The User profile program is used to maintain a BASIS user's customized profile. This program is accessed by pressing PF6 (Prof) from the Admin sign-on screen or from the window presented as a result of the LOG command issued from any application. Profile options include setting:
Note: The terminal emulation software used to access Admin may also be used to define foreground and background color settings of the various 3270 field types.
To update the profile, enter the desired changes and press ENTER to validate. Many options are available where you merely enter an 'x' to select the desired choice. PF1, Help, is available on all input fields to provide a definition of the field and, in some cases, select from a list of possible values. In addition to validating entries, ENTER will also show the the effect of terminal and field attribute changes. For example, color choices will be illustrated in the sample field as well as the actual fields on the screen that carry those attributes. The user profile is saved only if all data is valid and PF10 is pressed.
User Profile Screen |
Most terminal emulation software will support 3270, 3278, and 3279 type terminals. These relate to original IBM terminal hardware devices. The 3270 was a monochrome (one color, typically green and thus the reference as a green screen) terminal that only supported default intensity and intensified (bright) fields. This choice is not recommended. 3278 terminals are also monochrome but support the presentation of selected fields in reverse video or underlined. BASIS will utilize these attributes for a 3278 type terminal, but this is still not the recommended choice. A 3279 terminal supports 7 colors as well as reverse video and underlining. Unless there is an overriding reason, this should be the selection for BASIS users. Given a 3279 terminal selection, you may then select the four primary colors that will be used throughout BASIS to provide special visual cues. (In order to maximize this effect, these four colors must be different.) In addition, you may select the colors for your message line, PF Key names, and PF Key values. You may change these assignments by entering your desired color codes in the appropriate fields. Available color codes are displayed on the screen in that color (e.g. "BL" is displayed in blue). If the screen becomes garbled or some fields disappear, your emulator apparently will not support the features of a 3279 terminal. Press PF12 to return to a 3270 terminal type. If you get confused about the colors being assigned to fields, there are two easy ways to backout of the situation:
Invalid entries will result in an error and must be corrected before any data base change is allowed. The validations performed include: