University Procurement System

Processes: "How To For Internal Vendors"

This section explains the processes by which each Internal Vendor performs certain activities related to uploading and modifying charges submitted against internal purchase orders. These sections are best used as step-by-step guides as you upload charges, modify suspended charges, and print various purchase order reports.

How to Upload Your Charges

A minimum of once a month, each internal vendor will submit any charges that have occurred for the month for any given internal purchase order.

The JOBS function provides the facility for these charges to be uploaded from a particular PC and directory to the BASIS system.

Step by Step Process

  1. From the UPS application, type JOBS in the Command field and press 'enter'.
  2. Press the PF1 (Help) key while cursor is in the Job field.
  3. Press 'enter' and a list of jobs will begin being displayed.
  4. Tab to the job name which represents your area. Below is a list of the job names for each internal vendor.
  5. Press 'enter' and the job name will be displayed in the Job field.
  6. Type an 'S' in the Action field and press'enter'.
  7. The cursor will be in the Batch Dollar Amount field. This is where you will type the total dollar amount of the charges you are uploading.
  8. The Batch Record Count field is not required, but if you know the total count of charges, you may enter that amount here.
  9. The system will default the Batch File IP address and the Batch File Directory. These fields are modifiable. These fields designate where the file of charges is located.
  10. Tab to the Batch File Name and type the name of the file.
  11. The ID will be defaulted, but is modifiable.
  12. Tab to the PSWD: and type your password.
  13. The Report Output Destination ID will be defaulted to your printer, but is modifiable.
  14. Press 'enter' to validate, press PF10 to submit your charges.
  15. Once you have pressed PF10 go back to the Action field and type 'V'. Press the PF5 (Restart) key until you see a date and time appear in the Trigger field. (This is letting you know that the job has completed its initial edits and is in the que for processing.
  16. IF the job could not complete its initial edit, instead of a date and time appearing in the Trigger field, an error report will generate on your printer explaining why the job could not be started. See EXAMPLE 1 for and example of what the report of how the report would appear.
  17. Once you have fixed all of the errors on the error report you can go back and submit the job again following the steps outlined above.
  18. IF the job did trigger, then continue to press the PF5 key until a date and time is populated in the Start and Finish fields.
  19. Example 2 is an example of the report that will print if all edits have been met and the job is going to upload. (This is regardless of whether or not there are any suspended charges)
  20. Example 3 is an example of the report that will print once the job has completed its upload. This is also the report that will list any charges that have suspended along with the reason they suspended.

How to Find Charges that have Suspended

When charges are uploaded, those charges which did not meet criteria defined below will suspend. The LSCV (List Suspended Charges for an internal Vendor) facility provides you with a list of the charges that have suspended

Suspensed Charge Reason Codes

C Purchase Order is closed
F Purchase order has been fully expended (Reached PO Max)
E Credit exceeds the expensed amount on the Purchase Order
D Charge Date is outside of the Purchase Order dates.

Step by Step Process

  1. Press PF1 while the cursor is in the Vendor ID in the banner. A window will be displayed with a definition of the field along with a starting value. Press 'Enter' and the list of internal vendors will be displayed. Tab to your vendor number and press 'Enter'. The vendor number will now be displayed in the Vendor ID field.
  2. The system has already defaulted the Status of 'A' and the current date in the Charge Date field. The Status of A (Active) along with the current date signifys that you want to see all 'active' suspended charges beginning from the current date and descending. Press 'Enter'.
  3. If any charges have suspended, the following information will be displayed:
  4. At this point, once you have reviewed the list, you may mark a charge and press PF2-Suspd. The system will take you to the function: IOSC - Internal Order Suspended Charges for further action. See How to Modify a Suspended Charge for further information regarding this process.

Note: By pressing the PF4-DCode the definition of the Suspense Reason Cd for each suspended transaction will be displayed.

Internal Order Suspense Status' are defined as:

A Active; The charge is re-validated and attempted to be processed nightly.
P Processed; The charge has been re-validated and sucessfully posted to accounting.
X Canceled; The charge has been withdrawn and will not be processed.

Related Topics

For further information on the LSCV (List Suspended Charges for an internal Vendor) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Modify an Internal Order Suspended Charge

The IOSC function provides the facility for doing any one of the following:

Step by Step Process

  1. In the majority of instances you will have suspended to this function from the list facility LSCV. Once here, the following information will be displayed:
  2. Input an Action of 'U' (Update)
  3. Once you have made your modifications, press PF10 to save.

Each night the BASIS system will attempt to process charges that have suspended, unless you have canceled the charge. Once the charge has been processed or canceled, it will be removed from the suspended list.

How to Print Report of Closed/Canceled Purchase Orders

Each internal vendor has the opportunity if they so wish to print a report which will list the purchse orders that have been closed or canceled since the last time they ran the report.

The JOBS function provides the facility for running the report.

Step by Step Process

  1. From the UPS application, type JOBS in the Command field and press 'enter'.
  2. Press the PF1 (Help) key while cursor is in the Job field.
  3. Press 'enter' and a list of jobs will begin being displayed.
  4. Tab to the job name which represents your area. Below is a list of the job names for each internal vendor.
  5. Press 'enter' and the job name will be displayed in the Job field.
  6. Type an 'S' in the Action field and press'enter'.
  7. The Report Output Destination ID will be defaulted to your printer, but is modifiable.
  8. Press 'enter' to validate, press PF10 to submit.

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