University Procurement System

Processes: "How To For Office of Business Affairs"

This section explains the processes by which you perform certain activities related to processing Procurement Authorizations in the BASIS system for use in establishing Procurement IDs, monitoring account activity, and other activity associated with setting up employees to do business with the University of Arkansas e-Business Partners. These sections are best used as step-by-step guides as you process Procurement Authorization requests. This How-To is only for activity within the BASIS system. Any additional processing within the e-Business Partner's maintenance facility is not covered in this manual.

Overview of Office of Business Affairs' Role

There are certain individuals within the Office of Business Affairs who will be administering the accounts established with our e-Business Partners. These individuals will be referred to as 'administrators'.

Each administrator will work closely with an e-Business Partner in establishing appropriate IDs, etc. necessary to do business with that particular vendor. This will involve not only processing information within the BASIS application, but may also involve maintaining certain levels of data within the e-Business Partner's software.

Overview of eBusiness Partnership with Staples, US Bank, and VWR

Once the PA reaches final approval by the appropriate cost center managers, the PA Status will be an 'A'. As PAs reach a Status of 'A' the administrator will go to the JOBS function and run a job that will FTP all the PAs that became an 'A' Status since the last time the job was run. The FTP file will then be imported into an excel spreadsheet and emailed as an attachment file to the appropriate e-Business Partner contact for processing.

How to Run JOB to Electronically Submit Employee Information to Staples

Step by Step Process

  1. Go to LPSV and view all procurement authorizations with a Status of 'A' for Staples. This is mearly to see if there are any additional procurement authorizations that need to be sent to Staples prior to going to the JOBS function to run the FTP job.
  2. This step is critical!! Your FTP MUST be up and running on your machine prior to submitting the job.
  3. Type JOBS in the Command field and press 'Enter'.
  4. Your cursor will be in the Job field. Press PF1 to activate the help facility to locate the job named: UPJSPAE - Staples Procurement Authorization Extract. Select the UPJSPAE job. You may also just type the job name without accessing the help facility.
  5. In the Action field, type 'S' - Submit and press 'Enter'.
  6. Your cursor will be in the File Destination IP Address field. The IP Address of the main administrator's machine will be defaulted in this field. If someone else will be running this job from their PC, this information must be modified to the IP Address of their machine.
  7. TheFTP ID will also be defaulted to the main administrator's ID, but is modifiable if someone else is running the job.
  8. Type your FTP Password in the FTP Password field. (Will not see what is typed)
  9. The Path will be defaulted to the main administrator's path, but is modifiable. (This is where the file will be stored on your PC)
  10. The FILENAME.EXT is where you will type the file name you have defined to save this FTP under. EXAMPLE: S051602.text would represent the FTP file for Staples that was submitted on 5/16/2002.
  11. The Report Output Destination ID will default to your main printer location, but is modifiable. NOTE: In order to print the User ID information for each individual on one page, be sure and have your printer setup to print landscape.
  12. Press 'Enter' to validate and PF 10 to submit the JOB.
  13. Once you have pressed PF10 go back to the Action field and type 'V'. Press the PF5 (Restart) key until you see a date and time appear in the Trigger field. (This is letting you know that the job has completed its initial edits and is in the que for processing.
  14. IF the job could not complete its initial edit, instead of a date and time appearing in the Trigger field, an error report will generate on your printer explaining why the job could not be started.
  15. IF the job did trigger, then continue to press the PF5 key until a date and time is populated in the Start and Finish fields.
  16. Example 1 is an example of the report that will print if all edits have been met and the job is going to FTP.
  17. Example 2 is an example of the report of user ids that have been FTP to your computer.
  18. IMPORTANT!!! Now exit your FTP software!!!! As long as your FTP is up and running, your machine can be accessed by any outside user!!!
  19. You are now ready to take the FTP file and import it into an excel spreadsheet to email to Staples as an attachment for entry into their Stapleslink system.
  20. Activate Excel and then under the File Menu Select Open.
  21. Locate the FTP under the directory you stipulated when you submitted the job. Make sure you select ALL FILES under the Files of Type, otherwise you will only be seeing excel files and will not locate your FTP file.
  22. Once located,double click on the file and a window will be displayed which is labeled "Text Import Wizard". The Data Type of Delimited will be have already been selected.
  23. Click on the Next button.
  24. You are now looking at Step 2 of 3 of the Text Import Wizard. This is the screen where you identify how the file is delimited. The screen will default to the TAB box being selected. Click on this field to remove the TAB from selection.
  25. Click on the COMMA Box selection to activate that box. You will then notice at the bottom of the window that your Data preview of the columns will be displayed.
  26. Chang the Text Qualifier default of " to 'none' by accessing the drop down window at the right of the screen.
  27. Click on the Next button.
  28. You are now at Step 3 of 3. You will notice a "Column Data Format" window at the far right. It will have the General selection selected.
  29. Click on the clolumn where the passwords are located and change the column data format to 'Text'.
  30. Click Finish.
  31. Your information is now displayed in the Excel Spreadsheet.
  32. At this point you will expand the columns as needed and also add any column headings needed. For Example: Last Name, First Name, User ID, Password, email address, Phone #
  33. You will save this spreadsheet in the folder you have designated to store these in.
  34. You will now send the email to the Staples rep along with a copy to the rep on campus with the excel spreadsheet attached.
  35. Within 24 hours they will respond back to you that these User IDs have been entered and you may then select these employees from the LPSV list, suspend to PAA and update the Status to an 'I' and add the Procurement ID.

How to Run JOB to Electronically Submit Employee Information to US Bank

Step by Step Process

NEED TO PUT STUFF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How to Run JOB to Electronically Submit Employee Information to VWR

Step by Step Process

  1. Go to LPSV and view all procurement authorizations with a Status of 'A' for VWR. This is mearly to see if there are any additional procurement authorizations that need to be sent to VWR prior to going to the JOBS function to run the FTP job.
  2. This step is critical!! Your FTP MUST be up and running on your machine prior to submitting the job.
  3. Type JOBS in the Command field and press 'Enter'.
  4. Your cursor will be in the Job field. Press PF1 to activate the help facility to locate the job named: UPJVWRP - VWR Procurement Authorization Extract. Select the UPJVWRP job. You may also just type the job name without accessing the help facility.
  5. In the Action field, type 'S' - Submit and press 'Enter'.
  6. Your cursor will be in the File Destination IP Address field. The IP Address of the main administrator's machine will be defaulted in this field. If someone else will be running this job from their PC, this information must be modified to the IP Address of their machine.
  7. TheFTP ID will also be defaulted to the main administrator's ID, but is modifiable if someone else is running the job.
  8. Type your FTP Password in the FTP Password field. (Will not see what is typed)
  9. The Path will be defaulted to the main administrator's path, but is modifiable. (This is where the file will be stored on your PC)
  10. The FILENAME.EXT is where you will type the file name you have defined to save this FTP under. EXAMPLE: V081407.text would represent the FTP file for VWR that was submitted on 08/14/2007.
  11. The Report Output Destination ID will default to your main printer location, but is modifiable. NOTE: In order to print the User ID information for each individual on one page, be sure and have your printer setup to print landscape.
  12. Press 'Enter' to validate and PF 10 to submit the JOB.
  13. Once you have pressed PF10 go back to the Action field and type 'V'. Press the PF5 (Restart) key until you see a date and time appear in the Trigger field. (This is letting you know that the job has completed its initial edits and is in the que for processing.
  14. IF the job could not complete its initial edit, instead of a date and time appearing in the Trigger field, an error report will generate on your printer explaining why the job could not be started.
  15. IF the job did trigger, then continue to press the PF5 key until a date and time is populated in the Start and Finish fields.
  16. IMPORTANT!!! Now exit your FTP software!!!! As long as your FTP is up and running, your machine can be accessed by any outside user!!!
  17. You are now ready to take the FTP file and import it into an excel spreadsheet to email to VWR as an attachment for entry into their system.
  18. Activate Excel and then under the File Menu Select Open.
  19. Locate the FTP under the directory you stipulated when you submitted the job. Make sure you select ALL FILES under the Files of Type, otherwise you will only be seeing excel files and will not locate your FTP file.
  20. Once located,double click on the file and a window will be displayed which is labeled "Text Import Wizard". The Data Type of Delimited will be have already been selected.
  21. Click on the Next button.
  22. You are now looking at Step 2 of 3 of the Text Import Wizard. This is the screen where you identify how the file is delimited. The screen will default to the TAB box being selected. Click on this field to remove the TAB from selection.
  23. Click on the COMMA Box selection to activate that box. You will then notice at the bottom of the window that your Data preview of the columns will be displayed.
  24. Chang the Text Qualifier default of " to 'none' by accessing the drop down window at the right of the screen.
  25. Click on the Next button.
  26. You are now at Step 3 of 3. You will notice a "Column Data Format" window at the far right. It will have the General selection selected.
  27. Click on the clolumn where the passwords are located and change the column data format to 'Text'.
  28. Click Finish.
  29. Your information is now displayed in the Excel Spreadsheet.
  30. At this point you will expand the columns as needed and also add any column headings needed. For Example: Last Name, First Name, User ID, Password, email address, Phone #
  31. You must now locate the correct Account number for the individual and place that number in the Default VWR Ship To Account field. You will look at your crossreference sheet to determine the number.
  32. In the first column of the spreadsheet you must determine whether you need to put an 'M' (modify) or an 'A' (Add). You will look at the existing users given to you by VWR to determine if the users you are sending already have a profile or not. If they do then you will put an 'M' in this column. If not, then you will type an 'A' i this column.
  33. You will save this spreadsheet in the folder you have designated to store these in.
  34. You will now send the email to the VWR designation with the excel spreadsheet attached. This will be sent to the solutions group at Within this email also tell them that you want to be notified once they setup the profiles.
  35. Within 24 hours they will respond back to you that these User Profiles have been entered and you may then select these employees from the LPSV list, suspend to PAA and update the Status to an 'I' and add the Procurement ID.

Finding Procurement Authorizations for Further Processing

Once the 'administrator' has been notified by the eBusiness Partner that the account (s) have been setup, the 'administrator' will access the list function strong> LPSV - List Procurement ids by Status for a Vendor to locate ALL approved Procurement Authorizations for a particular vendor. Once the list is displayed, each record will be marked and the 'administrator' will suspend to the PAA - Procurement Authorization Administrator function to change the PA Status, add the Procurement ID and send an email to the employee regarding their Procurement ID, password, and/or training requirements.

Step by Step Process

  1. Type LPSV in the Command field and press 'Enter'.
  2. In the Status field type 'A' (approved); tab to the Vendor No field and press the PF1 key to access the eBusiness vendor help facility. Select the appropriate eBusiness Partner; tab to the Date field and type the current date. Press 'Enter' and a list of the approved employees will be displayed.
  3. At this point you will mark the appropriate employee names and press PF2 (Suspend). The system will take you directly to the PAA function.
  4. Once at PAA, make sure you have a 'U' (update) in the Action field. Your cursor will be in the Procurement Authorization ID field. If this is an eBusiness Partner in which the User ID is the Procurement Authorization ID, then you will enter the User ID; otherwise you will enter the credit card number, etc.
  5. Tab to the PA Status and change the Status from an 'A' to an 'I' (issued) and press 'Enter' to validate.
  6. Press PF10 to save. The system will display an email window with the email address of the employee whose PA you are processing. Press PF10 to submit the email notification to the employee; press PF10 again to save the modifications you made.

How to Cancel a Procurement Authorization

There will be times when you will be asked by the dept to cancel a Procurement Authorization or due to some other factor, you will make a determination to cancel a PA. Although a PA may be canceled by the department using the PA function, you can also cancel the PA from PAA. REMEMBER: If you cancel the PA from the PAA function, this WILL NOT route through TARGET. If it is canceled from PA it WILL route through TARGET.

IMPORTANT:Whenever a PA is 'cancelled' the 'administrator'will also be required to update the eBusiness Partner's software accordingly.

Step by Step Process

  1. Type PAA in the Command field; tab to the Action field and type 'U' (update) and press 'Enter'.
  2. Press PF1 while cursor is in the Employee ID field in order to access the employee help facility to locate the Emp ID. Once you have selected the appropriate Emp ID tab to the Vendor ID field and access the help facility by pressing PF1 to select the appropriate eBusiness Partner.
  3. Tab to the Date field and enter the current date in order to access the most current effective dated record for the employee. Press 'Enter'.
  4. Tab to the PA Status field and change the Status to an 'X' (cancelled). Press 'Enter' to validate.
  5. The system will then display a message asking you to enter a comment as to why you are cancelling the PA. Press the PF9 (EDesc) key to access the extended text facility to document why the PA is being canceled. NOTE: This comment can only be viewed from the PAA function.
  6. Once you complete entering the comment, press PF10 to save the comment, then press PF10 to save you update to the PA record.

How to Suspend a Procurement Authorization

There may be atime when you will be required to 'Suspend' an employee's authorization for a specific reason. A PA may only be 'suspended' by an 'administrator' from the PAA function. IMPORTANT: Whenever suspending someone's authorization you will also be required to update the eBusiness Partner's software accordingly.

Step by Step Process

  1. Type PAA in the Command field; tab to the Action field and type 'U' (update) and press 'Enter'.
  2. Press PF1 while cursor is in the Employee ID field in order to access the employee help facility to locate the Emp ID. Once you have selected the appropriate Emp ID tab to the Vendor ID field and access the help facility by pressing PF1 to select the appropriate eBusiness Partner.
  3. Tab to the Date field and enter the current date in order to access the most current effective dated record for the employee. Press 'Enter'.
  4. Tab to the PA Status field and change the Status to an 'S' (suspended). Press 'Enter' to validate.
  5. The system will then display a message asking you to enter a comment as to why you are suspending the PA. Press the PF9 (EDesc) key to access the extended text facility to document why the PA is being suspended. NOTE: This comment can only be viewed from the PAA function.
  6. Once you complete entering the comment, press PF10 to save the comment, then press PF10 to save you update to the PA record.

How to use the Extended Text Facility to Document Issues Related to a Procurement Authorization

There will be instances when you will want to document certain activies occurring against an employee's PA. You will do that by accessing the Extended Text Facility from the PAA function.

Step by Step Process

  1. Type PAA in the Command field; tab to the Action field and type 'U' (update) and press 'Enter'.
  2. Press PF1 while cursor is in the Employee ID field in order to access the employee help facility to locate the Emp ID. Once you have selected the appropriate Emp ID tab to the Vendor ID field and access the help facility by pressing PF1 to select the appropriate eBusiness Partner.
  3. Tab to the Date field and enter the current date in order to access the most current effective dated record for the employee. Press 'Enter'.
  4. Press the PF9 (EDesc) key to access the extended text facility in order to type the information you want to document. NOTE: This comment can only be viewed from the PAA function.
  5. Once you complete entering the comment, press PF10 to save the comment, then press PF10 to save you update to the PA record.
  6. NOTE: This is the only instance in which the system will not create a new effective dated record.

How to Process Invoices Received from Staples Related to eBusiness

Until such time as the Accounting Regulations have been updated to no longer require a 'hard copy' invoice to be on file, even though we receive 'electronic feeds' of invoice data, we will still receive a 'hard copy'invoice which will be scanned into FYI.

Each day a job will be run by the 'administrator' of the account to pull the invoice data for orders that were shipped by Staples the previous day.

When these orders are downloaded to the BASIS system a 'hard copy' report is also generated that will display the total dollar amount of the downloaded invoice data and an AP ID which was assigned by the BASIS system when the download was received.

In a few days, invoices for these downloaded charges will be received in Accounts Payable. These invoices will be given to the 'administrator' of the account so that the appropriate AP ID can be put on the invoices. Once the AP ID has been put on the first page of the invoice (attach the other invoices to the first one) this invoice will be given to Accounts Payable for scanning into the FYI system.

How to Download Charges from Staples

Charges from Staples are downloaded daily from an FTP address assigned by Staples. These charges are downloaded directly from the Staples FTP site to the BASIS system.


How to Process Invoices for a PCard

As charges are downloaded, the BASIS system asigns a 'Document Number' to each charge. The departmental user approving the PCard charge writes this 'Document Number' on the receipt related to the downloaded charge, and sends this receipt to Accounts Payable for scanning. Receipts are scanned and retrievable by entering the 'Document Number in the imaging system. Although the BASIS system assigns an AP ID to each download, there is nothing imaged against this AP ID, like there is with regular invoices. US Bank sends a hardcopy invoice at the end of each cycle period which includes all of the daily downloaded charges. This document is scanned into the imaging system by Business Affairs.

How to Download Charges from USBank Related to the PCard

Step by Step Process

You will have a directory set up on your hard drive from the Rood Directory of 'C'. The folder will be labeled usbank. (This is where you will store all of your files related to PCard charges)

Step 1

  1. US Bank will have charges ready to pickup from the previous day's posting by 10:00 AM each day. The only exception would be if they are having some trouble with their server.
  2. Go to US Bank's website using the information given to you under separate cover.(bookmark this page)
  3. Select the 'Logon' on the left side of the screen. A screen will be displayed.
  4. In the 'User ID' field, type the User ID given to you under separate cover.
  5. In the 'Password' field type the password given to you under separate cover.
  6. Click on the 'Logon Icon'. You will receive a message which says LOGON IS SUCESSFUL.
  7. Select 'Directory' on the left side of screen. A new screen will be displayed.
  8. In the 'Mailbox' field, type the number given to you unde separate cover.
  9. Under the Creation Date: In the 'From' field, type a date 2 or 3 days prior to the current date. In the 'To' field, type the current date.
  10. Click on the 'Directory Icon'
  11. Any files NOT already downloaded will displayed in blue. All other files that may be listed will not be selectable, once they have downloaded. IMPORTANT: Once you have downloaded a file, you cannot download it again!!!
  12. Select the file you want to download. The system will ask you if you want to save this file to disk. You will click 'OK'. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR USBANK FOLDER DISPLAYED IN THE 'SAVE IN' FIELD
  13. In the File Name field it will display the file name given to the file by US Bank. You will change the name to follow this standard: iyyyymmdd.txt
  14. You can now exit your browser. You are ready for Step 2.

Step 2

  1. Locate the file you just saved and display it on your PC.
  2. The first thing you will do now is make sure the Date that is displayed on the first line of the file, is the same date you used when you saved the file. If the date is not the same, you must close the file, change the file name to the date that is on the first line of the file, then pull it back up.
  3. Under 'File', select 'Page Setup' then select 'Landscape'. Now, click on 'OK'.
  4. Print the file
  5. Now close out the file. You are ready for Step 3.

Step 3

  1. This is where you will take your printout and highlight the cardholder name, dollar amount, and tax field. This is tedious, but it really gives you a heads up to what is going on with a cardholder.
  2. On the last page of the printout there will be data that begins with a '95' and data that begins with a '98'. You will take and divide the '98' amounts by 2 to insure that they equal the '95' record. If they do not equal, notify your contact in BASIS.
  3. You are now ready for Step 4.

Step 4

  1. Activate your FTP. Do not forget this important step!!! If you forget this part, DO NOT run the UPJCARD job again!! You will run a different JOB that will pull the information.
  2. Go to JOBS and submit job name: UPJPCARD
  3. The date defaults to the current date. You only change this date IF the file you are attempting to upload to BASIS has a different date.
  4. Once you enter all of your other information regarding your FTP password, etc. press PF10 to submit the JOB.
  5. You will get a printout which tells you the amount uploaded and the number of charges. Make sure that the $ amount on the printout is equal to the amount uploaded!
  6. Take the $ amount and number of charges and enter it in your spreadsheet. This is great information for reviewing how many charges are being put on a PCard and also a quick way of identifying by month the dollar amount and number of charges.

  7. How to Process Invoices Received from VWR Related to eBusiness

    Until such time as the Accounting Regulations have been updated to no longer require a 'hard copy' invoice to be on file, even though we receive 'electronic feeds' of invoice data, we will still receive a 'hard copy'invoice which will be scanned into FYI at the end of each month.

    Each day a job will be run by the 'administrator' of the account to pull the invoice data for orders that were shipped by VWR the previous day.

    When these orders are downloaded to the BASIS system a 'hard copy' report is also generated that will display the total dollar amount of the downloaded invoice data and an AP ID which was assigned by the BASIS system when the download was received. These charges are downloaded with Level III reporting therefore no need for a hardcopy from the department showing the items purchased.

    At the end of each month, VWR will send a consolidated statement which details all invoices electronically downloaded along with a total amount due. This statement will be imaged in FYI for review when required.

    How to Download Charges from VWR

    Charges from VWR are downloaded daily from an FTP address assigned by VWR. These charges are downloaded directly from the VWR FTP site to the BASIS system.

    When an order is placed via, the administrator will receive an email from the cbill group of VWR. The Subject Line will say:Daily Summary File. The email will have a Billing Date Range: You will need that date when downloading the charges.

    The attachment will be the EDI Transmission Summary. You will need both of these documents when downloading the charges, so when you receive this email PRINT the email itself along with the attachment. It would also be a good idea to keep the email in a folder labeled VWR until the end of the billing cycle, then you can delete it.

    Type JOBS in the Command Field ; tab to the Action Field and type S (Submit) and press 'Enter'.

    In the JOBS field type UPJVWRIT and press 'Enter'.

    The cursor will be in the FTP IP Address Field and will be populated with: Tab to the PSWD: Field and type the password that has been given to you under separate cover. Tab to the FTP File Field. The following will be displayed: VWRUArkYYYMMDD.dat You will type over the YYYYMMDD with the date that is displayed on the Statement for Period Date that is printed on the attachment from email entitled: EDI Transmission Summary. For Example: 20070809

    Tab to the Invoice Date Field and type the date that is on the Billing Date Range on the inital email. For Example: 08/08/07

    Tab to the Detail Invoice Count Field and type the number shown from the EDI Transaction Summary Attachment that is displayed in the Regular Invoices Transmitted Field.

    If there are any credit invoices transmitted, type that amount in the Credits Column of the Detail Invoice Count.

    Tab to the Tax Field and type the total that is displayed in the EDI Transaction Summary Attachment in the Tax Dollars for Non Credit Invoices.

    If there is an amount in the Tax Dollars for Credit Invoices Field, type that amount in the Credit Column.

    In the Total Amount Field type the amount displayed from the Invoice Dollars for Non-Credit Invoices.

    If there is an amount for Invoice Dollars for Credit Invoices type thta amount in the Credit Column.

    Press 'Enter' to validate. Make sure you have selected the appropriate Report Output Destination. Press PF10 to Submit.

    NOTE: This is NOT a JOB that requires your FTP to be running. This JOB goes directly to VWR's site and downloads the data directly to the mainframe.

    The BASIS system will assign the Invoice number with a suffix of a 'Z'. That way, there is not a chance of it being the same number assigned to an invoice received by Accounts Payable.

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