University Procurement System

Processes: "How To For Departmental Users"

This section explains the processes by which you perform certain activities related to internal orders. These sections are best used as step-by-step guides as you enter and process internal requisitions, updates to internal purchase orders, and for use by internal vendors in uploading of charges.

How to Create and Submit an Internal Blanket Requisition

The IREQ function provides the facility for creating (building) the internal requisition. This process replaces the Signature Authorization Sheet.

In most instances you will elect to setup 'Blanket' Purchase Orders for our internal vendors just like you issue Blanket Purchase Orders to outside vendors.

The first step is to create the internal blanket requisition. Upon final approval of the internal requisition, the Business Affairs Office will run a job which will turn these requisitions into Purchase Orders.

Screen 2 of the IREQ function displays all of the pre-defined services for the internal vendor you have selected. You will then have the option of categorizing all of the services to the same category or of selecting a different category for a particular service.

Once the internal requisition has been created and saved, you will use the REQT (REQuisition TARGET) function to submit the internal requisition for approval.

Step by Step Process

Creation and submission of an internal blanket requisition is a two-step process.
Step 1: Create the internal requisition (IREQ)
Step 2: Submit the internal requisition for approval via TARGET (REQT)

Step 1: Create the internal requisition (IREQ)

An internal requisition can be viewed, added, updated, deleted, and copied. (VAUDC)

To create an internal blanket requisition - Screen 1  

  1. Input Action A and Req Type of IB.
  2. Press Enter.
  3. You will be required to enter information in the following fields:

    Other fields are also available for entry, depending on how detailed you want to get in order to find more information when accessing the list facilities.

  4. The Req Amount field is a required field in which you enter the amount you are going to encumber against the internal blanket. In most cases when creating an IB - Internal Blanket, you will only encumber $1.00. Although you can encumber more funds if you wish.
  5. The Tolerance % field is the percentage by which payment may exceed the total requisition amount. For a Req Type of 'IB' the system will default to 999% and is NOT modifiable.
  6. In the Vendor ID field, by pressing PF1, you will access a 'special' help routine which only lists those internal vendors allowable for selection on an internal requisition. After pressing PF1, press 'Enter'and tab to the appropriate vendor. Press 'Enter' again. The internal vendor number is placed in the Vendor ID field.
  7. The Customer ID No field is an optional field used in those instances when you create an order in which your particular department has an ID number that is unique to the vendor to whom you are issuing your order. This field is printed on the internal purchase order when used. Example: If you currently have a mail code with Mailing Services you would enter that number here. If you have multiple mail codes, you would create an internal requisition for each code.
  8. The Requestor field is required. You will enter the name of the person the internal vendor may contact if they have any questions regarding the order. This will also be the person that the internal vendor notifies with any questions regarding the order.
  9. The Telephone field is also required. This is where you enter the phone number of the Requestor.
  10. The Ship To address is the address you select for shipment of your items. This is a required field. Address codes are stored in the system, most commonly by 4-letter budgetary unit. (Example: AVCB-001). This example designates the first address for AVCB. You may simply enter your code, if known, or press PF1 to access the list of ship-to addresses.

    Note: If your ship-to address is not in the system, you must contact the Office of Business Affairs, at 575-2551, in order to have the address added.

  11. Input the cost centers that will be used for the internal requisition in the CCC field. An internal requisition may be distributed up to five (5) different cost centers.
  12. The % field is utilized to distribute the % for each cost center used. The % distribution must total 100%.
  13. Input a Category for each cost center listed. This Category will be defaulted to each vendor's service line. (The service lines are displayed on Screen 2.) Press the PF1 key while the cursor is in the Category field to see a help window which lists the appropriate categories for the cost center. Please Note: You will have the option of expanding the categories from Screen 2 if you want to further categorize the services offered by the internal vendor.
  14. The Pr (Project) field is an optional field available if you want to further categorize a cost center distribution by project.
  15. The Reference ID field is an optional field which allows you to find requisitions with a particular Reference ID. Example: You may want to know all the orders you have created for a particular person. You can enter their name in this field and use the LRBU (List Requisitions for a BU and dept reference id by date) function to locate all orders for that person.
  16. The Expected PO Close Date field is the date by which an internal purchase order should be closed and all invoice activity should be completed. This date is used to identify orders which remain open longer than you anticipated. This field is optional when creating a requisition. If not specified, the system will default a date on the purchase order of 30 days after the PO effective date, with the exception of internal blanket orders. The list facility LPOS (List POs for a Status and BU) may be used to find orders that are still open after the date specified.

    Note: This date does not close internal purchase orders that are still open after the specified date. This is only a date field that enables you to find those orders still open and on which you may want to check.

  17. Your user ID appears in the Dept Rep ID field. This field is used to indicate who created the internal requsition. You should change this field to another user ID only if you are entering the requisition on behalf of someone normally responsible and who also has access to the application.
  18. Your budgetary unit code is automatically placed in the BU field. This field indentifies your department and is used when accessing certain lists to find information as well as for accounting purposes. You should change this field only if some BU other than the one identified is responsible for the requisition.

    Important Note: If a cost center is used that has a Project Begin Date in the future, the system will not create the Purchase Order until that date is equal to the current date.

  19. Press 'Enter' to validate. The system will now display a message requiring you to go to Screen 2 to complete the internal requisition. To go to Screen 2, press the PF8-NextS key.

Screen 2 of IREQ

The services which are offered by the internal vendor selected on Screen 1 will be displayed. These are pre-defined services for the internal vendor you have selected. Depending on how you have setup your categories in DART, at this point you have the option of modifying the default category you entered on screen 1 to a different category which better defines the service for tracking of expenses within DART.

As the internal vendor uploads charges against the internal purchase order lines, the charge will be expensed and posted to the category you have assigned to the service line.

  1. Your cursor will be displayed in the first service line Amount field. You have the option of encumbering the Req. Amount to one service line or distributing the amount between various service lines. (The amount you enter must total the Req Amount entered on Screen 1)

    REMEMBER: Any amount entered on a service line will result in an encumbrance to be posted against the cost center/category combination for that particular service line.

  2. The cost center (s) entered on Screen 1 will be displayed under the banner on Screen 2. If you have entered more than three (3) cost centers, by pressing thePF11 > key the remaining cost centers will be displayed. This key acts as a scroll key and toggle to view all the cost centers back and forth.
  3. The Categories entered on Screen 1 will be defaulted on Screen 2. At this point you may modify any of the categories by simply pressing PF1 while your cursor is in a category field and accessing the category help. You have the option of changing the defaulted category to a different category. If you use the same category/cost center combination for all service lines, a one (1) line internal requisition will be created. If you categorize a service differently than others then the internal requisition will list all service lines associated with that internal vendor.
  4. Press Enter to validate and then press PF10 to save. The system will assign a Req Number in the Req field in the banner. You are now ready for Step 2 - Submit the internal requisition via TARGET (REQT)

Step 2: Submit the internal requisition via TARGET (REQT)

The REQT (REQuisition TARGET) function allows you to submit your internal requisition for approval. This is also the command reviewers access in order to review your internal requisition transaction. Reviewers can approve, hold or disapprove the requisition transaction. The TARGET transaction may be viewed, updated, submitted and withdrawn (VUSW).

To submit a requisition via TARGET for approval  

  1. Input Action S (Submit) and the Req number and press Enter.

    Note: If you have several requisitions to submit you can access the list function LRQS (List Requisitions for a Status, BU, & Type). Select the lines, then press PF2-Suspd. The system will prompt you to enter a command. Type REQT in the Command field and pressPF2 again.

  2. You will notice that the screen displays certain pieces of information from the internal requisition, along with the service lines unless all services are distributed to the same cost center/category combination. In that instance you will only see a one (1) line internal requisition with a description of 'services'.
  3. To view the cost center distribution for a line, mark it and press the PF4 (DeCode) key.
  4. To view the total for each Category you entered on the requisition, press the PF12 (CCC) key, then select each cost center and press Enter.
  5. Once you are satisfied that the internal requisition is correct, press PF10 to submit it via TARGET for approval.
  6. Upon final approval of the internal requisition transaction, the status will become a 'G' - awaiting generation of a completed Auto PO.

How to Withdraw an Internal Blanket or Regular Requisition

A internal requisition may be withdrawn with an Action W as long as it has a Status of S (submitted). An internal requisition may only be withdrawn by the initiator of the transaction. Once the requisition has been withdrawn, its Status will become P (in process) so that it can then be updated and re-submitted, or deleted.

How to Copy an Internal Blanket or Regular Requisition

An internal requisition can be copied from an existing internal requisition which results in an Action A (add) after pressing PF10.

Step by Step Process

  1. Find and display the internal requisition that you want to copy using Action V on IREQ.
  2. Now go back to the Action field and change the 'V' to a 'C' and press 'Enter'.
  3. All fields are then modifiable.
  4. Once you have modified the fields you want, press 'Enter' to save the new internal requisition.

How to Delete an Internal Blanket or Regular Requisition

An internal requisition with a Status of P (in process) may be deleted.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input Action D, Req number and press Enter.
  2. The system will display the message: 'Press PF10 to delete Rxxxxxx." Press PF10 to delete.

How to Create and Submit an Internal Regular Requisition

The IREQ function provides the facility for creating (building) the internal requisition. This process replaces the Signature Authorization Sheet.

You have the option of setting up an internal regular requisition in those instances when you have a specific request that you may want to track differently. An internal regular requisition would also be utilized in those instances when you you want to distribute by $ amount instead of by percentage (%).

The first step is to create the internal regular requisition. Upon final approval of the internal requisition, the Business Affairs Office will run a job which will turn these requisitions into Purchase Orders.

Screen 2 of the IREQ function displays all of the pre-defined services for the internal vendor you have selected. You will then have the option of categorizing all of the services to the same category or of selecting a different category for a particular service.

Once the internal requisition has been created and saved, you will use the REQT (REQuisition TARGET) function to submit the internal requisition for approval.

Step by Step Process

Creation and submission of an internal regular requisition is a two-step process.
Step 1: Create the internal requisition (IREQ)
Step 2: Submit the internal requisition for approval via TARGET (REQT)

Step 1: Create the internal requisition (IREQ)

An internal requisition can be viewed, added, updated, deleted, and copied. (VAUDC)

To create an internal regular requisition - Screen 1  

  1. Input Action A and Req Type of IR.
  2. Press Enter.
  3. You will be required to enter information in the following fields:

    Other fields are also available for entry, depending on how detailed you want to get in order to find more information when accessing the list facilities.

  4. The Req Amount field is a required field in which you enter the amount you are going to encumber against the internal requisition.
  5. The Tolerance % field is the percentage by which payment may exceed the total requisition amount. The system will default to 30%, but this field is modifiable. Use of the Tolerance can eliminate the need to supplement (update) the internal purchase order in most cases.
  6. In the Vendor ID field, by pressing PF1, you will access a 'special' help routine which only lists those internal vendors allowable for selection on an internal requisition. After pressing PF1, press 'Enter'and tab to the appropriate vendor. Press 'Enter' again. The internal vendor number is placed in the Vendor ID field.
  7. The Customer ID No field is an optional field used in those instances when you create an order in which your particular department has an ID number that is unique to the vendor to whom you are issuing your order. This field is printed on the internal purchase order when used. Example: If you currently have a mail code with Mailing Services you would enter that number here. If you have multiple mail codes, you would create an internal requisition for each code.
  8. The Requestor field is required. You will enter the name of the person the internal vendor may contact if they have any questions regarding the order. This will also be the person that the internal vendor notifies with any questions regarding the order.
  9. The Telephone field is also required. This is where you enter the phone number of the Requestor.
  10. The Ship To address is the address you select for shipment of your items. This is a required field. Address codes are stored in the system, most commonly by 4-letter budgetary unit. (Example: AVCB-001). This example designates the first address for AVCB. You may simply enter your code, if known, or press PF1 to access the list of ship-to addresses.

    Note: If your ship-to address is not in the system, you must contact the Office of Business Affairs, at 575-2551, in order to have the address added.

  11. Input the cost centers that will be used for the internal requisition in the CCC field. An internal requisition may be distributed up to five (5) different cost centers.
  12. The % field is utilized if you are going to distribute the internal requisition by percentage.
  13. The Amount field is utilized when you are limiting a cost center to a specific dollar amount.

    Note: If you distribute by dollar amount, you will be limited to only using one Category per cost center. You will not have the ability of further categorizing each service offered.

  14. Input a Category for each cost center listed. This Category will be defaulted to each vendor's service line. (The service lines are displayed on Screen 2.) Press the PF1 key while the cursor is in the Category field to see a help window which lists the appropriate categories for the cost center. Please Note: You will have the option of expanding the categories from Screen 2 if you want to further categorize the services offered by the internal vendor.
  15. The Pr (Project) field is an optional field available if you want to further categorize a cost center distribution by project.
  16. The Reference ID field is an optional field which allows you to find requisitions with a particular Reference ID. Example: You may want to know all the orders you have created for a particular person. You can enter their name in this field and use the LRBU (List Requisitions for a BU and dept reference id by date) function to locate all orders for that person.
  17. The Expected PO Close Date field is the date by which an internal purchase order should be closed and all invoice activity should be completed. This date is used to identify orders which remain open longer than you anticipated. This field is optional when creating a requisition. If not specified, the system will default a date on the purchase order of 30 days after the PO effective date, with the exception of internal blanket orders. The list facility LPOS (List POs for a Status and BU) may be used to find orders that are still open after the date specified.

    Note: This date does not close internal purchase orders that are still open after the specified date. This is only a date field that enables you to find those orders still open and on which you may want to check.

  18. Your user ID appears in the Dept Rep ID field. This field is used to indicate who created the internal requsition. You should change this field to another user ID only if you are entering the requisition on behalf of someone normally responsible and who also has access to the application.
  19. Your budgetary unit code is automatically placed in the BU field. This field indentifies your department and is used when accessing certain lists to find information as well as for accounting purposes. You should change this field only if some BU other than the one identified is responsible for the requisition.
  20. You will also be required to enter TEXT which explains what you are requesting to have done. This text will print prior to printing of the purchase order lines. Press the PF9-TEXT key and enter the appropriate information. Press PF10 to save the text.
  21. Press 'Enter' to validate. The system will now display a message requiring you to go to Screen 2 to complete the internal requisition. To go to Screen 2, press the PF8-NextS key.

Important Note: If a cost center you are using has a Project Begin Date in the future, the system will not generate the Purchase Order until the future date is equal to the current date.

Screen 2 of IREQ

The services which are offered by the internal vendor selected on Screen 1 will be displayed. These are pre-defined services for the internal vendor you have selected. Depending on how you have setup your categories in DART, at this point you have the option of modifying the default category you entered on screen 1 to a different category which better defines the service for tracking of expenses within DART.

As the internal vendor uploads charges against the internal purchase order lines, the charge will be expensed and posted to the category you have assigned to the service line.

  1. Your cursor will be displayed in the first service line Amount field. You have the option of encumbering the Req. Amount to one service line or distributing the amount between various service lines. (The amount you enter must total the Req Amount entered on Screen 1)

    REMEMBER: Any amount entered on a service line will result in an encumbrance to be posted against the cost center/category combination for that particular service line.

  2. The cost center (s) entered on Screen 1 will be displayed under the banner on Screen 2. If you have entered more than three (3) cost centers, by pressing thePF11 > key the remaining cost centers will be displayed. This key acts as a scroll key and toggle to view all the cost centers back and forth.
  3. The Categories entered on Screen 1 will be defaulted on Screen 2. At this point you may modify any of the categories by simply pressing PF1 while your cursor is in a category field and accessing the category help. You have the option of changing the defaulted category to a different category. If you use the same category/cost center combination for all service lines, a one (1) line internal requisition will be created. If you categorize a service differently than others then the internal requisition will list all service lines associated with that internal vendor.
  4. Press Enter to validate and then press PF10 to save. The system will assign a Req Number in the Req field in the banner. You are now ready for Step 2 - Submit the internal requisition via TARGET (REQT)

Step 2: Submit the internal requisition via TARGET (REQT)

The REQT (REQuisition TARGET) function allows you to submit your internal requisition for approval. This is also the command reviewers access in order to review your internal requisition transaction. Reviewers can approve, hold or disapprove the requisition transaction. The TARGET transaction may be viewed, updated, submitted and withdrawn (VUSW).

To submit a requisition via TARGET for approval  

  1. Input Action S (Submit) and the Req number and press Enter.

    Note: If you have several requisitions to submit you can access the list function LRQS (List Requisitions for a Status, BU, & Type). Select the lines, then press PF2-Suspd. The system will prompt you to enter a command. Type REQT in the Command field and pressPF2 again.

  2. You will notice that the screen displays certain pieces of information from the internal requisition, along with the service lines unless all services are distributed to the same cost center/category combination. In that instance you will only see a one (1) line internal requisition with a description of 'services'.
  3. To view the cost center distribution for a line, mark it and press the PF4 (DeCode) key.
  4. To view the total for each Category you entered on the requisition, press the PF12 (CCC) key, then select each cost center and press Enter.
  5. Once you are satisfied that the internal requisition is correct, press PF10 to submit it via TARGET for approval.
  6. Upon final approval of the internal requisition transaction, the status will become a 'G' - awaiting generation of a completed Auto PO.

How to Find the Requisitions You Have Created by Using List Facilities

There are several list facilities available to assist you in finding requisitions that have been created and submitted. These are the same requisition lists that are available to you when you are creating regular requisitions.
LRQS List Requisitions for a Status, BU, Type, and Date
LRLN List Requisition Lines by Number
LRBU List Requisitions for a BU and dept reference id by date
LORC List Open Req Lines for a Company cost center & category

Using LRQS to Find Requisitions

LRQS (List Requisitions for a Status, BU, Type, and Date) allows you to list requisitions for a particular Status or by a more specific selection of BU, Type, and Creation Date.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  2. All requisitions for the given Status and BU are displayed as well as requisition Type and Creation Date, if specified.
  3. If all requisitions cannot be displayed on one screen, then pressing PF8 will display screens successively until all requisitions have been listed.

Using LRLN to Find Requisition Lines

LRLN (List Requisition Lines by Number) allows you to view requistion lines for a particular requisition.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input the Req number and press Enter.
  2. All requisition lines of the given requistion are displayed.
  3. If all requisitions lines cannot be displayed on one screen, then pressing PF8 will display screens successively until all requisition lines have been displayed.
  4. If there is an extended item description associated with any line of the requisition, an asterisk (*) will be displayed beside the requisition line number.

Using LRBU to Find Requisitions

LRBU (List Requisitions for a BU and dept reference id by date) allows you to view requisitions for a particular BU, and gives you the ability to further define the list by a department reference ID that was entered on the requisition header.

Step by Step process

  1. Input the BU and the Dept Reference ID and press Enter.
  2. All requisitions for the given BU are displayed as well as for the Department Ref ID, if specified.
  3. If all requisitions cannot be displayed on one screen, then pressing PF8 will display screens successively until all requisition lines have been displayed.

Using LORC to Find Requisition Lines

LRLN (List Requisition Lines by Number) allows you to list open requisition lines for a particular company cost center and/or cateogry.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input the Co Ctr No and the
  2. Dept Catg and press Enter.
  3. All open requisition lines for the Company Cost Center/Category combination you specified are displayed.
  4. If all requisitions lines cannot be displayed on one screen, then pressing PF8 will display screens successively until all requisition lines have been displayed. Running totals will be displayed at the bottom of the screen for in-process (not submitted), pending approval, and committed amounts.

How to Find the Purchase Order Number(s) Issued for a Requisition

When a requisition is processed, a purchase order is issued. Depending on the requisition, multiple purchase orders may be issued from a single requisition. The LPOR (List Purchase Orders for a Requisition) facility provides you with a list of the PO number(s) issued for your requisition.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input the Req number and press Enter .
  2. If a PO has been issued for the requisition the PO number will be displayed along with the following:

Note: You should pay special attention to the PO header Status when viewing records on this list. Purchase order statuses are defined as:

P In Process (PO has not been opened by Purchasing yet)
O Open (invoice activity can take place against this order)
C Closed (all invoicing activity has taken place and this order is closed)
X Canceled (no invoice activity may take place)

Related Topics

For further information on the LPOR (List Purchase Orders for a Requisition) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Find Purchase Orders Utilizing PO List Facilities

Several list facilities are available to find purchase orders that have been created from your requisition. Below is a breakdown of the various list facilities and the information available on each one.

Step by Step Process - LLPO

  1. Input the PO number in the banner area, and press Enter. The lines of the purchase order will be displayed along with some purchase order header information.
  2. If additional lines are associated with the order, the PF8 (Forwd) key will be available.
  3. To view any extended item description that may be associated with a purchase order line, select the line and press the PF9 (EItmD) key.

Step by Step Process - LPOS

  1. Input the Status, BU, and Date and press Enter. The system displays any purchase orders for the criteria you specified in the banner.

Step by Step Process - LPOV

  1. Input the Vendor and the Date (Defaults to current date, but is modifiable) and press Enter. A list of purchase orders will be displayed from the information you entered in the banner.

Step by Step Process - LOPC

  1. Input the CCCand insure that you have the current date in the Enc Date field. You can also narrow the list by putting in a Dept. Acct Category If you want to see everything though, regardless of the category, leave this field blank.
  2. Press Enter A list of purchase orders with open lines will be displayed.

Related Topics

For further information on the LPOR, LLPO, LPOV, LPOS, and LOPC functions, please refer to the appropriate segments of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Find Internal Vendor Charges against a Purchase Order

How to Change Cost Center Distribution on a Line Once a PO Has Been Issued

Cost Center Distribution takes place at the line level. Sometimes, you may need to modify the cost center distribution on a PO line after the PO has been issued. The PODT (Purchase Order Distribution change TARGET) function allows you to modify cost centers, distributions, and categories for a line within certain parameters.

Step by Step Process

PO lines may be viewed and updated (VU).
  1. Input ActionPO number and line number and press Enter.

    Note: If the PO line has not been expensed against, you may remove a cost center and/or replace it with another one.

    If you wish to add additional categories to a cost center you may do so, not to exceed five unique categories for a particular cost center.

    If a cost center has been expensed against, the cost center may not be removed. However, the distribution may be lowered to the expensed amount used for that line.

    If the PO is a blanket order and the cost center is no longer valid, you may lower the % distribution to zero (0) and add a new cost center.

    You may add a cost center that was not originally on the requisition header as long as the total number of cost centers does not exceed ten (10).

    If the PO line was setup to perform $ receiving and expensing has occurred, a TWO STEP PROCESS may be required. You must insure that the UNIT PRICE is EQUAL to or GREATER than the higher of Rec/Inv/Exp amount. A POIT txn will be required if it is not. Once the POIT txn is approved you will go to PODT to change the CC.

  2. Five (5) cost centers are displayed on the screen. If the PO line you are modifying includes any additional cost centers, you may access them by pressing the PF12 key.
  3. Once you have made your cost center modifications, press Enter to validate. The previous values will be displayed below the proposed changes.
  4. Press PF10 to submit your PO line distribution change via TARGET to the cost center managers responsible for the cost centers you are proposing.
  5. Repeat the above steps for all lines of a purchase order which require modification.

TARGET Routing

Only those cost centers raised as a result of a modification will be routed to cost center managers for approval. Upon final approval of the transaction, the new cost center distribution will be displayed.

Related Topics

For further information on the PODT (Purchase Order Distribution change TARGET) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Close an Internal Purchase Order

An internal purchase order may be closed at any point by a departmental user.

The IPO - Internal Purchase Order function is the facility to use for this process.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input IPO in the Command field; Tab to the Action field and type 'U'; Tab to the PO field and input the purchase order number. Press Enter. The cursor will be in the Status field.
  2. Change the Status to a 'C' Press Enter to validate.
  3. You will receive a message which says, 'All entries are valid, press PF10 to save.'
  4. Press PF10
The transaction will route to the service desk of the internal vendor for approval. Upon final approval of the transaction, the Status will be a 'C' (Closed).

How to Cancel an Internal Regular or Blanket Purchase Order

An internal purchase order may be 'canceled' as long as no 'expensing' has occured against the purchase order.

The IPO - Internal Purchase Order function is the facility to use for this process.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input IPO in the Command field; Tab to the Action field and type 'U'; Tab to the PO field and input the purchase order number. Press 'Enter'.
  2. The cursor will be in the Status field.
  3. Change the Status to an 'X'.. Press 'Enter' to validate.
  4. You will receive a message which says: 'All entries are valid, press PF10 to save.'.
  5. Press PF10 The transaction will route to the service desk of the internal vendor for approval. Upon final approval of the transaction, the Status will be an 'X'. Any encumbrance will be removed from DART.

How to Re-Open an Internal Purchase Order

An internal purchase order may be reopened by a departmental user.

The IPO - Internal Purchase Order function is the facility to use for this process.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input IPO in the Command field; Tab to the Action field and type 'U'; Tab to the PO field and input the purchase order number. Press Enter. The cursor will be in the Status field.
  2. Change the Status to a 'O' Press Enter to validate.
  3. You will receive a message which says, 'All entries are valid, press PF10 to save.'
  4. Press PF10
If by reopening the internal PO, encumbrances will be posted in DART, then the transaction will route to the CC managers with the internal vendor being the final approver. If no encumbrances will posted in DART, the transaction will only route to the service desk for approval. Upon final approval of the transaction, the Status will be a 'O' (Open).

How to Increase/Decrease the PO Maximum on an Internal Regular PO

The PO Max on an internal regular PO may be updated in order to increase and/or descrease the PO maximum to be paid against the PO.

This is accomplished by using the IPO - Internal Purchase Order function.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input IPO in the Command field; tab to the Action field and type 'U' (update); tab to the PO number field and type the PO number. Press 'Enter'.
  2. Tab to the PO Max field and type over the amount there with the new amount.
  3. Press 'Enter' to validate. The system will display the previous amount below the new amount.
  4. Press PF10 to save the transaction.

If the PO Max was increased, the transaction will route to all cost center managers and service desk of internal vendor for approval.

If the PO Max was decreased, the transaction will only route to the service desk of the internal vendor for approval.

How to Modify the PO Expiration Date on an Internal Blanket PO

The IPO - Internal Purchase Order function provides the facility for updating the PO Expiration Date on an Internal Blanket Purchase Order.

This process would be utilized in the instances where your grant has been extended and you are changing the PO Expiration Date so that charges may be uploaded against this Purchase Order.

Please Note: This function validates against the cost center table so you must insure the date has been changed on the cost center table prior to coming to this function to change the Purchase Order.

Step by Step Process

  1. InputIPO in the Command field; tab to the Action field and type 'U' (update); tab to the PO Number field and type the PO number. Press Enter.
  2. Tab to the PO Expiration Date field and modify to the new date. The system will actually tell you the date you must enter if you pressEnter. The date will be required to be the last day of the month of the Date Inactive on the cost center table.

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