University Procurement System

Processes: "How To For Office of Business Affairs"

This section explains the processes by which staff within Business Affairs will perform certain activities related to running the job to create Auto POs and for canceling internal requisitions in certain instances.

This section is best used as a step-by-step guide as you generate auto pos, and cancel internal requisitions.

How to Distinguish Internal Purchase Orders

All internal requisitions will result in an 'Auto-PO'. When you run the job to create auto pos, UPJJCAPO, this will also pick up all internal requisitions which have reached final approval.

The Internal Purchase Orders will print on a separate report from other purchase orders.

The report will designate how many internal purchase orders were created, how many 'future dated' internal requisitions are still waiting to be created, and how many internal requisitions had errors which will result in the internal requisition being canceled.

The report will look similar to the following:

UPBCAPO           University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
                   University Procurement System (UPS)
                       Internal Purchase Orders
           Req No     PO No       Vendor ID       Vendor Name
           54068     6096189    142729-01-001    Physical Plant 
           54076     6096190    142750-01-001    Mailing Services
           54077     6096191    142749-01-001    Printing Services
           54078     6096192    142743-01-001    Telephone Office
           54065     6096173    142744-02-001    Gas Cylinder Management
           54045********************Vendor address is obsolete 142741 1 1
           54050********************Vendor address is obsolete 142741 1 1
           5 Internal Purchase Order(s) Created  
           2 Future Date Internal Requisition(s) 
           0 Date(s) changed 
           2 Internal Requisition(s) with errors
               ************** End of report **************

How to Cancel an Internal Requisition

An internal requisition with a Status of 'G' which shows up on your list of internal requistions that could not be processed, must be canceled and the department notified as to why the internal requisition had to be canceled.

Reasons for cancellation of an internal requistion are as follows:

The printed report you receive will show why the auto po did not generate.

In order to cancel a requisition, any lines associated with the requisition must be canceled first.

Canceling an internal requisition is a four (4) step process. First you must find out how many lines are contained on the internal requisition. Then you must cancel the requisition lines through PURL (Purchasing Update to Requisition Line). Then, you must cancel the requisition header through PURH (Purchasing Update to Requisition Header). And finally, you will notify the dept. of the cancellation and why.

Step by Step Process

Step 1: LRLN (List Requisition Lines by Number)

  1. Input LRLN in the Command field and tab to the Req No field and input the Requisition Number. Press 'Enter'.
  2. The requisition lines will be displayed.

Step 2: PURL (PUrchasing Requisition Line update)

  1. Input "PURL" in the Command field and press Enter.
  2. In the Action field input U and then tab to the Req Line field and put in the first line number to cancel (X). Press 'Enter'.
  3. The first internal requsition line will be displayed. Change the Status to an 'X'(cancel).
  4. Press 'Enter' to validate then press PF10 to cancel the requisition line.
  5. Repeat until all lines have been canceled.

Step 3: PURH (PUrchasing Requisition Header update)

  1. Input "PURH" in the Command field and press Enter.
  2. Input an Action U if not already there.
  3. Change the Status to X, and press Enter.
  4. The system will require you to input a Comment as to why you are canceling the requisition. By pressing the PF9 key, the Purchasing Comments will be available for selection.
  5. Press PF10 to save your Comment. Press PF10 again to save the cancellation of the header.

Step 4: Notifying the Department of the Cancellation

  1. Input IREQ in the Command field; tab to the Req No field and input the requisition number; press 'Enter'.
  2. The Requestor Name and Phone Number will be displayed.
  3. Call the Requestor and explain why the internal requisition was canceled.

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