Press PF8 to view next scrren or enter new keys UPIV 1 PROD Internal Vendor table - IV 08/18/00 10:18 Command: Action: V Req: : Vendor: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Action: V Vendor #: 999999 Name #: 1 Physical Plant MAD Record Type: IVT Addr #: 1 PHPL Print PO (Y/N): X Target Criterion Value: X Service Account # Account Name =============================================================================== 1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99999999 2 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99999999 3 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99999999 4 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99999999 5 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99999999 Initial creation: (User id and time stamp) Updated by: (User id and time stamp) Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit DCode RStrt NextR Save |
This table is to be maintained by an individual within Business Affairs, knowledgeable in the process of internal requisition creation and internal purchase orders.
Information maintainable here includes:
View | {V} |
Add | (A} |
Update | {U} |
Delete | {D} |
Press PF8 to view next scrren or enter new keys UPIVR 1 PROD Internal Vendor Credit Code table - IVCC 10/25/00 10:18 Command: Action: V Vendor No: 99999999999 Credit Code: XXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action: V Vendor : 999999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Credit Code: XXXXXXX Description: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Cost Center % Category Account Code PR =============================================================================== 999999999999999 999 XXXXXXXX 99999999 99 999999999999999 999 XXXXXXXX 99999999 99 999999999999999 999 XXXXXXXX 99999999 99 999999999999999 999 XXXXXXXX 99999999 99 999999999999999 999 XXXXXXXX 99999999 99 Initial creation: (User id and time stamp) Updated by: (User id and time stamp) Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit DCode RStrt NextR Save |
This table is to be maintained by an individual within Financial Affairs, knowledgeable in the process of defining cost centers, categories, and associated account codes related to a particular internal vendor defined credit code.
Information maintainable here includes:
View | {V} |
Add | (A} |
Update | {U} |
Delete | {D} |
Figure 3. LSCV - List Suspended
Charges for an internal Vendor
UPOLSCV 1 PROD List Suspended Charges for an internal Vendor - LSCV 1/31/01 Command: Action: V Req: : PO: : TA: Vendor ID: 100185-01-001 Status: A Charge Date: 01/31/2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of Suspended Charges for Vendor ID: with Status: A Active and Charge Date on or before 01/31/2001 Cmd Charge Suspense Charge Amount Work Order No PO Nmbr Reason --- ----Date---- --- No---- --------------- ------------- -------- --Cd------ IOSC 99/99/99 9999999 9999999.99 XXXXXXXXXXXX 9999999 X Chg Txn Desc: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Svc Catg: 1 IOSC 99/99/99 9999999 9999999.99 XXXXXXXXXXXX 9999999 X Chg Txn Desc: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Svc Catg: 1 IOSC 99/99/99 9999999 9999999.99 XXXXXXXXXXXX 9999999 X Chg Txn Desc: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Svc Catg: 1 IOSC 99/99/99 9999999 9999999.99 XXXXXXXXXXXX 9999999 X Chg Txn Desc: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Svc Catg: 1 Suspended Charges 1 through 4 of 9 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit Dcode RStrt Back Forwd |
The following sections describe the LSCV (List Suspended Charges for an internal Vendor) function.
By pressing the PF1 (Help) key in the banner, a list of internal vendors will be displayed. By selecting a vendor then tabbing to the Status field and entering the appropriate status and then Date, any charges that suspended will be displayed.
This list will display in decending order the Date Charge, Charge Amount, Work Order Number, Purchase Order Number, Reason Code, description of charge, and Service Category.
Those charges which are a credit to the dept. will be displayed with a minus sign.
Internal vendors will access this list in order to view any charges that have suspended. The system will default a Status of 'A' and the current date in the banner. Press 'Enter' and a list will display in descending order, any charges that are in a Suspense Status. At this point, the internal vendor may mark the charge and press PF2 - Suspd. This takes the internal vendor to the function IOSC - Internal Order Suspended Charge where further information on both the charge and the Purchase Order is displayed.
Each night the BASIS system will attempt to re-validate all suspended charges. As suspended charges are 'accepted', the charge will be removed from the suspended list.
There is also the ability of changing the Status to an 'X' or a 'P', if the internal vendor would like to look at a list of canceled charges or of processed charges.
A charge may suspend for any of the following reasons:
C = PO has been closed
F = PO has been fully expended (reached PO Max)
E = Credit exceeds the amount expensed against PO
D = Date of charge outside the PO Expiration Date
The following function will be used along with this list in order to correct a Purchase Order that has been closed, or has exceeded the PO maximum, or in the case of a credit, has exceeded the expensed amount. The charge may also be canceled.
Figure 4. Internal Order Suspended
Charge - IOSC
Please enter new key fields UPOIOSC 1 PROD Internal Order Suspended Charge 02/01/01 15:31 Command: Action: V Req: : PO: : TA: Vendor ID: Suspense No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action: V Vendor ID: Suspense No.: 9999999 ==========================Purchase Order Information=========================== PO Number: 9999999 Original PO No: 9999999 PO Maximum: 99999999.99 Requestor: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Expensed Amt: 99999999.99 Phone: 999/999-9999 PO Expiration Date: 99/99/9999 ----------------------Suspended Charge Information---------------------------- Reason Code: X (decode) Original Batch No: 9999999 Service Category: 9 (decode) Batch No: 9999999 Date Charge: 99/99/9999 Charge Amount: 9999999.99 Suspense Status: X Work Order No: XXXXXXXXXXXX Desc: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Comment: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Created: PO Changed: Canceled: Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit DCode RStrt NextR Save |
The following sections describe the Internal Order Suspended Charge function.
In the majority of instances the internal vendor will suspend to this function from the list facility - LSCV (List Suspended Charges for an internal Vendor). By suspending from the LSCV function, the Vendor ID and the Suspense No. will be displayed in the banner.
View | {V} |
Update | {U} |
C = PO has been closed
F = PO has been fully expended (reached PO Max)
E = Credit exceeds the amount expensed against PO
D = Date of charge outside the PO Expiration Date
In the majority of instances, the internal vendor will have suspended from the LSCV function to IOCS in order to obtain further information regarding the charge that suspended.
At this point all information regarding the suspended charge, along with pertinent Purchase Order information will be displayed.
The internal vendor will have the option at this point of notifying the Requestor displayed from the PO information to determine how to correct the suspended charge.
If the Reason Code displayed is a 'C' this means the PO is closed. The dept. has the option of reopening the PO or of giving the internal vendor a different PO for this charge.
If the Reason Code displayed is an 'F' this means the charge exceeds the PO Maximum allowed on the PO. The dept. has the option of increasing the PO Maximum, having the internal vendor assign a different PO, or of working with the internal vendor to decide if this charge was allowable to begin with. If it is found that the charge was not allowable, then the Suspense Status may be changed to an X (Cancel).
If the Reason Code displayed is an 'E' this means the credit charge exceeds the amount already expensed against the PO. The internal vendor will have the option of assigning a new PO number or of canceling the charge by changing the Suspense Status to an 'X'.
If the Reason Code displayed is a 'D' this means the charge date is later than the PO Expiration Date on the PO. If the PO is one in which the PO Expiration Date may be extended, the dept may do this, or they may also give the internal vendor a new PO.
The internal vendor may at any point elect to cancel the charge by changing the Suspense Status to an 'X' and resubmiting the charge at a later date if they so choose.
Each night the BASIS system will look at all suspended charges with a Suspense Status of 'A' and revalidate to determine if the charge can now be processed. As suspended charges are processed they will be given a new Source Batch No and will be removed from the suspended list.
The internal vendor also has the option of entering a Comment associated with a suspended charge for documentation purposes. If the suspended charge is canceled, the Comment field will become required entry.
Figure 5. Data Entry Screen -
Enter values and press ENTER to validate UPIREQ 1 PROD Internal Requisition - IREQ 07/27/00 10:18 Command: Action: A Req: : PO: : TA: Req Type: XX ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Action: A Requisition No: Type: Screen 1 Req Amount: 99999999.99 Tolerance: 999% Vendor ID: 999999-99-999 Physical Plant Customer ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Requestor: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Telephone: 999/999/9999 Ship To: XXXXXXXX - Co Cost Center # Co Cost Center Name % Amount Category PR 9999 99999 99 9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 999 99999999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999 99999 99 9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 999 99999999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999 99999 99 9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 999 99999999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999 99999 99 9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 999 99999999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999 99999 99 9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 999 99999999.99 XXXXXXXX XX =============================================================================== PO Effective Date: 99/99/9999 PO Expiration Date: 99/99/9999 Reference ID: XXXXXXXX Exp. PO Close Date: 99/99/9999 Dept. Rep: DONNAC Donna Carter BU: AVCB ASSO VICE CHAN BUSIN Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit RStrt NextS Text Save |
Figure 6. List of Internal Vendors
for Selection
Select desired vendor number and press ENTER Values for IVN - 142729-01-001 Physical Plant - 103274-01-001 Computing Services - 163271-01-001 Printing Services - 142615-01-001 Telephone Office - 153541-01-001 Scientific Supplies - 145788-01-001 Mailing Services |
Enter data and press ENTER to validate UPOIREQ 1 PROD Internal REQuisition - IREQ Command: Action: Req: : PO: : TA: Req Type: IB ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action: A Requisition Number: Type: IB (Internal Blanket) 2 of 2 Req Amt: 1.00 Co Center No1 Co Center No Co Center No ---------------------0102 02030-61-0000 1 Building Material & Labor 99999999.99999 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 2 Vehicle Rental 99999999.99999 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 3 Rental of Special Setup Equipment 99999999.99999 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 4 Vehicle Parts Labor & Fuel 99999999.99999 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 5 Supplies nd Misc. Items 99999999.99999 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10---PF11---PF12- Help Suspd Quit RSrt PrevS Text Save> |
The following sections describe the IREQ (Internal Requisition) function.
The IREQ (Internal REQuisition) function provides the facilities for creating the internal requisition, which will result in a minimum of a one line internal purchase order. The number of lines which will appear on the requistion are determined by the number of services offered by the internal vendor unless the user elects to put all services in the same category/cost center combination. In that instance, a one (1) line requisition will be created with a description which reads: 'services'.
Once the requisition has been created and saved, the user will access the function REQT (REQuisition TARGET processing) to submit the internal requisition for approval.
View | {V} |
Add | (A} |
Update | {U} |
Delete | {D} |
Copy | {C} |
The user will be required to select the appropriate Req Type being created. The Req Amount is a required field for entry of the dolar amount of the internal requisition. (This will establish the commitment)
The Tolerance field will default to 999 for a Req Type of 'IB', and is not modifiable.
For a Req Type of 'IR' the Tolerance field will default to 30%, but is modifiable.
An internal requisition may be distributed up to 5 cost centers. Once cost centers and categories have been entered on Screen 1, the user will go to Screen 2 (PF8) to enter line amounts, redefine categories if desired, and to save the internal requisition. Once the internal requisition has been saved, it will have a Status of 'P'. User will access REQT in order to submit the internal requisition for administrative approval.
If the Req Type requires modification, the requisition must be deleted and started over due to the fact that the data requirements vary extensively for different requisition types.
Once the requisition has reached final approval, the internal requisition will have a Status of 'G'.
Note: When utilizing the copy action, the Req Type is NOT modifiable; you can only copy a requisition using the same req type.
Purchase orders of this type will be assigned a purchase code of EL.
If an 'S' in the Handling Code No PO will print.
The PO Effective Date will be based on the earliest date in the oldest open period (ECAL) or the latest Project Begin Date of any CCC used, whichever is later.
For those internal vendors that have the capability of receiving PO information downloaded to their system, we will be defining how this will be accomplished. Preferably it will be a process initated by the internal vendor to download any PO information now available from the last time the process was initiated.
If the user would like to further categorize each service offered by an internal vendor for a particular cost center, this may be done by pressing PF8 (NextS) and entering a different category than what is displayed for any of the services so desired.
The sum of the Line Amounts MUST be equal to theReq Amount.
For a Req Type of 'IB' 999 will be defaulted and is not modifiable.
Use of the Tolerance % can eliminate the need to supplement (update) the purchase order in most cases.
Figure 8. Reviewer Screen -
Please enter new key fields UPOREQT 1 DEMO REQuisition Target Processing - REQT 05/12/97 11:12 Command: Action: V Req: R002389 : 1 PO: 6002117 : 1 TA: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action: V Req #: R002389 : 1 Req Type: RE Status: A A Approved Requestor: Drk Tolerance: 10 % Req Amount: 500.00 Telephone: 5317 10 Freight Amount: 1.00 Vendor: 101522-01-001 Tax Amount: 32.50 M & F Office Supply Company Total Amount: 533.50 ---- CCC Number --- ------------- CCC Name ----------------- CCC Amount 0113 11052-99-0000 533.50 Adv PO #: Hold Check for: PO Effective Date: 07/01/1997 Expiration Date: Const: N MOF: Dept Rep ID: DKEITH BU: AVCB ASSO VICE CHAN BUSIN ================== 1 through 2 of 2 Line Items ======================== Line# --------- Description ------------ Quantity Unit Price Extension 1 Filing Cabinet 1.000 250.00 250.00 2 Side Desk 1.000 250.00 250.00 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit DCode NextR CCC |
Figure 9. Cost Center Distribution at
Header Level
--CCC No------------------------Name--------------------------------Amount---- _9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99,999,999.99 _9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99,999,999.99 _9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99,999,999.99 _9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99,999,999.99 _9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99,999,999.99 _9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99,999,999.99 _9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99,999,999.99 _9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99,999,999.99 _9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99,999,999.99 _9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99,999,999.99 Enter--PF1=Help PF3=Quit PF4=Category Totals |
Figure 10 is an example of the window displayed when the PF4 (Category Totals) is pressed when the cursor is on a particular cost center. A particular cost center may be distributed to a maximum of five (5) categories per requisition.
Figure 10. Category Distribution at
the Header Level
Cost Center: 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Category-----------Total Amount XXXXXXXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX 99,999,999.99 PF3=Quit PF8=NextC |
Figure 11. Line Item Decode Window -
Desc: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --CCC No---------------------Name-----------------%----Amount--------Cat---Proj 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX Press Enter to continue |
The following sections describe the REQT (Requisition TARGET) function:
View | {V} |
Update | {U} |
Withdraw | {W} |
Review | {R} |
Submit | {S} |
A Requisition Type of 'IR' will also route to an internal service dept. desk for approval. (Criteron Type to be defined)
S | Submitted for approval |
A | Approved by Management |
G | Awaiting generation of completed Auto PO |
D | Disapproved |
I | Invalid Transaction |
H | Held for further information |
The Tolerance % may be modified upon submission of the TARGET transaction.
The update action is used on an approved Status A requisition in order to modify the Tolerance %, Const code, and MOF number.
The MOF and Const code fields will be a modifiable field during TARGET processing for the Property Accounting desk to modify if required.
The following commands perform functions related to requisitions.
REQH | REQuisition Header |
REQL | REQuisition Line |
IREQ | Internal REQuisition |
RLCM | Requisition Line Category Maintenance |
Figure 12. LRLN - List Requisition
Lines by Number
Select an entry, or enter new keys POLRLN 1 DEMO List Requisition Lines for a req Num Command: LRLN Action: V Req: R000123 : PO: : TA: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lines for Requisition Number: R002567 starting from Line Number: 1 Requisition Status: A (Approved) Type: TQ Advance PO: Contract No: Req Amount: 5,675.00 Special Processing: Licensed Logo Freight: 70.00 Sales Tax ID: Tax: 368.88 Vendor ID: bid, quote, or no vendor: N Handling Cd: F Tolerance: % Text: BU - Supporting Doc: N Licensed Logo: Y Construction: N Handling: 50.00 Line # S --------- Description ----------- Quantity Unit Price - Extension _ 1 O Backpacks 50.000 42.50 2125.00 Commodity: 78501 SCHOOL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES _ 2 O Windsuits for Basketball Team 50.000 35.00 1750.00 Commodity: 80512 ATHLETIC APPAREL: AWARD JACKETS, JERSEYS, SHOES, S _ 3 O Leather Tennis Shoes 50.000 36.00 1800.00 Commodity: 80099 SHOES & BOOTS NOT OTHERWISE CLASSIFIED Lines 1 through 3 of 3 are displayed Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit DCode RStrt EItmD |
The following sections describe the LRLN (List Requisition Lines by Number) function:
If viewing the lines of a Req Type of 'IB' or 'IR', if all service lines of the vendor are being distributed to the same category for each cost center, then only a one line requisition is created.
Figure 13. Decode Window -
ENTER to continue Commitment Date: 04/29/97 Buyer: Donna Carter Cancelled: 01/02/00 Vendor: bid, quote, or no vendor By: Address: PO Opened: 01/02/00 Special: 01/02/00 Created: 04/29/97 City: State: XXXX Zip: Ship To: Office of Business Affairs Administration Bldg, Rm 321 City: Fayetteville State: AR Zip: 72701 Bill To: ATTN: Accounts Payable Division Handling: Requisition Amt: 5675.00 Freight Amt: 70.00 Tax: 368.88 - |
For Req Type of 'IB' and 'IR', the Buyer ID field will display NO BUYER.
No Commodity Class Codes are displayed on Req Types of 'IB' and 'IR'.
The following commands perform functions related to requisitions.
REQH | REQuisition Header |
REQL | REQuisition Line |
REQT | REQuisition TARGET |
IREQ | Internal REQuisition |
Figure 14. LORC - List Open Req lines
for a Company cost center
UPOLORC 1 PROD List Open Requisition lines by CCC - LORC MM/DD/YY HH/MM Command: Action: X Req: : PO: : TA: Co Ctr No: 9999 99999-99-9999 Dept Catg : XXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of Open Req lines for DAC: 9999 99999-99-9999 for Dept Catg: XXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Submit Commit RQ RQ Req Line Attributed to Dept Catg Req No Line Date Date ST TY Amount DAC/Dept Catg _ XXXXXXXX R999999 999 MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY X XX 99,999,999.99 99,999,999.99 Vendor: 999999-99-999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX _ XXXXXXXX R999999 999 MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY X XX 99,999,999.99 99,999,999.99 Vendor: 999999-99-999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX _ XXXXXXXX R999999 999 MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY X XX 99,999,999.99 99,999,999.99 Vendor: 999999-99-999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX _ XXXXXXXX R999999 999 MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY X XX 99,999,999.99 99,999,999.99 Vendor: 999999-99-999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX _ XXXXXXXX R999999 999 MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY X XX 99,999,999.99 99,999,999.99 Vendor: 999999-99-999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Running Totals: In Process-Not submitted Pending Approval Committed 99,999,999.99 99,999,999.99 99,999,999.99 Requisition Lines 9999 thru 9999 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit DCode RStrt Select an entry, or enter new keys |
Figure 15. Decode Window -
The following sections describe the LORC (List Open Requisition lines by Company cost center) function:
Requisition lines may have a Status of O (open) and appear in this list while the requisition may be in process, submitted, or approved. A running total of attributed amounts (in process-not submitted, pending approval, and approved) will be displayed at the bottom of the list.
Dept Catg | Departmental Accounting category |
Req No | Requisition number |
Line | Requisition line number) |
Submit Date | Date-Occurrence-2 of Update-History-Group. 5 |
Commit Date | Date-Commitment-Effective. 6 |
RQ/ST | Requisition header status |
RQ/TY | Requisition type |
Req Line Amt | Item-Extended-Price + Item-Freight-Amt + Item-Tax-Amt |
Attributed to CCC/Dept Catg | The amount of funds on the requisition line associated with the CCC and category which is or will be committed in accounting. 7 |
Running Total for Not Submitted | This amount is the accumulation of "Attributed to CCC/Dept Catg" for those requisition lines with a req header status of P (in process). 8 |
Running Total for Pending | This amount is the accumulation of Attributed to CCC/Catg for those requisition lines with a header status of S (submitted). 9 |
Running Total for Approved | This amount is the accumulation of Attributed to CCC/Catg for those req lines with a Status of A(approved), R (re-submitted for required additional approval), G (awaiting generation of completed Auto PO), B (bid in-process), H (awaiting generation of in-process PO). 10 |
REQH | REQuisition Header |
REQL | REQuisition Line |
REQT | REQuisition TARGET processing |
IREQ | Internal REQuisition |
Figure 16. LRBU - List Requisitions
for a BU, reference id
Select an entry, or enter new keys UPOLRBU 1 DEMO List Requisitions for a BU, reference ID - LRBU 05/06/97 10:20 Command: Action: U Req: R002396 : 1 PO: : TA: BU: AVCB Dept Reference ID: DC Bid: : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of Requisitions for BU: AVCB ASSO VICE CHAN BUSIN Dept Ref ID: DC - Department Date Type Req # Requisition Requested Delivery Ref ID Status Created Total Effective Date _ DC P 05/01/1997 RE R002604 266.75 07/01/1997 Vendor: 100199-01-001 GAPSEMC _ DC P 05/05/1997 RE R002635 533.50 07/01/1997 Vendor: 101242-01-001 Westlake Hardware Requisitions 1 through 2 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit RStrt |
The following sections describe the LRBU (List Requisitions for a BU, dept reference id and date) function:
The following commands perform functions related to requisitions.
REQH | REQuisition Header |
REQL | REQuisition Line |
LRQS | List Requisitions for a Status, bu, type and date |
LRLN | List Requisition Lines for a requisition number |
IREQ | Internal Requisition |
Figure 17. LRQS - List ReQuisitions
for a Status, bu, type and date
Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys UPOLRQS 1 DEMO List ReQuisitions for Status, BU, type - LRQS 05/06/97 10:51 Command: Action: V Req: R002396 : 1 PO: : TA: Status: A BU: AVCB Type: Creation Date: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of Requisitions for Status: A (Approved) BU: AVCB ASSO VICE CHAN BUSIN -- Date Req # Type Total Amount Reference Requestor -- _ 04/30/97 R002586 BL Trish Watkins Vendor: Collier's Photo _ 04/21/97 R002443 EP 2,131.00 Drk Vendor: Fayetteville Feed & Fertilizer _ 04/14/97 R002383 PC 183.41 Drk Vendor: Carolina Ribbon _ 04/25/97 R002550 PC 3,582.67 Drk Vendor: Computer Store _ 04/14/97 R002385 RE 533.50 Drk Vendor: GAPSEMC _ 04/14/97 R002389 RE 533.50 Drk Vendor: M & F Office Supply Company Requisitions 1 through 6 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit RStrt Forwd |
The following sections describe the LRQS (List ReQuisitions for a Status, bu, type, and date)function.
An example for use of this list is when you want to ensure that all requisitions you have created have been at least submitted for approval and are not still in process. Those that have not been submitted will have a Status of P (in process).
Figure 18. PURH - PUrchasing update
Requisition Header
Please enter a Requisition Number UPOPURH 1 Purchasing Update to Requisition Header - PURH 09/24/96 14:03 Command: Action: V Req: : PO: : TA: Req Type: Contract: : Bid: : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action: V Requisition No: Screen 1 Requisition Type: Buyer: Status: Requisition Amount: Purchase Cd: Freight Amount: Advance PO No: Tax Amount: ------ CCC ------- ------------- CCC Name ------------------ % Category Pr Requestor: Phone: Tolerance: % Vendor ID: Contract No: Construction Cd: MOF: Univ Logo Item: Ship To: Bill to: Delivery Code: Date: Handling Code Hold For: PO Effective Date: Expiration Date: Sales Tax ID: Type: Supporting Document: Dept Rep ID: BU: Purchasing Update by: on: 01/02/0000 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit NextR -------------------- |
The following sections describe the PURH function:
This function will also be utilized by individuals designated in Business Affairs to cancel internal requisitions when the need arises.
View | {D} 16 |
Update | {U} 17 |
G | Awaiting generation of a completed Auto PO |
H | Awaiting generation of an in process PO |
X | Cancelled |
B | Bid In Process (FUTURE) |
Requisitions that are displayed on a Buyer List will require the Purchase Cd to be entered. This code specifies the method of procurement and is a required field on all requisitions before a PO may be generated. By pressing PF1, a table of valid purchase codes is available for selection.
Those requisitions that qualified as auto POs have had the Purchase Cd defined by the system.
By accessing PF9 the following screen will be displayed.
Figure 19. Extended Text
Select desired option ___ Dept Text to be put on PO ___ Dept Comment for Purchasing ___ Purchasing documentation assoc with Requisition |
"Purchasing documentation assoc with Requisition" may be selected for documenting information relating to the processing of the requisition. This text may then be viewed from REQH. Any text to be put on a PO or Dept. Comments to Purchasing may be viewed from this function.
Telephone Quotations may be reviewed and awarded using the PURH and PURL functions. If the bid is to be awarded on an All or None basis the award code is entered on PURH. If the bid is awarded on a Per Item basis, the award code is entered at each line using the PURL function.
There will also be the ability of adding at least one more vendor to a departmental telephone quotation.
If the buyer does not agree with the method in which the bid was awarded, i.e: All or None, or Per Item, the req will have to be cancelled and the req and telephone quotation re-done.
PURL | Purchasing Update to Requisition Line |
REQH | REQuisition Header |
REQL | REQuisition Line |
REQT | REQuisition Target Processing |
Figure 20. PURL - PUrchasing Update to
Requisition Line
R002463:001 displayed; press PF8 for next screen or enter new keys Next Record after R002462:001 retrieved PURL 05/06/97 13:47 Command: Action: V Req: R002463 : 1 PO: : TA: Contract: : Bid: : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action: V Requisition No: R002463 : 1 Screen 1 Req Type: RE (Regular) Status: P In PO Req Status: C PO Generated Tolerance: 10 % Desc: Steelcase Bookcase Model 22640 Vendor Item No: Commodity: 42503 Contract: Contract Line No: Tax Code: Vendor Name: Est Freight: 1.00 Advance PO: Qty: 1.000 UM: EA Unit Price: 369.00000 Extension: 369.00 Item Freight: 1.00 Date to PO: 04/22/1997 Item Tax: 23.99 Date Cancelled: 01/02/0000 Uncommitted: 04/22/1997 ----- CCC No ------ ---------- Name ------------- % - Amount - Category Pr 0101-94000-61-0000 100 Maint Item Keywords: Dept Stock No: Packed Quantity: Created on: 04/22/1997 by: DEMOEC Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit DCode NextR |
The following sections describe the PURL function.
This function will also be used in order to enter the Award Cd on a Telephone Quotation that is to be awarded on a per item basis.
This function will also be utilized by staff within Business Affairs to cancel internal requisition lines with a Req Type of IR or IB when the need arises.
View | {V} |
Update | {U} |
The following data may be accessed during this function.
The following commands perform processing functions related to the PURL function. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
PURH | Purchasing update Requisition Header |
REQH | Requisition Header |
REQL | Requisition Line |
REQT | Requisition TARGET Processing |
Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.
Figure 21. LPOR - List Purchase Orders
for a Requisition
Select an entry, or enter new keys Banner key set with first selected entry LPOR 05/12/97 10:40 Command: Action: V Req: R002381 : PO: 6002117 : TA: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of POs for Requisition R002381 Requestor: Drk BU: AVCB ASSO VICE CHAN BUSIN Phone: 5317 Dept Reference ID: PO Effective PO PO Amt inc/ Contract Bid Invoiced Amt PO PO Date Number Freight & Tax Number Number to Date Cd St _ 07/01/97 6002117 20.39 ST94-0060 ST O Vendor: 101306-01-001 Carolina Ribbon _ _ _ Purchase Orders 1 through 1 of 1 displayed Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit RStrt |
The following sections describe the LPOR (List Purchase Orders for a Requisition) function.
The LPOR (List Purchase Orders for a Requisition) function allows you to view purchase order numbers that have been created from a requisition.
The list will display the PO Effective Date, PO Number, Bid Number, Contract Number, PO Amt inc/ Freight & Tax, Invoiced Amt to Date, and the PO Cd and PO St.
Purchase Order statuses are defined as follows:
P | In process (in the process of being built) |
O | Open (PO has been issued) |
C | Closed (receiving and payments have been completed) |
X | Cancelled |
The following commands perform functions related to purchase orders.
DRPO | Dollar Receiving for a Purchase Order |
QRPO | Quantity Receiving for a Purchase Order |
POH | Purchase Order Header |
POL | Purchase Order Line |
IPO | Internal Purchase Order |
Figure 22. LLPO - List Lines for a
Purchase Order
Select an entry, or enter new keys UPOLLPO 1 DEMO List Lines of a Purchase Order - LLPO 02/16/98 10:08 Command: Action: V Req: : PO: 6002118 : TA: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of PO Lines for PO: 6002118 starting from PO Max: 19.14 Purchase Cd: ST Inv Sum: Vendor Name: Carolina Ribbon PO Amt: 19.14 BU: AVCB ASSO VICE CHAN BUSIN Freight: Requestor: Drk Ph: 501/575-5317 Tax: 1.25 Cmd Status Total Amt: 20.39 w/Action Line - --------------Description--------------- Vendor Item # Tax _ QRPO A 1 O Floppy Disk (3.5") DS/HD (1.44MB) KAO#390-32070 * Qty: 2.000 UM: BOX U Price: 6.30000 Ext Price: 12.60 Rec Qty/Amt: 2.000 Inv Qty/Amt: Exp Qty/Amt: 0.000 _ QRPO A 2 O Floppy Disk DS/HD (1.2MB) KAO#390-52039 Qty: 2.000 UM: BOX U Price: 3.27000 Ext Price: 6.54 Rec Qty/Amt: 2.000 Inv Qty/Amt: Exp Qty/Amt: 0.000 Purchase Order Lines 1 through 2 of 2 displayed Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit DCode RStrt EItmD |
Figure 23. Decode Window -
Buyer: DKEITH David Keith Vendor Name: Carolina Ribbon Vendor Addr: 700 Carnegie Place City: Greensboro State: NC Zip: 27409 Ship To: College of Business Dean's Office Business Administration Bldg, Rm 301 City: Fayetteville State: AR Zip: 72701 Bill To: ATTN: Accounts Payable Division Handling: |
The following sections describe the LLPO (List Lines for a Purchase Order) function:
The appropriate receiving command will be displayed for each line, designating whether the line is to be received by dollar or quantity. This designation is based on the UM (unit of measure) field on the line for either DRPO or QRPO functions. The Tax Status is also displayed so that a user can see the status for each line in order to know whether or not sales or use tax may be charged.
If an invoice has already been entered for payment and the receiving to be performed is by dollar, LUIP will be displayed.
For those lines which do not require receiving, the appropriate command from which the lines were created will be displayed, along with an Action of V.
Figure 24. LOPC - List Open PO lines
for a CC and category
Select an entry, press PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys UPOLOPC1 PROD List Open PO lines for a CC and category - LOPC 12/23/96 09:27 Command: Action: V Req: : PO: : TA: Co Ctr No: 0102 02040-61-0000 Thru Enc Dt: 12/23/1996 Dept Catg: Travel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List Open PO lines for CC 0102 02040-61-0000 Thru Encumbrance Date: 12/23/1996 and Dept Category: Travel ----Amts attributed to CCC---- Date Close Dept Catg PO-No Line Type Blkt Encumbrance Expense Anticipated _ Travel 6000429 1 TA Y 438.48 06/30/2099 Vendor: 101011-02-001 Dorre; Tom _ Travel 6000430 1 TA Y 1.00 06/30/2099 Vendor: 101020-01-001 Stolfi; Larrie D. _ Travel 6000431 1 TA Y 1.00 06/30/2099 Vendor: 101022-01-001 Whittaker; Nancy H. _ Travel 6000432 1 TA Y 300.00 07/07/1996 Vendor: 101014-01-001 Hyatt; David G. _ Travel 6000433 1 TA Y 1.00 06/30/2099 Vendor: 101012-01-001 Fournier II; Joseph F. Open POs 1 thru 5 Running Totals - Encumbrances: 303.00 Expenses: 438.48 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit DCode RStrt Back Forwd |
The following sections describe the LOPC function:
For category search help, press PF1 while the cursor is in the Dept Catg field. This will display the categories for the cost center input in the banner.
The following commands perform processing functions related to purchase orders.
POH | PO Header |
POL | PO Line |
POIT | PO Item TARGET - to Cancel PO line |
IPO | Internal Purchase Order |
Figure 25. LPOS - List Purchase Orders
for a Status and BU
Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys UPOLPOS 1 DEMO List POs for a Status and BU - LPOS 05/06/97 09:35 Command: Action: V Req: R002599 : PO: : TA: Status: O BU: AVCB Date: 05/01/1997 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of PO's for Status: O and BU: AVCB ASSO VICE CHAN BUSIN starting from Close Date Anticipated: 05/01/97 Close B PO TA Req PO Amt + Tax PO Invoiced BU Date O Number Number Number + Freight Type Cd Amount _ AVCB 05/14/97 6002116 6002115 150.00 TR EL Vendor: 101201-01-000 BCI Basketball Association _ AVCB 05/14/97 6002117 R002381 20.39 RE ST Vendor: 101306-01-000 Carolina Ribbon _ AVCB 05/14/97 6002118 R002382 20.39 RE ST Vendor: 101306-01-000 Carolina Ribbon _ AVCB 05/15/97 6002122 R002402 501.00 RE SO Vendor: 101522-01-000 M & F Office Supply Company _ AVCB 05/15/97 6002123 R002405 958.50 RE SO 15.00 Vendor: 101092-01-000 Office Procedure Seminars Purchase orders 1 through 5 of 28 displayed Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit RStrt Forwd |
The following sections describe the LPOS function:
P | In Process...Purchasing process ongoing and no PO has been issued |
O | Open...PO has been issued |
C | Closed...Receiving and payments have been completed |
X | Canceled. |
List criteria and selection options, when used with a specified budgetary code the date represents the anticipated close of a purchase order. Consequently, when specified, LPOS will begin listing all those purchase orders from the specified date forward. However, in those situations when no budgetary code is specified, all POs with the given status are listed, and neither the BU number nor the the date are used in obtaining the needed purchase orders.
Suspend | Using the PF2 (Suspd) to suspend to related functions. |
The following commands perform functions related to purchase orders.
TA | Travel Authorization |
TRPO | Travel Related Purchase Orders |
POH | Purchase Order Header |
POL | Purchase Order Line |
IPO | Internal Purchase Order |
Figure 26. LPOV - List Purchase Orders
for a Vendor
Select an entry or enter new keys UPOLPOV 1 DEMO List Purchase Orders for a Vendor - LPOV 05/06/97 09:46 Command: Action: V Req: R002599 : PO: : TA: Vendor: 101306-01-001 Date: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of PO's for Vendor No: 101306-01 Carolina Ribbon starting from Order Date: Order Req PO TA S PO PO Amt + Tax Invoiced B Date Number Number Number Typ t Cd BU + Freight to date O _ 04/14/97 R002382 6002118 RE O ST AVCB 20.39 _ 04/30/97 R002596 6002219 RE P ST ART _ 05/01/97 R002605 6002258 RE O ST ART 72.85 _ 07/01/97 R002381 6002117 RE O ST AVCB 20.39 _ 07/01/97 R002383 6002121 RE P ST AVCB Purchasee orders 1 through 5 of 5 are displayed Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit RStrt |
The following sections describe the LPOV function:
The following commands perform functions related to purchase orders and vendors.
TA | Travel Authorization |
TRPO | Travel Related Purchase Order |
POH | Purchase Order Header |
POL | Purchase Order Line |
IPO | Internal Purchase Order |
Figure 27. Internal Purchase Order -
Please enter new key fields UPOIPO 1 DEMO Internal Purchase Orders 01/11/0115:31 Command: Action: V Req: : PO: 6005035 : TA: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action: V PO: 6096099 BU: AVCB Status: O Open Vendor: 142750-01-001 Physical Plant Effect Dt: 02/01/2001 PO Exp Dt: 12312099 Blkt: Y Type: IN Internal PO Amt: 1.00 PO Max: 99,999,999.99 Tot Exp Amt: 1,670.00 _ 1 Building Material & Labor Ext Pr: 99999999.99 Exp: 99999999.99 _ 2 Vehicle Rental Ext Pr: 99999999.99 Exp: 99999999.99 _ 3 Rental of Special Setup Equipment Ext Pr: 99999999.99 Exp: 99999999.99 _ 4 Vehicle Parts labor & Fuel Ext Pr: 99999999.99 Exp: 99999999.99 _ 5 Supplies and Miscellaneous Items Ext Pr: 99999999.99 Exp: 99999999.99 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit DCode RStrt NextR Text SaveCComm |
Figure 28. Line Item Decode
Desc: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --CCC No---------------------Name-----------------%----Amount--------Cat---Proj 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX Press Enter to continue |
The following sections describe the Updates to Internal Purchase Orders function.
View | {V} |
Update | {U} |
Purchase Orders in which the Status is changed to an X or a C will only route to the Internal Vendor Service Desk for approval.
Any re-opening of a PO that results in a re-encumbrance against a cost center will route to the cost center managers for the cost centers specified for approval with the Internal Vendor Service Desk being final approval.
Re-opening of a PO that does not result in a re-encumbrance will only route to the Internal Vendor Service Desk for approval.
Any increase to the PO Max will route to the cost center managers for ALL cost centers on the PO lines with the Internal Vendor Service Desk being final approver.
Any decrease to the PO Max will only route to the Internal Vendor Service Desk for approval.
Any modification to the PO Expiration Date will route to the Internal Vendor Service Desk for approval.
The system creates a TARGET transaction which routes to the appropriate cost center managers when an increase to the PO is requested with the Internal Vendor Service Desk being the final approver. The transaction only routes to the Vendor Service Desk when no increase to the PO is requested.
Upon final approval of the IPO transaction, if the PO is to be closed or canceled, any remaining encumbrance amount on a PO line is reduced for the associated cost centers on the Dynamic Balance file in DART.
Upon final approval of the IPO transaction, if the PO is to be reopened, any encumbrance amount remaining on a PO line will be re-encumbered on the Dynamic Balance file in DART.
If invoicing has occured against a PO, in order to close the PO from this function, you must change the Status to a C. Any remaining encumbrance amount on a PO line (s) is reduced for the associated cost centers on the Dynamic Balance file in DART.
If no invoicing activity has occured, the PO may be canceled from this function by changing the Status to X. The encumbrance amount on a PO line (s) is reduced for the associated cost centers on the Dynamic Balance file in DART.
If the PO is being reopened, the encumbrance amount on a PO line (s) (the extended line amount less any expensed amounts) is increased for the associated cost centers on the Dynamic Balance file.
Figure 29. Data Entry Screen -
Please enter new key fields UPOPODT 1 DEMO PO Distribution change TARGET - PODT 05/12/97 10:46 Command: Action: V Req: R002381 : PO: 6002117 : 1 TA: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action: V PO No: 6002117 : 1 Req No: 2381 : 2 Line Status: O Open Dept Rep ID: DKEITH David Keith BU: AVCB ASSO VICE CHAN BUSI Desc: Floppy Disk (3.5") DS/HD (1.44MB) Qty: 2.000 UM: BOX Unit Price: 6.30000 Extension: 12.60 Total with Freight and Tax: 13.42 --CCC No----------- ---Name----------------- -%- ----Amount---- Category PR 0113 11052-99-0000 ST & R FRANCIS - BUDGET 50 Supplies 0113 11052-99-0000 ST & R FRANCIS - BUDGET 50 SupOff Entries 1 thru 2 displayed Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit DCode NextR EItmD |
The following sections describe the PODT (PO Distribution change TARGET) function:
View | {V} |
Update | {U} |
Review | {R} |
Withdraw | {W} |
Note: Percentages may be lowered to zero.
Note: If a PODT is approved after the Disbuser has approved an invoice for payment, but before the expensing batch job has run, then the expense job uses the new distribution for posting expenditures.
Additional cost centers may be added to the purchase order line as long as it does not exceed the ten cost center maximum. The requistion header is also modified to include any new cost centers added to the line. Additional categories may also be entered via PODT, not to exceed five categories per cost center.
The following commands perform functions related to purchase orders and requisitions.
POH | Purchase Order Header |
POL | Purchase Order Line |
REQH | REQuisition Header |
REQL | REQuisition Line |
IREQ | Internal REQuisition |
IPO. | Internal Purchase Order |
Select an entry, PF7 to page back, or enter new keys GLOLAPO 1 DEMO List Acctg trxns for Purchase Order - LAPO 11/11/97 22:22 Command: Action: V InstCatg: DeptCatg: Date: 09/23/1997 CCC: PO: 6004423 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List Txns for PO: 6004423 starting with posting date: 10/01/97 Vendor Name: Walmart Supercenter Posted PO Line Invoice Number Cost Center DeptCatg Amount -------- ------- -------------- ------------------ ---------- ------------- _ 10/01/97 1 123456789012345 0102 02040-61-0000 Maint 123456,789.12 _ 10/01/97 1 123456789012345 0102 02040-61-0000 Maint 123456,789.12 _ 10/01/97 1 123456789012345 0102 02040-61-0000 Maint 123456,789.12 _ 10/01/97 1 123456789012345 0102 02040-61-0000 Maint 123456,789.12 _ 10/01/97 1 123456789012345 0102 02040-61-0000 Maint 123456,789.12 _ 10/01/97 1 123456789012345 0102 02040-61-0000 Maint 123456,789.12 _ 10/01/97 1 123456789012345 0102 02040-61-0000 Maint 123456,789.12 _ 10/01/97 1 123456789012345 0102 02040-61-0000 Maint 123456,789.12 _ 10/01/97 1 123456789012345 0102 02040-61-0000 Maint 123456,789.12 _ 10/01/97 1 123456789012345 0102 02040-61-0000 Maint 123456,789.12 --------------- Entries: 1 thru 10 of 16 displayed xxxxx,xxx.xx Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit DCode RStrt Back |
If all the transactions cannot be displayed on one screen, then pressing PF8 will display screens successively until all transactions for that purchase order and date range have been displayed. A running total will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Additional information on any transaction can be accessed by marking a line and pressing PF4 (DCode). The information presented in the decode will be the standard decode window for UPS accounts payable records.
Suspend | Using the PF2 (Suspd) key to suspend to related functions. |
AD | Accounting Detail |
LATC | List Accounting Trxns for a Category and cost center |
LATO | List Acctg Transaction for an internal service Order |
Figure 31 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the JOBS function.
Figure 31. JOB Submission screen - JOBS
Decoding has been performed JOBS MM/DD/YY HH/MM Command: Action: V Req: : PO: : TA: Job: XXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action: V Job: XXXXXXXX Desc: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Security Class: XX Job Class: XX Job Time: XXX Hold: X Entered: MM/DD/YYYY Updated: MM/DD/YYYY By: XXXXXXXX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Last Execution - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sequence Number: 999999 Submitted: MM/DD/YYYY HH/MM By: XXXXXXXX Started: MM/DD/YYYY HH/MM Ended: MM/DD/YYYY HH/MM Triggered: MM/DD/YYYY HH/MM Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit DCode RStrt NextR Please enter new key fields |
The following sections describe the JOBS (JOB Submission) function:
Some jobs offer the ability to select or provide parameters, which are validated to some degree online, to tailor how the program operates or to narrow the scope of the data accessed.
View | {V} |
Submit | {S} |
Job | Identifier for a batch job. The standard format for the name is aaJiiiii where aa is the unique application area identifier, J is constant for batch jobs and iiiii is a unique identifier for each job. A help routine provides a list of all jobs defined for the current application. |
Suspend | Using the PF2 (Suspd) to suspend to related functions. |
The following commands perform processing functions related to the JOBS function. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:
UPJCTM1 | Control-M Trigger Job |
UPJLRWP | Large Reports Without Parameters |
UPJPPPO | Print Travel Related POs |
UPJPTAC | Print Travel Advance Checks |
UPJP1PO | Print One Travel Related Purchase Order |
UPJSRWP | Short Reports Without Parameters |
UPJVNRP | Vendor Exception Report - WITHOUT producing letter to vendors |
UPJCIPO | Create/Issue Purchase Order |
UPJPFPO | Print/Fax Purchase Order |
UPJPFCO | Print/Fax Change Order |
UPJEXBD | EXtract/report Bidders |
IB | Internal Blanket |
IR | Internal Reqular |
Once the Req Type has been specified in the banner and the PF10 (Save) key has been pressed it is no longer modifiable. If the user wishes to change it, the requisition must be deleted. Otherwise, press PF3 (Quit) and start over using the correct Req Type.
P | in Process |
S | Submitted for approval |
A | Approved by management |
R | Re-submitted for required additional approval |
G | awaiting Generation of completed auto-po |
B | Bid in process |
H | Awaiting generation of an in process PO |
C | Completed, all necessary or possible POs have been generated |
X | Cancelled |
TQ | Dept. Telephone Quote |
BR | Bid Requested |
PC | Purchase from a Contract |
BL | Blanket |
SS | Sole Source Purchase |
PR | Personal Reimbursement |
SA | Professional/Maint Serv Agreement |
EP | Emergency Purchase |
OT | Other (None of the Above) |
The following is identical to the first entry in this document, and is being repeated here to circumvent what appears to be a defect (bug) in the Netscape Navigator browser.
Press PF8 to view next scrren or enter new keys UPIV 1 PROD Internal Vendor table - IV 08/18/00 10:18 Command: Action: V Req: : Vendor: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Action: V Vendor #: 999999 Name #: 1 Physical Plant MAD Record Type: IVT Addr #: 1 PHPL Print PO (Y/N): X Target Criterion Value: X Service Account # Account Name =============================================================================== 1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99999999 2 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99999999 3 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99999999 4 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99999999 5 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99999999 Initial creation: (User id and time stamp) Updated by: (User id and time stamp) Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Suspd Quit DCode RStrt NextR Save |
This table is to be maintained by an individual within Business Affairs, knowledgeable in the process of internal requisition creation and internal purchase orders.
Information maintainable here includes:
View | {V} |
Add | (A} |
Update | {U} |
Delete | {D} |
This box is presented if your search for documentation yields no results. There is not currently a document devoted specifically to the function you requested information on. Use your BACK button to return to the previous screen. |