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UPS' Internal Orders Documentation
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Processes: "How To For
Departmental Users"
Processes: "How To For Internal
Processes: "How To For Office of
Business Affairs"
Reference: Online Functions
University Procurement System
BASIS Development Team
March 23, 2001
Provide online entry of internal requisitions by user
departments along with electronic approval of these
transactions by the appropriate individuals responsible
for the cost centers.
Alleviate the need for signature authorization sheets and
replace with internal requisitions and internal purchase
Provide a greater flexibility in the distribution of
expenditures by allowing up to 5 cost centers to be used
in distributing expenses.
Provide the flexibility of taking an internal vendor's
services and distributing those services to categories
you define.
Provide an upload for internal vendors which will allow
those charges that can be accepted to be posted and only
'suspending' those charges in which the PO is closed,
PO Max has been reached, Credit exceeds the expense, or
Charge Date is outside of PO Dates
Utilizing the same lists used for regular requisitions
and purchase orders to be used for orders with internal
campus vendors.
The following campus units have been setup for use of the
internal order system. Other campus units may be added at a
future date. Currently they are as follows:
Physical Plant
Mailing Services
Printing Services
Gas Cylinder Management
Computing Services
Telephone Office
U of A Bookstore
U of A Computer Store
Internal Requisitions replace the current process of issuing
and maintaining Signature Authorizaiton Sheets. Internal
Requisitions are created and submitted by departmental users,
utilizing two (2) different functions. Internal Requisitions
cannot be updated once they are approved. Once approved by
cost center managers, the internal requisition will qualify
as an 'auto po'. An individual in Business Affairs will run
the 'auto po' job several times per day in order to generate
purchase orders.
When a department wishes to make a purchase with an
internal vendor, they will give the internal vendor a
purchase order number. This number may be a 'blanket' po or
an internal 'regular' po.
IREQ allows the user to enter the entire internal requisition
utilizing two (2) screens. When initially selecting this
function, the user will be required to select a Req
Type (Requisition Type) before proceeding with the input
of the internal requisition. Once the Req Type has
been entered, the user must start over if they wish to modify
it. Although there are several Req Types, the only 2 types
allowable for internal requisitions are:
Internal Blanket
Internal Regular
Each internal vendor has 'pre-defined' services assigned. A
department will have the option of having all of the
services distributed to the same category or of
distributing the services to multiple categories.
The requisition Status begins as in-process and is
updated when submitted for approval, when approved, when
the internal purchase order has been generated, and when it
is cancelled. The date, time, and user are logged in the
UPDATE HISTORY GROUP each time a requisition's status is
Extended text is associated with an Internal Requisition.
This TEXT, when entered by the department, is printed on
the purchase order prior to the printing of the PO lines.
When creating a Req Type of 'IR' this entry will be
As internal vendors upload charges against a department's
purchase order, these charges may be viewed by accessing
the LAPO - List Accounting transactions for a Purchase
Order function.
An Internal Requisition may be distributed up to five (5)
different cost centers.
A category code will be required to categorize expenses.
The category selected on Screen 1 will default to each
service line where it may then be modified from Screen 2.
Important Note: If a cost center is used that has
a Project Begin Date in the future, the Purchase
Order will not print until the future date is equal to
the current date. Therefore; the internal vendor will not
receive the purchase order until that date.
A departmentally assigned identifier may be entered which
can be used to track requisitions and purchase orders.
This may be a departmentally assigned requisition number
or some other internally used code or number.
Codes for ship-to addresses are maintained on the ADDRESS
CODE table and a valid code must be entered or selected
from the table.
A percent by which a requisition amount may be exceeded
may be entered. Purchase orders generated from the
internal requisition may not exceed this limit. Likewise,
charges uploaded by the internal vendor may not exceed
this amount until a purchase order supplement has been
approved or a new purchase order given to the internal
Internal blankets will default to 999% and may not be
An entry may be made of the date by which the resulting
purchase order is expected to be closed. If no date is
entered, the date is defaulted to 30 days past the PO
issue date, with the exception of blanket purchase
orders. Blankets will have an anticipated close date not
to exceed 12/31/2099 unless otherwise specified by the
A vendor-assigned customer number may be entered. This is
the number by which the vendor identifies the university
or particular university department. Example:
Mailing Services Mail Code number.
The services offered by the internal vendor selected on
Screen 1 will be displayed. These are pre-defined services
for the internal vendor you selected. Depending on how you
have setup your categories in DART, at this point you have
the option of modifying the default category you entered on
Screen 1 to a different category which better defines the
service for tracking of expenses within DART.
The lines of the internal requisition will be determined by
the way the department chooses to categorize the services
If the service lines are all distributed to the same
category/cost center combination then the internal
requisition will result in 1 line purchase order with the
description of 'services'.
If the department chooses to distribute one or more
services to a different category, the internal requisition
will result in a muliple line purchase order based on the
number of services offered by the internal vendor.
Once the internal requisition has been saved, the user will
access the REQT function to submit the internal requisition
The REQT function provides facilities for the submission of
requisitions for approval, and also for their review by the
approvers established for the cost center(s). The individuals
responsible for approving a requisition are determined by the
cost centers to which costs are distributed and by the total
requisition amount plus any tolerance amount. A reviewer can
approve, hold pending further information, or disapprove the
Upon final approval of the transaction, internal
requisitions are set to a status of G (Approved for Auto
A batch program will be generated in Business Affairs to
create the purchase orders.
Any requisitions which have a Project Begin Date on
the CCC that is in the future of the current date, will not
print until the Project Begin Date is equal to the
current date.
The same list facilities used to locate reqular requisitions
and purchase orders will also be utilized to locate internal
requisitions and internal purchase orders. List functions are
defined as follows:
List Requisitions for a Buyer & Status (buyer will
be NO BUYER) for internal requisitions.
List Requisition Lines by Number
List ReQuisitions for a Status, bu, & type
List Requisitions for a BU and dept reference id
List Open Requisition lines for a Cost center/category
List Lines for a Purchase Order
List Open POs for a Company cost center
List Purchase Orders Requisition
List POs for a Status and BU
List POs for Vendor
List Transactions for a Purchase Order
List Accounting transactions for a Purchase Order
Periodically it will be necessary to modify an Internal
Purchase Order. This will be done using the following
Internal Purchase Order
Users are able to modify the extended price on a line, PO
Maximum, PO Expiration, TEXT, and Status. Use of this
function results in a TARGET transaction that routes to the
internal vendor on the purchase order for final approval.
If the extended price or PO Maximum is increased, the
transaction will also route to the cost center managers for
Changes to cost center distribution may be accomplished
using the PODT function.
An internal vendor's charge will suspend for any one of the
following reasons:
Purchase Order is closed
Purchase Order has been fully expended (Reached PO Max)
Credit exceeds the expensed amount on the Purchase
Charge Date is outside of the Purchase Order dates
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