Command Reference: Online Functions

Command Reference: Online Functions

The functions and lists associated with the UPS (University Procurement System) application, relating to the processes of using a State of Arkansas Procurement Card, Fuel Card or other Credit Cards that may be implemented, are defined on the following pages.

EBP - EBusiness Partners

Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the EBusiness Partners function.

Figure 1. EBusiness Partners Screen - EBP

 UPOEBP 1 DEMO          EBusiness Partners - EBP                    3/14/02
 Command:        Action: V  Req:       :       Vendor:       
 Action: V      Vendor #:142764  Name #:   2 Staples Business Advantage
         MAD Record Type: EBP    Addr #:   2 Dept: ROC
                                             Hartford CT  06150-0851
  E-Partner Code: STAPLES
 E-Business Name: Staples Business Advantage            Status: A (Active)

 Authorization ID Type:

 Administrator Group (TARGET Criterion Value):  1 (Office Supplies)

 --------Period----------           Cut-Off               Payment
   Begin          End                Date                  Date
 06/01/2002     06/30/2002          07/24/2002           07/25/2002
 07/01/2002     07/31/2002          08/24/2002           08/25/2002
 Added on:

 Updated by:            on

      Help Suspd  Quit Dcode  RStrt             NextR       Save

The following sections describe the EBP - EBusiness Partners function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Special Considerations"


The EBP (EBusiness Partners) function provides the facility for an individual within the Office of Business Affairs to View, Add, and Update, eBusiness partners contracted with the University of Arkansas to electronically feed the University of Arkansas, invoices for purchases made by individuals who have been given Procrurement Authorization to make such purchases.

This table is maintained by an individual within Business Affairs, knowledgeable in the process of Procurement Authorization creation and processes.

Information maintained here includes:

Access and Security

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Update {U}


ADD Validations

  1. Required fields on an 'Add' are:
  2. PA Restrictions will default to a 'blank' (no restrictions) , but these fields may be modified depending on the e-Business Partner's restrictions, to any one, or all, of the following: 'M'(Monthly Amount), 'T'(Transaction Amount), and 'D' (Daily Transactions).
  3. The Authorization ID Type will default to a 'blank' (No University User ID), but may be modified to a 'U' (University User ID).
  4. Status will default to an 'A' and may not be modified on an 'Add'.
  5. Only a valid Vendor Name Number will be allowable entry.
  6. Only a valid Vendor Address Number will be allowable entry.
  7. A Vendor Org Type of I (internal) will not be allowable entry in the banner.
  8. A Vendor Status of I (inactive> will not be allowable entry in the banner.
  9. A Vendor Name Type or Vendor Address Type of 'X' is not allowable.
  10. PA Restrictions of 'M', 'T', 'D' are the only valid restriction codes other than a 'blank'.
  11. Only a Vendor Status of A will be allowable on an add.
  12. The only valid Administrator Group codes are numeric from 1 through 9. Only a code represented on the help facility will be available for use.

DATE Validations for Add and Update

  1. The Begin Date may not be later than the End Date.
  2. The End Date may not be PRIOR to the Begin Date.
  3. The Cut-Off Date may not be later than the Payment Date.
  4. The Cut-Off Date may not be PRIOR to the Begin or End Dates.
  5. The Payment Date may not be PRIOR to the Begin or End Dates.
  6. Once a download has been received for a particular month, the dates for that month may not be modified.
  7. Once the Payment Date for a particular month has passed, the system will require the user to remove that occurance. Once removed, the second occurance will 'rollup' and the next month's dates may be added.

UPDATE Validations

  1. Modifiable fields on an 'Update' are:
  2. Only a Vendor Status of 'I' or 'A' will be allowable on an update.
  3. An 'M', 'T', 'D', or 'blank' are the only valid PA Restriction codes allowable.
  4. The only valid Administrator Group codes allowable are those represented on the help routine.


  1. E-Business partners are added and certain restrictions that may be imposed by the vendor are identified. This restrictions include: monthly transaction limits, number of transactions per day, and transaction amount. The PA Restrictions field will default to a 'blank', meaning that no restrictions apply, but is modifiable.
  2. Each e-Business Partner is assigned an Administrator group number which identifies the desk of the 'administrator' of the account within the Office of Business Affairs. Certain updates to Procurement Authorizations will be routed using the criteria established on this table.
  3. The Vendor help routine accessed in the PA and PAPC functions is a result of the e-business partners entered on EBP.
  4. The Authorization ID Type establishes whether or not the vendor will use the User ID of the employee to establish the Procurement ID or not. The type will default to a 'blank', meaning the a User ID will NOT be used, but may be modified.
  5. The Status will default to an 'A' (Active), but may be updated and changed to an 'I' (Inactive) if the e-Business Partner is no longer contracted with the University of Arkansas for electronic transmission of data. e-Business Partners with a Status of 'I' will not be available for viewing on the help routine on PA, PAPC, or PAA.

Processing of Payment Dates

  1. It is ESSENTIAL that the individual(s) responsible for maintaining these dates be completely knowledgeable in how each of these dates work in relation to the e-Business Partner.
  2. The EBP table allows for 2 months of payment information for each e-Business Partner. As one payment date ends, the system will require the user to remove that month's dates and the next month's dates will 'rollup' to the first occurance. The user will then enter the month's dates following the dates in the first occurance.
  3. Prior to entering any Cut-Off or Payment Dates the user MUST first look at the calendar to determine if the dates to be entered fall on a weekend or a University holiday. If they do, then the dates entered here must be adjusted accordingly. NEVER USE A CUT-OFF DATE THAT FALLS ON A WEEKEND OR UNIVERSITY HOLIDAY.

Special Considerations

  1. No Vendor should be added to this function without consulting the BASIS Development Team.
  2. No Vendor Name Number or Address Number should be added to this function without consulting the BASIS Development Team.
  3. UPEP is the Criterion Value in TARGET which allows the entry of the appropriate 'desk' of the 'administrator'within Business Affairs for the particular e-Business account. There will be a maximum of ten (10) Criterion Values that may be assigned.
  4. Review Groups associated with these types are currently defined as follows, with others to be added as identified:
  5. A specialized help will be available on the TARGET Criterion Value field which will display the Values as listed above for selection. This Criterion Value identifies the Review Group.

PA - Procurement Authorization

Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the Procurement Authorization function.

Figure 1. Procurement Authorization Screen - PA

 UPOEBPA 1 DEMO      Procurement Authorization - PA            2/27/02
 Command:        Action: A  Req:       :   PO:       :    TA:       
 Employee ID: 116163   Vendor ID: 155983-01-002         Date:
 Action: A Employee: 116163  Carter, Donna Lee                   Screen 1 of 1
 BU: AVCB  Asso Vice Chan Busin       Title: Project/Program Specialist
 Campus Phone: 479/575/8414  E-mail Addr:

   E-Business Partner:  Staples Business Advantage

   Effective Dates:  From           through                  Initiated:
Tracking BU: BASI                            PA Status: 

Monthly Credit Limit:            99999999.99
Single Transaction Limit:        99999999.99
Number of Transactions per day:  999
Default Cost Center: 0102-02030-61-0000    Default Category: Supplies  PR: XX

      Help Suspd  Quit Dcode  RStrt                         Save


The following sections describe the PA (Procurement Authorization) function:

"TARGET Transaction Routing"
"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"


The Procurement Authorization function (PA) is the TARGET transaction facility for requesting, approving, and establishing authority for University of Arkansas employees to make purchases on behalf of the university from certain vendors who have a particular relationship with the university, known as an eBusiness partnership. A separate effective dated Authorization is required for each individual for each e-Business partner. Data related to the Authorization is maintained through this function and through the PAPC (Procurement Authorization Preapproved Cost centers) function.

After an Authorization has been approved, the individual will be assigned a unique identification and will be sent an e-mail notification. Details related to required training and to receipt and activiation of procurement cards, purchaser identification, and any associated passwords will vary depending upon the e-Business vendor. Although restricted by any limitations associated with a particular Authorization, the individual will be authorized to purchase goods and services from the specific vendor without the requirement of a purchase order number.

TARGET Transasction Routing

Although approval may be granted for expensing eBusiness purchases made on a particular Authorization to multiple company cost centers, each Procurement Authorization requires entry of a single company cost center to be used as a default cost center for the expense. Initial authorization requests will be routed based on this cost center using the TARGET criteria CBCC (Comapny, Budgetary unit, Cost Center number) - Materiality.

If updating the Status from an 'I' or 'A' to an 'X', the transaction will only route to the appropriate Review Group - Administrator for approval.

If changing the default cost center or category, the transaction will route to the appropriate CBCC group - Materiality.

If updating the Status from an 'X' to an 'A', the transaction will route to the appropriate CBCC group - Materiality, with the 'administrator' of the appropriate review group for the particular eBusiness Partner being final approver.

Access and Security

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Update {U}
Delete {D}


ADD validations

  1. Required fields on an 'Add' are:
  2. The limits defined on the EBP table for the e-Business Partner selected, if applicable, will default in Monthly Credit Limit, Single TransactionLimit, and Number of Transactions per day fields. These amounts may be LOWERED, but not increased.
  3. The employee selected must have an official University of Arkansas email address on the employee file in order to be selected for use.
  4. The Tracking BU is required entry and will default to the BU for that Emp ID on the employee file. This field is modiable though, but must be a valid BU on the BU table.
  5. On an 'Add' the Effective Date will be equal to the current date and may not be modified. Upon final approval of the TARGET transaction, the Effective Date will then reflect the date of final approval.
  6. The Default Cost Center may ONLY be a MAINTENANCE CC. Cost centers will State Appropriation Voucher (on CCC File) equal to SSXX are not allowable. Cost centers with companies equal to 013X or 04XX are not allowable.
  7. The Default Cost Center must have an Active Date on the CCC Table which is earlier than or equal to the Effective Date on the transaction.
  8. The Default Category must be a valid Category for the Cost Center selected.
  9. Only one 'added' record may exist for an Employee ID andVendor ID combination.
  10. If adding an hourly employee, the comment will be required entry with a message that prompts the user to enter the supervisor's name.

UPDATE validations

  1. Modifiable fields on an 'Update' are:
  2. AnEffective Date will be required entry in the banner on an update.
  3. A PA may only be future dated up to 6 months.
  4. If the PA Record being updated has a Status of 'A', the Effective Date may not be in the future.
  5. A PA record with a Status of 'A' may only be updated if the update takes place on the same day as the Effective Date.
  6. The Effective Date may not be earlier than the current date and may be future dated as long as the record being updated does not have an initial Status of 'A'.
  7. The Default Cost Center may ONLY be a MAINTENANCE CC. Cost centers will State Appropriation Voucher (on CCC File) equal to SSXX are not allowable. Cost centers with companies equal to 013X or 04XX are not allowable.
  8. The Default Cost Center must have an Active Date which is earlier than or equal to the Effective Date on the transaction.
  9. The Default Category must be a valid Category for the Cost Center selected.
  10. The PA Status may be updated from an 'A' or an 'I' to an 'X'. No other fields may be modified with the exception of the Comment field. The transaction will then only route to the review group for the 'administrator' of the eBusiness Partner for approval.
  11. A PA Status of 'X' may only be updated to a Status of 'A'. The transaction will then route to the appropriate CCC managers for approval with the 'administrator' of the eBusiness Partner account being final approver.
  12. The Comment field is the only modifiable field for a PA Status of 'X' if not updating the PA Status to an 'A'.
  13. A PA record may NOT be updated if there is currently a future dated record. The future record must be deleted PRIOR to the PA being allowed to be updated.
  14. If updating a PA where the employee is no longer a valid U of A employee, the Status must be changed to an 'X'.
  15. A Status of 'S' is not allowable entry from this function.
  16. A Status of S (suspended) may not be updated from this function.
  17. If updating a PA with a Status of 'A' or 'I' to an 'X' the system will ignore the Date Project Begin and End Dates for the cost center.

DELETE validations

  1. Only FUTURE dated records may be deleted. If deleting a future dated record, it must route through the CBCC group for approval.


This function allows a Procurement Authorization to be requested for an employee. There are specific vendors identified in which Procurement Authorizations may be requested. These vendors are referred to as 'eBusiness Partners'. Currently the eBusiness Partner available for use is Staples. Other eBusiness Partners to be included in the near future are: VWR Scientific, US Bank, FuelMan, and others as identified.

In order to do business with one of our eBusiness Partners, the individual for whom the authorization is requested must be a University employee. This also includes hourly employees as long as they have an active wage rate on file. If the employee has been assigned a position in PSB, the position number will be displayed. If the employee is an hourly employee, the words 'HOURLY EMPLOYEE' will be displayed.

Once approved, depending on the eBusiness Partner selected, an individual will receive either a Procurement Card, or a unique Customer ID (Procurement ID) and password to access a site in which to purchase goods.

Once the Emp ID and Vendor ID have been entered in the banner, the information related to the employee will be displayed, along with the name of E-Business Partner as defined in the EBP table.

Procurement Authorizations are Effective Dated. This means that each time a Procurement Authorization is created or 'updated', the system will create a separate record. For Example: A PA is created for Donna Carter with Staples. This creates an effective dated record. The PA is then updated at some point and cancelled. This creates another effective dated record. At some point, Donna Carter wants to again have a PA with this particular vendor. The original canceled PA will be updated and the Status will be changed to an 'A'(reflecting that a PA is now being requested again). This creates another effective dated record for this employee/vendor combination.

The LAST record created will always have a through date of 12/31/2099.

UA Employee identification number, assigned uniquely to all new employees.
The U of A Vendor Number that has been assigned to the vendor for which authorization is being requested.
The date an entry is to be effective. This may be the starting effective date for creation of an entry or may be any date within a period for which an entry is effective for retrieval purposes.

PAPC - Procurement Authorization Preapproved Cost centers

Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the Procurement Authorization Preapproved Cost centers function.

Figure 1. Procurement Authorization Preapproved Cost centers Screen - PAPC

 UPOEBPA 1DEMO Procurement Authorization Preapproved Cost centers - PAPC 2/27/02
 Command:        Action: A  Req:       :   PO:       :    TA:       
 Emp ID: 116163   Cost Center: 0402-05103-00-1975   
 Action: A Cost Center: 0402-05103-00-1975  (description)
                  From: 02/27/02 Thru: 06/30/03
                Emp ID: 116163  Carter, Donna Lee
                    BU: AVCB  Asso Vice Chan Busin
                 Title: Project/Program Specialist      (HOURLY EMPLOYEE)

         Email Address:        Campus Phone: 479/575-8414

 Default Category: Supplies    

 Approving this transaction is authorizing this cost center to be used to
 distribute costs of goods purchased by this individual with eBusiness
 Partners contracted with the University of Arkansas, until such time as
 the cost center becomes inactive. 

      Help Suspd  Quit Dcode  RStrt                         Save


The following sections describe the PAPC (Procurement Authorization Preapproved Cost centers) function:

"TARGET Transaction Routing"
"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"


The PAPC (Procurement Authorization Preapproved Cost centers) function is the TARGET transaction facility for requesting, approving, and maintaining authority to distribute expenses to a certain company cost center for purchases made by a particular university employee from e-Business Partners for which the employee has a Procurement Authorization. The authority for distributing expenses to this company cost center is maintained until such time as it is removed from the employee's list. WE MAY ADD A STATUS HERE, NOT SURE

TARGET Transaction Routing

The transaction to establish the authority to distribute expenses to a particular company cost center will be routed based on the TARGET cirteria CBCC (Company, Budgetary unit, Cost Center number)- Materiality chain.

Access and Security

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Update {U}
Delete {D}


  1. The employee selected must be a valid U of A employee on the employee file. If an hourly employee there must be an active wage rate on file.
  2. Cost Centers with an SS in the first two characters of the State Appr Voucher field on the Cost Center table will not be allowable for use.
  3. The Project Begin Date and Project End Date from the CCC table will be displayed.
  4. A Cost center may not be selected if the Project Begin Date is in the future of the current date.
  5. A Cost center may not be selected if the Project End Date is prior to the current date.


  1. As cost centers are selected and approved, these cost centers will be available for use on a specialized help routine that may be accessed from the EIC function.

PAA - Procurement Authorization Administrator

Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the Procurement Authorization Administrator function.

Figure 1. Procurement Authorization Administrator Screen - PAA

UPOPAA 1 DEMO    Procurement Authorization Administrator - PAA        3/6/02
 Command:        Action: A  Req:       :   PO:       :    TA:       
 Emp ID: 116163  Vendor ID: 155983-01-002               End Date:    
                    -------------Employee Info-----------------
Employee: 116163  Carter, Donna Lee                           Screen 1 of 1
 BU:AVCB  Assoc Vice Chan Busin                Title: Project/Program Specialist

 Campus Phone:479/575-8414    E-mail Addr:
  E-Business Partner: Staples
	Effective Dates  From:                    Through:
------------------------Procurement Authorization Info-----------------------
Procurement Authorization ID:                             PA Status:
Monthly Credit Limit:           99999999.99             Tracking BU:
Single Transaction Limit:       99999999.99
Number of Transactions per day: 999
-----------------------------Cost Center Info---------------------------------
Default Cost Center: 0102-02030-61-0000    Default Category: Supplies  PR: XX

      Help Suspd  Quit Dcode  RStrt                   EText Save          EMail


The following sections describe the PAA (Procurement Authorization Administrator) function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"


The PAA (Procurement Authorization Administrator) function provides the facility for the 'administrator' within the Office of Business Affairs to update an employee's Procurement Authorization in order to add the Procurement ID, change the Status, updating credit limits, or to simply document issues relating to that particular account.

Updates to credit limits and number of transactions per day will only be applicable to Procurement Authorizations with an e-Business Partner where PA Restrictions have been entered on the EBP table.

There is also the ability of emailing the employee the Procurement ID, along with other information regarding training, etc.

Access and Security

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}


UPDATE validations

  1. Modifiable fields on an 'Update' are:
  2. There must be a Procurement Authoriztation record for the employee and vendor combination before the authorization can be updated from this function.
  3. A Status of 'A' may be updated to either an 'I' or an 'X'.
  4. A Status of X (Canceled) may only have the extended text updated and the Procurement ID removed, but removal is not required.
  5. A Status of 'I' or 'S' may not be changed to an 'A'.
  6. If the Status is modified to an 'I' the Procurement ID field may not be a 'blank'.
  7. If updating the Status to an 'X', a comment is required entry in the Extended Text facility.
  8. If updating the Status to an 'S', a comment is required entry in the Extended Text facility.
  9. If there is an 'M' in the PA Restrictions field on the EBP table for the vendor number on the screen, the Monthly Credit Limit field may be modified.
  10. If there is a 'T' in the PA Restrictions field on the EBP table for the vendor number on the screen, the Single Transaction Credit Limit field may be modified.
  11. If there is a 'D' in the PA Restrictions field on the EBP table for the vendor number on the screen, the Number of Transactions per Day field may be modified.
  12. If entering information in the Procurement ID field and the Status is an 'A' the Status must be modified to an 'I' (Authorization Issued and Active).
  13. If the Authorization ID Type for the vendor on the EBP table is a 'U' the Procurement ID must be the employee's email User ID.

Valid Status'

A Approved - Approved; awaiting Authorization Number
I Authorization Issued & Active
X Authorization Cancelled
S Authorization Suspended


This function allows an eBusiness Partner administrator within the Office of Business Affairs to update a Procurement Authorization in order to document issues, add a Procurement ID, and when updating a Procurement Authorization related to a P-Card, the administrator will have the ability of modifying the Credit limits and transaction amounts.

Once a Procurement Authorization is approved by the appropriate CCC managers, the Status will become an 'A' (Approved; awaiting Authorization Number). The 'administrator' for the e-Business Partner will access the list function LPSV - List Procurement ids by Status for a Vendor to find those Procurement Authorizations that require further processing. In most cases the 'administrator' will be looking for those Procurement Authorizations (PA) with a Status of 'A', but the other Status' are available for listing. For example: If the 'administrator' wants to see all of the Procurement Authorizations that have been suspended, this could be accomplished by entering the Status of 'S' in the banner.

If the e-Business Partner utilizes the employee's User ID as the Procurement ID, this will be entered in the Procurement ID field.

If the e-Business Partner utilizes a credit card number or other identifier that is created by the e-Business Partner, that number will be entered in the Procurement ID field.

Extract new PA IDs issued for Staples

Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the JOBS function.

Figure 1. UPJSPAE - Extract new PA IDs issued for Staples

UPJSPAE 1 PROD             JOB Submission - JOBS                     5/2/02
 Command:        Action: S  Req:       :   PO:       :    TA:       
 Job: UPJSPAE   
 Action: S  Job: JPJEBO
 Desc: Extract new PA IDs issued for Staples since the last run time.

 ATTENTION:  The FTP services MUST be up and running on the target PC.
     File Destination IP Address:  999.999.9.999
	                        FTP ID:
	                  FTP Password:
	                  PC File Name:                   
	Report Output Destination ID:  
      Help Suspd  Quit Dcode  RStrt                         Save

The following sections describe the UPJSPAE - Jobs function:

"Access and Security"
"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"Data Required"


This JOBS function allows the user within the Office of Business Affairs to create an FTP extract of data from a combination of a PA with a Status of A and the employee file. This FTP extract will then be uploaded within Business Affairs to an excel spreadsheet and emailed to the appropriate e-Business Partner in order to setup employees within their system with access to order goods.

Access and Security

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Submit {S}

Data Required

  1. Procurement Authorizations with a Status of 'A' from the last time the job was run will be selected for retrieval.
  2. The following data elements from the PA will be selected for the FTP file:
  3. This will be a comma delimited file.

  4. LPAE - List Procurement Authorizations for an Employee

    Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented when this list function is accessed.

    Figure 1. LPAE - List Procurement Authorizations for an Employee

     Select an entry, or enter new keys
      UPOLPAE 1 PROD   List PA's for an Employee (opt Vendor) - LPAE 05/06/02  10:00
    	Command:      Action: V   Req:       :      PO:      :     TA:
    	Employee ID: 120678       Vendor No: 142764-02-002       Date: 04/06/2002
    	Procurement Authorizations for Emp: 120678  Forbes, Debbie J.
    	    Starting from Vendor: 142764 Staples
    	Vendor No. & Name     Begin Date    End Date    St   Tracking Budgetary Unit
    	_ 142764  Staples     04/29/2002    04/29/2002  A    AVCB Asso Vice Chan Busin
    	_ 142764  Staples     04/30/2002    12/31/2099  I    AVCB Asso Vice Chan Busin
    	               PA Record      1 through 2   
          Help  Suspd  Quit  DCode RStrt

    The following sections describe the LPAE List Function:

    "Access and Security"
    "Key Fields Required in the Banner"


    The LPAE - List Procurement Authorization for an Employee list will show you all of the RECORDS for a specific employee for a given period of time. This list may be further defined by vendor, if you choose to put a vendor id in the banner. If you leave the Date to be the current date, you will only see the records with an effective date through 2099, which is the current record.

    If you back the date up, you will see all 'effective dated records' from the date you entered in the banner through the current 2099 effective dated record.

    Access and Security

    All users will have access to this list facility

    Key Fields Required in Banner


    This list is an excellent tool to use if you want to look at the records associated with a particular employee. A 'history' of the 'effective dated records' is available to view.

    If you press PF2 after selecting one of these records, the BASIS system takes you directly to the PA function.

    LABU - List procurement Authorizations for a BU

    Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented when this list function is accessed.

    Figure 1. LABU - List procurement Authorizations for a BU

     Select an entry, or enter new keys
      UPOLABU 1 PROD   List PA's for a Budgetary Unit - LABU         05/06/02  10:00
    	Command:      Action: V   Req:       :        PO:        :     TA:
    	BU: AVCB  Employee ID: 120678     Vendor No: 142764-02-002   Date: 04/06/2002
    	List Procurement Authorizations for BU:  AVCB  Asso Vice Chan Busin
    	Employee Name          Vendor Name             St     Begin           End
    	--------------------------------------------------   --------     ---------- 
    	_ Berger, Tyra Agnes      Staples              I     05/02/02      12/31/99              
    	_ Eaves, Jane T.          Staples              I     05/02/02      12/31/99              
    	_ Ferguson, Ellen Ann     Staples              A     05/06/02      12/31/99              
    	_ Forbes, Debbie J.       Staples              I     05/06/02      12/31/99             
    	_ Friend, Eric E          Staples              A     05/07/02      12/31/99              
    	                 PA records      1 through 5  
          Help  Suspd  Quit  DCode RStrt

    The following sections describe the LABU List Function:

    "Access and Security"
    "Key Fields Required in the Banner"


    The LABU - List procurement Authorizations for a BU list will show you all of the Procurement Authorizations for a specific Budgetary Unit. This list will only display the current 2099 record for each employee that has a Procurement Authorization, regardless of Status, for the BU you placed in the banner.

    The records displayed on this list are the current 2099 records along with any future dated records.

    Access and Security

    All users will have access to this list facility

    Key Fields Required in Banner


    This list is used to show ALL Procurement Authorizations, regardless of Status, for the BU you selected in the banner.

    The list is displayed in Employee Name order and also displays the Vendor Name associated with a particular PA. It is important to note that an employee may have multiple Procurement Authorizations (PAs), but only one PA per employee/vendor combination.

    This list also displays the Status associated with a particular employee's Procurement Authorization with a vendor.

    This list only displays the current 2099 record associated with an employee/vendor combination.

    LTEV - List Txns for an Employee by Vendor

    Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented when this list function is accessed.

    Figure 1. LTEV - List Txns for an Employee by Vendor

     Select an entry, or enter new keys
      UPOLTEV 1 PROD   List Txns for an Employee by Vendor - LTEV   05/06/02  10:00
    	Command:      Action: V   Req:       :      PO:      :     TA:
    	Employee ID: 120678     Vendor ID:                       Date: 04/06/2002
    	List Transactions for Employee:  119196  Jones, Karen M.
    	     Starting from Vendor:
             ----------Vendor Information----------  ----Transaction Information----
     Cmd    Number   Name                         Request  Act  Status & Time
     ===    ======   ============================ =======  ===  ================== 
     _PA    142764   Staples                      DFORBES  A    E 04/30/2002 07:46
     _PA    142764   Staples                      COBERG   U    E 05/06/2002 11:33
     _PA    142764   Staples                      DONNAC   U    W 05/03/2002 13:38
     _PA    142765   U.S. Bank                    DFORBES  A    E 04/30/2002 07:46
                         Transactions      1  through  4
          Help  Suspd  Quit  DCode RStrt

    The following sections describe the LTEV List Function:

    "Access and Security"
    "Key Fields Required in the Banner"


    The LTEV - List Txns for an Employee by Vendor list will show you all of the transactions that have been created for a specific employee. This list can be further defined by selecting a Vendor ID as a starting point. If you leave the Vendor ID 'blank' all transactions for all employee/vendor combinations will be displayed.

    Access and Security

    All users will have access to this list facility

    Key Fields Required in Banner


    This list is used to show ALL transactions for a particular employee. If a Vendor ID is selected in the banner, the list will start from the vendor number selected.

    The list will display the transactions created from the PA function along with the User ID of the person who initiated the transaction.

    The Action used on PA is displayed along with the transaction Status.

    LPSV - List Procurement IDs by Status f/ a Vndr

    Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented when this list function is accessed.

    Figure 1. LPSV - List Procurement IDs by Status f/ a Vndr

     Select an entry, or enter new keys
      UPOLPSV 1 PROD   List Procurement IDs by Status f/ a Vndr    05/08/02  12:00
    	Command:      Action: V   Req:       :      PO:      :     TA:
    	Status: A Employee ID:             Vendor No: 142764-02-002   Date: 05/08/2002
    	      List Procurement IDs with a Status: A
    	 Issued for Vendor:  142764  Staples Business Advantage
       St    Procurment ID      Employee Name              BU Cd   Approved
    -- --    -------------      -------------------------- -----   ---------------
    _  A                        Carter, Donna Lee           BASI   05/06/2002  11:33
    _  A                        Forbes, Debbie              AVCB   05/06/2002  13:25
    _  A                        Oberg, Connie               AVCB   05/08/2002  09:16
                            PA Records  1 through 3
          Help  Suspd  Quit  DCode RStrt

    The following sections describe the LPSV List Function:

    "Access and Security"
    "Key Fields Required in the Banner"


    The LPSV - List Procurement IDs by Status f/ a Vndr list will be utilized by specific individuals within the Office of Busines Affairs to list by Status and Vendor, all employees with Procurement Authorizations, along with their Procurment IDs, if applicable.

    Access and Security

    Only specific users within the Office of Business Affairs will have access to this list facility due to the Procurement ID being available for viewing from this list.

    The records displayed from this list are the current 2099 records along with any future dated record.

    Key Fields Required in Banner


    This list is used to show ALL Procurement IDs for a specific Status and Vendor combination.

    Those PAs with a Status of 'A' will not have Procurement IDs assigned yet and will therefore have no Procurement ID in this field.

    Business Affairs will access this list when updating a PA in order to assign the Procurement ID and to also change the Status of the PA.

    Once the employees are marked, by pressing PF2, the system will take the user directly to the PAA function in order to assign the Procurement ID and change the Status of the PA record.

    LECE - List Echg vendor & Cutoff Dates for Emp

    Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented when this list function is accessed.

    Figure 1. LECE - List Echg vendor & Cutoff Dates for Emp

     Select an entry, or enter new keys
      UPOLECE 1 PROD   List Echg vendor & Cutoff Dates for Emp       05/08/02  12:00
    	Command:      Action: V   Req:       :      PO:      :     TA:
    	Employee ID:116163             Vendor ID:                     Date: 05/08/2002
    	List of eCharge Vendors and Cutoff dates on or after: 05/08/2002
    	    for Emp:  116163  Carter, Donna Lee
           Vendor                                       Approval        Number of
      Cmd   No.                Name                      Cutoff          Charges
    _ LEEV  142764             Staples                  05/15/2002          1
    _ LEEV  142764             Staples                  06/15/2002          1	
                         Vendor/Cutoff Dates  1 thru 2
          Help  Suspd  Quit       RStrt

    The following sections describe the LECE List Function:

    "Access and Security"
    "Key Fields Required in the Banner"


    The LECE - List Echg vendor & Cutoff Dates for Emp list will display any charges incurred by an employee on or after the date that was entered in the banner.

    The list displayed will show the Vendor along with the cutoff date of when these charges either were or will need to be approved. It is important to note that this list displays any charges regardless of whether or not these charges have been approved.

    Access and Security

    All users will have access to this list facility.

    Key Fields Required in Banner


    This list will display, for a specific employee, any charges made from an eBusiness Partner, along with the cutoff dates for which approval was due, on or after the Cutoff Date entered in the banner.

    This is a great list to use in those instances when you would like to go back and review charges made by an employee. By putting a Cutoff Date in the banner that is prior to when the employee would have been making charges, you will see everything purchased by an employee, regardless of whether the charges have been approved or not.

    LEEV - List Echrges for an Emp, Vendor & Date

    Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented when this list function is accessed.

    Figure 1. LEEV - List Echrges for an Emp, Vendor & Date

     Select an entry, or enter new keys
      UPOLEEV 1 PROD   List Echrges for an Emp, Vendor & Date       05/09/02  07:58
    	Command:      Action: V   Req:       :      PO:      :        TA:
    	Employee ID:116163        Vendor ID: 142764-02-002   Cutoff Date: 05/08/2002
    	List of eCharges for Emp:  116163  Carter, Donna Lee
    	  Vendor:  142764  Staples Business Advantage
      & Approval Cutoff:  05/15/2002
    	                                              Item      Tax &   Approv  
    	   AP ID    Line    Received   Ticket#        Costs     Freight  Code   Stat
     _   422978    7     04/27/2002  3019782315      9.00       0.45    U       I
     Suspend to Cmd:  EIC
          Help  Suspd  Quit       RStrt

    The following sections describe the LEEV List Function:

    "Access and Security"
    "Key Fields Required in the Banner"


    The LEEV - List Echarges for an Emp, Vendor & Date list will display any charges incurred by an employee with a particular eBusiness Partner that have the Cutoff Date entered in the banner, regardless of whether or not those charges have been approved or not.

    In most cases the user will have first gone to the list function LEEB or LECE and then suspended to this list.

    This list will display the AP ID that was assigned to the download of charges for the entire U of A campus along with the line of the invoice that relates to this particular charge. The Received Date, prepopulated by the download, Ticket number, cost of order, tax and freight, along with Approval Code of 'U' (if the order has not been approved yet) and Invoice Status of 'I', if approval has not taken place are also displayed.

    Access and Security

    All users will have access to this list facility.

    Key Fields Required in Banner


    This list will display all orders for an employee/vendor combination for the Cutoff Date entered in the Banner.

    In most instances you will suspend to this list from the LEEB or LECE function, but you can go directly to this list if so choose to.

    LEBV - List unapprov. Echg dates & BUs for Ven

    Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented when this list function is accessed.

    Figure 1. LEBV - List unapprov. Echg dates & BUs for Ven

     Select an entry, or enter new keys
      UPOLEBV 1 PROD   List unapprov. Echg dates & BUS for Ven       05/09/02  07:58
    	Command:      Action: V   Req:       :      PO:      :        TA:
    	Vendor ID: 142764-02-002   Cutoff Date: 05/10/2002
    	List of cutoff dates and BUs with unapproved charges
    	  for Vendor:  142764 Staples Business Advantage
        on or after: 05/10/2002
               Approval                                               Number of
      Cmd      Cutoff __________Budgetary Unit________________        Charges
    _ LEEB   05/15/2002     BASI   Basis                                   1
    _ LEEB   06/15/2002     AVCB   Asso Vice Chan Busin                    5
    _ LEEB   06/15/2002     BASI   Basis                                   1
                    Cutoff Dates/BUs       1 thru 4	
          Help  Suspd  Quit       RStrt

    The following sections describe the LEBV List Function:

    "Access and Security"
    "Key Fields Required in the Banner"


    The LEBV - List unapprov. Echg dates & BUs for Ven list will display all Budgegtary Units who have unapproved charges for a particular vendor on or after the Cutoff Date specified in the banner.

    Access and Security

    All users will have access to this list facility.

    Key Fields Required in Banner


    This list can be used to see ALL Budgetary Units who have unapproved charges for a particular eBusiness Partner along with the Cutoff Dates for approving these charges. The number of charges that need to be approved will also be displayed for each Budgetary Unit represented.

    This list is also a great tool to use when you would like to quickly find out the Cutoff Dates for a particular eBusiness Partner.

    LEEB - List Emps w/unapp. Echgs for vend, dt & BU

    Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented when this list function is accessed.

    Figure 1. LEEB - List Emps w/unapp. Echgs for vend, dt & BU

     Select an entry, or enter new keys
      UPOLEEB 1 PROD   List Emps w/unapp. Echgs or vend, dt & BU    05/09/02  07:58
    	Command:      Action: V   Req:       :      PO:      :        TA:
    	Vendor ID: 142764-02-002   Cutoff Date: 05/15/2002  BU: AVCB
      List Employees with unapproved eCharges for Staples Business Advantage
    	  Approval Cutoff 05/15/2002 and BU: AVCB Asso Vice Chan Busin
                                                                         Number of
        Cmd   Emp ID    Name                                              Charges
     _ LEEV   120678    Forbes, Debbie J                                     1
     _ LEEV   143941    Oberg, Connie A                                      1
                          Employees     1 thru 2	
          Help  Suspd  Quit       RStrt              Q/Nxt

    The following sections describe the LEEB List Function:

    "Access and Security"
    "Key Fields Required in the Banner"


    The LEEB - List Emps w/unapp. Echgs for vend, dt & BU list will display all employees for a particular BU who have 'unapproved' charges for a given Cutoff Date specified in the banner.

    This should be that starting list a user will go to when getting ready to approve echarges for their particular BU. Once you get to this list by simply pressing marking the names and pressing PF2 (Suspd) the system will take you to next list in the approval process.

    Access and Security

    All users will have access to this list facility.

    Key Fields Required in Banner


    Once the Cutoff Date for a particular month has been located, (EBP will tell you immediately the Cutoff Date for a particular month for a vendor, you will access this list to see a list of ALL employees within your BU for a particular vendor, have incurred charges.

    Mark each employee listed and press PF2 (Suspd). The system will then take you to the list function - LEEV, where you will then see a list of the charges for each employee. Mark each charge and then press PF2 (Suspd). The system will then take you to the EIC function where you will then approve the charges for a particular employee. As you save each approval, the system will then pull up the next charge in the list.

    LEVB - List unapprov. Echgs for a Vend, dt & BU

    Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented when this list function is accessed.

    Figure 1. LEVB - List unapprov. Echgs for vend, dt & BU

     Select an entry, or enter new keys
      UPOLEVB 1 PROD   List unapprov. Echgs or vend, dt & BU    05/09/02  07:58
    	Command:      Action: V   Req:       :      PO:      :        TA:
    	Vendor ID: 142764-02-002   Cutoff Date: 05/15/2002  BU: AVCB
      List of unapproved eCharges for Vendor: 142764 Staples Business Advantage
    	  Approval Cutoff 05/15/2002 and BU: AVCB Asso Vice Chan Busin
                                                                 Item        Tax &
             AP-ID  Line Emp ID    Received    Ticket #          Costs      Freight
       _    422978    4  120678   04/26/2002   30000000014          -3.83    -1.28 
    	 _    422978    5  143941   04/26/2002   30000000015           6.11     0.57
      Suspend to Cmd:  EIC
                  eCharges      1 thru 2   of 2   are displayed
          Help  Suspd  Quit  DCode RStrt            Q/Nxt

    The following sections describe the LEVB List Function:

    "Access and Security"
    "Key Fields Required in the Banner"


    The LEVB - List unapprov. Echgs for vend, dt & BU list will display all 'unapproved' charges for a given BU and Cutoff Date specified in the banner.

    This list displays the charges in a slightly different form than the LEEV list. Although the employees are listed, you only see their Emp ID, not their names unless you press the PF4 (DCode) key.

    Access and Security

    All users will have access to this list facility.

    Key Fields Required in Banner


    Once the Cutoff Date for a particular month has been located, (EBP will tell you immediately the Cutoff Date for a particular month for a vendor. You may use this list to quickly see all of the charges that your BU has incurred.

    Mark each charge listed and press PF2 (Suspd). The system will then take you to the EIC function where you will then approve the charges for a particular employee. As you save each approval, the system will then pull up the next charge in the list.

    LEAC - List Employees Authorized for a Cost center

    Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented when this list function is accessed.

    Figure 1. LEAC - List Employees Authorized for a Cost center

     Select an entry, or enter new keys
      UPOLEAC 1 PROD   List Employees Authorized for a Cost center  05/14/02  10:39
    	Command:      Action: V   Req:       :      PO:      :        TA:
    	Co Cost Center #: 0102-02030-61-0000
      List of Employees Authorized for Co Cost Center# 0102-02030-61-0000
       Cmd     Emp ID       Name                         BU      
      _ PAPC   116163       Carter, Donna Lee           AVCB  (decode)             
      _ PAPC   114963       Dorre, Thomas Otto          AVCF  (decode)              
      _ PAPC   120678       Forbes, Debbie J.           AVCB  (decode)              
      _ PAPC   154654       Oberg, Connie J.            AVCB  (decode)             
                  Employees  1 through  4  of 4   are displayed
          Help  Suspd  Quit  DCode RStrt            Q/Nxt

    The following sections describe the LEAC List Function:

    "Access and Security"
    "Key Fields Required in the Banner"


    The LEAC - List Employees Authorized for a Cost center list will display all employees who have been pre-approved to use the cost center indicated in the banner.

    This list also displays BU associated with the Employee, NOT the Tracking BU. In the case of an hourly employee, the BU that will be displayed is the first BU on the file.

    Access and Security

    All users will have access to this list facility.

    Key Fields Required in Banner


    By accessing the PF1 help in the Cost Center field in the banner, you will utilize the same Cost center help routine used throughout our BASIS applications. Once you have located the appropriate cost center and pressed 'Enter' any employees currently pre-approved to use this cost center when distributing charges made with eBusiness Partners will be displayed.

    This list will be very useful when a cost center is no longer going to be used and you need to find out what employees have currently been pre-approved to use it. Once your list is displayed, you can mark the entries and suspend to the PAPC function to delete the cost center associated with the Emp ID.

    The PAPC function will be utilized when setting up a cost center for use by an employee.

    LACE - List Authorized Cost centers for an Employee

    Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented when this list function is accessed.

    Figure 1. LACE - List Authorized Cost centers for an Employee

     Select an entry, or enter new keys
      UPOLACE 1 PROD   List Authorized Cost centers for an Employee  05/14/02  10:39
    	Command:      Action: V   Req:       :      PO:      :        TA:
    	Emp ID: 120678
      List of Co Cost Centers authorized for use by:
    	     Emp ID: 120678  Carter, Donna Lee
       Cmd      Cost Center                                Begin Dt.     Adj End Dt.
     _ PAPC    0102-02030-61-0000  Asso Vice Chan Bus      04/01/87      12/31/99
     _ PAPC    0402-02131-81-0100  Decode of cost center   07/01/01      08/28/02
     _ PAPC    0412-46545-18-5163  Decode of cost center   07/01/01      06/30/02
                         Cost Center 1 thru 3 of 3
          Help  Suspd  Quit       RStrt            Q/Nxt

    The following sections describe the LACE List Function:

    "Access and Security"
    "Key Fields Required in the Banner"


    The LACE - List Authorized Cost centers for an Employee list will display all cost centers that have been pre-approved via the PAPC function for use by the Emp ID displayed in the banner, for use in distributing charges for purchases made with eBusiness Partners.

    This list will also display the Project Begin and End Dates associated with the cost centers displayed The Project Begin and End Dates are being pulled from the Cost Center Table located in DART.

    Access and Security

    All users will have access to this list facility.

    Key Fields Required in Banner


    By accessing the PF1 help in the Emp ID field in the banner, you will utilize the same employee help routine used in the other eBusiness functions. Once you have located the appropriate Emp ID and pressed 'Enter' any cost centers pre-approved for use from the PAPC function will be displayed.

    This list will be very useful when determining what cost centers have been pre-approved for use by a specific employee. Once your list is displayed, you can mark the entries and suspend to the PAPC function for further action.

    The PAPC function will be utilized when setting up a cost center for use by an employee.

    If a Procurement Authorization has been created for an employee, the Tracking BU and PA Status will also be displayed for the 2099 record. NOTE: There is nothing to prohibit a PAPC from being created PRIOR to a Procurement Authorization being processed. If that happens, the PAPC will be of no use though until the Procurement Authorization for the employee has been submitted and approved.

    EIC - Electronic Invoice Charge

    Figure 1 is an example of the screen presented when this function is accessed.

    Figure 1. EIC - Electronic Invoice Charge

     AP ID:1011755   Entry#: 2 displayed; please enter new key fields              
      Suspended from LEEV                                       EIC  01/29/03 15:09
     Command:       Action: V  Req:         :       PO:         :       TA:        
     AP ID: 1011755    Rec/Inv Entry No: 2                                         
     Action: V AP ID: 1011755   Rec/Inv Entry No: 2                       D247     
     ePartner: 169138 US Bank                      BU: HOUS Cutoff: 02/24/03
    Purchaser: 107264 Aiken, Lana Jo                      Housing                  
    Ticket:                 Ordered: 01/17/03 Received: 01/17/2003                 
           Merchant: TARGET        00014704    FAYETTEVILLE               AR  US   
           Posted: 01/20/2003 Reference #: 24164073018091014700858 MCC: 5310       
                                                                   Approval Code: U
     Item(s):         51.62 + Tax:       4.32 = PCard charge:         55.94        
      Co. Cost Center   Center Description               Category Pr      Expense  
     0202 16000-00-0400                                  Maint                55.94
            Cost Centers   1 thru   1 of   1 displayed; maximum allowed  10        
    Updated:                  by:                                                  
          Help        Quit  DCode                   Q/Nxt                          

    The following sections describe the EIC Function:

    "Access and Security"
    "Key Fields Required in the Banner"


    The EIC - Electronic Invoice Charge Function

    Access and Security

    All users will have view access to this function. Users who have been given update access may modify these records.

    Key Fields Required in Banner


    The Electronic Invoice Charge (EIC) function provides the mechanism for a user to approve a specific downloaded charge from an eBusiness Partner.

    This function also provides the ability for the user to re-distribute charges to other pre-defined and approved cost centers for a specific Emp ID.

    Depending on the eBusiness Partner the user may be required to designate whether or not the charge included sales tax or designate that use tax should be paid. The user also has the option of designating that the charge was tax exempt.

    If the eBusiness Partner provided Level III reporting, this information would be available for viewing by pressing a PF key. NOTE: There is nothing to prohibit a PAPC from being created PRIOR to a Procurement Authorization being processed. If that happens, the PAPC will be of no use though until the Procurement Authorization for the employee has been submitted and approved.

    The way information is displayed is also dependent on the eBusiness Partner. For example: If approving a charge for office supplies, you will have a Ticket Number on the charge, where a PCard charge will not have one.

    The office supply eBusiness Partner provides detail descriptions of the items purchased. The PCard provider does not.


    Office Supplies

    Put office supplie validations

    Procurement Card

    Put procurement card validations here

    Travel Card

    Put Travel card validations here.