University Procurement System

Processes: "How To For Departmental Users"

This section explains the processes by which you perform certain activities related to doing business with University of Arkansas e-Business Partners. These sections are best used as step-by-step guides as you request a Procurement Authorization with an e-Business Partner and review and reconcile charges electronically submitted by the e-Business Partner.

How To Submit a Procurement Authorization

The PA (Procurement Authorization) function provides the facility for an employee to request authorization to make purchases with APPROVED eBusiness Partners contracted with the University of Arkansas. These are vendors who have been defined as eBusiness Partners for which a Univeristy of Arkansas Purchase Order is not required, and the individual for whom authorization is granted will have a unique ID and in some instances, a password in order to purchase goods.

Each Procurement Authorization Request must include a default cost center for expensing of charges. Prior to charges being expensed a user will have the opportunity to 'redistribute' charges using a pre-defined set of cost centers pre-approved for that employee. To add additional cost centers for use in redistributing charges you will access the PAPC function.

Once saved, the transaction will route to the cost center managers for the default cost center entered on the procurement authorization.

Once approved, an 'administrator' in Business Affairs will access the list of approved authorizations for further action. Once the 'administrator' issues the Procurement Authorization, the employee for whom the authorization has been requested will either receive an ID and pasword via email for access to the online functions of the e-Business Partner, or instructions via email regarding training and other information related to the authorization request.

Step by Step Process

Creation and submission of a Procurement Authoriation is a one-step process.
Once you press PF10 the Authorization request is submitted via TARGET for approval.

Submitting a Procurement Authorization (PA)

A Procurement Authorization can be viewed, added, and updated. (VAU)

To submit a Procurement Authorization  

  1. In the Command field type:PA; tab to the Action field and type: A; tab to the Emp ID field and press PF1 to activate the help routine to locate the employee name. Please Note: If you include the first name you MUST use a comma (,) between the first and last name. Once you locate the employee name, select it, and the employee ID number will be displayed in the banner; tab to the Vendor ID field and press PF1 to activate the help facility. Select the appropriate eBusiness Partner and press 'Enter'.
  2. You will notice that the information regarding the employee is displayed below the banner. Also, if this employee is an hourly employee, that information will be displayed. IMPORTANT Review this information carefully to insure that you have selected the correct Employee ID.
  3. The BU associated with the employee is located in the Tracking BU field. This is mearly a default and can be modified to another BU is you choose. The BU entered here will be used to access list facilities for locating PAs and charges.
  4. If you are creating a Procurement Authorization with an eBusiness Partner who will be utilizing the Monthly Credit Limit, Single Txn Credit Limit, or Number of Txn per day fields, information pertaining to the maximum limits allowable will be displayed. These amounts, if applicable, may be lowered but not increased.
  5. If there are no amounts displayed in these fields, tab to the Company Cost Center field.
  6. In the Company Cost Center field type the cost center that will most likely be used to distribute your charges. REMEMBER This cost center MUST be a maintenance cost center. If you wish to include other cost centers for use in re-distributing charges, you may enter those from the PAPC function.
  7. In the Category field, enter the category that will most likely be used to distribute your charges. NOTE: If you wish to change it when you approve your charges, you can at that time.
  8. The Project field is available if you further categorize your charges at a project level.
  9. The Comment field is available for use if you would like to enter any other information in relation to the employee. If you are entering a PA for an hourly employee you will be required to enter the Supervisor's name in this field.
  10. Press 'Enter' to validate and PF10 to submit the Procurement Authorization via TARGET for approval.
  11. Depending on the vendor selected, the employee will then either receive an ID and password via email for access to the online functions of the eBusiness Partner, or instructions via email regarding training and other information related to the authorization request.

How To Update a Procurement Authorization

A Procurement Authorization may be updated from any Status. The only restriction will be when the PA still has a Status of 'A' the PA may only be updated on the same day that it was created; otherwise you must wait until the Status has been updated by the 'administrator' of the account before you can go back and make any updates.

  1. Once you have located the PA you wish to update, in the Action field, type a 'U' (update); in the Effective Date field you will enter the current date unless you are creating a future dated record. Press 'Enter'.
  2. The fields available on an update are: Tracking BU, PA Status, Credit Limits (if applicable), Company Cost Center, Category, Project, and Comments.
  3. Once you have updated the appropriate information, press 'Enter' to validate and PF10 to submit via TARGET for approval.

How to Cancel a Procurement Authorization

There are several reasons a Procurement Authorization may need be canceled: For Example:

Step by Step Process

  1. Type PA in the Command field; tab to the Action field and type 'U'; press 'Enter'.
  2. The system will prompt you then to enter the Employee ID. Press PF1 to activate the employee help routine. Once you have located the employee, tab to the Vendor ID field and press PF1 to activate the vendor help facility. Once you have located the eBusiness Partner you are looking for, press 'Enter'.
  3. Tab to the PA Status field. Change the Status to an 'X'; press 'Enter' to validate. If you wish to add a transaction comment, you may do so by pressing the PF11 key; otherwise press PF10 to submit the transaction via TARGET for approval. This transaction will only route to the 'administrator' within the Office of Business Affairs for their approval.

  4. How to Add Additional Cost Centers for use in Distributing Charges

    Once you have created a Procurement Authorization for an employee, there will be many times when you will want to include, in addition to the default cost center on PA, additional cost centers for use in re-distributing charges downloaded. This is especially true for those departments that have grants, cost sharing cost centers, etc. that are not allowable to be used as a default cost center, but can be used on the back end to re-distribute charges.

    As additional cost centers are added, it must be noted that these cost centers are linked to an individual employee for their use. Once the use of a cost center is approved via the cost center managers, this cost center may be used by this employee for any eBusiness Partner this employee has a Procurement Authorization setup with.

    Step by Step Process

    1. Type PAPC in the Command field; tab to the Action field and type 'A' (Add); press 'Enter'.
    2. In the Employee ID field press PF1 to activate the employee help facility. Type the last name of the employee you are looking for. If you want to further define your help you can also include the first name. PLEASE NOTE: If you include the first name you MUST use a (,) between the first and last name. Once you locate the employee name, select it and the employee ID number will be displayed in the banner.
    3. Tab to the Cost Center field and type the cost center you want to include; press 'Enter'.
    4. You will notice that the information regarding the employee is displayed below the banner. Also, if this is employee is an huorly employee, that information will be displayed. IMPORTANT: Review this information carefully to insure that you have selected the appropriate employee.
    5. Your cursor will be in the Default Category field. Type the appropriate Category; press 'Enter' to validate and PF10 to submit your transaction via TARGET for approval by the cost center managers for the cost center you entered.
    6. Upon final approval of the transaction, this cost center will be included in a group of cost centers available for this employee to use when distributing charges.
    7. To view all cost centers currently pre-defined for a specific employee, use the list function: LACE. To view the default cost center on this employee's PA (s); press PF4.
    8. To view all employees who have authorization to use a specific cost center for use, use the list function: LEAC.

    9. How to Remove Additional Cost Centers for use in Distributing Charges

      There will come a time when you will want to remove certain cost centers for use by an employee. There are a couple of reasons this may happen:

      Step by Step Process

      1. HINT: Prior to beginning this process go to the list function, LEAC to find a list of employees who are currently setup to use this cost center. From there you can mark the names and suspend over to PAPC to begin the following additional steps.
      2. Type PAPC in the Command field; tab to the Action field and type 'D' (Delete); press 'Enter'.
      3. If you have not accessed the LEAC to begin your process, go to the next step; otherwise all information will be displayed and you simply have to press PF10 to submit your deletion request via TARGET for approval.
      4. In the Employee ID field press PF1 to activate the employee help facility. Type the last name of the employee you are looking for. If you want to further define your help you can also include the first name. PLEASE NOTE: If you include the first name you MUST use a (,) between the first and last name. Once you locate the employee name, select it and the employee ID number will be displayed in the banner.
      5. Tab to the Cost Center field and type the cost center you want to include; press 'Enter'.
      6. You will notice that the information regarding the employee is displayed below the banner. Also, if this is employee is an huorly employee, that information will be displayed. IMPORTANT: Review this information carefully to insure that you have selected the appropriate employee.
      7. Press PF10 to submit your deletion request via TARGET for approval.

      8. How to Locate Procurement Authorizations using Various List Facilities

        Below are the lists available for use when locating Procurement Authorizations:

        LTEV - List Transactions for an Employee and Vendor

        By selecting the appropriate Employee ID and then 'optionally' selecting a Vendor, you will see all the transactions that took place for a particular Employee ID and Vendor.

        LABU - List procurement Authorizations for a BU

        By inputing the appropriate BU in the BU field in the banner you will see all of the Procurement Authorizations that have been created for the BU you selected in the banner, along with the names of the employees and the Status of the Procurement Authorization.

        LPAE - List PA's for an Employee (opt Vendor)

        By inputing the appropriate Employee ID and 'optionally' the Vendor ID, you will see all of the 'effective dated' records for a particular Employee.

        How to Locate Pre-Approved Cost Centers Assigned to an Employee

        This is a great list to utilize when you are canceling someone's PA, in order to also see what other cost centers a particular employee has been authorized to use.

        The following list facility will display any additional pre-approved cost centers that have been assigned to a specific employee.

        LACE - List Authorized Cost centers for an Emp

        By pressing PF1 and selecting the appropriate Employee ID in the Employee ID field in the banner and pressing 'Enter', any additonal cost centers that have been added for the Employee ID you have selected, will be displayed.

        By pressing the PF4 (DCode> a window will be displayed which will show the default cost center that is being used on the Procurement Authorization (PA) for the Employee, along with displaying the e-Business Partner.

        How to Locate Employees Assigned to a Pre-Approved Cost Center

        This is a great list to utilize when a cost center is no longer valid and you want to identify all of the employees who are currently setup to use this cost center. IMPORTANT NOTE: The cost center entered in the banner will only display employee names, IF that cost center was entered from the PAPC command. The list will not recognize 'default' cost centers entered from PA.

        The following list facility will display all employees currently authorized to use a particular Cost center when distributing charges.

        LEAC - List Employees Authorized to use a Cost center

        In the CCC field type the cost center you are interested in, press 'Enter'.

        If there are any employees currently authorized to use this cost center, those employee names will be then be displayed.

        How to Locate and Approve Charges for Purchases with e-Business Partners

        Depending on the e-Business partner an employee's charges may be downloaded to the BASIS system daily, weekly, or monthly. Each e-Business partner will have specific payment terms which will define the Cut-Off Date a department must use to locate a particular list of charges.

        Step One - Locate the Cut-off Date

        Although there are several lists that can help you identify the Cut-Off Date we will discuss the use of the EBP - eBusiness Parter table.

        Once charges have been downloaded by an e-Business Partner, departments will have a certain amount of time to approve these charges prior to the entire invoice being paid. It is important to note, that regardless of whether or not you approve your charges, the invoice will be paid once the Cut-Off date has been reached.

        1. Type EBP in the Command Field and press 'Enter'.
        2. At this point simply press the PF8 forward key to 'scroll' through the list of vendors until you find the one you are looking for. You will notice the Cut-Off Date displayed at the bottom of the screen for the month of invoices you are interested in.
        3. Once you have identified the Cut-Off Date you are ready to proceed to Step Two - Locating Employees for your BU who have Unapproved Charges

        Step Two - Locating Employees for your BU who have Unapproved Charges

        Now that you have located the Cut-Off Date you have several options available for locating charges.

        1. If you are not sure who in your BU may have incurred charges for a given month; type LEEB (List Emps w/unapp. Echgs for vendor, dt&BU) in the Command field and press 'Enter'.
        2. Tab to the Vendor ID field and press the PF1 key to activate the Vendor Search Facility. A list of the valid e-Business Partners will be displayed. Select the e-Business Partner you are interested in; tab to the Cut-Off Date field and type the Cut-Off Date that you located from the EBP Table; tab to the BU field and type the Budgetary Unit Code you are interested in locating. Press 'Enter'.
        3. All employees who have unapproved charges for the particular vendor and Cut-Off Date for the BU you entered, will be displayed.
        4. You are now ready to proceed to Step Three - How to Approve your Charges.

        Step Three - How to Approve your Charges

        1. Once you have located your employee's names from LEEB; select an employee by tabbing to the box next to the employee's name and pressing the PF2 (Suspend) key. The system will take you to the list function: LEEV (List Echarges for an Emp, Vendor & Date).
        2. This list will show you ALL of the charges made by this individual. Mark the charges that are still 'unapproved' and press the PF2 (Suspend) key. The system will take you to the function: EIC (Electronic Invoice Charges). At this point you are now ready to approve your charges.
        3. Change the Action to a 'U' (Update); and press 'Enter'.
        4. Your cursor will be in the BU field; if you wish to modify the BU you may do so, otherwise tab to the Received Date field. A date will default (this is normally the ordered date, or transaction date); this date may be modified.
        5. Tab to the Approval Code field. The code defaults to a 'U' (Unapproved). At this point you have a choice of modifying the code to a 'G' (Good) or an 'R' (refund being requested). IMPORTANT: Even if you put an 'R' in this field, the vendor will still receive payment, but this code can be used to monitor how many orders resulted in a refund.
        6. If the vendor provides item detail (complete list of items purchased) this information will be available by pressing the PF11 (ItemDt) key. If accessing this screen, by pressing PF3 (Quit) the screen will be removed.
        7. If the charge you are approving does not have SALES TAX shown in a separate field, the system will prompt you to enter a tax status in the Tax Status field. By pressing PF1 you will see a list of the available status codes. If you select UT the sytem will then prompt you to enter information in the Use Tax Locality field. By pressing the PF1 key you will activate the SHIP TO addresses. Select the appropriate Ship To and the tax location number will be displayed.
        8. If you wish to expense these charges against the default cost center and category displayed on the screen, at this point you will press 'Enter' to validate and PF10 to save. If you only wish to change the default category, you may change it at this point and then press PF10 to save.
        9. If you want to redistibute your charges to other 'pre-defined' cost centers see: ???????????????????????????????????? [ Top of Page | Previous Page | Next Page | Table of Contents ]