronic transfer of enrollment in Flexible Accounts to the administrator and transfers it to a specified FTP ID and produces a printed report.

General Considerations

Run Frequency This job is run on demand.
Job Submission This job is run on demand from the JOBS menu screen in the PAYROLL application.
Input Parameters
Date.- data is extracted from all PAYROLL- SUMMARY data for the input month and year.
FTP Address
FTP Password
PC Filename

Report Considerations

Report Title Flexible Account Transfer File Extract, FTP & report
Description This file consolidates, by employee, all Flexible account BDOEs for the designated month for transmission to the Flex Account Administrator.
Special Forms/COLD The report is FTP'd to the indicated IP address in delimited format. A report will be distributed to a network printer or the User's CMS ID. No copies, distribution, special forms, or output to COLD are required.
Source The data source for the job is the PAYROLL-SUMMARY, EMPLOYEE, and the POSITION file.
Options Output destination
Exception Handling If no data meets the specifications or if errors cause an abort, the user receives output to that effect.
Selection Criteria If a Pay Summary record, with a Flexible Account BDOE exists for anytime in the month specified, write out a consolidated record for the employee's Flexible account information.
Sort Sequence The report is sorted numerically by the Social Security number of the employee.
Control Breaks None
Report Layout The following is the report layout:
  1. Employee SSN
  2. Employee Last Name
  3. Employee First Name
  4. Pay Date Reported
  5. Appointment-Period
  6. Medical Reimbursement Amount
  7. Dependent Care Amount
At the end of the report are totals. The FTP electronic file has the following format:
  1. SSN with hypens in the appropriate spots.
  2. 2 blanks spaces
  3. Employee Last-Name, Employee First Name and Middle Name or initial. (25 Characters)
  4. 2 blank spaces
  5. PayDate in MM/DD/YYYY format
  6. 2 blank spaces
  7. "A"
  8. 2 blank spaces
  9. 5.2 field, all zeros
  10. 2 blank spaces
  11. 7.2 field, all zeros
  12. 2 blank spaces
  13. 4.2 Field, the dollar amount of Medical Reimbursement contributed
  14. 2 blank spaces
  15. 6.2 Field, all zeros
  16. 2 blank spaces
  17. 4.2 Field, the dollar amount of Medical Reimbursement contributed
  18. 2 blank spaces
  19. 6.2 Field, all zeros
  20. 2 blank spaces
  21. 5.2 Field, all zeros
  22. 2 blank spaces
  23. 7.2 field, all zeros
  24. 2 blank spaces
  25. 5.2 Field, all zeros
  26. 2 blank spaces
  27. 7.2 field, all zeros
  28. 2 blank spaces
  29. "M"
  30. 2 blank spaces
  31. 3 zeros

Form 5500 - Return/Report of Employee Benefit Plans

Apr. 15th (or before) is the requested completion date. Figure 121 is an example of the Job submission screen used to define the year and BDOEs to be used with specific job steps.

Figure 121. Job Submission screen - EPJ5500

 Enter parameters and press PF10 to submit  EPJ5500
  EPOJOBS 1 PROD               JOB Submission - JOBS              02/03/00 16:39
  Command:      Action: S Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 02/03/2000
  Job: EPJ5500
 Action: S Job: EPJ5500

 Desc: Form 5500 - Report of Employee Benefit Plans

       Calendar Year:  YYYY

       For Total Cafeteria Plan participants use BDOEs __ __ __ __ __
                                                       __ __ __ __ __

 Employee paid total for Health, Dental, and Vision BDOEs  __ __ __ __ __
                                                           __ __ __ __ __

 Total University Paid premiums for Cafeteria Plan BDOEs  __ __ __ __ __
                                                          __ __ __ __ __

Report output destination ID: A-BSHOEMAK
      Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt             NextR       Submt

The following sections describe the report:

"General Considerations"
"Report Considerations"


The Federal government requires the annual reporting of information related to Cafeteria Plan participation. This is reported on Form 5500 - Return/Report of Employee Benefit Plans. This batch job is designed to derive the numbers that will be used by the System Benefits office in compiling Cafeteria plan information for the Federal Report.

General Considerations

Run Frequency This job is run on demand.
Job Submission This job is run on demand from the JOBS menu screen in the PAYROLL application.
Input Parameters Calendar Year and BDOEs required for each calculation.

Report Considerations

Report Title Form 5500 Information
Report ID EPJ5500
Description Batch report that derives participant numbers and dollar amounts spent on Cafeteria Plan participation during a calendar year. Cafeteria plans define benefits that are tax-exempt (pre-tax).
Copies/Distribution/Special Forms/COLD The report is distributed to a local printer or to the user's CMS ID. No special forms, or output to COLD are required.
Source The Position file, Payroll Annual and the Benefits file.
Options Output to CMS ID or Printer.
Exception Handling If errors cause an abort, the user receives output to that effect.
Selection Criteria Will be detailed as explanation with each total requested.
Sort Sequence As outlined. Totals only.
Control Breaks None
Report Layout
  1. Total number of benefits eligible employees during the calendar year indicated.
    • Count once each employee who was in a non-student position and whose employee-position-pct was greater than 50% at any time during the indicated calendar year.
  2. The total number of Cafeteria Plan Participants during the indicated calendar year.
    • Count once each person whose payroll annual file for the indicated year has a positive dollar amount in any of the BDOEs indicated in the JOB submission.
  3. The total dollar amount of employee pre-taxed health, dental, and vision premiums withheld during the indicated year.
    • Total the dollar amounts of each of the BDOEs indicated in the JOB submission.
  4. Total dollar amount of the University paid portion of pre-taxed health, dental, and vision premiums withheld during the indicated year.
    Report the amount of an employee's BDOE 68 only if they also have BDOE 4E.
    Report the amount of an employee's BDOE 6E only if they also have BDOE 5A.
    • Total the dollar amount of each of the BDOEs indicated in the JOB submission.

EBBRRA - Retrospective Retirement Audit

The following sections describe the report:

"General Considerations"
"Report Considerations"


The Retrospective Retirement Audit Report is used after the final adjustment for a calendar year to determine whether all individual's retirement contributions were within the boundaries set by the Max Calc process. Note: This was initially included in the write up for the Retirement Maximum Calculation as the "retrospective version".

General Considerations

Run Frequency This job is run on demand.
Job Submission This job is run on demand from the JOBS menu screen in the PAYROLL application.
Input Parameters Calendar Year

Report Considerations

Report Title Retrospective Retirement Audit
Description This report lists employee and retirement totals for any employee who has a contribution made during the indicated year by the institution or by the employee to one of the 403(b) plans offered by the University.
Copies/Distribution/Special Forms/COLD The report is distributed to a local printer or is FTP'd to the user. The FTP file should be semi-colon delimited. No copies, distribution, special forms, or output to COLD are required.
Source The data source for the job is the Payroll-Annual file and the EMPLOYEE file.
Options Calendar Year.
Exception Handling If no data meets the specifications or if errors cause an abort, the user receives output to that effect.
Security Class B
Selection Criteria All Payroll Annual records with a dollar amount in a BDOE where the BDOE-Catagory is 3 will be selected.
Sort Sequence The report is sorted alphabetically by the last name of the employee.
Control Breaks None
Report Layout For the Retrospective report:
  1. Employee Last Name
  2. Employee First Name
  3. Employee Middle Initial
  4. Employee SSN
  5. Date Base Retirement. If blank, use UofA service date.
  6. Date of Birth
  7. Total Calendar year gross salary.
  8. Total Calendar year employer contributions to retirement.
    BDOE-Catagory 3, BDOE-Type = B, and BDOE code not equal to 63 or 6t.
  9. Total Calendar year employee tax-deferred contributions to retirement.
    Total all amounts for BDOE-Catagory 3, BDOE-Type = D, with Federal Tax Exempt Code = Y and BDOE-Code not equal to 6S.
  10. Total Calendar year employee after-tax contributions to retirement.
    Total BDOE-Catagory 3, BDOE-type = D, with Federal Tax Exempt Code = N and BDOE-Code not equal to 4p.
  11. Prior years employer retirement contributions.
  12. Prior years employee tax-deferred retirement contributions.
  13. Prior years 402(g) excess contributions.

    Note: Prior Years contributions will be zero until such time as the "Priors" have been added to TDAC.

  14. Alternative Limit
  15. W4 Address
  16. W4 City
  17. W4 State
  18. W4 Zip Code

EBBTE Terminated Employees report (done)

The following sections describe the report:

"General Considerations"
"Report Considerations"


The Terminated Employees report lists all employees who were in benefits eligible positions and who terminated employment.

General Considerations

Run Frequency This job is run on demand.
Job Submission This job is run on demand from the JOBS menu screen in the PAYROLL application.
Input Parameters The user enters a date which is used to determine the Saturday-End-Date. All records that have been indexed in PSB with this Saturday-End-Date and the reason code of EE will be accessed.

Report Considerations

Report Title Employees enrolled for benefits, but terminated employment
Report ID
Description This report lists all employees who were benefits eligible, but terminated employment.
Copies/Distribution/Special Forms/COLD The report is distributed to a local printer or to the user's CMS ID. No copies, distribution, special forms, or output to COLD are required.
Source The data source for the job is the EMPLOYEE file, POSITION file, and BENEFITS file.
Options Report, file, or both. With comma delimited specification available.
Exception Handling If no data meets the specifications or if errors cause an abort, the user receives output to that effect.
Selection Criteria If reason code is EE and the day immediately before the EE, the EMP-POSITION-PCT was greater than or equal to 50% and the STUDENT-TITLE-CD was equal to blank, select the record.
Sort Sequence The report is sorted alphabetically by the last name of the employee.
Control Breaks None
Report Layout The following is the report layout:
  1. Employee Name
  2. Employee SSN
  3. W4 Address
  4. EE Date
  5. Vested Code
  6. Date Vested
  7. Health Enrollment
  8. Health Plan
  9. Dental Enrollment
  10. Vision Enrollment
  11. Flex Medical enrollment amount
  12. Flex Dependent enrollment amount
  13. Retirement Eligibility

    Note: This field is calculated by summing the age of the employee and the years of service. If the calculation is greater than or equal to 70, print Y; otherwise, leave blank.

  14. Appointment period

EBB65R - Employee 65th Birthday Report

The following sections describe the report:

"General Considerations"
"Report Considerations"


This report will be used to determine a select population to notify about changes in benefit coverage or premiums. These changes are precipatated by a change in age. (Basic life coverage goes down at age 65, and the premiums for Optional Life go up in 5 year age increments.)

General Considerations

Run Frequency This job is run on demand.
Job Security Level is B
Job Submission This job is run on demand from the JOBS menu screen in the PAYROLL application.
Input Parameters Date, Report, File or both.

Report Considerations

Report Title Employee Birthday Report
Report ID
Description This report gives information on all benefits eligible employees who will have a birthday in the specified month and who will turn the age that is specified in the job.
Copies/Distribution/Special Forms/COLD The report is distributed to a local printer or to the user's CMS ID. Optionally, a delimited file may be created for the user. No copies, distribution, special forms, or output to COLD are required.
Source The data source for the job is the EMPLOYEE file, Position file, and the BENEFITS file.
Options Output destination.
Exception Handling If no data meets the specifications or if errors cause an abort, the user receives output to that effect.
Selection Criteria If ENROLLEE-STATUS is A, on the date that the job is run, then use the following criteria:
  • Use employee DATE-OF-BIRTH to calculate where age is equal to the age specified in the month that is used in the job parameters.
Sort Sequence The report is sorted alphabetically by the last name of the employee.
Control Breaks None
Report Layout The following is the report layout:
  1. Employee Last Name
  2. Employee First Name
  3. Employee SSN
  4. Birthdate
  5. Allocated BU
  6. Campus Address
  7. W2 Address
  8. W2 City
  9. State
  10. Zip

EBBVEST Vesting Report

due June 2000

The following sections describe the report:

"General Considerations"
"Report Considerations"
"Batch Process to Update Benefits Record"


The Vesting Report is used to notify Fidelity and TIAA-CREF that an employee is vested in his retirement accounts. Both TIAA-CREF and Fidelity have agreed to accept a paper report for this purpose.

General Considerations

Run Frequency This job is run on demand.
Job Submission This job is run on demand from the JOBS menu screen in the PAYROLL application.
Input Parameters Date Begin and Date Through.

Report Considerations

Report Title Vesting Report
Description This report lists employees who have become vested in their retirement accounts during the time period that has been input during the JOB submission. The employee Social Security Number and Date Vested is reported.
Copies/Distribution/Special Forms/COLD The report is distributed to a local printer or to the user's CMS ID. No copies, distribution, special forms, or output to COLD are required.
Source The data source for the job is the BENEFITS file, the Employee file, and the Payroll Annual file.
Options Report destination.
Exception Handling If no data meets the specifications or if errors cause an abort, the user receives output to that effect.
Selection Criteria If an active Benefits record exists on the Begin date specified, and the DATE-VESTED is within the specified date range, write out a record. Two separate reports will be created, one for TIAA-CREF and one for Fidelity. If there exists any Fidelity BDOE on any of the four PANN records which include the current year and the 3 previous years, write his record out to the Fidelity report. If there exists any TIAA-CREF BDOE on any of the four PANN records which include the current year and the 3 previous years, write a record out to the TIAA-CREF report. Some individuals will be on both vesting reports.
Sort Sequence The report is sorted alphabetically by the last name of the employee.
Control Breaks None
Report Layout A header will be on each report page. It should include:
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Institution Number appropriate to the company where the report is going.
0018-00 TIAA-CREF
62954 Fidelity
(Fidelity or TIAA-CREF) Retirement Vesting Report (with the appropriate company)
Employees vested from MMDDYYYY through MMDDYYYY
Each line (double spaced) of the text will consist of:
  1. Employee Last Name, Employee First Name
  2. Employee SSN
  3. Date-Vested

Batch Process to Update Benefits Record

A one-time batch process will be required to load a vesting date for current employees into the benefits record. This will allow the institution to notify TIAA-CREF and Fidelity of the vesting status of employees whose benefits records were converted from MSA. The following steps will be used to determine what date and code to enter into an existing employee's benefits record.
  1. If there is an existing DATE-VESTED on the benefits record, do not change the employee's record.
  2. If the employee is in a Non-Classified position, and has an active benefits record, use the DATE-ELIGIBLE for the DATE-VESTED and place an I in the VESTED-CD.
  3. If the employee is in a Classified position, has an active benefits record, and the DATE-ELIGIBLE is three or more year prior to the current date, add 3 years to the DATE-ELIGIBLE and place that date in the DATE-VESTED. Put a E in the VESTED-CD.
  4. If the employee is in a Classified position, and has DATE-ELIGIBLE that is less than 3 years prior to the current date, do not load date or VESTED-CD. Instead, create a report of these people with the following information to be used by Human Resources to research the correct date and code to be manually input.
As a final step in the clean-up process, a report will be produced for TIAA-CREF and Fidelity of all employees whose DATE-VESTED is prior to the current date. The same criteria as listed above for use in the on-going reporting will be utilized to determine whether to place the Name, SSN, Date-Vested on the report for TIAA-CREF, Fideility, or both.

EBBMAX Report of Employees Approaching Retirement Maximums

The following sections describe the report:

"General Considerations"
"Report Considerations"


This report lists employees whose annual contributions to retirement are approaching one of the IRSV limitations. These limitations apply to the University 403(b) plans. Currently, (1999) these consist of TIAA-CREF and Fidelity.

General Considerations

Run Frequency This job is run on demand.
Job Submission On demand from the JOBS menu screen in the PAYROLL application.
Input Parameters None. The PANN record will be accessed when the job is submitted. The IRSV that is effective on the date of the job submission will be utilized. The exception is that multiple years will be used for calculating the 402(g) Lifetime Employee Limit.

Report Considerations

Report Title Employees approaching Retirement Maximums.
Description This report lists information for all employees whose PANN record reflects 403(b) retirement totals that are within a specified dollar amount of IRSV maximums.
Copies/Distribution/Special Forms/COLD The report is distributed to a local printer or to the user's CMS ID. No copies, distribution, special forms, or output to COLD are required.
Source The data source for the job is the Payroll Annual file. Additional data comes from the Benefits file.
Options Report.
Exception Handling If no data meets the specifications or if errors cause an abort, the user receives output to that effect.
Selection Criteria All PANN records will be read for the current calendar year. The employee information will be written to the report when:
  • The total of Tax-Deferred Retirement reductions (including SRA) from PANN is within the specified dollar difference from the indicated limit.
  • The Gross pay on PANN is within the specified dollar amount from the Annual Salary Limit.
  • When the employee has worked at the University for 15 or more years, AND the Tax Deferred Employee contribution exceeds the Annual 403(b) Employee Limit.
    Requires TDAC Excess Contributions be added to the amount for each post-BASIS Excess.
    Years of service will be calculated by taking current date minus DATE-BASE-RETIREMENT if one exists, if blank use DATE-BASE-LEAVE-ACCRUAL.
403(b) Annual Employee Limit - $2,000
403(b) Annual Employee and Employer Limit - $4,000
403(b) Annual Salary Limit - $2,000
402(g) Annual Employee Limit - $2,000
402(g) Lifetime Employee Limit - $0

Note: For the 402(g) Lifetime Employee Limit, the program will need to read through all PANN records, Prior year contributions from TDAC, and and the corresponding IRSV tables to determine the value. This is a cumulative value consisting of the employee tax deferred amount contributed in excess of the 403(g) Annual Employee Limit.

Sort Sequence The report is sorted alphabetically by the last name of the employee.
Control Breaks None
Report Layout The following is the report layout:
  1. Employee Name
  2. Employee SSN
  3. Allocated BU or check distribution BU if no allocated BU exists
  4. Campus phone number
  5. Annual salary
  6. Percent currently Tax Deferred.
    Employee only. Currently (10/10/99) this is the total the percents for BDOE 31, 32, 33, 3Z, and 3V.
  7. Total Tax Deferred YTD.
    The Employee tax deferred total from PANN. Currently (10/10/99) this is the total of BDOE 31, 32, 33, 3z, and 3v.
  8. Percent After Tax
    Employee percent from IBEI at the time the report is run. Currently(10/10/99) this is the total of the percents for BDOE 45, 46, 4v, and 4x.
  9. Total YTD After Tax
    Total Employee after tax deductions from PANN. Currently (10/10/99) this is the total of BDOE 45, 46, 4v, 4x.
  10. Current Percent Employer Contribution. Currently (10/10/99) this is total of the percents for BDOE 59 and 5z.
  11. Total Current YTD Employer Contribution. Currently (10/10/99) this is the total of the amounts for BDOE 59 and 5z.
  12. Total Current YTD Tax Deferred + YTD After Tax + YTD Employer
  13. Years of Service on 12/31/YYYY of the current year.
  14. Total accumulation of the 402(g) excess contributions.

    Note: If no current position record exists, Zero will be in the Annual-Salary and zero will be in the contribution percent.

Annual Benefits Statements


This batch report submitted through the JOBS command in PAYROLL is designed to provide the benefits office with a file that can be downloaded into a benefits statement that has been designed by the benefits office. These statements will be distributed to active employees and include year-end totals for Benefits.

General Considerations

Report Considerations

Reportable Information

Below is outlined the information required for each benefit. Some are calculated values. The top line in the file will have a "short description" of the information in the field.
  1. Allocated BU (PSB-POSITION)
  2. Employee Name
  3. BU-name
  4. BU-Address
    1. If the BU has an address on the Department table, use MS-BUILDING-CD and ROOM.
    2. If not, use the CAMPUS-ADDR-BLGD-CD and the CAMPUS-ADDR-ROOM.
    3. Else, use W4-ADDRESS.
  5. PSB Annual-Salary(on December 31st of the indicated year)
  6. Years of Service (Current date minus DATE-BASE-UA-SERVICE)
  7. Tax Deferred Reductions - total dollar amount of all BDOEs where BDOE Type: D, Category: 3 AND the Tax-exempt code is Y for FIT and SIT.
  8. After-Tax Contributions - total dollar amount of all BDOEs where BDOE Type: D, Category: 3 AND the Tax-exempt code is N for FIT and SIT.
  9. UAF Employer Contributions - total dollar amount of all BDOEs where BDOE Type: B, Category: 3 AND the Tax-exempt code is Y for FIT SIT.
  10. Percent Employee Tax-Deferred Reductions (as of December)
    1. TIAA-CREF
    2. Fidelity
    3. Other
    4. Total percent
  11. Employee percent After-tax Deductions (as of December)
    1. Fidelity
    2. Other
    3. Total percent
  12. Employer percent Contributions
    1. TIAA-CREF
    2. Fidelity
    3. Other
    4. Total percent
  13. Vesting Status
  14. Alternative Election.
  15. Health-Plan-Type
  16. Health-Enrollment-Type
  17. Tax-exempt Contributions - from PANN
  18. After-Tax Contributions - from PANN
  19. Employer's contributions - from PANN
  20. UAF Basic Life contribution - from PANN BDOE 66
  21. Basic Life Coverage
  22. Optional Life contribution - from PANN
  23. Optional Life Coverage - $$coverage and number of times salary.
  24. Deduction for Dependent Life - PANN
  25. Dependent Life coverage amount
  26. LTD Basic Coverage -
  27. UAF's Basic LTD contributions - PANN
  28. Optional LTD Coverage - PANN
  29. Employee Deduction for Optional LTD
  30. AD&D Coverage Amount
  31. Employee Deduction for AD&D
  32. Vision Coverage
  33. Tax-exempt Vision contribution
  34. After-tax Vision contribution
  35. Flexible Spending Account Elections
    1. Health Reimbursement
    2. Dependent Reimbursement
  36. Workers Compensation and Unemployment - (combined amount)
  37. UAF's WC and ARSU contribution.
  38. EOAS-MAXIMUM for the year indicated
  39. Employee contribution to OASDI & Medicare
  40. Employer contribution to OASDI & Medicare
  41. Employee SSN
  42. Vacation and Comp hours (add two figures)
    Value of Vacation and Comp. (hourly rate times the vacation and comp hours). Hourly rate = (Annual-salary divided by appointment percent)/2080
    Accrued Sick hours.

EBBCHNG Benefits Change Report

due Feb '2000

The following sections describe the report:

"General Considerations"
"Report Considerations"


The purpose of the Benefits change Report is to provide Benefits with a comprehensive listing of employees whose position changes potentially could have an effect on the benefits record. Benefits staff will use this report to determine whose records may need updating, whose record may require overrides, and whose changes need to be communicated to the appropriate benefits carrier.

General Considerations

Run Frequency This job is run on demand.
Job Submission This job is run on demand from the JOBS menu screen in the PAYROLL application.
Input Parameters The user enters a date which the system will convert to the appropriate Saturday-End-Date.

Report Considerations

Report Title Benefits Changes
Description This report lists all employees whose status has changed (while in a benefits eligible position) in such a way that their enrollment must be examined, updated, or overrides performed.
Copies/Distribution/Special Forms/COLD The report is distributed to a local printer or to the user's CMS ID. No copies, distribution, special forms, or output to COLD are required.
Source The data source for the job is the EMPLOYEE file, POSITION file, and BENEFITS file.
Options Report destination.
Exception Handling If no data meets the specifications or if errors cause an abort, the user receives output to that effect.
Selection Criteria

The following is how to determine if the employee's status has changed requiring an update. If the following conditions exist, write out the record according to the format at the end of this document. If either the "To" or the "From" position is a Student title, do not write out. This can be determined by checking the Student title flag on the position record.

  1. If the PSB reason code is AP, CD, CP or RC and the appointment period on the From Record is different that the appointment period on the To Record, write out.
  2. If the PSB reason code is CP, PD, LC and the BU on the From Record is different than the BU on the To Record write out.
  3. If the PSB reason code is CP and only one position is non-classified, write out to report.
Sort Sequence The report is sorted alphabetically by the last name of the employee.
Control Breaks None
Report Layout The following is the report layout:
  1. Employee Last Name, Employee First Name
  2. Employee SSN
  3. Allocated BU (on the date the report is run)
  4. Campus phone
  5. Appointment period
  6. Date of change
  7. What has changed marked with an X in the appropriate column.
    • Appointment Period
    • Classification (SalNC vs. SalClass vs. SalGA)
    • BU

EBBDEPE Dependent Exceptions Report

due Mar '2000

The following sections describe the report:

"General Considerations"
"Report Considerations"


The purpose of the Dependents Exceptions report is to provide the Benefits staff with the name of dependents with missing information. The benefits staff will use the report to contact the employee for the missing information. fact.

General Considerations

Run Frequency This job is run on demand.
Job Submission This job is run on demand from the JOBS menu screen in the PAYROLL application.
Input Parameters None. The Benefits file and the Dependent-Spouse file will be read at the time of the run for incomplete information.

Report Considerations

Report Title Dependents Exceptions Report
Description This report lists employees with active benefits records who have dependents enrolled in Health or Dental with incomplete information on the Dependent-Spouse file.
Copies/Distribution/Special Forms/COLD The report is distributed to a local printer or to the user's CMS ID. No copies, distribution, special forms, or output to COLD are required.
Source The data source for the job is the BENEFITS file, the EMPLOYEE file, and the Dependent-Spouse file.
Options Report output destination.
Exception Handling If no data meets the specifications or if errors cause an abort, the user receives output to that effect.
Selection Criteria For active benefits records, for actively enrolled dependents, if a Dependent-Spouse record exists and is missing DEPENDENT-SPOUSE-SSN, DEPENDENT-SPOUSE-DATE-OF-BIRTH, DEPENDENT-SPOUSE-GENDER or DEPENDENT-SPOUSE-TYPE, select the record.
Sort Sequence The report is sorted alphabetically by the last name of the employee.
Control Breaks None
Report Layout The following is the report layout:
  1. Employee Last Name, Employee First Name
  2. Employee SSN
  4. PHONE-NO (home phone number)
  5. Dependent Name
  6. Which information is missing.
    Dependent-Spouse status

EBBEBNE Eligible But Not Enrolled report (done)

The following sections describe the report:

"General Considerations"
"Report Considerations"


The Eligible But Not Enrolled report lists all employees who are in benefits eligible positions, but not enrolled in benefits.

General Considerations

Run Frequency This job is run on demand.
Job Submission This job is run on demand from the JOBS menu screen in the PAYROLL application.
Input Parameters The user enters a beginning and ending date.

Report Considerations

Report Title Employees eligible for benefits, but not enrolled.
Report ID
Description This report lists all employees who are in benefits eligible positions, but who are not enrolled in benefits.
Copies/Distribution/Special Forms/COLD The report is distributed to a local printer or to the user's CMS ID, or optionally may be in a delimited file format. No copies, distribution, special forms, or output to COLD are required.
Source The data source for the job is the EMPLOYEE file, POSITION file, and BENEFITS file.
Options Report, file or both.
Exception Handling If no data meets the specifications or if errors cause an abort, the user receives output to that effect.
Selection Criteria

The following is how to determine if the employee is eligible, but not enrolled for the dates specified: If the following statement is true, write out to a report.

  1. If reason code is NH, the EMP-POSITION-PCT is greater than or equal to 50%, and the STUDENT-TITLE-CD is blank, and LIFE-INS-CD and LTD-INS-CD are equal to N.
  2. If reason code is CP, AP, EP, TC, CP, PD and the EMP-POSITION-PCT is greater than or equal to 50%, the STUDENT-TITLE-CD is N, and LIFE-INS-CD and LTD-INS-CD are equal to N.
  3. If the new annual salary is greater than or equal to $20,000 and the STUDENT-TITILE-CD is N, and the LTD-INS-CD is N.
Sort Sequence The report is sorted alphabetically by the last name of the employee.
Control Breaks None
Report Layout The following is the report layout:
  1. Employee Name
  2. Employee SSN
  3. Occupation Title
  4. Allocated BU
  5. Salary
  6. % Appointment
  7. Error code
  8. PSB Reason code of change that made eligible
  9. Date of the PSB Reason Code.
  10. Date
  11. Home Address
  12. City, State, Zip
A second report that will be started with the same job submission:

EBBENE Enrolled but Not Eligible

The following sections describe the report:

"General Considerations"
"Report Considerations"


The Enrolled but Not Eligible report lists all employees whose status has changed from benefits eligible to no longer eligible.

General Considerations

Run Frequency This job is run on demand.
Job Submission This job is run on demand from the JOBS menu screen in the PAYROLL application.
Input Parameters The user enters a date.

Report Considerations

Report Title Employees enrolled for benefits, but no longer eligible
Report ID
Description This report lists all employees whose status has changed from benefits eligible to no longer eligible.
Copies/Distribution/Special Forms/COLD The report is distributed to a local printer or to the user's CMS ID. Optionally, a delimited file may be produced. No copies, distribution, special forms, or output to COLD are required.
Source The data source for the job is the EMPLOYEE file, POSITION file, and BENEFITS file.
Options Report, file or both
Exception Handling If no data meets the specifications or if errors cause an abort, the user receives output to that effect.
Selection Criteria

The following is how to determine if the employee's eligibility status has changed for the dates specified. If the following conditions exist, write out the record.

  1. If reason code is CP, EP, LC, or PD and the EMP-POSITION-PCT goes to less than 50% and the LIFE-INS-CD is not equal to N.
  2. If reason code is CP and the the STUDENT-TITLE-CD is Y and LIFE-INS-CD is not equal to N.
  3. If the reason code is CP, PD, MI, EP, NS, CS, CO, RC and the new annual salary is less than $20,000 and Optional LTD is not equal to N
  4. If the reason code is CP, PD, MI, EP, NS, CS, CO, RC and the employee is enrolled in AD&D, write out the record if for the indicated level of coverage, the salary is less than that specified:
    300,000 Salary less than 18,334
    275,000 Salary less than 16,667
    250,000 Salary less than 15,001
    200,000 Salary less than 11,667
    175,000 Salary less than 10,001
Sort Sequence The report is sorted alphabetically by the last name of the employee.
Control Breaks None
Report Layout The following is the report layout:
  1. Employee Name
  2. Employee SSN
  3. Title
  4. Allocated BU
  5. Salary
  6. % Appointment
  7. Date of change
  8. Reason code for change
  9. Campus address
  10. W4 address

EBBDIR Dependent Information Report

(due Mar to April 2000)

The following sections describe the report:

"General Considerations"
"Report Considerations"


The Dependent Information Report is to be used as an audit tool and cross-reference during periodic audits of enrollment information from our Health and Dental Insurance carriers.

General Considerations

Run Frequency This job is run on demand.
Job Submission This job is run on demand from the JOBS menu screen in the PAYROLL application.
Input Parameters Date and selection of Health or Dental.

Report Considerations

Report Title Dependent Information Report.
Report ID
Description This report lists all enrolled employees and their covered dependents for the date indicated in the job parameters.
Copies/Distribution/Special Forms/COLD The report is distributed to a local printer or to the user's CMS ID. No copies, distribution, special forms, or output to COLD are required.
Source The data source for the job is the BENEFITS and the Dependent-Spouse file.
Options Report.
Exception Handling If no data meets the specifications or if errors cause an abort, the user receives output to that effect.
Selection Criteria If an IBEI record exists for the date specified, write out dependent enrollee information to the report. If employee does not have dependent coverage, comment to that effect.
Sort Sequence The report is sorted alphabetically by the last name of the employee.
Control Breaks None
Report Layout The following is the report layout:
(The Primary Sort is Health-Plan-Group- Number and the Secondary Sort is Employee Last Name).
Employee-Last-Name, Employee-First-Name
Employee SSN

EBBDB Dependent Birthdays report (done)

The following sections describe the report:

"General Considerations"
"Report Considerations"


The Dependent Birthdays report lists all dependents who are covered by medical or dental who will have a birthday in the upcoming month and who will turn 19 or 25 years old.

General Considerations

Run Frequency This job is run on demand.
Job Submission This job is run on demand from the JOBS menu screen in the PAYROLL application.
Input Parameters None

Report Considerations

Report Title Dependent Birthdays
Report ID
Description This report lists all dependents who are covered by health or dental who will have a birthday in the upcoming month and who will turn 19 or 25.
Copies/Distribution/Special Forms/COLD The report is distributed to a local printer or to the user's CMS ID. Optionally, a delimited file may be created for the user. No copies, distribution, special forms, or output to COLD are required.
Source The data source for the job is the EMPLOYEE file, POSITION file, and BENEFITS file.
Options Report, file or both.
Exception Handling If no data meets the specifications or if errors cause an abort, the user receives output to that effect.
Selection Criteria If ENROLLEE-STATUS is A, HEALTH-PLAN-TYPE equal to P, C, or I, and HEALTH-ENROLLMENT-TYPE equals C or F, then use the following criteria:
  • If DEPENDENT-SPOUSE-TYPE is C, then use DEPENDENT-SPOUSE-DATE-OF-BIRTH to calculate where age is greater than or equal to 18 years and 11 months.
  • If DEPENDENT-SPOUSE-TYPE is T, then use DEPENDENT-SPOUSE-DATE-OF-BIRTH to calculate where age is greater than or equal to 24 years and 11 months.
  • Individuals will appear on the report so long as the above two criteria are met.
Sort Sequence The report is sorted alphabetically by the last name of the employee.
Control Breaks None
Report Layout The following is the report layout:
  1. Employee Name
  2. Employee SSN
  3. Allocated BU
  4. Campus Address
  5. Dependent Name
  6. Dependent Birthdate
  7. Dependent age on birthday
  8. Plan Coverage (enrolled in Medical, Dental and/or Vision)
  9. Dependent-Spouse-Type

EBBENE Enrolled but Not Eligible report (done)

The following sections describe the report:

"General Considerations"
"Report Considerations"


The Enrolled but Not Eligible report lists all employees whose status has changed from benefits eligible to no longer eligible.

General Considerations

Run Frequency This job is run on demand.
Job Submission This job is run on demand from the JOBS menu screen in the PAYROLL application.
Input Parameters The user enters a date.

Report Considerations

Report Title Employees enrolled for benefits, but no longer eligible
Report ID
Description This report lists all employees whose status has changed from benefits eligible to no longer eligible.
Copies/Distribution/Special Forms/COLD The report is distributed to a local printer or to the user's CMS ID. Optionally, a delimited file may be produced. No copies, distribution, special forms, or output to COLD are required.
Source The data source for the job is the EMPLOYEE file, POSITION file, and BENEFITS file.
Options Report, file or both
Exception Handling If no data meets the specifications or if errors cause an abort, the user receives output to that effect.
Selection Criteria

The following is how to determine if the employee's eligibility status has changed for the dates specified. If the following conditions exist, write out the record.

  1. If reason code is CP, EP, LC, or PD and the EMP-POSITION-PCT goes to less than 50% and the LIFE-INS-CD is not equal to N.
  2. If reason code is CP and the the STUDENT-TITLE-CD is Y and LIFE-INS-CD is not equal to N.
  3. If the reason code is CP, PD, MI, EP, NS, CS, CO, RC and the new annual salary is less than $20,000 and Optional LTD is not equal to N
  4. If the reason code is CP, PD, MI, EP, NS, CS, CO, RC and the employee is enrolled in AD&D, write out the record if for the indicated level of coverage, the salary is less than that specified:
    300,000 Salary less than 18,334
    275,000 Salary less than 16,667
    250,000 Salary less than 15,001
    200,000 Salary less than 11,667
    175,000 Salary less than 10,001
Sort Sequence The report is sorted alphabetically by the last name of the employee.
Control Breaks None
Report Layout The following is the report layout:
  1. Employee Name
  2. Employee SSN
  3. Title
  4. Allocated BU
  5. Salary
  6. % Appointment
  7. Date of change
  8. Reason code for change
  9. Campus address
  10. W4 address

March 29, 1999

EBDS - Employee BDoe Setup

Figure 122 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the EBDS function.

Figure 122. Data Entry screen - EBDS

All entries are valid, press PF10 to Save
 EPOEBDS 1 TEST            Employee BDoe Setup - EBDS            03/29/99 16:40
 Command:      Action: U Emp ID: 100588      Comp Type:    Date: 12/31/2099
 BDOE Cd: 31    Payroll Type: EA
 Action: U Emp ID: 100588 BDOE Cd: 31   Tiaa/Cref Matched Deduction Tax Deff
 Emp Name: Brody, Myron R                                      Screen: 1 of  1

                                                 BDOE Start Date: 05/01/1998
                                                   BDOE End Date: 12/31/2099
   BDOE Determination Method Cd: P
   BDOE Setup Monthly Amount:
   BDOE Setup Percentage:    10.00
   BDOE Goal Amount:
   BDOE Actual Amount:

   Short Comment:


 Updated: 03/05/1999 15:20 By: EPBCDOE
      Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt             NextR       Save

The following sections describe the EBDS function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Related Topics".


The EBDS (Employee BDoe Setup) function is used to view and maintain an employee's benefits, deductions, other earnings, and and EIC setup. This setup consist of the rules and amounts for determining specific employee BDOEs for future payrolls. It should be used for long term, or recurring BDOEs. One time BDOE amounts should be specified on EBDO, Employee BDOE Override. The data maintained is stored on the Employee-BDOE-Setup file, and a thorough understanding of the data elements of this file is required for the proper use of EBDS. The EBDS command will be used by University of Arkansas Payroll, Benefits, and other selective administrative departments. (Special security setup is required through NSM for individuals to access this command.)

The types of deductions to be maintained on this command include parking hang tags, parking tickets, HPER memberships, garnishments, and long term overrides for insurance. Similarly, long term overrides for benefits can be specified here, as are other taxable wages such as housing allowances. Even EIC is defined here for the one year eligibility period. On the other hand, taxes and exempt wages are not entered on EBDS.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

Add {A}
Copy {C}
Delete {D}
New {N}
Update {U}
View {V}


  1. The Emp-ID must be valid on the employee file and may not be marked as a duplicate.
  2. The BDOE-Cd must be valid and active.
  3. The Date (effective date of the change or addition) must be on or after the earliest pay date of any payroll with a later cutoff time.
  4. BDOE types EW, ET, and RT will not be allowed.
  5. There must be a valid entry in the BDOE-Determination-Method-Cd (it must be F, P, N, T, D, A, R, or E). If 'T', the associated Short-Comment-Use-CD must be 'T' or n (a single digit).
  6. There must be a positive non-zero entry in BDOE-Setup-Monthly-Amount if the BDOE-Determination-Method-Cd is 'F', 'A', or 'R'. It must be zero for all other methods.
  7. There must be a positive non-zero entry in BDOE-Setup-Pct if the BDOE-Determination-Method-Cd is 'P', 'N', 'D', or 'A'. It must be zero for all other methods.
  8. The BDOE-Setup-Percent will be an amount less than or equal to 100%.
  9. The BDOE-Goal-Amt is optional, but must be positive if entered.
  10. The Withholding-Cd (which is only applicable for Other taxable wages) must be blank or 'B'. For other BDOE types it should be set to blank.
  11. The Short-Comment is validated depending upon the Short-Comment-Use-Cd on the BDOE table. (Note that these rules are not defined in terms of the BDOE-Determination-Method-Cd even though method 'T' requires a Short-Comment on the BDOE-Short-Comment table. This is because of the above rule whereby a method 'T' will only be permitted when the BDOE is defined with a Short-Comment-Use-CD of 'T' or n.) The following rules apply:
  12. The BD-Payee-Vender-ID is required and must be valid if the BD-PAYEE-CHECK-CD (from BDOE) is 'Y' and the BD-PAYEE-VENDOR-NO (from BDOE) is zero. Otherwise no BD-Payee-Vendor-ID may be specified.
  13. A Comment is optional.


The following processing is performed based upon the action.

The system updates the audit log history group with the time, date, and user performing the update, differentiating between the creation or complete update of a record and an update where only the end date is set. A note of caution to the user records entered on EBDS will override IBEI.

Related Topics

Pay Category

The MSA Payroll system required a great deal of manual calculations and overrides in order for benefits and deductions to be taken properly. Problems resulted when appointed employees worked hourly, when nine month employees worked in the summer, and in most cases of supplemental pay. A goal of BASIS is to calculate and take the appropriate benefits and deductions without the extra effort required for special overrides. The design to address this involves categorizing the employee's gross pay and simultaneously defining the categories for which the various BDOEs are subject -- facilitating the automatic calculation of benefits and deductions.

The categorization of wages is primarily accomplished by the association of a Pay-Category with the various Compensation Types by which employees are paid. The following categories are currently used with the associated compensation types noted.

I (Insurance)

Insurance and all other deductions and benefits (including taxes) should be calculated on these earnings. These represent normal, periodic, recurring wages and are associated with compensation types SC, SG, and SN.

N (Non-Insurance)

All non-insurance deductions and benefits (including taxes) should be calculated on these earnings. These wages are not subject to insurance deductions since they represent some type of special non-recurring compensation or compensation for which insurance benefits are not provided. Category N earnings are associated with compensation types GR, GT, Hn, SR, ST, Sn, and Wn.

R (Retirement)

Employee and employer portions of retirement, taxes, and possibly some other selective deductions or benefits are calculated on these wages. These wages are even more selective and have been separated from category N primarily to exclude garnishments. The associated compensation types are AL and LS.

E (EE Retirement)

Employee retirement contributions and taxes are the only benefits and deductions to be calculated on these wages which are associated with overtime (compensation type On) and in the special circumstance (exception) noted below.

T (Taxes only)

Only taxes are to be calculated on these wages as defined by compensation types SA, SL, SP, XC, XN, and XS.

There are three exceptions that override the assignment of the pay category based upon the compensation type.
  1. If an appointed employee is compensated for any hourly work the category for those wages is automatically downgraded to an E.
  2. When entering supplemental pay on SUPP the operator is required to indicate whether this is true supplemental pay. If it is supplemental pay and the category would have been an I or an N, it will be changed to an R. This would be desired when processing a retroactive salary change where only the difference in pay is being made.
  3. Nine month employees are paid a half month in August and another half month in May. However, they pay a full month's insurance premiums in May and none in August. Therefor a nine month employee paid on the end of month August payroll in a category that would have been an I will have the category changed to an N.

Each BDOE defines the pay categories to which the BDOE is subject. If there are no wages in the corresponding pay categories for a defined BDOE, no benefit or deduction will be calculated for that payroll. If there are wages and a P (percent of pay category) method is defined then the BDOE amount will be calculated using only the associated pay category amounts.

LBSE - List Bdoes Setups for an Employee

Figure 123 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LBSE function.

Figure 123. LBSE (List Bdoes Setups for an Employee)

  EPOLBSE 1 TEST   List Bdoe Setups for an Employee - all - LBSE  04/07/99 11:07
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 123456      Comp Type:    Date: 05/13/1998
   BDOE Cd: C1    Payroll Type:
    List BDOEs setup for Emp ID: 123456  Jones, Jack/T
             starting from BDOE: C1
    BDOE                   Begin      End      Amt or Pct  Deducted   Total Amt
     Cd  Description       Date       Date     Ea Payroll  to Date    to Deduct
  - ---- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ---------
  _ C1   Child Support G 06/01/1998 12/31/2099 $   225.00
  _ 7T   Parking Pemit 1 08/15/1998 12/31/2099
  _ 8H   HPER Membership 08/01/1998 12/31/1998 $    35.50
  _ 8W   AAUP-AM Associa 09/01/1998 05/15/1999 $    45.00

  Select/suspend to Cmd: EBDS
             BDOE records 1     thru 4     of 4     records.
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt
 Select an entry, or enter new keys


LBSE allows the user to view BDOE setups for an employee. When the list is returned to the BDOEs will be listed in Bdoe code order. The list will contain the BDOE code, description, begin and end date date, amt or percent for each payroll, deducted to date(ytd amount) and total amount to deduct (goal amount). If more detail is required, the default suspend command will be EBDS. If the employee has several BDOE setups, the user can selectively expand or restrict the list by changing the BDOE Code, or removing the BDOE code from the banner.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Employee Id

LBSD - List Bdoes Setups for an Empl for a Date

Figure 124 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LBSD function.

Figure 124. LBSD (List Bdoes Setups for an Emp for a Date)

  EPOLBSD 1 TEST   List Bdoe Setups for an Emp for a Date - LBSD  04/07/99 11:14
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 123456      Comp Type:    Date: 12/31/1998
   BDOE Cd: C1    Payroll Type:
    List BDOEs setup for Emp ID: 123456  Jones, Jack/T
                   effective on: 12/31/1998
    BDOE                   Begin      End      Amt or Pct  Deducted   Total Amt
     Cd  Description       Date       Date     Ea Payroll  to Date    to Deduct
  - ---- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ---------
  _ C1   Child Support G 06/01/1998 12/31/2099 $   225.00
  _ 7T   Parking Pemit 1 08/15/1998 12/31/2099
  _ 8H   HPER Membership 08/01/1998 12/31/1998 $    35.50
  _ 8W   AAUP-AM Associa 09/01/1998 05/15/1999 $    45.00

  Select/suspend to cmd: EBDS
   BDOE records     1 thru     4 displayed;       accessed but not effective.
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt
 Select an entry, or enter new keys


LBSD allows the user to view BDOE setups for an employee effective on the date entered in the banner. The list will contain the BDOE code, description, begin and end date, amt or percent for each payroll, deducted to date (ytd amount) and total amount to deduct (goal amount). If more detail is required, the default suspend command will be EBDS. The user can selectively expand or restrict the list by changing the Date, either to an earlier or later date.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Employee Id

March 29, 1999

EBDO - Employee BDoe Override

Figure 125 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the EBDO function.

Figure 125. Data Entry screen - EBDO

  EPOEBDO 1 TEST           Employee BDoe Override - EBDO
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 985621      Comp Type:    Date: 06/30/1998
  BDOE CD: 7T    Payroll Type: M
  Action: V Employee: Jones, John Paul
  BDOE cd: 7T Parking Permit 125

         BDOE override type: R
         BDOE override amount: 15

         BDOE Short Comment: Blue

  New employee paying June portion of parking permit as per parking
  memo on file in payroll office.

   Updated: 06/16/1998 13:15 By: Pay04 Jennifer Carey
       Help  Suspd Quit                          NextR

The following sections describe the EBDO function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"


The EBDO (Employee BDoe Overrride) function is used to view and establish a one time override amounts for employee benefits, deductions, other earnings, and taxes. The data maintained is stored on the Employee-BDOE-Override file, and thorough understanding of the data elements of this file is required for the proper use of EBDO. The EBDO command will be use by the University of Arkansas Payroll and Benefits departments, with the security for those individuals to be setup through the NSM function using command security. The types of deductions that can be overriden on this command include discounted athletic tickets, employee deductions, employer benefits, and employee taxes.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

Add {A}
Copy {C}
Delete {D}
Update {U}
View {V}


  1. The Emp ID must be valid on the employee file and may not be marked as a duplicate.
  2. A BDOE must be valid and active.
  3. BDOE types not allowed on this command will be EW.
  4. The Date must be the current or a future pay date for an employee.
  5. The Payroll-Type must be a valid type.
  6. Zero or negative amounts will be allowed.
  7. BDOE-Override-Type must be R or I.
  8. There must be BDOE-Override-Amt this amount may be negative.
  9. The BD-Payee-Vender-Id is required and must be valid if the BD-PAYEE-CHECK-CD (from BDOE) is 'Y' and the BD-PAYEE-VENDER-NO (from BDOE) is zero. Otherwise no BD-Payee-Vendor-ID may be specified.
  10. The Withholding-Cd (which is only applicable for Other taxable wages) must be blank or 'B'. For other BDOE types it should be set to blank.
  11. The Short-Comment is validated depending upon the Short-Comment-Use-Cd on the BDOE table. The following rules apply:
  12. A Comment is required.
  13. The system updates the audit log history group with the time, date, and user. The creation or last update will be updated in the 1st occurance of the audit-log-group.
  14. Help will be available on all fields.


The following processing is performed based upon the action.

The system updates the audit log history group with the time, date, and user performing the update, differentiating between the creation or complete update of a record and an update where only the end date is set.

The user will enter the pay date in the banner. The date entered must be on or after any of the next unextracted payrolls for which we have not passed the cutoff. By using a Override-Type of R, the user wants to replace the the current BDOE amount. Override-Type of I, the user wants an additional amount plus the current BDOE amount to be taken on the pay date entered.

LBOE - List Bdoes Override for an Employee

Figure 126 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LBOE function.

Figure 126. LBOE (List Bdoe Override for an Employee)

  EPOLBOE 1 TEST    List Bdoe Overrides for an Employee - LBOE    04/07/99 16:26
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 123456      Comp Type:    Date: 08/31/1998
   BDOE Cd:       Payroll Type: M
   List BDOE Overrides for Emp ID: 123456 Jones, Jack/T
             for Payroll Type: M  and Pay Date: 08/31/1998
    Cmd   Cd  Description                      Type   Amount
  - ---- ---- --------------------             ---- -----------
  _ EBDO EIC  Earned Income Credit               R      500.00
  _ EBDO EOAS Emplyee OASDI Tax                  I       99.99

                 BDOE records     1 thru     2 of     2 displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt
 Select an entry, or enter new keys


LBOE allows the user to view overrides for an employee effective for a specific payroll date and type. The list will contain BDOE code, description, type of override code, amount of override. If more detail is required, the default suspend command will be EBDO.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Employee ID
Date Payroll Date
Payroll Type
H Hourly
O Overtime/Supplement
A Adjustments
M Monthly
EA End of Academic Term
ES End of Summer

LBO - List Bdoes Overriden for a payroll

Figure 127 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LBO function.

Figure 127. LBO (List Bdoe Overriden for a payroll)

  EPOLBO  1 TEST     List Bdoes Overriden for a payroll - LBO     07/20/99 11:22
  Command:      Action: U Emp ID: 100392      Comp Type:    Date: 10/01/1998
  BDOE Cd: 28    Payroll Type: H
               List BDOE Overrides starting from: 10/01/1998

         Payroll Date Payroll   BDOE
    Cmd   Type     Override      Cd  Description           Count
  - ---- ------- ------------   ---- --------------------  -----
  _ LBOB    M     01/31/1999    31   TIAA-CREF Reduction       2
  _ LBOB    M     02/01/1999    31   TIAA-CREF Reduction       2
  _ LBOB    M     02/01/1999    66   Employer BASIC Life       1
  _ LBOB    H     02/10/1999    28   Garnishment               1
  _ LBOB    H     02/10/1999    31   TIAA-CREF Reduction       1
  _ LBOB    M     02/28/1999    AD&D Accidental Death&Dis      1
  _ LBOB    M     02/28/1999    LIFE Opt. Life Insurance       1
  _ LBOB    M     02/28/1999    11   Taxable Athl Tickets     11
  _ LBOB    M     02/28/1999    31   TIAA-CREF Reduction       3
  _ LBOB    M     02/28/1999    32   Tiaa/Cref NM Reduct       1

                        BDOE records     1 thru    10
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             Forwd
 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys


LBO allows the user to view overrides effective on or after a date. The list will contain payroll type, payroll date, BDOE code, description, and number of overrides for a particular payroll. By changing the date in the banner, the user can increase or decrease the number of overrides listed. If more detail is required, the default suspend command will be LBOB.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


LBOB - List Bdoes Override for a Bdoe and payroll

Figure 128 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LBOB function.

Figure 128. LBOB (List Bdoe Override for a Bdoe and payroll)

  EPOLBOB 1 TEST  List Bdoe Overrides for a Bdoe & payroll - LBOB 04/07/99 16:27
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 100392      Comp Type:    Date: 08/31/1998
  BDOE Cd: EIC   Payroll Type: M
 List BDOE Overrides for BDOE: EIC  for Pay Date: 08/31/1998 & Payroll Type M

         BDOE                                                  ----Override----
    Cmd   Cd  Description     Emp ID Emp Name                  Type   Amount
  - ---- ---- --------------- ------ ------------------------- ---- -----------
  _ EBDO EIC  Earned Income C 100392 Macdonald, Harold/C         R      500.00

                 BDOE records     1 thru     1 of     1 displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt
 Select an entry, or enter new keys


LBOB allows the user to view overrides for a BDOE effective for a specific payroll date and type. The list will contain BDOE code, description, type of override code, amount of override. If more detail is required, the default suspend command will be EBDO.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Date Payroll Date
Payroll Type
H Hourly
O Overtime/Supplement
A Adjustments
M Monthly
EA End of Academic Term
ES End of Summer

LBOU - List Bdoes Override Unattemped

Figure 129 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LBOU function.

Figure 129. LBOU (List Bdoe Override Unattempted)

  EPOLBOU 1 TEST      List Bdoe Overrides Unattempted - LBOU      04/07/99 16:28
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 100392      Comp Type:    Date: 08/31/1998
  BDOE Cd: EIC   Payroll Type: M
 List Unattempted BDOE Overrides for Pay Date: 08/31/1998 & Payroll Type M

         BDOE                                                  ----Override----
    Cmd   Cd  Description     Emp ID Emp Name                  Type   Amount
  - ---- ---- -------------   ------ ------------------------- ---- -----------
  _ EBDO EOAS Emplyee OASDI T 100392 Macdonald, Harold/C         I       99.99
  _ EBDO EIC  Earned Income C 100392 Macdonald, Harold/C         R      500.00
  _ EBDO 8W   AAUP-AM Associa 100715 Ahlers Sr., Glen-Peter/     R       50.00

                 BDOE records     1 thru     3 of     3 displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt
 Select an entry, or enter new keys


LBOU allows the user to view overrides unattempted for a payroll date and type. A BDOE is only unattempted if the employee is not paid on the payroll, or the payroll has not yet run. The list will contain BDOE code, description, Employee Id, Employee name, override type, and override amount. If more detail is required, the default suspend command will be EBDO.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Date Payroll Date
Payroll Type
H Hourly
O Overtime/Supplement
A Adjustments
M Monthly
EA End of Academic Term
ES End of Summer

PADJ - Payroll ADJustments

Figure 130 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the PADJ function.

Figure 130. Data Entry Screen - PADJ

  EPOPADJ 1 TEST             Payroll ADJustment - PADJ            09/09/99 12:12
  Command:      Action: A Emp ID: 120484      Comp Type: SC Date: 01/01/1999
  Adj Type: CR  Paid: 01/31/1999 Adj No:
 Action: A Emp: 120484 Bowling, Susan D.         Comp Type: SC     Screen 1 of 2
 Adj No:         Type: CR  Cash receipt Comp Period: 01/01/1999 - 01/31/1999
 Processed on:             Original Pay Date: 01/31/1999 1999
    BU: ENGR                      Position: 206   Appointment Period: 12
        ENGINEERING               Occ: R010
  Regular                        Wage Base    EE Taxes    ER Taxes ____Hours____
  Earnings:   -1,722.75 Fed IT   -1,521.47                         Reg:
 - EE Taxes     -312.64 Ark IT   -1,521.47                         OT:
 - EE Deds      -201.78 OASDI    -1,722.75
 + EIC                  Medica   -1,722.75                         Student:
            =========== Ark WC   -1,722.75                         Federal:
 = EE Net     -1,208.33 ArkSUI   -1,722.75                         Alien:

 CCC:   0112 02146-62-0000                                        Pct: 58.04673
 Entered                by
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             NextS CCC
 Enter values and press ENTER to validate

Figure 131 is a generic example of the pop-up window presented when additional cost centers are required and PF9 is pressed.

Figure 131. Pop-up window for PADJ

  EPOPADJ 1 TEST             Payroll ADJustment - PADJ            09/09/99 12:22
  Command:      Action: A Emp ID: 120484      Comp Type: SC Date: 01/01/1999
  Adj Type: CR  Paid: 01/31/1999 Adj No:
 Action: A Emp: 120484 Bowling, Susan D.         Comp Type: SC     Screen 1 of 2
 Adj No:         Type: CR  Cash receipt Comp Period: 01/01/1999 - 01/31/1999
 Processed on:             Original Pay Date: 01/31/1999 1999
    BU: ENGR                      Position: 206   Appointment Period: 12
                        Company Cost Center Distribution
    Co. Cost Center    Description                         Percent    Amount
    0112 02146-62-0000                                     58.04673  -1,000.00
    0102 15020-12-0000                                     41.95327    -722.75

      _ Specify distribution by amount                               -1,722.75
   PF1=Help   PF3=Quit                                     PF10=Sav/Q
   Enter data; press ENTER to validate or PF10 to save

Figure 132 is a generic example of the Employee's Deductions and Other Earnings.

Figure 132. Second screen for PADJ

  EPOPADJ 1 TEST             Payroll ADJustment - PADJ            09/09/99 12:25
  Command:      Action: A Emp ID: 120484      Comp Type: SC Date: 01/01/1999
  Adj Type: CR  Paid: 01/31/1999 Adj No:
 Action: A Emp: 120484 Bowling, Susan D.         Comp Type: SC     Screen 2 of 2
 Adj No:         Type: CR  Cash receipt Comp Period: 01/01/1999 - 01/31/1999

  Type       Code Description               Amount
  EE Tax     EOAS Emplyee OASDI Tax        -103.99
             EMED Emplye Medicare Tax       -24.32
             EFIT Emp Federal Inc Tax      -140.77
             ARSI Ark State Income Tax      -43.56
  Deduction  31   TIAA-CREF Matched TS     -167.73
             32   Tiaa/Cref NM Reduct       -33.55
             AD&D Accidental Death&Dis       -0.50
  ER Tax     ROAS Employr OASDI Tax        -103.99
             RMED Employr Medicare Tax      -24.32
             ARSU Ark State Unemp Tax        -2.35

                          BDOEs 1  thru 10 of 14

       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt Upd   PrevS Forwd CCC
 Enter data and press ENTER to validate
Figure 133 is a generic example of the pop-up window presented for updating BDOEs PF9 is pressed.

Figure 133. Pop-up window for PADJ

  EPOPADJ 1 TEST             Payroll ADJustment - PADJ            09/09/99 12:25
  Command:      Action: A Emp ID: 120484      Comp Type: SC Date: 01/01/1999
  Adj Type: CR  Paid: 01/31/1999 Adj No:
 Action: A Emp: 120484 Bowling, Susan D.         Comp Type: SC     Screen 2 of 2
 Adj No:         Type: CR  Cash receipt Comp Period: 01/01/1999 - 01/31/1999

  Type       Code Description                 BDOE Entry and Update
  EE Tax     EOAS Emplyee OASDI     BDOE Type Description              Amount
             EMED Emplye Medicar    66                                  -5.46
             EFIT Emp Federal In    70                                  -3.50
             ARSI Ark State Inco    AD&D                                -0.50
  Deduction  31   TIAA-CREF Matc    59                                -167.73
             32   Tiaa/Cref NM R    31                                -167.73
             AD&D Accidental Dea    32                                 -33.55
  ER Tax     ROAS Employr OASDI     EFIT                              -140.77
             RMED Employr Medica    ARSI                               -43.56
             ARSU Ark State Unem    EOAS                              -103.99
                                    EMED                               -24.32
                          BDOEs               BDOEs  1  thru  10
                                   PF1   PF3          PF7   PF8       PF10
 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---P   Help  Quit               Forwd     Sav/Q
       Help  Suspd Quit        R   Enter data; press ENTER to validate
 Enter data and press ENTER to v
Figure 134 is a generic example of the pop-up window presented for calculations of Typed Checks and PF11 is pressed.

Figure 134. Pop-up window for PADJ

  EPOPADJ 1 TEST             Payroll ADJustment - PADJ            12/21/99 13:11
  Command:      Action: A Emp ID: 101202      Comp Type: SN Paid: 04/06/1999
  Adj Type: TYP Period Begin: 02/01/1999 Adj No:
 Action: A Emp: 101202 Bouwman, Marinus J        Comp Type: SN     Screen 2 of 2
 Adj No:         Type: TYP Typed check  Comp Period: 02/01/1999 - 02/15/1999
  ______________________________ BDOE ____________________________
  Type       Code Description          Short Comment        Amount
                                        Tax and BDOE Calculation Options

                                                             __Pay Category__
                                  Payroll Date: 04/06/1999   Code      Amount
                                          Type: M              I      1500.00
                                  Supplemental Pay (Y/N):      R
                                  PF1   PF3                            PF10
 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---   Help  Quit                           CalcB
       Help  Suspd Quit           Press PF3 to quit or PF10 to Calc
 Enter data and press ENTER to

The following sections describe the Payroll Adjustment function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"List of Deductions"
"Related Topics".


The Payroll ADJustment (PADJ) function is used in order to process corrections to an employee's pay and thereby, his W2 record. These adjustments are also loaded into LABOR and general ledger so that these records reconcile with the payroll records. These include:

Access and Security

The Payroll Office will initiate these changes via PADJ. Selected viewers in payroll will have view access.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}


Common validations

  1. The comment is required.
  2. Standard Wages calculation: Gross + Other Earnings - Tax Sheltered BDOEs - Exempt Wages = Wage Base.

    Note: The BDOE table identifies each BDOE and whether it is Tax-Sheltered or Tax-Deferred for a specific wage.

  3. The user must specify positive or negative amounts for each value being adjusted.
  4. The system will validate the compensation type and pay date specified in the banner in LABOR and PSUM for Cash Receipts.
  5. The system will display cost center number distribution as it exists on for the Payroll Distribution for the pay date, compensation period and compensation type. An error message will be returned if no matching pay record is found.

Cash receipt validations

  1. No check number may be specified.
  2. Gross is modifiable and must be negative.
  3. Hours are modifiable and must be negative.
  4. The cost center distribution for the designated pay period will be displayed from LABOR and can be changed.
  5. Only originally deducted BDOEs will default from the PSUM record. 58
  6. All wages will be calculated based on the standard calculation.
  7. The net must be less than zero.

Refunds validations

  1. This type of adjustment can have both negative and positive figures.
  2. Gross pay is zero and protected.
  3. Net must be positive.
  4. Only BDOEs having a year to date amount on PANN can be adjusted.

Typed vouchers validations

  1. All BDOE amounts will be positive or removed from processing.
  2. Negative Deductions are not allowed.
  3. All amounts must be positive or zero.
  4. All wages will be calculated based on the standard calculation.
  5. The Distribution for the particular pay period must be designated.
  6. The system will generate the payment id and check number.
  7. The net pay must be greater than or equal to zero.

Petty Cash validations

  1. Gross is modifiable and must positive.
  2. All amounts must be positive or zero.
  3. All wages will be calculated based on the standard formula.
  4. The Distribution for the particular pay period must be designated.
  5. There is no employee check number.
  6. The net pay must be greater than or equal to zero.

Reversal validations

  1. Allows negative or positive adjustments, or both, or any combination
  2. A cost center distribution is required only when gross earnings are not zero.
  3. For a reversal, adjustments to Federal, State, Oasdi and Medicare taxes may be made without associated wages being adjusted.


An Add causes an adjustment record to be created.

Typed Vouchers

The system will generate the Gross to Net calculation based on the employee information, and existing BDOEs from all sources, these values will be defaulted. The user will be allowed to make adjustments to all existing BDOE's.

Cash Receipt

Existing BDOEs from PSUM, based on the date paid in the banner, will be defaulted in pop-up screen for ease in adjusting values. All BDOE amounts will be negative or positive.

Petty Cash

This type adjustment is used to record, for W-2 purposes, payments that have been made "in-the-field" to temporary workers.


The amount of an employee deduction or tax is decreased (refunded) and the net pay of the employee is increased by the amount of the refund.


This type of adjustment is used to rectify:

List of Deductions

Command BDOE will be maintained by the payroll office with all BDOEs and the designation of whether they are Employee Deductions or Taxes, Employer Benefits or Taxes, Other Earnings, Exempt Wages or EIC. This list will be used by the system to determine which MSA D/OEs to use when validating Employee Deductions as described in the "Validations" section. Information exists here as to what a BDOE is "exempt from or for". This information is used in calculating the taxable wage bases.

Related Topics

ATTR - ATTRibute Table

Figure 135 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the ATTR function.

Figure 135. ATTRibute table - ATTR

 Press PF8 to view more records or enter new keys
  EPOATTR 1 DEMO              ATTRibute table - ATTR              04/15/97 08:13
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 04/01/1997
  Attribute Type: PD Attribute Code: N
   Action: V  Attribute Type: PD Payroll Detail
              Attribute Code: N
     Code     ----------- Description -----------   Updated  Updated By

     N        Non exempt extra compensation         03/31/97  PAY04
     RET      Early Retirement                      03/31/97  PAY04
     SERV     Service Award                         03/31/97  PAY04
     SS1      Summer Session 1                      03/31/97  PAY04
     SS2      Summer Session 2                      03/31/97  PAY04
     SS3      Summer Session 3                      03/31/97  PAY04
     SS4      Summer Session 4                      03/31/97  PAY04
     SS5      Summer Session 5                      03/31/97  PAY04
     SS6      Summer Session 6                      03/31/97  PAY04
     SS7      Summer Session 7                      03/31/97  PAY04

       Help  Suspd Quit                          Forwd

The following sections describe the ATTR function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"


The ATTR command is used by the Payroll Office to establish a coded list and definition of various types of payments and adjustments to previously paid amounts.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Update {U}
Delete {D}


These attributes are used in conjunction with supplemental payments as a means of describing in better detail the type of payment being made. Additionally there are system assigned attributes which are assigned on any payroll when appropriate. The assigned attributes become keys to access records of a similar nature for display on a list. Some attributes, which are related to Extra Compensation Payments, are assigned by the system: These are:
C1 1 Extra Comp Credit Hour
C2 2 Extra Comp Credit Hours
C3 3 Extra Comp Credit Hours
E Exempt extra Compensation
N Non-Exempt extra Compensation
The system will assign attributes to the payroll summary when normally scheduled deductions are not taken during the payroll process. These types include:
DNT Deduction Not Taken
TSDN Tax Sheltered Deduction Not taken

Additionally the user will assign appropriate attributes as descriptors for supplemental payments and for summer research. Currently defined attributes which must be used for summer research and summer teaching are:

BOTH Joint Summer Research and Teaching
SS1 Summer Session I
SS2 Summer Session II
SS3 Summer Session III
SS4 Summer Session IV
SS5 Summer Session V
SS6 Summer Session VI
SS7 Summer Session VII
For adjustments, a different set of attributes will describe the reasons for making an adjustment to the employees pay record. For example:
INV Invoice
403b Compliance with Annuity 403b regs.
TRTY Tax Treaty, Non-Resident Alien
Attributes may be defined on the table as the need to track specific types of payments and adjustments arises. However, since these records are retained, great care should be exercised in the assigning of these attributes.

PSUM - Payroll Summary

Figure 136is an example of the screen presented when accessing the Payroll Summary PSUM function.

Figure 136. Payroll Summary - PSUM

  EPOPSUM 1 TEST              Payroll SUMmary - PSUM              07/19/99 15:02
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 102528      Comp Type: SN Date: 01/31/1999
  Adj Type:     Payroll Type: M  CY: 1999 Adj Seq No:
   Action: V Employee: 102528 Schwab, William A                    Screen 1 of 4
             CY: 1999 Paid: 01/31/99 Type: M  Adj Seq No:
 Pay Cat: I    5,771.75
                                 Wage Base    EE Taxes    ER Taxes ____Hours____
   EE Gross    5,771.75 Fed IT    4,965.62    1,144.22             Reg:
 - EE Taxes    1,848.33 Ark IT    4,965.62      280.09             OT:
 - EE Deds       880.53 OASDI     5,542.80      343.65      343.65
 + EIC                  Medica    5,542.80       80.37       80.37 Student:
            =========== Ark WC    5,542.80                    7.21 Federal:
 = EE Net      3,042.89 ArkSUI    5,542.80                    7.76 Alien:
 YTD Gross     5,771.75                                ===========
                                     ER Benefits-Taxes      438.99
 Attr:                                           Other      787.10


       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextS
is a generic example of the second screen presented on PSUM.

 EPOPSUM 1 TEST              Payroll SUMmary - PSUM              07/19/99 15:03
 Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 102528      Comp Type: SN Date: 01/31/1999
 Adj Type:     Payroll Type: M  CY: 1999 Adj Seq No:
  Action: V Employee: 102528 Schwab, William A                    Screen 2 of 4
            CY: 1999 Paid: 01/31/99 Type: M  Adj Seq No:
 Type       Code Description          Short Comment  Src     Amount   Not Taken
 EE Tax     EOAS Emplyee OASDI Tax                    T      343.65        0.00
            EMED Emplye Medicare Tax                  T       80.37        0.00
            EFIT Emp Federal Inc Tax  4 S  0   80.00  T    1,144.22        0.00
            ARSI Ark State Income Tax 0   0    0.00   T      280.09        0.00
 Deduction  LIFE Opt. Life Insurance  50-54 2X 139K   B       51.43        0.00
            31   TIAA-CREF Reduction  10.00 %         B      577.18        0.00
            AD&D Accidental Death&Dis Fam 150K        B        4.50        0.00
            4E   Medical Coverage 125 Ch  POS         B      128.95        0.00
            4F   Optional LTD         Over 20K        B       18.47        0.00
            5M   Flex Medical 125     1200 annual     B      100.00        0.00

                          BDOEs 1  thru 10 of 18

       Help  Suspd Quit              YTD   PrevS Forwd
 Press PF8 to view next screen or enter new keys
Second screen after the user has pressed PF6 key to received the Year To Date figures.

  EPOPSUM 1 TEST              Payroll SUMmary - PSUM              07/19/99 15:06
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 102528      Comp Type: SN Date: 01/31/1999
  Adj Type:     Payroll Type: M  CY: 1999 Adj Seq No:
   Action: V Employee: 102528 Schwab, William A                    Screen 2 of 4
             CY: 1999 Paid: 01/31/99 Type: M  Adj Seq No:
  Type       Code Description          Short Comment  Src     Amount     Amount
  EE Tax     EOAS Emplyee OASDI Tax                    T      343.65      343.65
             EMED Emplye Medicare Tax                  T       80.37       80.37
             EFIT Emp Federal Inc Tax  4 S  0   80.00  T    1,144.22     1144.22
             ARSI Ark State Income Tax 0   0    0.00   T      280.09      280.09
  Deduction  LIFE Opt. Life Insurance  50-54 2X 139K   B       51.43       51.43
             31   TIAA-CREF Reduction  10.00 %         B      577.18      577.18
             AD&D Accidental Death&Dis Fam 150K        B        4.50        4.50
             4E   Medical Coverage 125 Ch  POS         B      128.95      128.95
             4F   Optional LTD         Over 20K        B       18.47       18.47
             5M   Flex Medical 125     1200 annual     B      100.00      100.00

                          BDOEs 1  thru 10 of 18

       Help  Suspd Quit              DNT   PrevS Forwd
is an example of the screen presented for a student pay record on the Payroll Summary PSUM function.

  EPOPSUM 1 TEST              Payroll SUMmary - PSUM              07/19/99 15:18
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 114116      Comp Type: SN Date: 01/31/1999
  Adj Type:     Payroll Type: M  CY: 1999 Adj Seq No:
   Action: V Employee: 114116 Sloan, James C.                      Screen 1 of 4
             CY: 1999 Paid: 01/31/99 Type: M  Adj Seq No:
 Pay Cat: I      855.56
                                 Wage Base    EE Taxes    ER Taxes ____Hours____
   EE Gross      855.56 Fed IT      870.56       28.71             Reg:
 - EE Taxes       44.60 Ark IT      870.56       15.89             OT:
 - EE Deds              OASDI
 + EIC                  Medica                                     Student: Y
            =========== Ark WC      870.56                    1.13 Federal:
 = EE Net        810.96 ArkSUI                                     Alien:
 YTD Gross       855.56                                ===========
                                     ER Benefits-Taxes        1.13
 Attr:                                           Other


       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextS
is a generic example of the second screen presented on PSUM for a student employee record.

  EPOPSUM 1 TEST              Payroll SUMmary - PSUM              07/19/99 15:19
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 114116      Comp Type: SN Date: 01/31/1999
  Adj Type:     Payroll Type: M  CY: 1999 Adj Seq No:
   Action: V Employee: 114116 Sloan, James C.                      Screen 2 of 4
             CY: 1999 Paid: 01/31/99 Type: M  Adj Seq No:
  Type       Code Description          Short Comment  Src     Amount   Not Taken
  EE Tax     EFIT Emp Federal Inc Tax  0 S  2    0.00  T       28.71        0.00
             ARSI Ark State Income Tax 0   0    0.00   T       15.89        0.00
  ER Tax     ARWC Ark Worker's Comp                    T        1.13        0.00
  Other Earn 06   Other Earnings                       S       15.00        0.00
  ExemptWage EWME Medicare Exempt Wges                 T      870.56        0.00
             EWOA OASDI Exempt Wages                   T      870.56        0.00
             EWSU State Unemp ExmptWgs                 T      870.56        0.00

                          BDOEs 1  thru 7  of 7

       Help  Suspd Quit              YTD   PrevS NextS
is a generic example of the third screen presented on PSUM for a person recieving a check.

   Payment and check distribution information decoded        PSUM 07/19/99 15:22
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 101499      Comp Type: SN Date: 01/31/1999
  Adj Type:     Payroll Type: M  CY: 1999 Adj Seq No:
   Action: V Employee: 101499 Abel, Christopher M                  Screen 3 of 4
             CY: 1999 Paid: 01/31/99 Type: M  Adj Seq No:

  _____________________________Payment Information______________________________
  Bank                                      Acct          ---Payment--  Check
  Code Name              Account No         Type  Amount     ID     St  Number
                                                 1,539.82 99998607  I   10000800

 Check Distribution Override Code:                                ___Voucher___
 Check Distribution BU: 1067 COMP COMPUTING SERVICES              R    2,537.75

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode             PrevS NextS
is a generic example of the third screen presented on PSUM for a person recieving Direct Deposit.

   Payment and check distribution information decoded        PSUM 07/19/99 15:21
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 900187      Comp Type: SN Date: 01/31/1999
  Adj Type:     Payroll Type: M  CY: 1999 Adj Seq No:
   Action: V Employee: 900187 Adams, Charles M                     Screen 3 of 4
             CY: 1999 Paid: 01/31/99 Type: M  Adj Seq No:

  _____________________________Payment Information______________________________
  Bank                                      Acct          ---Payment--  Check
  Code Name              Account No         Type  Amount     ID     St  Number
  95   UARK FEDERAL CRED 1206443294           S  1,325.79 99998263

 Check Distribution Override Code:                                ___Voucher___
 Check Distribution BU: 1027 ARSC ARTS & SCIENCES                 R    1,698.33

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode             PrevS NextS
is a generic example of the fourth screen presented on PSUM.

  EPOPSUM 2 TEST              Payroll SUMmary - PSUM              07/19/99 15:25
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 102528      Comp Type: SN Date: 01/31/1999
  Adj Type:     Payroll Type: M  CY: 1999 Adj Seq No:
   Action: V Employee: 102528 Schwab, William A                    Screen 4 of 4
             CY: 1999 Paid: 01/31/99 Type: M  Adj Seq No:

     Gross Pay
   _by Category_  _______Benefits_______  Employee Pay Frequency:
   I    5,771.75  Annual Salary:  75,500
                  Appointment %:     100
                  Age:               49
                  12 over 9:

   ___________________________Audit Log Information__________________________
   Created       07/19/1999 15:18  EPNBPLPS
   PSUM update
   ACH process
   Check Writer

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode             PrevS Q/Nxt
 Please enter new key fields

The following sections describe the PSUM function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"
"Special Report Rules for Adjustments."


The PSUM provides an comphrensive summary of each payment made to an employee. Gross pay, Calculated Wages, Taxes, and BDOEs are displayed for each record. The Pay Catagory(s) which made up the pay are displayed, as well as the payroll voucher type. PSUM is "generated" through the load process as are PANN, LABOR, DART and the accounting detail. Reports are provided to verify salary, wage and BDOE amounts coming out of the payroll. PSUM is the "backbone" of our payroll system for generating reports including 941's and W-2s. PSUM also contains data pertaining to the distribution of the employee's money for each payday. The third screen shows the check number and the check status or the amount that went ACH to each of the employee's bank accounts.

Access and Security

This Command is available for use only by the Human Resources office.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U} 61

Approval Routing

There is no routing of PSUM, as it is a historical record of payments already made to the employee.



The PANN file is a copy of the PSUM file for the first payroll of the calendar year. After that, each additional payroll creates a new PSUM which is added to the values on the PANN file, creating a year-to-date summary. The paydate of the last payroll added to the PANN file will be displayed below the banner with the calendar year.

If at any time the Federal Status is set to a value, that value will be carried over to the PANN record. However, a blank value in the Federal status will not over-write a previously set status.

Selected individuls in the payroll office will have update access to PANN. If an adjustment and corrected W-2 is created after the point that W-2's have been written, the User will add an appropriate comment referencing the PADJ correction and the 941c which was done to correct governmental reporting.

Special Report Rules for Adjustments.

There are special rules for the reports that come out of PSUM, as they relate to the adjustments. Since we are able to create PADJ records for any year, strict attention must be paid to the Calendar Year which is a banner key field. If the Calendar Yearis not equal to the current (or system date) calendar year, the adjustment figures will not be included in the Pay Summary for the current year.


In the same process whereby we load payroll information to LABOR and accounting, we also load the PSUM file. A UA Payment ID is assigned to each check or bank deposit that an employee receives. Initially the UA PAYMENT ID will have a status of P indicating that the issuance of the check is pending. (ACH will have a blank status) By the user pressing the PF4 decode, the check number or bank information will be displayed. The check distribution BU will decode to it alpha characters and name. This is displayed on the third screen of PSUM. Check numbers, assigned during the printing of the paychecks will be loaded to PSUM along with the status of I indicating a status of Issued. As the checks are cashed and reconciled on the UA payment file, the status will be changed again to reflect the appropriate status.

Selected individuls in the payroll office will have update access to PSUM. After an adjustment has been made to rectify the problem created by a Deduction Not Taken, the User will add an appropriate comment referencing the PADJ correction. The user will remove the DNT and/or the TSDN code from the attribute field. Removing the attribute will effectively remove the item from the List Deductions Not Taken (LDNT) command.

LPCD - List Paysummary for CY, Date and Type from name

Figure 137 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LPCD function.

Figure 137. LPCD (List Paysummary for CY, Date and Type from name0

  EPOLPCD 1 TEST  List Paysum for CY, Date, Type from name - LPCD 07/13/99 16:01
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 120001      Comp Type:    Date: 01/31/1999
  Payroll Type: M  Calendar Yr: 1999 Name:  BOUWMAN
 Pay Summary for CY: 99 Date: 01/31/1999 Type: M  starting from BOUWMAN

    Name                        ID  Sq  BU        Gross         Net S Alien Attr
  _ Bouwman, Marinus J        101202   1001       -0.93       -0.93         NEGG
  _ Bowlin, Christopher S.    133357   1103    3,294.42    2,046.68         BENE
  _ Bowling, Susan D.         120484   1103    1,677.25    1,163.33         BENE
  _ Bowman, Mary R.           129922   1312    1,780.58    1,195.07         BENE
  _ Bowman, Sandra G.         120611   1094    2,903.42    2,103.38         BENE
  _ Boyle, Scott M            137620   1089    1,666.67    1,314.79         BENE
  _ Brecht, Laura S           102309   1116    2,111.00    1,517.62         BENE
  _ Breedlove, Sandra K.      112294   1222    1,500.00    1,231.92         BENE
  _ Briggs, Raymond G.        110763   1155    1,772.83    1,357.57         BENE
  _ Britt, Juanita J.         137311   1211    1,102.42      998.89         BENE
 Suspend to Cmd: PSUM
                 Employees     1 thru    10 of   290 are displayed

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt             Forwd
 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys


LPCD allows the user to view paysummary records for a paydate, payroll type, calendar year, starting from a particular name. The list will contain employee ID, BU, gross pay, net pay, student status, alien status and payroll summary attribute. By pressing the PF4 key the BU will decode to it's alpha equivalent. If more detail is required, the default suspend command will be PSUM.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Date Payroll Date
Payroll Type
H Hourly
O Overtime/Supplement
A Adjustments
M Monthly
EA End of Academic Term
ES End of Summer
Calendar Year

LPSD - List Payroll Summary Dates for an Attribute

Figure 138 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LPSD function.

Figure 138. LPSD (List Payroll Summary Dates of an Attr)

  EPOLPSD 1 TEST   List Payroll Summary Dates for an Attr - LPSD  11/22/99 14:39
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 04/30/1999
  Attr: BENE
  Payroll Summary Dates for Attribute: BENE Benefits Eligible but Not Enrolled
                         on or before: 04/30/1999

     Cmd   Payroll Date  People Count
     ----  ------------  ------------
  _  LPSA   04/30/1999          121
  _  LPSA   03/31/1999          117
  _  LPSA   02/28/1999          116
  _  LPSA   02/25/1999            2
  _  LPSA   02/15/1999           10
  _  LPSA   02/10/1999            7
  _  LPSA   01/31/1999          114

                           Dates     1 thru     7
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt
 Select an entry, or enter new keys


LPSD allows the user to view attribute effective on or before a date. The list will contain Command, payroll date, number of employees having a particular attribute of a payroll. By changing the date in the banner, the user can increase or decrease the number of payroll dates listed for an attribute. If more detail is required, the default suspend command will be LPSA.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Date Payroll Date
Attr PF1 help is available on this field.

LPSA - List Payroll Summary for an Attr & Date

Figure 139 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LPSA function.

Figure 139. LPSA (List Payroll Summary for an Attr & Date)

   Suspended from LPSD                                       LPSA 12/21/99 11:41
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 04/30/1999
  Attr: BENE Name:                  Payroll Type:    CY: 1999 Adj Seq No:
 Payroll Summary with Attribute: BENE Benefits Eligible but Not Enrolled
               for Payroll Date: 04/30/1999 starting with Name:
                                                 CkDist _Payroll_ Adj
    Emp ID Employee Name                   Gross   BU   Year Type Seq  Stu Alien
  _ 101499 Abel, Christopher M          2,537.75  1067  1999  M
  _ 119789 Aikman, James E.             5,411.67  1064  1999  M
  _ 128807 Albright, Angela K.          2,557.89  1200  1999  M
  _ 103732 Aldrich, Charles E.          4,444.44  1066  1999  M
  _ 130919 Andersen, Craig R.           4,601.33  1064  1999  M
  _ 114139 Anderson, Youvarn H          2,876.75  1064  1999  M
  _ 117122 Andrews, Michael C.          2,894.75  1064  1999  M
  _ 105710 Annis JR., David C.          2,528.00  1064  1999  M
  _ 119544 Archer, Betty L              2,859.67  1064  1999  M
  _ 106045 Archer, Debbie J.            3,123.17  1064  1999  M
  Suspend to command: PSUM

           Pay Summary records     1 thru    10 displayed of   121
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt             Forwd
 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys


LPSA allows the user to view employees having a particular attribute for a specific payroll. The list will contain Employee Id, Employee Name, Gross, Check description BU, Year, Type, Adjustment Sequence number, Student, and Alien status. If more detail is required, the default suspend command will be PSUM.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Date Payroll Date

PANN - Payroll ANNual

Figure 140is an example of the screen presented when accessing the Payroll ANNual PANN function.

Figure 140. Payroll ANNual - PANN

 EPOPANN 1 TEST               Payroll ANNual - PANN              07/19/99 13:32
 Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 123208      Comp Type: SN Date: 01/31/1999
  CY: 1999
  Action: V Employee: 123208 Cook, Doris M                        Screen 1 of 2
            CY: 1999

 Gross                                  EE Taxes       ER Taxes      Wage Base
 Earnings:     81,666.67  Fed IT       27,046.11                     73,500.00
- EE Taxes     37,805.65  Ark IT        5,074.17                     73,500.00
- EE Deds       8,166.67  OASDI         4,501.20       4,501.20      72,600.00
+ EIC                     Medicare      1,184.17       1,184.17      81,666.67
           =============  Ark WC                         106.17      81,666.67
= EE Net       35,694.35  Ark SUI                        114.33      81,666.67
                                ER Benefits-Taxes      5,905.87          Hours
 Attr:                                       Other      8,179.38    Reg
                                                              Federal Emp Code

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextS
 Emp:123208 CY:1999 displayed; press PF8 for next screen or enter new keys
is a generic example of the BDOE screen presented on PANN.

   Action: V Employee: 123208 Cook, Doris M                        Screen 2 of 2
             CY: 1999

  Type           Code  Description              Amount
  EE Tax         EOAS  Emplyee OASDI Tax          4,501.20
                 EMED  Emplye Medicare Tax        1,184.17
                 EFIT  Emp Federal Inc Tax       27,046.11
                 ARSI  Ark State Income Tax       5,074.17
  Deduction      31    TIAA-CREF Reduction        8,166.67
  ER Tax         ROAS  Employr OASDI Tax          4,501.20
                 RMED  Employr Medicare Tax       1,184.17
                 ARSU  Ark State Unemp Tax          114.33
                 ARWC  Ark Worker's Comp            106.17
  Other Benefit  59    Employer TIAA/CREF         8,166.67

                          BDOEs 1  thru 10 of 13

       Help  Suspd Quit                    PrevS Forwd
 Please enter new key fields
is a generic example of the second screen of BDOE presented on PANN.

  EPOPANN 1 TEST               Payroll ANNual - PANN              07/19/99 13:40
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 123208      Comp Type: SN Date: 01/31/1999
   CY: 1999
   Action: V Employee: 123208 Cook, Doris M                        Screen 2 of 2
             CY: 1999

  Type           Code  Description              Amount
  Other Benefit  66    Employer BASIC Life            8.05
                 70    Employer LTD                   4.66
  Exempt Wage    EWOA  OASDI Exempt Wages         9,066.67

                          BDOEs 11 thru 13 of 13

       Help  Suspd Quit                    Back  NextR
 Please enter new key fields
is an example of the PANN screen presented for an employee who had exempt wages for part of the year.

Figure 141. Payroll ANNual for Student employee - PANN

  EPOPANN 1 TEST               Payroll ANNual - PANN              07/19/99 13:41
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 107454      Comp Type: SN Date: 01/31/1999
   CY: 1999
   Action: V Employee: 107454 Wardlow, Robert E                    Screen 1 of 2
             CY: 1999

  Gross                                  EE Taxes       ER Taxes      Wage Base
  Earnings:        791.67  Fed IT                                        696.67
 - EE Taxes                Ark IT                                        696.67
 - EE Deds          97.62  OASDI
 + EIC                     Medicare
            =============  Ark WC                           1.03         791.67
 = EE Net          694.05  Ark SUI
                                 ER Benefits-Taxes          1.03          Hours
 Attr:                                       Other         81.87    Reg
                                                              Federal Emp Code

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextS
 Emp:107454 CY:1999 displayed; press PF8 for next screen or enter new keys
is a generic example of the BDOE screen presented on PANN for a student employee record.

  EPOPANN 1 TEST               Payroll ANNual - PANN              07/19/99 13:42
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 107454      Comp Type: SN Date: 01/31/1999
   CY: 1999
   Action: V Employee: 107454 Wardlow, Robert E                    Screen 2 of 2
             CY: 1999

  Type           Code  Description              Amount
  Deduction      31    TIAA-CREF Reduction           79.17
                 33    Tiaa/Cref SRA                 15.83
                 4F    Optional LTD                   2.62
  ER Tax         ARWC  Ark Worker's Comp              1.03
  Other Benefit  59    Employer TIAA/CREF            79.17
                 66    Employer BASIC Life            1.04
                 70    Employer LTD                   1.66
  Exempt Wage    EWME  Medicare Exempt Wges         791.67
                 EWOA  OASDI Exempt Wages           791.67
                 EWSU  State Unemp ExmptWgs         791.67

                          BDOEs 1  thru 10 of 10

       Help  Suspd Quit                    PrevS NextR
 Please enter new key fields

The following sections describe the PANN function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Approval Routing"


The PANN provides a Calendar year summary of all payments made to an employee. Gross pay, Calculated Wages, Taxes, and BDOEs are displayed for each record. PANN is generated through the "load" process as are PSUM, LABOR, DART, PSUM and the accounting detail. Reports are provided to verify salary, wage and BDOE amounts coming out of the payroll. PANN will be accessed during an adjustment so that year to date totals are used to calculate OASDI and Medicare tax. The PANN file will be used for creation of W2's and the W2 audit report.

Access and Security

This Command is available for use only by the Human Resources office, as it contains protected information.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U} 62

Approval Routing

There is no routing of PANN, as it is a historical record of payments already made to the employee during a calendar year.



The PANN file is a copy of the PSUM file for the first payroll of the calendar year. After that, each additional payroll creates a new PSUM which is added to the values on the PANN file, creating a year-to-date summary. The paydate of the last payroll added to the PANN file will be displayed below the banner with the calendar year.

If at any time the Federal Status is set to a value, that value will be carried over to the PANN record. However, a blank value in the Federal status will not over-write a previously set status.

Selected individuls in the payroll office will have update access to PANN. If an adjustment and corrected W-2 is created after the point that W-2's have been written, the User will add an appropriate comment referencing the PADJ correction and the 941c which was done to correct governmental reporting.

LAAY - List payroll Annual for Attribute and Year

Figure 142 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LAAY function.

Figure 142. LAAY (List payroll Annual for Attribute and Year)

 EPOLAAY 1 PROD   List Payroll Annual for Attribute & Yr - LAAY  09/08/99 09:30
 Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 131864      Comp Type:    Date: 09/08/1999
 Payroll Type:    Attr: >13H  Calendar Yr: 1999  Name:
 Pay Annual for Yr: 1999  Attr: >13H  Greater than 1300 hours in the year
 starting from
   Name                    ID             Gross      Hours Attr1 Attr2 Attr3
 _ Anderson, Tye         135555        8,982.65   1,355.00  >13H
 _ Blankenship, Justin   138799        7,708.87   1,341.00  >13H
 _ Glisson, Jackie L     142079       12,099.38   1,321.75  >13H
 _ Guillory, Jennifer    143805        8,136.00   1,356.00  >13H
 _ Williams, Tiffany Le  143040        8,547.50   1,314.00  >13H
 _ Peppers, Ki           108279        8,141.46   1,385.75  >13H
 _ Quinney, Heather Eli  108835       17,628.00   1,379.00  >13H
 _ Randall, Ryan Dougla  139867        8,712.95   1,334.75  >13H
 _ Smith, Cedrick L      139715        7,894.23   1,346.50  >13H
 _ Zawislak, Jon E       114366       10,749.63   1,389.25  >13H
Suspend to Cmd: PANN
                Employees     1 thru    10 of    10 are displayed

      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt
Select an entry, or enter new keys


LAAY allows the user to view payroll annual records having an attribute for a calendar year, starting from a particular name. The list will contain employee name, ID, gross pay, total hours, and up to three attributes for an employee. The Payroll Office will use this list to track and idenify those employees having 1300 to 1500 hours. The State of Arkansas law allows an hourly extra help to work only 1500 hours at ANY state agency. If more detail is required, the default suspend command will be PANN.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Attr Attribute
>13H Greater than 1300 Hours
>14H Greater than 1400 Hours
>15H Greater than 1500 Hours
Calendar Year
Name 63

LPAE - List Payroll Annual for an Employee

Figure 143 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LPAE function.

Figure 143. LPAE (List Payroll Annual for an Employee)

 EPOLPAE 1 PROD    List Payroll Annual for an Employee - LPAE    09/08/99 13:32
 Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 901202      Comp Type:    Date: 09/08/1999
 Payroll Type:      Calendar Yr: 1998
 List Pay Annual for: 901202  Smith-Jones, Gene    on or after Year: 1998

     Cmd      Year            Gross        Hours     Attr1   Attr2   Attr3
 _  PANN      1998       111,054.50
 _  PANN      1999        68,823.34

                     Years     1 thru     2 of     2 are displayed

       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt
 Select an entry, or enter new keys


LPAE allows the user to view all payroll annual records having for an employee starting from a calendar year. The list will contain employee ID, gross pay, total hours, and up to three attributes for an employee. The user can selectively expand or restrict the list by changing the Calendar Year. If more detail is required, the default suspend command will be PANN.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Employee ID
Calendar Year

LPAY - List Payroll Annual for a Year from name

Figure 144 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LPAY function.

Figure 144. LPAY (List Payroll Annual for a Year from name)

 EPOLPAY 1 TEST  List Payroll Annual for a Year from name - LPAY 06/05/00 17:12
 Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 900067      Comp Type:    Date: 06/01/1999
  Calendar Yr: 1999  Name:                  Payroll Type:
 Pay Annual for Yr: 1999 starting from

   Name                    ID             Gross      Hours Attr1 Attr2 Attr3
 _ Abalos, Eliza Kanani  138514        2,350.00     160.00
 _ Abel, Marvin          101499       10,151.00
 _ Adams, Charles M      900187        5,062.49      33.50
 _ Adams, Glynn P.       125402       16,185.33
 _ Young, Samantha Ann   900224       12,750.00
 _ Adkins, Susan J       115535       39,593.76       8.00
 _ Aga, Ali B            900162        7,375.67     182.00
 _ Again II, Ava Test    900038        4,375.00
 _ Ahlers Sr., Glen-Pet  100715       36,305.00
 _ Ahrendsen  Jr., Bruc  129387       13,665.99
 Suspend to Cmd: PANN
                 Employees     1 thru    10 of   420 are displayed

       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             Forwd
 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys


LPAY allows the user to view payroll annual records for a calendar year, starting from a particular name. The list will contain employee name, ID, gross pay, total hours, and up to three attributes for an employee. The user can selectively expand or restrict the list by changing the Calendar Year. If more detail is required, the default suspend command will be PANN.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Attr Attribute
>13H Greater than 1300 Hours
>14H Greater than 1400 Hours
>15H Greater than 1500 Hours
Calendar Year
Name 64

EBKI-Employee BanK Information

Figure 145 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the EBKI function.

Figure 145. EBKI- EBKI

   Decoding has been performed                               EBKI 06/26/00 16:25
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 900015      Comp Type:    Date: 06/01/1999

   Action: V Employee: 900015 Smith, Albert S.

  Bank                                Acct  Account              Dollar
  Code Name                           Type  Number               Amount    Pct
  ==== ============================== ====  =================   ========  ======
  W3   BOATMANS                         C   951357852              25.00
  70   MCILROY BANK AND TRUST           C   951852741              25.00
  95   UARK FEDERAL CREDIT UNION        C   369852740              25.00
  A9   BANK OF FAYETTEVILLE             C   963852741              25.00
  17   CITY NATIONAL BANK               C   258741                 25.00
  CJ   CENTRAL BANK & TRUST             C   258741                        100.00
 Banks   1 thru   6 of   6 displayed; maximum allowed   6

 Check Distribution BU: ART  Art                      Payroll Override Code:

 Updated:  06/26/2000 16:25 by: PAY04    Jennifer Carey

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextR
 Please enter new key fields

The following sections describe the EBKI function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"


The Payroll office will establish bank information on an employee, in order for their net pay to be distributed to the bank account(s) of their choice, through the direct deposit process. The bank information will be stored on the employee file, then passed to PSUM for each applicable payroll to keep a history of this information.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Update {U}



BANK - BANK information and setup

Figure 146 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the BANK function.

Figure 146. BANK

  EPOBANK 1 TEST      BANK information and setup-BANK
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 04/23/1998
  Bank Code:

     Bank  Bank                                                         Bank
     Code  Name                           City           State  Zip     Routing #

     AA    American State Bank            Keiser           AR   72351   084104621
     A1    American First Credit Union    Tullahome        TN   37388   324377516
     BG    Bank of the Ozarks             Jasper           AR   72641   082903714
     B0    Citibank NA                    Fort Washington  NY   11050   028000082
     B1    Chase Manhattan Bank           Wilmington       DE   19899   031100144
     1N    Banco Popular De Puerto Rico   Ramyey           PR   00604   021502011
     18    Commerce Bank of Joplin        Joplin           MO   64801   101200398
     2M    First Federal of Arkansas      Stuttgart        AR   72160   282070324
     MN27  First Nation Bank              Norcross         GA   21340   356987401

       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   Forwd
 Press PF8 to view more records or enter new keys

The following sections describe the BANK function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"


The Payroll office will use this function to add new banks and and to update existing banks in the system.

Access and Security

BANK will only be available for Human Resources for payroll purposes.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

Add {A}
View {V}
Update {U}



LBRN - List Bank by Routing Number

Figure 147 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LBRN function.

Figure 147. List Bank by Routing Number-LBRN

  EPOLBRN 1 TEST       LIST BANK by Routing Number-LBRN
  COMMAND:      ACTION: V  EMP ID:       COMP TYPE:       DATE: 04/24/1998
 List Bank starting from Number:

    Bank            Bank                        Bank
    Routing         Name                        Code   City             State
 _ 021502011    Banco Popular De Puerto Rico    1N     Ramyey           PR
 _ 028000082    Citibank NA                     BO     Fort Washington  NY
 _ 031100144    Chase Manhattan Bank            B1     Wilmington       VT
 _ 082903714    Bank of the Ozarks              BG     Jasper           AR
 _ 082907744    Dequeen State Bank              DS     Dequeen          AR
 _ 082908744    Deking State Bank               DP     Deking           AR
 _ 282070324    First Federal of Arkansas       2M     Stuttgart        AR
 _ 356987401    First National Bank             MN27   Norcross         GA
 _ 565656565    Helsinki National Bank          H5     Bigelow          WA
 _ 753951258    Mickey Mouser National Bank     MM     Orlando          FL
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt             Forwd
 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys

The following sections describe the LBRN function:

"Access And Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"


This command will allow users to view and search for banks by routing number. The List will contain bank routing number, bank name, bank code,city, and state.

Access And Security

LBRN is only available to Human Resources for payroll purposes.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


LBBN - List Bank By Name

Figure 148 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LBBN function.

Figure 148. List Bank By Name- LBBN

  COMMAND:      ACTION: V  EMP ID:       COMP TYPE:       DATE: 04/24/1998
 List Bank starting from Name:

     Bank                           Bank                            Bank
     Name                           Code   City             State   Routing
  _ American First Credit Union     A1     Tullahoma        TN      324377516
  _ American State Bank             AA     Keiser           AR      084104621
  _ Banco Popular De Puerto Rico    1N     Ramyey           PR      021502011
  _ Bank of the Ozarks              BG     Jasper           AR      082903714
  _ Chase Manhattan Bank            B1     Wilmington       VT      031100144
  _ Citibank NA                     BO     Fort Washington  NY      028000082
  _ Commerce Bank of Joplin         18     Joplin           MO      101200398
  _ Dequeen State Bank              DS     Dequeen          AR      082907744
  _ First Federal of Arkansas       2M     Stuttgart        AR      282070324
  _ First National Bank             MN27   Norcross         GA      356987401
  _ Helsinki National Bank          H5     Bigelow          WA      565656565
  _ Mickey Mouser National Bank     MM     Orlando          FL      753951258
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt             Forwd
 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys

The following sections describe the LBBN function:

"Access And Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"


This command will allow users to view and search for banks in alpha order by the name. The List will contain bank name, bank code, city, state, and bank routing number.

Access And Security

LBBN is only available to Human Resources for payroll purposes.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


LSTB - List Summmer Teaching for a BU

Figure 149 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LSTB function.

Figure 149. List Summer Teaching for a BU

 Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
  EPOLSTB 1 TEST       List Summer Teaching for a BU - LSTB       04/13/98 08:49
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID:             Comp Type:    Date: 04/13/1998
  BU: GEOL Payroll Calendar Year: 1998
  List Approved Summer Teaching records for BU: 1130 GEOLOGY
                             for Calendar Year: 1998
         ------Employee------------ Comp Approval   Session #  & Hrs     Total
    Cmd   Employee Name      Emp ID Type   Date   I II III IV V VI VII   Amount
  _ SUMT Boss, Stephen/K.    137591  ST  04/08/98          3        3   5,700.00
  _ SUMT Eckhoff, Jeff/A.    107442  GT  04/10/98 6                     2,310.00
  _ SUMT Guccione, Margaret/ 103854  ST  04/08/98 3                 3   4,700.00
  _ SUMT Hansen, Jay/T       137583  GT  04/10/98       6               2,310.00
  _ SUMT Hoffman, Michael/P  103715  ST  04/08/98 6  6                 17,420.00
  _ SUMT Jameson, Eric/W.    137594  GT  04/10/98                   6   2,310.00
  _ SUMT Konig, Ronald/H     100705  ST  04/08/98 6     1               5,300.00
  _ SUMT Manger, Walter/L    101400  GT  04/10/98       6               2,850.00
  _ SUMT Peterson, Eric/W    137658  GT  04/10/98    3                  1,155.00
  _ SUMT Screen, Bobby/M     900108  ST  04/08/98 6     1               9,625.00

 SUMT Records     1 thru     10 of     12 displayed  Running Total:    53,680.00
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             Forwd


The LSTB list allows the user to view calendar year for a BU. Employees with approved Summer Teaching (SUMT) records.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

List Information

LTST - List Transactions for Summer Teaching

Figure 150 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LTST function.

Figure 150. List Transactions for Summer Teaching (LTST)

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  EPOLTST 1 TEST   List SUMT Txns for an employee for CY - LTST   04/13/98 08:50
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 101400      Comp Type:    Date: 04/13/1998
  Calendar Year: 1998
  List of all PAYROLL SUMT transactions for Calendar Year: 1998
  For Employee: 101400 Manning, Kenneth

          Comp               SUMT Transaction Information       Reject  No.
     Cmd  Type Action --Date & Time----by---Status-----Set------  Cd  Comments
  _  SUMT  GT    A    04/10/98 15:35 PAY04     E  04/10/98 15:37
  _  SUMT  GT    A    04/02/98 12:45 PAY04     W  04/02/98 14:05

        SUMT Transactions     1 thru     2 OF     2 are displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt

The following sections describe the LTST function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"


This command allows the user to track the activity of SUMmer Teaching that has been initiated for an employee. LTST displays information as to status of the transaction; time, date, and initiator of the transaction, and when the current status was set.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


GTNS- Gross To Net Simulation

Figure 151is an example of the screen presented when accessing the Gross To Net Simulation.

Figure 151. Gross To Net Simulation-GTNS

  EPOGTNS 1 TEST          Gross To Net Simulation - GTNS          07/16/99 14:11
  Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 101202      Comp Type:    Date: 01/31/1999
  Payroll Type: M  True Supplemental: N Student: N
  Gross Pay by Category I: 8969    N:         R:         E:         T:
   Action: V Employee: 101202 Bouwman, Marinus J                   Screen 1 of 2
  Payroll: 01/31/99 M  Supplemental:N Student: N
  Pay Category I: 8969    N:        R:         E:         T:

 _______GTN Summary______   _________Taxable Wages____________   ____Misc.____
                                       Current        Ytd
   Gross         8,969.00                             8,968.07   Pay Freq
 - EE Taxes      2,279.28   Fed IT     7,025.60      7,024.67   Alien
 - EE Deducts    2,325.72   Ark IT     7,025.60      7,024.67   Federal
 + EIC                      OASDI      7,175.60      7,174.67   Age      43
              ===========   Medicare   7,175.60      7,174.67   Salary   81536
 = Net           4,364.00   Ark WC     7,175.60      7,174.67   Position 23
                            Ark SUI    7,175.60      7,174.67   Ben Attr
 ER Taxes         568.24   Comp Period: 01/01/19- 01/31/1999    12over9
 Other Benes    1,359.15
                     Go to screen 2 for BDOE information
      Help  Suspd Quit                        NextS
Press PF8 to view next screen or enter new keys
is a generic example of the second screen presented on GTNS.

 EPOGTNS 1 TEST          Gross To Net Simulation - GTNS          07/16/99 14:19
 Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 101202      Comp Type:    Date: 01/31/1999
 Payroll Type: M  True Supplemental: N Student: N
 Gross Pay by Category I: 8969    N:         R:         E:         T:
  Action: V Employee: 101202 Bouwman, Marinus J                   Screen 2 of 2
 Payroll: 01/31/99 M  Supplemental: N Student: N
 Pay Category I: 8969    N:         R:         E:         T:

 Type       BDOE BDOE Description     Short Comment  Src   Amount       DNT
 EE Tax     EOAS Emplyee OASDI Tax                    T      444.83        0.00
            EMED Emplye Medicare Tax                  T      104.03        0.00
            EFIT Emp Federal Inc Tax  0 M  1    0.00  T    1,307.79        0.00
            ARSI Ark State Income Tax 0   1    0.00   T      422.63        0.00
 Deduction  C1   Child Support Garn                   S      367.93        0.00
            28   Garnishment          Testing         S       24.95        0.00
            31   TIAA-CREF Reduction  Testing         O      150.00        0.00
            AD&D Accidental Death&Dis Fam 100K        B        4.00        0.00
            4E   Medical Coverage 125 Fam POS         B      293.40        0.00
            4F   Optional LTD         Over 20K        B       30.77        0.00
                           BDOEs 1  thru 10 of 20
       Help  Suspd Quit              RNet  PrevS Forwd
 Please enter new key fields
is a generic a continuation of the second screen on GTNS.

Figure 152. Gross to Net Simulation-GTNS

 EPOGTNS 1 TEST          Gross To Net Simulation - GTNS          07/16/99 14:20
 Command:      Action: V Emp ID: 101202      Comp Type:    Date: 01/31/1999
 Payroll Type: M  True Supplemental: N Student: N
 Gross Pay by Category I: 8969    N:         R:         E:         T:
  Action: V Employee: 101202 Bouwman, Marinus J                   Screen 2 of 2
 Payroll: 01/31/99 M  Supplemental: N Student: N
 Pay Category I: 8969    N:         R:         E:         T:

 Type       BDOE BDOE Description     Short Comment  Src   Amount       DNT
 Deduction  88   9/12 Contributions                   S    1,454.67        0.00
 ER Tax     ROAS Employr OASDI Tax                    T      444.83        0.00
            RMED Employr Medicare Tax                 T      104.03        0.00
            ARSU Ark State Unemp Tax                  T       10.05        0.00
            ARWC Ark Worker's Comp                    T        9.32        0.00
 Other Bene 59   Employer TIAA/CREF                   S      896.90        0.00
            66   Employer BASIC Life                  S       17.50        0.00
            68   Employer Medical                     B      440.09        0.00
            70   Employer LTD                         S        4.66        0.00
 Other Earn 05   Comp Car             Big Car         O   -1,500.00        0.00
                           BDOEs 11 thru 20 of 20
       Help  Suspd Quit              RNet  Back  NextR
 Please enter new key fields

The following sections describe the GTNS function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"First Screen"
"Second Screen"


GTNS is an online pay calculation program providing an comphrensive summary of each possible payment to be made to an employee. Gross pay, Calculated Wages, Taxes, and BDOEs are displayed for each record. GTNS also displays other pertinent employee information. Student status, NRA and Federal employee status, age, salary, position number, and benefits attributes.

Access and Security

This Command is available for use only by the Human Resources office.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

First Screen

Sorry, but your search for documentation yielded No Results.

There is not currently a document devoted specifically to the function for which you requested information.

Use your browser's BACK button (or Click Here) to return to the previous screen.